Tim Allen 55e507d5df Update to v098r05 release.
byuu says:

- WS/WSC: re-added support for screen rotation (code is inside WS core)
- ruby: changed sample(uint16_t left, uint16_t right) to sample(int16_t
  left, int16_t right);
  - requires casting to uint prior to shifting in each driver, but
    I felt it was misleading to use uint16_t just to avoid that
- ruby: WASAPI is now built in by default; has wareya's improvements,
  and now supports latency adjust
- tomoko: audio settings panel has new "Exclusive Mode" checkbox for
  WASAPI driver only
  - note: although the setting *does* take effect in real-time, I'd
    suggest restarting the emulator after changing it
- tomoko: audio latency can now be set to 0ms (which in reality means
  "the minimum supported by the driver")
- all: increased cothread size from 512KiB to 2MiB to see if it fixes
  bullshit AMD driver crashes
  - this appears to cause a slight speed penalty due to cache locality
    going down between threads, though
2016-04-18 20:49:45 +10:00

163 lines
5.5 KiB

#include <avrt.h>
#include <mmdeviceapi.h>
#include <audioclient.h>
#include <audiopolicy.h>
#include <devicetopology.h>
#include <endpointvolume.h>
struct AudioWASAPI : Audio {
~AudioWASAPI() { term(); }
struct {
bool exclusive = false;
uint latency = 80;
bool synchronize = true;
} settings;
struct {
uint channels = 0;
uint frequency = 0;
uint mode = 0;
uint precision = 0;
} device;
auto cap(const string& name) -> bool {
if(name == Audio::Exclusive) return true;
if(name == Audio::Latency) return true;
if(name == Audio::Synchronize) return true;
if(name == Audio::Frequency) return true;
return false;
auto get(const string& name) -> any {
if(name == Audio::Exclusive) return settings.exclusive;
if(name == Audio::Latency) return settings.latency;
if(name == Audio::Synchronize) return settings.synchronize;
if(name == Audio::Frequency) return device.frequency;
return {};
auto set(const string& name, const any& value) -> bool {
if(name == Audio::Exclusive && value.get<bool>()) {
if(audioDevice) term(), init();
settings.exclusive = value.get<bool>();
return true;
if(name == Audio::Latency && value.get<uint>()) {
if(audioDevice) term(), init();
settings.latency = value.get<uint>();
return true;
if(name == Audio::Synchronize &&<bool>()) {
settings.synchronize = value.get<bool>();
return true;
return false;
auto sample(int16_t left, int16_t right) -> void {
queuedFrames.append((uint16_t)left << 0 | (uint16_t)right << 16);
if(!available() && queuedFrames.size() >= bufferSize) {
if(settings.synchronize) while(!available()); //wait for free sample slot
else queuedFrames.takeFirst(); //drop sample (run ahead)
uint32_t cachedFrame = 0;
for(auto n : range(available())) {
if(queuedFrames) cachedFrame = queuedFrames.takeFirst();
write(cachedFrame >> 0, cachedFrame >> 16);
auto clear() -> void {
for(auto n : range(available())) write(0, 0);
auto init() -> bool {
if(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, (void**)&enumerator) != S_OK) return false;
if(enumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole, &audioDevice) != S_OK) return false;
if(audioDevice->Activate(IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, nullptr, (void**)&audioClient) != S_OK) return false;
if(settings.exclusive) {
if(audioDevice->OpenPropertyStore(STGM_READ, &propertyStore) != S_OK) return false;
if(propertyStore->GetValue(PKEY_AudioEngine_DeviceFormat, &propVariant) != S_OK) return false;
waveFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX*)propVariant.blob.pBlobData;
if(audioClient->GetDevicePeriod(nullptr, &devicePeriod) != S_OK) return false;
auto latency = max(devicePeriod, (REFERENCE_TIME)settings.latency * 10'000); //1ms to 100ns units
if(audioClient->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, latency, latency, waveFormat, nullptr) != S_OK) return false;
DWORD taskIndex = 0;
taskHandle = AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics(L"Pro Audio", &taskIndex);
} else {
if(audioClient->GetMixFormat(&waveFormat) != S_OK) return false;
if(audioClient->GetDevicePeriod(&devicePeriod, nullptr)) return false;
auto latency = max(devicePeriod, (REFERENCE_TIME)settings.latency * 10'000); //1ms to 100ns units
if(audioClient->Initialize(AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, 0, latency, 0, waveFormat, nullptr) != S_OK) return false;
if(audioClient->GetService(IID_IAudioRenderClient, (void**)&renderClient) != S_OK) return false;
if(audioClient->GetBufferSize(&bufferSize) != S_OK) return false;
device.channels = waveFormat->nChannels;
device.frequency = waveFormat->nSamplesPerSec;
device.mode = ((WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE*)waveFormat)->SubFormat.Data1;
device.precision = waveFormat->wBitsPerSample;
return true;
auto term() -> void {
if(audioClient) audioClient->Stop();
if(renderClient) renderClient->Release(), renderClient = nullptr;
if(waveFormat) CoTaskMemFree(waveFormat), waveFormat = nullptr;
if(audioClient) audioClient->Release(), audioClient = nullptr;
if(audioDevice) audioDevice->Release(), audioDevice = nullptr;
if(taskHandle) AvRevertMmThreadCharacteristics(taskHandle), taskHandle = nullptr;
auto available() -> uint {
uint32_t padding = 0;
return bufferSize - padding;
auto write(int16_t left, int16_t right) -> void {
if(renderClient->GetBuffer(1, &bufferData) != S_OK) return;
if(device.channels >= 2 && device.mode == 1 && device.precision == 16) {
auto buffer = (int16_t*)bufferData;
buffer[0] = left;
buffer[1] = right;
if(device.channels >= 2 && device.mode == 3 && device.precision == 32) {
auto buffer = (float*)bufferData;
buffer[0] = left / 32768.0;
buffer[1] = right / 32768.0;
renderClient->ReleaseBuffer(1, 0);
IMMDeviceEnumerator* enumerator = nullptr;
IMMDevice* audioDevice = nullptr;
IPropertyStore* propertyStore = nullptr;
IAudioClient* audioClient = nullptr;
IAudioRenderClient* renderClient = nullptr;
WAVEFORMATEX* waveFormat = nullptr;
PROPVARIANT propVariant;
HANDLE taskHandle = nullptr;
REFERENCE_TIME devicePeriod = 0;
uint32_t bufferSize = 0; //in frames
uint8_t* bufferData = nullptr;
vector<uint32_t> queuedFrames;