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synced 2025-02-25 07:32:28 +01:00
byuu says: Changelog: - added Cocoa target: higan can now be compiled for OS X Lion [Cydrak, byuu] - SNES/accuracy profile hires color blending improvements - fixes Marvelous text [AWJ] - fixed a slight bug in SNES/SA-1 VBR support caused by a typo - added support for multi-pass shaders that can load external textures (requires OpenGL 3.2+) - added game library path (used by ananke->Import Game) to Settings->Advanced - system profiles, shaders and cheats database can be stored in "all users" shared folders now (eg /usr/share on Linux) - all configuration files are in BML format now, instead of XML (much easier to read and edit this way) - main window supports drag-and-drop of game folders (but not game files / ZIP archives) - audio buffer clears when entering a modal loop on Windows (prevents audio repetition with DirectSound driver) - a substantial amount of code clean-up (probably the biggest refactoring to date) One highly desired target for this release was to default to the optimal drivers instead of the safest drivers, but because AMD drivers don't seem to like my OpenGL 3.2 driver, I've decided to postpone that. AMD has too big a market share. Hopefully with v093 officially released, we can get some public input on what AMD doesn't like.
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//SDL input driver
//Keyboard and mouse are controlled directly via Xlib,
//as SDL cannot capture input from windows it does not create itself.
//SDL is used only to handle joysticks / gamepads.
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
namespace ruby {
struct pInputSDL {
#include "xlibkeys.hpp"
struct {
Display* display;
Window rootwindow;
Cursor InvisibleCursor;
SDL_Joystick* gamepad[Joypad::Count];
unsigned screenwidth, screenheight;
unsigned relativex, relativey;
bool mouseacquired;
//mouse device settings
int accel_numerator;
int accel_denominator;
int threshold;
} device;
struct {
uintptr_t handle;
} settings;
bool cap(const string& name) {
if(name == Input::Handle) return true;
if(name == Input::KeyboardSupport) return true;
if(name == Input::MouseSupport) return true;
if(name == Input::JoypadSupport) return true;
return false;
any get(const string& name) {
if(name == Input::Handle) return (uintptr_t)settings.handle;
return false;
bool set(const string& name, const any &value) {
if(name == Input::Handle) {
settings.handle = any_cast<uintptr_t>(value);
return true;
return false;
bool acquire() {
if(acquired()) return true;
if(XGrabPointer(device.display, settings.handle, True, 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
device.rootwindow, device.InvisibleCursor, CurrentTime) == GrabSuccess) {
//backup existing cursor acceleration settings
XGetPointerControl(device.display, &device.accel_numerator, &device.accel_denominator, &device.threshold);
//disable cursor acceleration
XChangePointerControl(device.display, True, False, 1, 1, 0);
//center cursor (so that first relative poll returns 0, 0 if mouse has not moved)
XWarpPointer(device.display, None, device.rootwindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, device.screenwidth / 2, device.screenheight / 2);
return device.mouseacquired = true;
} else {
return device.mouseacquired = false;
bool unacquire() {
if(acquired()) {
//restore cursor acceleration and release cursor
XChangePointerControl(device.display, True, True, device.accel_numerator, device.accel_denominator, device.threshold);
XUngrabPointer(device.display, CurrentTime);
device.mouseacquired = false;
return true;
bool acquired() {
return device.mouseacquired;
bool poll(int16_t* table) {
memset(table, 0, Scancode::Limit * sizeof(int16_t));
x_poll(device.display, table);
Window root_return, child_return;
int root_x_return = 0, root_y_return = 0;
int win_x_return = 0, win_y_return = 0;
unsigned int mask_return = 0;
XQueryPointer(device.display, settings.handle,
&root_return, &child_return, &root_x_return, &root_y_return,
&win_x_return, &win_y_return, &mask_return);
if(acquired()) {
XWindowAttributes attributes;
XGetWindowAttributes(device.display, settings.handle, &attributes);
//absolute -> relative conversion
table[mouse(0).axis(0)] = (int16_t)(root_x_return - device.screenwidth / 2);
table[mouse(0).axis(1)] = (int16_t)(root_y_return - device.screenheight / 2);
if(table[mouse(0).axis(0)] != 0 || table[mouse(0).axis(1)] != 0) {
//if mouse movement occurred, re-center mouse for next poll
XWarpPointer(device.display, None, device.rootwindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, device.screenwidth / 2, device.screenheight / 2);
} else {
table[mouse(0).axis(0)] = (int16_t)(root_x_return - device.relativex);
table[mouse(0).axis(1)] = (int16_t)(root_y_return - device.relativey);
device.relativex = root_x_return;
device.relativey = root_y_return;
//manual device polling is limited to only five buttons ...
table[mouse(0).button(0)] = (bool)(mask_return & Button1Mask);
table[mouse(0).button(1)] = (bool)(mask_return & Button2Mask);
table[mouse(0).button(2)] = (bool)(mask_return & Button3Mask);
table[mouse(0).button(3)] = (bool)(mask_return & Button4Mask);
table[mouse(0).button(4)] = (bool)(mask_return & Button5Mask);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Joypad::Count; i++) {
if(!device.gamepad[i]) continue;
//POV hats
unsigned hats = min((unsigned)Joypad::Hats, SDL_JoystickNumHats(device.gamepad[i]));
for(unsigned hat = 0; hat < hats; hat++) {
uint8_t state = SDL_JoystickGetHat(device.gamepad[i], hat);
if(state & SDL_HAT_UP ) table[joypad(i).hat(hat)] |= Joypad::HatUp;
if(state & SDL_HAT_RIGHT) table[joypad(i).hat(hat)] |= Joypad::HatRight;
if(state & SDL_HAT_DOWN ) table[joypad(i).hat(hat)] |= Joypad::HatDown;
if(state & SDL_HAT_LEFT ) table[joypad(i).hat(hat)] |= Joypad::HatLeft;
unsigned axes = min((unsigned)Joypad::Axes, SDL_JoystickNumAxes(device.gamepad[i]));
for(unsigned axis = 0; axis < axes; axis++) {
table[joypad(i).axis(axis)] = (int16_t)SDL_JoystickGetAxis(device.gamepad[i], axis);
for(unsigned button = 0; button < Joypad::Buttons; button++) {
table[joypad(i).button(button)] = (bool)SDL_JoystickGetButton(device.gamepad[i], button);
return true;
bool init() {
device.display = XOpenDisplay(0);
device.rootwindow = DefaultRootWindow(device.display);
XWindowAttributes attributes;
XGetWindowAttributes(device.display, device.rootwindow, &attributes);
device.screenwidth = attributes.width;
device.screenheight = attributes.height;
//Xlib: "because XShowCursor(false) would be too easy."
//create a fully transparent cursor named InvisibleCursor,
//for use while acquire() / XGrabPointer() is active.
Pixmap pixmap;
XColor black, unused;
static char invisible_data[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
Colormap colormap = DefaultColormap(device.display, DefaultScreen(device.display));
XAllocNamedColor(device.display, colormap, "black", &black, &unused);
pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(device.display, settings.handle, invisible_data, 8, 8);
device.InvisibleCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(device.display, pixmap, pixmap, &black, &black, 0, 0);
XFreePixmap(device.display, pixmap);
XFreeColors(device.display, colormap, &black.pixel, 1, 0);
device.mouseacquired = false;
device.relativex = 0;
device.relativey = 0;
unsigned joypads = min((unsigned)Joypad::Count, SDL_NumJoysticks());
for(unsigned i = 0; i < joypads; i++) device.gamepad[i] = SDL_JoystickOpen(i);
return true;
void term() {
XFreeCursor(device.display, device.InvisibleCursor);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Joypad::Count; i++) {
if(device.gamepad[i]) SDL_JoystickClose(device.gamepad[i]);
device.gamepad[i] = 0;
pInputSDL() {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Joypad::Count; i++) device.gamepad[i] = 0;
settings.handle = 0;