Tim Allen a3e0f6da25 Update to v106r60 release.
byuu says:

I added (imperfect) memory conflict timing to the SA1.


  - WRAM↔↔ROM ran 7% too fast
  - ROM↔↔ROM ran 100% too fast
  - WRAM↔↔IRAM ran 7% too fast
  - ROM↔↔IRAM ran 7% too fast
  - IRAM↔↔IRAM ran 287% too fast
  - BWRAM↔↔BWRAM ran 100% too fast
  - HDMA ROM↔↔ROM ran 15% too fast
  - HDMA WRAM↔↔ROM ran 15% too fast
  - DMA ROM↔↔ROM ran 100% too fast


  - ROM↔↔ROM runs 14% too fast
  - HDMA WRAM↔↔ROM runs 7% too fast
  - DMA ROM↔↔ROM runs 4% too fast

If you enable this with the fast PPU + DSP, your framerate in SA1 games
will drop by 51%. And even if you disable it, you'll still lose 9% speed
in SA1 games, and 2% speed in non-SA1 games, because of changes needed
to make this support possible.

By default, I'm leaving this off. Compile with `-DACCURATE_SA1` (or
uncomment the line in sfc/sfc.hpp) if you want to try it out.

This'll almost certainly cause some SA1 regressions, so I guess we'll
tackle those as they arise.
2018-09-03 00:06:41 +10:00

147 lines
3.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include <nall/arithmetic.hpp>
#include <nall/chrono.hpp>
#include <nall/range.hpp>
#include <nall/serializer.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/cipher/chacha20.hpp>
#if defined(PLATFORM_LINUX)
#include <sys/random.h>
#elif defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
#include <wincrypt.h>
namespace nall {
template<typename Base> struct RNG {
template<typename T = uint64_t> auto random() -> T {
T value = 0;
for(uint n : range((sizeof(T) + 3) / 4)) {
value = value << 32 | (uint32_t)static_cast<Base*>(this)->read();
return value;
template<typename T = uint64_t> auto bound(T range) -> T {
T threshold = -range % range;
while(true) {
T value = random<T>();
if(value >= threshold) return value % range;
auto randomSeed() -> uint256_t {
uint256_t seed = 0;
#if defined(PLATFORM_BSD) || defined(PLATFORM_MACOS)
for(uint n : range(8)) seed = seed << 32 | (uint32_t)arc4random();
#elif defined(PLATFORM_LINUX)
getrandom(&seed, 32, GRND_NONBLOCK);
#elif defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
HCRYPTPROV provider;
if(CryptAcquireContext(&provider, nullptr, MS_STRONG_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT)) {
CryptGenRandom(provider, 32, (BYTE*)&seed);
CryptReleaseContext(provider, 0);
//it's ... better than nothing ...
for(uint n : range(32)) seed = seed << 8 | (uint8_t)rand();
return seed;
//Galois linear feedback shift register using CRC64 polynomials
auto seed(maybe<uint64_t> seed = {}) -> void {
lfsr = seed ? seed() : (uint64_t)randomSeed();
for(uint n : range(8)) read(); //hide the CRC64 polynomial from initial output
auto serialize(serializer& s) -> void {
auto read() -> uint64_t {
return lfsr = (lfsr >> 1) ^ (-(lfsr & 1) & crc64);
static const uint64_t crc64 = 0xc96c'5795'd787'0f42;
uint64_t lfsr = crc64;
friend class RNG<PRNG_LFSR>;
auto seed(maybe<uint32_t> seed = {}, maybe<uint32_t> sequence = {}) -> void {
if(!seed) seed = (uint32_t)randomSeed();
if(!sequence) sequence = 0;
state = 0;
increment = sequence() << 1 | 1;
state += seed();
auto serialize(serializer& s) -> void {
auto read() -> uint32_t {
uint64_t state = this->state;
this->state = state * 6'364'136'223'846'793'005ull + increment;
uint32_t xorshift = (state >> 18 ^ state) >> 27;
uint32_t rotate = state >> 59;
return xorshift >> rotate | xorshift << (-rotate & 31);
uint64_t state = 0;
uint64_t increment = 0;
friend class RNG<PRNG_PCG>;
//XChaCha20 cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator
struct CSPRNG_XChaCha20 : RNG<CSPRNG_XChaCha20> {
CSPRNG_XChaCha20() { seed(); }
auto seed(maybe<uint256_t> key = {}, maybe<uint192_t> nonce = {}) -> void {
//the randomness comes from the key; the nonce just adds a bit of added entropy
if(!key) key = randomSeed();
if(!nonce) nonce = (uint192_t)clock() << 64 | chrono::nanosecond();
context = {key(), nonce()};
auto read() -> uint32_t {
if(!counter) { context.cipher(); context.increment(); }
uint32_t value = context.block[counter++];
if(counter == 16) counter = 0; //64-bytes per block; 4 bytes per read
return value;
Cipher::XChaCha20 context{0, 0};
uint counter = 0;
friend class RNG<CSPRNG_XChaCha20>;
using PRNG = PRNG_PCG;
using CSPRNG = CSPRNG_XChaCha20;
template<typename T = uint64_t> inline auto random() -> T {
static PRNG_PCG pcg; //note: unseeded
return pcg.random<T>();