2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# Author: Ryan Greenup <ryan.greenup@protonmail.com>
# * Shell Settings
set -o errexit # abort on nonzero exitstatus
set -o nounset # abort on unbound variable
set -o pipefail # don't hide errors within pipes
# * Main Function
main( ) {
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
check_for_help " ${ @ } " # If help is detected this script will exit
2020-07-14 23:12:56 +10:00
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
arguments " ${ @ } "
# ** Helper Functions
# *** Skim and Grep, the important stuff
SkimAndGrep ( ) {
2020-07-15 01:14:19 +10:00
## Change directory if One was specified, exit if no directory exists
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
if [ " ${ 1 :- } " != "" ] ; then
2020-07-15 01:14:19 +10:00
cd " ${ 1 } " || exit 4
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
## If using fish, cleverness can be utilised to highlight matches.
## fish only, not zsh or bash
if [ [ " $( basename $SHELL ) " = = "fish" ] ] ; then
2020-07-15 01:53:59 +10:00
SkimGrepHighlightFish | xargs realpath && exit 0
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
2020-07-15 01:53:59 +10:00
SkimGrep | xargs realpath && exit 0
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
exit 0
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
# **** Skim with Highlight of Grep for Fish
SkimGrepHighlightFish ( ) {
ramtmp = " $( mktemp -p /dev/shm/) "
sk -c "echo {} > " ${ ramtmp } " ; rg -t markdown -l --ignore-case (cat " ${ ramtmp } ")" \
--preview " mdcat {} 2> /dev/null | \
rg -t markdown --colors 'match:bg:30,200,30' --colors 'match:fg:21,39,200' \
--colors 'match:style:bold' --colors 'line:style:nobold' \
--no-line-number --ignore-case --pretty --context 20 ( cat " ${ ramtmp } " ) " \
--bind 'ctrl-f:interactive,pgup:preview-page-up,pgdn:preview-page-down' \
--bind 'ctrl-w:execute-silent(echo {} | xargs realpath | xclip -selection clipboard),alt-w:execute-silent(echo {} | xclip -selection clipboard)' \
--bind 'alt-v:execute-silent(code {}),alt-e:execute-silent(emacs {}),ctrl-o:execute-silent(xdg-open {})' \
--bind 'alt-y:execute-silent(cat {} | xclip -selection clipboard)' \
--bind 'alt-o:execute-silent(cat {} | pandoc -f markdown -t html --mathml | xclip -selection clipboard)' \
--bind 'alt-f:execute-silent(echo {} | xargs dirname | xargs cd; cat {} | pandoc -f markdown -t dokuwiki --mathml | xclip -selection clipboard)' \
## TODO This should be emacsclient
## TODO This should be emacsclient
## Add -i to make it interactive from the start
## C-q toggles interactive
## C-y Copies Full path to clipboard
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
2020-07-14 23:12:56 +10:00
# *** Set variables below main
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
setVars ( ) {
readonly script_name = $( basename " ${ 0 } " )
readonly script_dir = $( cd " $( dirname " ${ BASH_SOURCE [0] } " ) " && pwd )
IFS = $'\t\n' # Split on newlines and tabs (but not on spaces)
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
# **** Skim with Grep
SkimGrep ( ) {
sk --ansi -c 'rg -l -t markdown --ignore-case "{}"' --preview "mdcat {}" \
--bind 'ctrl-f:interactive,pgup:preview-page-up,pgdn:preview-page-down,ctrl-w:execute-silent(echo {} | xargs realpath | xclip -selection clipboard),alt-w:execute-silent(echo {} | xclip -selection clipboard)'
--bind 'ctrl-f:interactive,pgup:preview-page-up,pgdn:preview-page-down' \
--bind 'ctrl-w:execute-silent(echo {} | xargs realpath | xclip -selection clipboard),alt-w:execute-silent(echo {} | xclip -selection clipboard)' \
--bind 'alt-v:execute-silent(code {}),alt-e:execute-silent(emacs {}),ctrl-o:execute-silent(xdg-open {})' \
--bind 'alt-p:execute-silent(marktext {} 2> /dev/null)'
2020-07-14 23:12:56 +10:00
# *** Interpret arguments
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
arguments ( ) {
while test $# -gt 0
case " $1 " in
2020-07-15 01:14:19 +10:00
-d) SkimAndGrep " ${ 2 } " && exit 0
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
; ;
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
--d) SkimAndGrep $2 && exit 0
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
; ;
--*) echo " bad option $1 in " ${ script_name } ""
; ;
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
-?) echo " (5) Unknown option $1 in " ${ script_name } "" ; Help; exit 1
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
; ;
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
## ?*) echo -e "argument \e[1;35m${1}\e[0m has no definition laksdjfaklsdfj."
## ;;
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
# *** Check for Help
# **** Print Help
check_for_help ( ) {
while test $# -gt 0
case " $1 " in
--help) Help && exit 0
; ;
-h) Help && exit 0
; ;
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
Help ( ) {
echo -e " \e[3m\e[1m NoteFind.sh \e[0m; Helpful Shell Scripts for Markdown Notes"
echo -e " \e[1;31m -------------------------\e[0m "
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
echo -e " \e[3m\e[1m• Usage \e[0m "
echo -e " " ${ script_name } " [-d <path/to/notes] [-h]"
echo -e " " ${ script_name } " [--dir <path/to/notes/] [--help]"
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
echo -e " \e[1;91m \e[1m Binding \e[0m\e[0m \e[1;34m┊┊┊ \e[0m Description "
echo -e " ..............\e[1;34m┊┊┊\e[0m........................................... "
echo -e " \e[1;95m Ctrl - q \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Search \e[0m with \e[0m\e[3mripgrep\e[0m"
echo -e " \e[1;93m Ctrl - w \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Copy \e[0m the Full Path to the Clipboard"
echo -e " \e[1;93m Alt - w \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Copy \e[0m the Relative Path to the Clipboard"
echo -e " \e[1;94m Alt - e \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Open \e[0m in Emacs"
echo -e " \e[1;94m Alt - v \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Open \e[0m in VSCode"
echo -e " \e[1;94m Ctrl - o \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Open \e[0m in Default Program"
echo -e " \e[3m\e[1m• Compatability \e[0m "
2020-07-15 00:35:28 +10:00
echo -e " Match Highligting occurs automatically if \e[1m\$SHELL\e[0m is \e[1m **/fish\e[0m"
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
echo -e " This uses \e[1mtmpfs\e[0m at \e[1m /dev/shm\e[0m, this should work on \e[3mArch\e[0m, \e[3mFedora\e[0m and \e[3mUbuntu\e[0m, I don't know about \e[3mMacOS\e[0m "
2020-07-14 23:12:56 +10:00
# *** Check for Dependencies
check_for_dependencies ( ) {
for i in ${ DependArray [@] } ; do
command -v " $i " >/dev/null 2>& 1 || { echo >& 2 " I require $i but it's not installed. Aborting. " ; exit 1; }
# **** List of Dependencies
declare -a DependArray = (
2020-07-14 22:48:09 +10:00
## * Call Main Function
main " ${ @ } "