# This is the default markdown styles used for Peg-Markdown-Highlight # created by Le Tan(tamlokveer@gmail.com). # For a complete description of the syntax, please refer to the original # documentation of the style parser # [The Syntax of PEG Markdown Highlight Stylesheets](http://hasseg.org/peg-markdown-highlight/docs/stylesheet_syntax.html). # VNote adds some styles in the syntax which will be marked [VNote] in the comment. # # Note: Empty lines within a section is NOT allowed. # Note: Do NOT modify this file directly. Copy it and tune your own style! editor # QTextEdit just choose the first available font, so specify the Chinese fonts first # Do not use "" to quote the name font-family: Hiragino Sans GB, 冬青黑体, Microsoft YaHei, 微软雅黑, Microsoft YaHei UI, WenQuanYi Micro Hei, 文泉驿雅黑, Dengxian, 等线体, STXihei, 华文细黑, Liberation Sans, Droid Sans, NSimSun, 新宋体, SimSun, 宋体, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif, Tahoma, Arial, Geneva, Georgia, Times New Roman font-size: 12 foreground: 222222 background: eeeeee # [VNote] Style for trailing space trailing-space: a8a8a8 # [VNote] Style for line number line-number-background: eeeeee line-number-foreground: 666666 # [VNote] Style for selected word highlight selected-word-foreground: 222222 selected-word-background: dfdf00 # [VNote] Style for searched word highlight searched-word-foreground: 222222 searched-word-background: 4db6ac # [VNote] Style for searched word under cursor highlight searched-word-cursor-foreground: 222222 searched-word-cursor-background: 66bb6a # [VNote] Style for incremental searched word highlight incremental-searched-word-foreground: 222222 incremental-searched-word-background: ce93d8 # [VNote] Style for color column in fenced code block color-column-background: dd0000 color-column-foreground: ffff00 # [VNote] Style for preview image line preview-image-line-foreground: 9575cd editor-selection foreground: eeeeee background: 1976d2 editor-current-line background: c5cae9 # [VNote] Vim insert mode cursor line background vim-insert-background: c5cae9 # [VNote] Vim normal mode cursor line background vim-normal-background: e0e0e0 # [VNote] Vim visual mode cursor line background vim-visual-background: ffe0b2 # [VNote] Vim replace mode cursor line background vim-replace-background: f8bbd0 H1 foreground: 222222 font-style: bold font-size: +6 H2 foreground: 222222 font-style: bold font-size: +5 H3 foreground: 222222 font-style: bold font-size: +4 H4 foreground: 222222 font-style: bold font-size: +3 H5 foreground: 222222 font-style: bold font-size: +2 H6 foreground: 222222 font-style: bold font-size: +1 HRULE foreground: 222222 background: dac7c9 LIST_BULLET foreground: d33682 font-style: bold font-size: +2 LIST_ENUMERATOR foreground: 0000ff LINK foreground: 005fff AUTO_LINK_URL foreground: 005fff AUTO_LINK_EMAIL foreground: 005fff IMAGE foreground: 616161 REFERENCE foreground: 826200 CODE foreground: 8e24aa font-family: YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New EMPH font-style: italic STRONG font-style: bold HTML_ENTITY foreground: 8900b5 HTML foreground: 8900b5 HTMLBLOCK foreground: 8900b5 COMMENT foreground: 93a1a1 VERBATIM foreground: 673ab7 font-family: YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New FENCEDCODEBLOCK foreground: 673ab7 font-family: YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New # [VNote] Codeblock sylte from HighlightJS (bold, italic, underlined, strikeout, color) # The last occurence of the same attribute takes effect # Could specify multiple attribute in one line hljs-comment: 6c6c6c hljs-keyword: 0000ee hljs-attribute: 0000ee hljs-selector-tag: 0000ee hljs-meta-keyword: 0000ee hljs-doctag: 0000ee hljs-name: 0000ee hljs-type: 880000 hljs-string: 880000 hljs-number: 880000 hljs-selector-id: 880000 hljs-selector-class: 880000 hljs-quote: 880000 hljs-template-tag: 880000 hljs-deletion: 880000 hljs-title: bold, 880000 hljs-section: bold, 880000 hljs-regexp: bc6060 hljs-symbol: bc6060 hljs-variable: bc6060 hljs-template-variable: bc6060 hljs-link: bc6060 hljs-selector-attr: bc6060 hljs-selector-pseudo: bc6060 hljs-literal: af00d7 hljs-built_in: 008700 hljs-bullet: 008700 hljs-code: 008700 hljs-addition: 008700 hljs-meta: 1f7199 hljs-meta-string: 4d99bf hljs-emphasis: italic hljs-strong: bold BLOCKQUOTE foreground: 00af00 NOTE foreground: 0087b5 STRIKE foreground: b71c1c font-style: strikeout FRONTMATTER foreground: 6c6c6c INLINEEQUATION foreground: 00897b font-family: YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New DISPLAYFORMULA foreground: 00897b font-family: YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New MARK foreground: 222222 background: ffff76 TABLE font-family: YaHei Consolas Hybrid, Consolas, Monaco, Andale Mono, Monospace, Courier New TABLEBORDER foreground: d33682 background: e0e0e0