#! /usr/bin/env bash # # Author: Ryan Greenup # * Shell Settings set -o errexit # abort on nonzero exitstatus set -o nounset # abort on unbound variable set -o pipefail # don't hide errors within pipes # * Main Function main() { check_for_dependencies setVars readFirstArgument "${@}" NoteSearchRecoll "${@}" } # ** Helper Functions # *** Check for Dependencies check_for_dependencies () { for i in ${DependArray[@]}; do command -v "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require $i but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; } done } # **** List of Dependencies declare -a DependArray=( "rg" "sk" "mdcat" "xclip" ) # *** Set variables below main setVars () { readonly script_name=$(basename "${0}") readonly script_dir=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) IFS=$'\t\n' # Split on newlines and tabs (but not on spaces) } # **** Print Help Help () { echo echo -e " \e[3m\e[1mNoteFind.sh \e[0m; Helpful Shell Scripts for Markdown Notes" echo -e " \e[1;31m--------------------------\e[0m " echo echo -e " \e[3m\e[1m• Usage \e[0m " echo echo -e " "${script_name}" []" echo -e " "${script_name}" [-h]" echo -e " "${script_name}" [--help]" echo echo -e " \e[3m By Design: No Options; No other Arguments\e[0m" echo echo -e " \e[3m\e[1m• Key Bindings\e[0m " echo echo echo -e " \e[1;91m \e[1m Binding \e[0m\e[0m \e[1;34m┊┊┊ \e[0m Description " echo -e " ..............\e[1;34m┊┊┊\e[0m........................................... " echo -e " \e[1;95m Ctrl - q \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Search \e[0m with \e[0m\e[3mripgrep\e[0m" echo -e " \e[1;93m Ctrl - w \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Copy \e[0m the Full Path to the Clipboard" echo -e " \e[1;93m Alt - w \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Copy \e[0m the Relative Path to the Clipboard" echo -e " \e[1;94m Alt - e \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Open \e[0m in Emacs" echo -e " \e[1;94m Alt - v \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Open \e[0m in VSCode" echo -e " \e[1;94m Ctrl - o \e[0m \e[1;34m ┊┊┊ \e[0m \e[1m Open \e[0m in Default Program" echo echo -e " \e[3m\e[1m• Compatability \e[0m " echo echo -e " Match highlighting occurs automatically if \e[1m\$SHELL\e[0m is \e[1m **/fish\e[0m" echo -e " This uses \e[1mtmpfs\e[0m at \e[1m /dev/shm\e[0m, this should work on \e[3mArch\e[0m, \e[3mFedora\e[0m and \e[3mUbuntu\e[0m, I don't know about \e[3mMacOS\e[0m " echo exit 0 } # *** Read First Argument readFirstArgument () { if [[ "${1:-}" == "-h" ]] || [[ "${1:-}" == "--help" ]] || [[ "${1:-}" == "" ]]; then Help && exit 0 fi } # *** Note Recoll Search NoteRecollSearch () { ## Change directory if One was specified, exit if no directory exists cd "${1}" echo "This is the function" exit 0 } # * Call Main Function main "${@}"