#!/usr/bin/env bash INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/.cadmus" BIN_DIR="$HOME/.local/bin/" main () { me=`basename "$0"` HelpStatement $1 UninstallQ $1 printThis download_the_repo Install_bin check_path check_for_dependencies echo -e "\nInstallation Complete \n" } check_path () { echo "$PATH" | grep -q '.local/bin' || echo "bin-dir is not in path, you'll need to add it to the path" } function UninstallQ() { if [ "$1" == "-rm" ] || [ "$1" == "--rm" ]; then echo "Removing..." rm "$HOME/.local/bin/cadmus" rm "${INSTALL_DIR}" exit 0 fi } HelpStatement() { if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then echo -e "To uninstall do `basename $0` --rm , If you are on Arch stow 2.3.1-2 is broken, downgrade with \e[1;35m sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/s/stow/stow-2.2.2-5-any.pkg.tar.xz \e[0m See this for more information: \e[1;34m https://github.com/aspiers/stow/issues/65 \e[0m " fi } printThis () { echo "This Script will print to the terminal for review, press any key to continue" read -d '' -s -n1 cd $(dirname "$0") pwd me=`basename "$0"` safePrint $me echo -e "\nAre you happy to proceed? Press y to continue \n" read -d '' -s -n1 proceedQ if [ "$proceedQ" != "y" ]; then exit 0 fi } safePrint () { if hash highlight 2>/dev/null; then highlight "${1}" --syntax=bash --stdout else cat "${1}" fi } check_for_dependencies () { ## echo "Press Any Key to Check for dependencies, press the c Key to Skip this" ## read -d '' -s -n1 CheckDepQ ## if [ "$CheckDepQ" == "c" ]; then ## return ## fi ## depLog="$(mktemp)" for i in ${StringArray[@]}; do command -v "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo $i >> "${depLog}"; } done if [[ $(cat "${depLog}") == "" ]]; then echo -e "\nAll Dependencies Satisfied\n" else echo -e "\e[1;31m \nMissing the Following Dependencies \e[0m \n" echo -e " \e[1;31m -------------------------\e[0m " echo -e "\e[1;32m \n" addBullets "$(cat "${depLog}")" echo -e "\e[0m \n" echo -e "They are listed in \e[1;34m "${depLog}" \e[0m \n" fi } addBullets() { command -v sed >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "I require sed but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; } echo "$1" | sed 's/^/\t‣\ /g' } download_the_repo () { if [[ -d "${INSTALL_DIR}" ]]; then echo -e "Detected a cadmus install" if [ -f "${INSTALL_DIR}/config.json" ]; then oldConfigFile="$(mktemp)" && cat "${INSTALL_DIR}/config.json" > "${oldConfigFile}" echo -e "\n\tConfig File Backed up for later restore\n" fi ask_to_remove download_the_repo return else git clone https://github.com/RyanGreenup/cadmus "$HOME/.cadmus" fi echo -e "Repository is downloaded\n\n" if [[ "$CheckDepQ" == "y" ]] && [[ -f "${oldConfigFile}" ]]; then echo -e "Press y to restore the old config or any other key to continue otherwise\n" read -d '' -s -n1 CheckDepQ cp "${oldConfigFile}" "${INSTALL_DIR}/config.json" echo -e "Config Successfully restored" fi } ask_to_remove () { echo "press y to remove "${INSTALL_DIR}"" read -d '' -s -n1 CheckDepQ if [ "$CheckDepQ" == "y" ]; then rm -rf "${INSTALL_DIR}" else exit 1 fi } Install_bin() { if [ -f "${BIN_DIR}/cadmus" ]; then echo -e "The executable \e[1;32m "${BIN_DIR}"/cadmus \e[0m already exists, it must be replaced, press y to continue or any key to exit" read -d '' -s -n1 CheckDepQ if [ "$CheckDepQ" == "y" ]; then rm "${BIN_DIR}/cadmus" else exit 1 fi Install_bin else ln -s "$HOME/.cadmus/bin/cadmus" "$HOME/.local/bin/" && echo -e "\nSuccessfully created symlink from $HOME/.cadmus/bin/cadmus to $HOME/.local/bin/ \n" fi } # Declare an array of string with type declare -a StringArray=( "highlight" "node" "nvim" "fzf" "code" "sk" "rg" "perl" "tectonic" "stow" "python" "tmsu" "ranger" "mdcat" "jq" "shift" "ip" "xclip" "sd" "fd" "sed" "cut" "grep" "find" "realpath" ) # Iterate the string array using for loop ## main "$@" exit 0 ## DONE Help ## DONE Uninstall