{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema", "definitions": { "IconVersions": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "original", "plain", "line", "original-wordmark", "plain-wordmark", "line-wordmark" ] }, "IconVersionsArray": { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/IconVersions" } } }, "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "title": "The official name of the technology.", "description": "Pattern: Only lower-case letters and digits.", "pattern": "^(dot-net|[0-9a-z]+)$" }, "altnames": { "type": "array", "title": "List of alternative names for this technology.", "description": "Used for the searchbar on the Devicon website. https://devicon.dev", "uniqueItems": true, "items": { "type": "string" } }, "tags": { "type": "array", "title": "List of tags relating to the technology for categorization/search purpose.", "$ref": "./tags-enum.json/#/definitions/Tags" }, "versions": { "title": "Keeps track of the different versions that you have.", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "svg": { "title": "List all the SVGs that you have.", "contains": { "$ref": "#/definitions/IconVersions" }, "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": true, "$ref": "#/definitions/IconVersionsArray" }, "font": { "title": "List only the SVGs that can be converted to fonts. Usually refers to \"plain\" and \"line\" versions but \"original\" can be accepted.", "description": "DO NOT list aliases here! In this case use \"aliases\" property!", "contains": { "$ref": "#/definitions/IconVersions" }, "minItems": 1, "uniqueItems": true, "$ref": "#/definitions/IconVersionsArray" } } }, "color": { "title": "The official/main hexadecimal color of the logo. [Case insensitive]", "description": "Pattern example: #FFFFFF", "type": "string", "pattern": "^#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$", "format": "color" }, "aliases": { "title": "Keeps track of the aliases for the font versions ONLY.", "description": "Can be empty, or contain objects, each with an alias and a base version. More info here: https://github.com/devicons/devicon/wiki/Updating-%60devicon.json%60#aliases-and-aliasobj", "type": "array", "items": { "title": "AliasObj, an object containing an alias and a base version", "type": "object", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "base": { "title": "The SVG file you are using as source for the alias.", "$ref": "#/definitions/IconVersions" }, "alias": { "title": "The new name (alias) that you want to generate.", "$ref": "#/definitions/IconVersions" } }, "required": [ "base", "alias" ], "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "base": { "const": "original" } } }, "then": { "not": { "properties": { "alias": { "const": "original" } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "base": { "const": "plain" } } }, "then": { "not": { "properties": { "alias": { "const": "plain" } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "base": { "const": "line" } } }, "then": { "not": { "properties": { "alias": { "const": "line" } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "base": { "const": "original-wordmark" } } }, "then": { "not": { "properties": { "alias": { "const": "original-wordmark" } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "base": { "const": "plain-wordmark" } } }, "then": { "not": { "properties": { "alias": { "const": "plain-wordmark" } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "base": { "const": "line-wordmark" } } }, "then": { "not": { "properties": { "alias": { "const": "line-wordmark" } } } } } ] } } }, "required": [ "name", "altnames", "tags", "versions", "color", "aliases" ] } }