import requests import sys import re from typing import List from io import FileIO # our base url which leads to devicon base_url = "" def get_merged_pull_reqs_since_last_release(token, log_output: FileIO=sys.stdout): """ Get all the merged pull requests since the last release. """ stopPattern = r"^(r|R)elease v" pull_reqs = [] found_last_release = False page = 1 while not found_last_release: data = get_merged_pull_reqs(token, page, log_output) # assume we don't encounter it during the loop last_release_index = 101 for i in range(len(data)): if, data[i]["title"]): found_last_release = True last_release_index = i break pull_reqs.extend(data[:last_release_index]) page += 1 # should contain all the PRs since last release return pull_reqs def get_merged_pull_reqs(token, page, log_output: FileIO=sys.stdout): """ Get the merged pull requests based on page. There are 100 results per page. See for more details on the parameters. :param token, a GitHub API token. :param page, the page number. """ url = base_url + "pulls" headers = { "Authorization": f"token {token}" } params = { "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", "state": "closed", "per_page": 100, "page": page } print(f"Querying the GitHub API for requests page #{page}", file=log_output) response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) if not response: print(f"Can't query the GitHub API. Status code is {response.status_code}. Message is {response.text}") sys.exit(1) closed_pull_reqs = response.json() return [merged_pull_req for merged_pull_req in closed_pull_reqs if merged_pull_req["merged_at"] is not None] def is_feature_icon(pull_req_data): """ Check whether the pullData is a feature:icon PR. :param pull_req_data - the data on a specific pull request from GitHub. :return true if the pullData has a label named "feature:icon" """ for label in pull_req_data["labels"]: if label["name"] == "feature:icon": return True return False def find_all_authors(pull_req_data, token): """ Find all the authors of a PR based on its commits. :param pull_req_data - the data on a specific pull request from GitHub. :param token - a GitHub API token. """ headers = { "Authorization": f"token {token}" } response = requests.get(pull_req_data["commits_url"], headers=headers) if not response: print(f"Can't query the GitHub API. Status code is {response.status_code}") print("Response is: ", response.text) return commits = response.json() authors = set() # want unique authors only for commit in commits: try: # this contains proper referenceable github name authors.add(commit["author"]["login"]) except TypeError: # special case authors.add(commit["commit"]["author"]["name"]) print(f"This URL didn't have an `author` attribute: {pull_req_data['commits_url']}") return ", ".join(["@" + author for author in list(authors)]) def label_issues(token: str, issues: List[str], labels: List[str]): """ Label the issues specified with the label specified. :param token: the GitHub API token. :param issues: the issue numbers (as str) that we are labelling. :param labels: the labels that we are labelling. """ headers = { "Authorization": f"token {token}", "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json" } url = base_url + "issues/{}/labels" for issue in issues: body = { "labels": labels } response =, headers=headers, json=body) if not response: raise Exception(f"Can't label the Issue provided. Issue: {issue}, labels: {labels}, API response: " + response.text) else: print(f"Successfully labelled issue {issue}") def close_issues(token: str, issues: List[str]): """ Close issues. :param token: the GitHub API token. :param issues: the issue numbers (as str) that we are labelling. """ headers = { "Authorization": f"token {token}", "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json" } url = base_url + "issues/{}" body = { "state": "closed" } for issue in issues: response = requests.patch(url.format(issue), headers=headers, json=body) if not response: raise Exception(f"Can't close Issue provided. Issue: {issue}, API response: " + response.text) else: print(f"Successfully closed issue {issue}") def get_issues_by_labels(token: str, labels: List[str]): """ Get a list of issues based on their labels. :param token: the GitHub API token. :param labels: the labels that we are labelling. """ url = base_url + "issues?per_page=100&labels={}&page={}" headers = { "Authorization": f"token {token}", "accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json" } issues = [] done = False page_num = 1 while not done: response = requests.get(url.format(",".join(labels), page_num), headers=headers) if not response: raise Exception(f"Can't access API. Can't get issues for labels: {labels}, API response: " + response.text) else: results = response.json() if len(results) < 100: done = True # we are done else: page_num += 1 # page is full => might need to check another page # GitHub API also returns PRs for issues queries => have to check issues_only = [issue for issue in results if issue.get("pull_request") is None] issues.extend(issues_only) return issues