# devicon V2 devicon aims to gather all logos representing development languages and tools. See all available icons on the [project page](http://konpa.github.io/devicon/). #### Icon requests Please leave a comment [here](https://github.com/konpa/devicon/issues/11) in order to request an icon. ## How to use _2 ways of using devicon:_ #### SVG icons - Copy/paste svg code (from the [svg folder](https://github.com/konpa/devicon/tree/master/icons) or the [project page](http://konpa.github.io/devicon/) using your dev tool) ```html ``` - Add css rules in your stylesheet ```css .devicon-git-plain { max-width: 2em; } /* if you want to change the original color */ .devicon-git-plain path { fill: #4691f6; } ``` #### Icons font - Upload devicon.css and font files to your project ```html ``` - Add icon using tag ```html ``` ##### See the [devicon.json file](https://github.com/konpa/devicon/blob/master/devicon.json) or [the project page](http://konpa.github.io/devicon/) for complete and up to date reference of icon's available versions. ## Contribute Please have a look at the CONTRIBUTING.md file