mirror of https://github.com/konpa/devicon.git synced 2025-03-14 09:49:41 +01:00
2020-12-13 13:50:42 -08:00

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var devicon = angular.module('devicon', ['ngSanitize', 'ngAnimate']);
|| Devicons controller
devicon.controller('IconListCtrl', function($scope, $http, $compile) {
var baseUrl = window.location.origin;
// Get devicon.json
$http.get(baseUrl + '/devicon.json').success(function(data) {
| Re-format devicon.json
$scope.icons = [];
$scope.selectedIcon = {};
// Loop through devicon.json
angular.forEach(data, function(devicon, key) {
// New icon format
var icon = {
name: devicon.name,
svg: devicon.versions.svg,
font: devicon.versions.font,
main: ""
// Loop through devicon.json icons
for (var i = 0; i < devicon.versions.font.length; i++) {
// Store all versions that should become main in order
var mainVersionsArray = [
// Loop through mainVersionsArray
for (var j = 0; j < mainVersionsArray.length; j++) {
// Check if icon version can be "main", if not continue, if yes break the loops
if (devicon.name + devicon.versions.font[i] == devicon.name + mainVersionsArray[j]) {
icon.main = devicon.name + "-" + devicon.versions.font[i];
i = 99999; // break first loop (and second)
// Push new icon format to $scope.icons
// Select first icon by default in scope
$scope.selectedIcon = $scope.icons[0];
$scope.selectedFontIcon = $scope.icons[0].font[0];
$scope.selectedSvgIcon = $scope.selectSvg($scope.icons[0].svg[0], 0);
$scope.selectedFontIndex = 0;
/*------ End of "Re-format devicon.json" ------*/
| Change selected icon
$scope.selectIcon = function(icon) {
$scope.selectedIcon = icon;
$scope.selectedFontIcon = icon.font[0];
$scope.selectedFontIndex = 0;
$scope.selectedSvgIcon = $scope.selectSvg(icon.svg[0], 0);
/*---- End of "Change selected icon" ----*/
| Change selected icon font version
$scope.selectFont = function(fontVersion, colored, index) {
$scope.selectedFontIcon = fontVersion;
$scope.colored = colored ? true : false;
$scope.selectedFontIndex = index;
/*---- End of "Change selected font icon" ----*/
| Change selected icon svg version
$scope.selectSvg = function(svgVersion, index) {
$http.get(baseUrl + '/icons/' + $scope.selectedIcon.name + '/' + $scope.selectedIcon.name + '-' + svgVersion + '.svg').success(function(data){
var svg = angular.element(data);
var innerSVG = (svg[0].innerHTML);
$scope.selectedSvgIcon = innerSVG;
$scope.selectedSvgIndex = index;
/*---- End of "Change selected svg icon" ----*/
/*================ End of "Devicons controller" ================*/
|| Convert icon img to svg
devicon.directive('imgToSvg', function ($http, $compile) {
var baseUrl = window.location.href;
return {
link : function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$attrs.$observe('src', function(val){
$http.get(baseUrl + val).success(function(data){
var svg = angular.element(data);
svg = svg.removeAttr('xmlns');
svg = svg.addClass('not-colored');
svg = svg.attr('svg-color', '');
var $e = $compile(svg)($scope);
$element = $e;
/*================ End of "Convert icon img to svg" ================*/
|| Add color to svg when hovering
devicon.directive('svgColor', function () {
return {
link : function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
$element.on('mouseenter', function(){
$element.on('mouseleave', function(){
/*================ End of "Add color to svg when hovering" ================*/
|| Show all icons on click
devicon.directive('iconDetails', function ($http, $compile) {
return {
template: '<div class="icon"><article class="icon-detail"><div ng-repeat="svg in icon.svg"><img ng-src="/icons/{{icon.name}}/{{icon.name}}-{{svg}}.svg" alt="{{icon.name}}" /></div></article><img ng-src="/icons/{{icon.name}}/{{icon.main}}.svg" alt="{{icon.name}}" img-to-svg /></div>',
replace: true,
scope: {
icon: "="
compile: function CompilingFunction($templateElement) {
$element.on('click', function(){
/*================ End of "Add color to svg when hovering" ================*/