[1]: Fix IE11 flex shorthand bug with card and cardGroup.
Flexbox Patterns
This repository contains the original CSS used for the components at www.flexboxpatterns.com. Feel free to use these styles however you like!
Getting started
Assuming you have Node installed, you can install the project dependencies with
npm install
. This will install PostCSS and Autoprefixer; two critical tools
for making your CSS cross-browser compatible.
npm run build
This command will concatenate the source CSS files into a single CSS file, and
then use PostCSS to add various vendor-prefixed properties. Open up
to see a demo page of the various flexbox patterns in the
Things to keep in mind
I don't recommend copy-pasting these examples directly into production code.
I'm only trying to demonstrate different ways of using flexbox through these
examples, so they may not incorporate some accessibility best practices (such as using semantic HTML5 elements and the role
attribute). Before using this
code in production you should make sure it meets your accessibility needs.