diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 56b5dc26..44f2fb5b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ Add the facade of this package to the `$aliases` array.
 * Image::pixelate - Pixelate current image
 * Image::greyscale - Turn current image into a greyscale version
 * Image::text - Write text in current image
-* Image::fill - Fill image with given hexadecimal color at position x,y
+* Image::fill - Fill image with given color at position x,y
 * Image::rectangle - Draw rectangle in current image starting at point 1 and ending at point 2
 * Image::line - Draw a line in current image starting at point 1 and ending at point 2
 * Image::ellipse - Draw an ellipse centered at given coordinates
 * Image::circle - Draw a circle centered at given coordinates
-* Image::pixel - Set single pixel with given hexadecimal color at position x,y
+* Image::pixel - Set single pixel with given color at position x,y
 * Image::pickColor - Picks and formats color at position in current image
 * Image::reset - Reset to original image resource
 * Image::save - Save image in filesystem