The Nord flavor has been updated to the latest version. Alerts and the .nano progress bar have been removed, the .toast has been added using the color palette that the flavor uses (as far as I understand it), the alert colors have been move to .card color variants, .drawer has been added using the colors of <nav>, generic shadows remain unchanged, based on the fact that the flavor still uses shadows, the .drawer component does not have a shadow by the way (I think it causes some problems, but this requires further testing). If anyone wants to update the flavor, please refer to this commit!
Fluid typography is now disabled by default, as it needs more work and parts of it are not entirely to my liking. The feature is still available for those who want it.
Fixed a bug where header.row would not display properly, should now work as expected, enabling layout customization and responsiveness inside the header.
The .alert component will no longer be supported. Flavors have been updated to deal with these changes (certain flavors will keep the component for a while, until I can get around to dealing with the problems its deprecation causes). Another commit will follow with the documentation updates for removing the deprecated component.
Updated flavor file to the latest release's standards, changed indentation for readability, cleaned up variables etc. Added palette link to nord flavor. Added maintainers to all flavors to make sure people can find them.
Recompiled all flavors, updated Nord to work with latest version (dev - 2.1.1), fixed a bug with table that caused errors in the display of horizontal tables.
Fixed the display bug of .button-group on Chrome, should now display properly. Documented forms, inputs and checkboxes/radios, buttons, groups and mixins are coming.
Tweaked a few things, made everything less fancy and dealt with excessive styles. This should now be a simple barebones flavor that serves as a very simple and basic starting stylesheet.
Swapped prepros out for an Atom plugin, as prepros was getting a bit annoying with all those popups. `node-sass` is still used, but some parameters were changed. For all intents and purposes, this commit should most probably be ignored as nothing substantial was changed. The only thing that is a bit different is that the encoding at the start of both .min.css files is now removed. If this somehow ends up causing trouble, then DO refer to this commit in your issue, if you read this!
Hiding (normal and accessible) has been added via mixins in the utility_mixins file (utility module). Updated both mixins, along with the responsive padding and margin mixins to deal with incosistencies with four-step grid. The legacy grid system should now be fully supported in all 4 mixins in the utility module, making it easier to use them with four-step grids.
All @media queries now use the 'screen' mediatype, so that print stylesheets can be more easily implemented in the future, using small screen layouts, but not mobile-specific tricks.
Split file, added hidden flags, cleanup and addition of maintainers in flavor files. Codebase cleanup is now considered mostly complete. New features, changes and code safeguards will be implemented in the next few commits.
Development environment has been Windows for months, just recently moved to UbuntuGnome 16.04 (LTS), so most of the files have been altered a little bit (line endings etc.). Similarly, my toolchain which was Atom (formerly SublimeText), SourceTree and Koala has been changed to Atom, GitKraken and Prepros, causing certain things to recompile and reconfigure based on said tools. New branch has been created under `dev211` to work on the next release `v2.1.1`.