Core module has been initialized, as well as a default flavor. Minor changes (read DEVLOG), moved things around, cleaned up some things and built some of the basic features.
Added vertical input-groups for easier form alignment, added relevant documentation, updated all flavors. Pretty much all of the features of this update have been completed, so after some housekeeping it'll be ready to release.
Created and added switch component, added compatibility for rem sizing to input_control's checkboxes and updated definitions to use rem pixels instead of normal ones.
Documentation update to give the front page of mini.css a little bit of a facelift. Icons were replaced with svg icons, making it look a lot more modern and fancy.
Pretty sizeable documentation update, improving layout, typos etc. Also added the Codepen Project to the templates page, a small note to star the project in the front page and two more examples in the drawer component documentation to make sure that everything is properly documented.
The Sucroa flavor has been updated to the latest version. Alerts and the .nano progress bar have been removed, the .toast has been added using the color palette that the flavor uses, the alert colors have been moved to .card color variants, .drawer has been added using the colors of <nav>, generic shadows remain unchanged, based on the fact that the flavor still uses shadows, the .drawer component does not have a shadow by the way (I think it causes some problems, but this requires further testing). If anyone wants to update the flavor, please refer to this commit!
The Nord flavor has been updated to the latest version. Alerts and the .nano progress bar have been removed, the .toast has been added using the color palette that the flavor uses (as far as I understand it), the alert colors have been move to .card color variants, .drawer has been added using the colors of <nav>, generic shadows remain unchanged, based on the fact that the flavor still uses shadows, the .drawer component does not have a shadow by the way (I think it causes some problems, but this requires further testing). If anyone wants to update the flavor, please refer to this commit!
All docs (except customization which will be updated in the next commit) have been updated to use the new drawer on mobile and have had their version tags updated. New menu items and links are now properly shown in the menus.
Fluid typography is now disabled by default, as it needs more work and parts of it are not entirely to my liking. The feature is still available for those who want it.
Fixed a bug where header.row would not display properly, should now work as expected, enabling layout customization and responsiveness inside the header.
Updated documentation to reflect the fact that the alert component is now deprecated. Most things will be properly updated when the toast component is ready.
The .alert component will no longer be supported. Flavors have been updated to deal with these changes (certain flavors will keep the component for a while, until I can get around to dealing with the problems its deprecation causes). Another commit will follow with the documentation updates for removing the deprecated component.