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Prebuilt flavors

We have some prebuilt flavors:

  • Default
  • Dark

Build your own flavor

Core module

The Core module contains styling rules for common textual elements, headings, quotations and code, as well as rules for universal styling and color palettes. This module is always enabled, as many other modules and components depend on it.

Textual content

Base font size for all text elements, in pixels

Base line height for all text elements (unitless)

Font weight for headings (400 is normal, 700 is bold)

Ratio for headings

Line height for headings

Font weight for headings (400 is normal, 700 is bold)

Font size for subheadings, relative to context

Top margin for subheadings, relative to root

Font size for small text, relative to context

Line height for headings

Font size for code elements, relative to context

Top position for superscript, relative to context

Bottom position for subscript, relative to context

Font size for the quotation of blockquotes, relative to root

Font size for the citation of blockquotes, relative to root

Color palette

Foreground color for most textual elements

Background color for document body

Border color for most elements

Secondary foreground color for certain textual elements

Secondary background color for certain elements

Secondary border color for certain elements

Sidebar color for blockquote elements

Sidebar color for preformatted text elements

Text color for hyperlink elements

Text color for visited hyperlink elements

Universal styles

Universal padding for most elements, relative to root

Universal margin for most elements, relative to root

Universal border radius for most elements, relative to root

Universal box shadow for most elements

Breakpoint between mobile screen and desktops, in pixels

Breakpoint between desktops and large screens, in pixels

Layout module

The Layout module contains rules and functionality for the grid and card systems. This module is not always enabled, but it's highly recommended that you enable it, as many other components depend on its functionality to work properly.


Number of horizontal column partitions for the grid system (default 12)

Breakpoint between small and medium screens, in pixels


Width of normal cards, in pixels

Height of card media sections, in pixels

Foreground color for cards

Background color for cards

Border color for cards

Input control module

The Input control module contains styling rules for forms, input elements and buttons. This module is not always enabled, but it's highly recommended that you enable it, as some other components depend on its functionality to work properly.

Forms & input

Foreground color for forms

Background color for forms

Border color for forms

Foreground color for input elements

Background color for input elements

Border color for input elements

Border color for focused input elements

Border color for invalid input elements


Foreground color for buttons

Background color for buttons

Border color for buttons

Background color for buttons on hover

Border color for buttons on hover

Border color for buttons

Navigation module

The Navigation module contains styling rules for headers, footers, navigation bars and menu drawers. This module is not always enabled, but it's recommended that you enable it, as it contains functionality that is useful for most designs and layouts.

Table module

The Table module contains styling rules for tables. This module is not always enabled and it's recommended to enable it only if you're planning to use tables for displaying data.


Table max height, in pixels

Font size of table captions, relative to root

Attribute name for tables' mobile card labels

Font weight for tables' mobile card labels (400 is normal, 700 is bold)

Border color for tables

Separator border color for tables

Foreground color for table headings

Background color for table headings

Foreground color for table data

Background color for table data

Alternative background color for table data

Background color for table data on hover

Icons module

The Icons module contains styling rules for icons. This module is not always enabled and it's recommended to enable it only if you're planning to use the icon set provided.

Utility module

The Utility module contains styling rules for utility classes. This module is not always enabled, but it's recommended to enable it as it contains some features that can be useful in most designs.


Border color for the generic border utility class

Box shadow color for the generic box shadow utility class

Contextual module

The Contextual module contains styling rules for text highlighting, toasts, tooltips, modal dialogs, spoilers and accordions. This module is not always enabled, but it's recommended that you enable it, as it contains functionality that is useful for most designs and layouts.

Text highlighting

Foreground color for highlighted text elements

Background color for highlighted text elements

Font size for highlighted text elements, relative to context

Line height for highlighted text elements


Foreground color for toasts

Background color for toasts


Foreground color for tooltips

Background color for tooltips

Modal dialogs

Overal color for modal dialogs

Close color for modal dialogs

Background color for modal dialogs' close (on hover)

Modal dialog close size, relative to root

Spoilers & accordions

Label height for spoilers & accordions, relative to root

Maximum height for content in spoilers & accordions, in pixels

Background color for content in spoilers & accordions

Border color for spoilers & accordions

Foreground color for labels in spoilers & accordions

Background color for labels in spoilers & accordions

Background color for labels in spoilers & accordions (on hover)

Background color for selected labels in spoilers & accordions

Border color for selected labels in spoilers & accordions

Progress module

The Progress module contains styling rules for progress bars and donut spinners. This module is not always enabled, but it's recommended that you enable it, as it contains functionality that is useful for most designs and layouts.

Progress bars

Height of progress bars, relative to root

Foreground color for progress bars

Background color for progress bars

Maximum value for progress bars

Width for inline progress bars, in percentage

Donut spinners

Size of donut spinners, relative to root

Thickness of donut spinners, relative to root

Foreground color for donut spinners

Background color for donut spinners