module.exports = { id: 'drawer', title: 'Menu drawer', keywords: [`drawer`, `checkbox`, `toggle`, `close`, `drawer-toggle`, `drawer-close`, `menu`, `navigation`, `hamburger`], description: `

The drawer component of mini.css is used to create responsive navigation menus for your web apps. It is composed of three components - the drawer, the toggle button and the close button:

`, example: `

`, samples: [ `
<label for="drawer-control" class="drawer-toggle"></label>

<input type="checkbox" id="drawer-control" class="drawer">
  <label for="drawer-control" class="drawer-close"></label>
  <a href="#">Home</a>
` ], notes: [ `Drawer menus are responsive by default and will expand into normal containers on screens larger or equal to 768px wide.`, `It is highly recommended to place your drawer's toggle button inside your web app's header element.`, `You can combine the navigation bar element with the drawer menu for better results.`, `Remember to apply the appropriate classes to any and all elements, as indicated in the examples. Failing to do so will result in the drawer menu not rendering or behaving properly.` ], customization: [ `Text color can be changed globally by changing the value of the --fore-color variable. This will affect the text color of the toggle button and items inside the drawer container.`, `Background color for the drawer container can be changed by changing the value of the --drawer-back-color variable.`, `Border color for the drawer container can be changed by changing the value of the --drawer-border-color variable.`, `Text color for the drawer close button can be changed by changing the values of the --drawer-close-color.`, `Background color for the drawer close button when focused or hovered over can be changed by changing the values of the --drawer-hover-back-color.`, `Universal margin for elements can be changed globally by changing the value of the --universal-margin variable. As a rule of thumb, consider the universal margin to be the distance you want your paragraphs to have from the sides of the screen.`, `Universal padding for elements can be changed globally by changing the value of the --universal-padding variable.`, `Universal border radius for elements can be changed globally by changing the value of the --universal-border-radius variable.` ], modifiers: [ { title : `Persistent drawer`, description: `

If you want your drawer menus to not expand into normal containers on larger screens, simply add the appropriate modifier (.persistent) on the checkbox controlling the drawer and its toggle button.

`, example: ``, samples: [ `
<label for="drawer-control" class="drawer-toggle persistent"></label>

<input type="checkbox" id="drawer-control" class="drawer persistent">
  <label for="drawer-control" class="drawer-close"></label>
  <a href="#">Home</a>
` ] } ], dos: [ { description: `You can combine the drawer menu with the grid system to create responsive menus that are part of the layout of your web app.`, sample: `
<div class="row">
  <input type="checkbox" id="drawer-control" class="drawer">
  <div class="col-md-4">
    <label for="drawer-control" class="drawer-close"></label>
    <a href="#">Home</a>
  <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-8">
    <p>Page content</p>
` } ], donts: [ { description: `You should not place anything between the checkbox controlling the drawer and the container.`, sample: `
<input type="checkbox" id="drawer-control" class="drawer">
<!-- Do not place other stuff between these -->
  <label for="drawer-control" class="drawer-close"></label>
  <a href="#">Home</a>
` } ] }