mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 21:28:14 +01:00
Remove JSMin+ and old, unfinished CssCompressor port
JSMin+ was a good effort but is unmaintained and has collected several reports of impractical memory usage for a project like this.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
* New API incompatible with the 2.x versions
* Installation requires use of Composer to install dependencies
* Add config option for simply concatenating files
* Removed JSMin+ (unmaintained, high memory usage)
## Version 2.2.1 (2014-10-30)
* Builder styled with Bootstrap (thanks to help from acidvertigo)
@ -75,16 +75,6 @@ function yuiCss($css, $options) {
$min_serveOptions['minifiers'][Minify::TYPE_CSS] = 'yuiCss';
## JSMin+
Minify 2.1.3 comes with Tino Zijdel's [JSMin+](http://crisp.tweakblogs.net/blog/1665/a-new-javascript-minifier-jsmin+.html) 1.1. This is a full parser based on a port of [Narcissus](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissus_(JavaScript_engine)). To try it out:
$min_serveOptions['minifiers'][Minify::TYPE_JS] = array('JSMinPlus', 'minify');
This should yield smaller javascript files, but I've tested this only briefly. For production you may want to get the [latest version](http://crisp.tweakblogs.net/blog/cat/716) (you must rename it: `min/lib/JSMinPlus.php`).
Note: JSMin+ is memory intensive, so be prepared to up your memory limit. Also it does not preserve comments that begin with `/*!` like JSMin does.
## Legacy CSS compressor
In 3.x, Minify uses [CSSmin](https://github.com/tubalmartin/YUI-CSS-compressor-PHP-port), a PHP port of the YUI CSS compressor. To use the compressor that came with Minify 2.x (not recommended), uncomment this line in your `config.php` file:
@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ To change minifier, set `minifier` to a [callback](http://php.net/manual/en/lang
$src1 = new Minify_Source(array(
'filepath' => '//js/file1.js',
'minifier' => ['JSMinPlus', 'minify'],
'minifier' => 'myJsMinifier',
$src2 = new Minify_Source(array(
'filepath' => '//js/file2.js',
'minifier' => '', // don't compress
In the above, `JSMinPlus.php` is only loaded when the contents of `$src1` is needed.
In the above, `JmyJsMinifier()` is only called when the contents of `$src1` is needed.
**`*`Do _not_ use `create_function()` or anonymous functions for the minifier.** The internal names of these function tend to vary, causing endless cache misses, killing performance and filling cache storage up.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
* YUI Compressor
* http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/
* Author: Julien Lecomte - http://www.julienlecomte.net/
* Author: Isaac Schlueter - http://foohack.com/
* Author: Stoyan Stefanov - http://phpied.com/
* Copyright (c) 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
* The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed
* by Yahoo! Inc. under the BSD (revised) open source license.
package com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CssCompressor {
private StringBuffer srcsb = new StringBuffer();
public CssCompressor(Reader in) throws IOException {
// Read the stream...
int c;
while ((c = in.read()) != -1) {
srcsb.append((char) c);
// Leave data urls alone to increase parse performance.
protected String extractDataUrls(String css, ArrayList preservedTokens) {
int maxIndex = css.length() - 1;
int appendIndex = 0;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("url\\(\\s*([\"']?)data\\:");
Matcher m = p.matcher(css);
* Since we need to account for non-base64 data urls, we need to handle
* ' and ) being part of the data string. Hence switching to indexOf,
* to determine whether or not we have matching string terminators and
* handling sb appends directly, instead of using matcher.append* methods.
while (m.find()) {
int startIndex = m.start() + 4; // "url(".length()
String terminator = m.group(1); // ', " or empty (not quoted)
if (terminator.length() == 0) {
terminator = ")";
boolean foundTerminator = false;
int endIndex = m.end() - 1;
while(foundTerminator == false && endIndex+1 <= maxIndex) {
endIndex = css.indexOf(terminator, endIndex+1);
if ((endIndex > 0) && (css.charAt(endIndex-1) != '\\')) {
foundTerminator = true;
if (!")".equals(terminator)) {
endIndex = css.indexOf(")", endIndex);
// Enough searching, start moving stuff over to the buffer
sb.append(css.substring(appendIndex, m.start()));
if (foundTerminator) {
String token = css.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
token = token.replaceAll("\\s+", "");
String preserver = "url(___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___)";
appendIndex = endIndex + 1;
} else {
// No end terminator found, re-add the whole match. Should we throw/warn here?
sb.append(css.substring(m.start(), m.end()));
appendIndex = m.end();
return sb.toString();
public void compress(Writer out, int linebreakpos)
throws IOException {
Pattern p;
Matcher m;
String css = srcsb.toString();
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
int i = 0;
int max = 0;
ArrayList preservedTokens = new ArrayList(0);
ArrayList comments = new ArrayList(0);
String token;
int totallen = css.length();
String placeholder;
css = this.extractDataUrls(css, preservedTokens);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(css);
// collect all comment blocks...
while ((startIndex = sb.indexOf("/*", startIndex)) >= 0) {
endIndex = sb.indexOf("*/", startIndex + 2);
if (endIndex < 0) {
endIndex = totallen;
token = sb.substring(startIndex + 2, endIndex);
sb.replace(startIndex + 2, endIndex, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + (comments.size() - 1) + "___");
startIndex += 2;
css = sb.toString();
// preserve strings so their content doesn't get accidentally minified
sb = new StringBuffer();
p = Pattern.compile("(\"([^\\\\\"]|\\\\.|\\\\)*\")|(\'([^\\\\\']|\\\\.|\\\\)*\')");
m = p.matcher(css);
while (m.find()) {
token = m.group();
char quote = token.charAt(0);
token = token.substring(1, token.length() - 1);
// maybe the string contains a comment-like substring?
// one, maybe more? put'em back then
if (token.indexOf("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_") >= 0) {
for (i = 0, max = comments.size(); i < max; i += 1) {
token = token.replace("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + i + "___", comments.get(i).toString());
// minify alpha opacity in filter strings
token = token.replaceAll("(?i)progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha\\(Opacity=", "alpha(opacity=");
String preserver = quote + "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___" + quote;
m.appendReplacement(sb, preserver);
css = sb.toString();
// strings are safe, now wrestle the comments
for (i = 0, max = comments.size(); i < max; i += 1) {
token = comments.get(i).toString();
placeholder = "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + i + "___";
// ! in the first position of the comment means preserve
// so push to the preserved tokens while stripping the !
if (token.startsWith("!")) {
css = css.replace(placeholder, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___");
// \ in the last position looks like hack for Mac/IE5
// shorten that to /*\*/ and the next one to /**/
if (token.endsWith("\\")) {
css = css.replace(placeholder, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___");
i = i + 1; // attn: advancing the loop
css = css.replace("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVE_CANDIDATE_COMMENT_" + i + "___", "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___");
// keep empty comments after child selectors (IE7 hack)
// e.g. html >/**/ body
if (token.length() == 0) {
startIndex = css.indexOf(placeholder);
if (startIndex > 2) {
if (css.charAt(startIndex - 3) == '>') {
css = css.replace(placeholder, "___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + "___");
// in all other cases kill the comment
css = css.replace("/*" + placeholder + "*/", "");
// Normalize all whitespace strings to single spaces. Easier to work with that way.
css = css.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
// Remove the spaces before the things that should not have spaces before them.
// But, be careful not to turn "p :link {...}" into "p:link{...}"
// Swap out any pseudo-class colons with the token, and then swap back.
sb = new StringBuffer();
p = Pattern.compile("(^|\\})(([^\\{:])+:)+([^\\{]*\\{)");
m = p.matcher(css);
while (m.find()) {
String s = m.group();
s = s.replaceAll(":", "___YUICSSMIN_PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___");
s = s.replaceAll( "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\" ).replaceAll( "\\$", "\\\\\\$" );
m.appendReplacement(sb, s);
css = sb.toString();
// Remove spaces before the things that should not have spaces before them.
css = css.replaceAll("\\s+([!{};:>+\\(\\)\\],])", "$1");
// bring back the colon
css = css.replaceAll("___YUICSSMIN_PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___", ":");
// retain space for special IE6 cases
css = css.replaceAll(":first\\-(line|letter)(\\{|,)", ":first-$1 $2");
// no space after the end of a preserved comment
css = css.replaceAll("\\*/ ", "*/");
// If there is a @charset, then only allow one, and push to the top of the file.
css = css.replaceAll("^(.*)(@charset \"[^\"]*\";)", "$2$1");
css = css.replaceAll("^(\\s*@charset [^;]+;\\s*)+", "$1");
// Put the space back in some cases, to support stuff like
// @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0){
css = css.replaceAll("\\band\\(", "and (");
// Remove the spaces after the things that should not have spaces after them.
css = css.replaceAll("([!{}:;>+\\(\\[,])\\s+", "$1");
// remove unnecessary semicolons
css = css.replaceAll(";+}", "}");
// Replace 0(px,em,%) with 0.
css = css.replaceAll("([\\s:])(0)(px|em|%|in|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex)", "$1$2");
// Replace 0 0 0 0; with 0.
css = css.replaceAll(":0 0 0 0(;|})", ":0$1");
css = css.replaceAll(":0 0 0(;|})", ":0$1");
css = css.replaceAll(":0 0(;|})", ":0$1");
// Replace background-position:0; with background-position:0 0;
// same for transform-origin
sb = new StringBuffer();
p = Pattern.compile("(?i)(background-position|transform-origin|webkit-transform-origin|moz-transform-origin|o-transform-origin|ms-transform-origin):0(;|})");
m = p.matcher(css);
while (m.find()) {
m.appendReplacement(sb, m.group(1).toLowerCase() + ":0 0" + m.group(2));
css = sb.toString();
// Replace 0.6 to .6, but only when preceded by : or a white-space
css = css.replaceAll("(:|\\s)0+\\.(\\d+)", "$1.$2");
// Shorten colors from rgb(51,102,153) to #336699
// This makes it more likely that it'll get further compressed in the next step.
p = Pattern.compile("rgb\\s*\\(\\s*([0-9,\\s]+)\\s*\\)");
m = p.matcher(css);
sb = new StringBuffer();
while (m.find()) {
String[] rgbcolors = m.group(1).split(",");
StringBuffer hexcolor = new StringBuffer("#");
for (i = 0; i < rgbcolors.length; i++) {
int val = Integer.parseInt(rgbcolors[i]);
if (val < 16) {
m.appendReplacement(sb, hexcolor.toString());
css = sb.toString();
// Shorten colors from #AABBCC to #ABC. Note that we want to make sure
// the color is not preceded by either ", " or =. Indeed, the property
// filter: chroma(color="#FFFFFF");
// would become
// filter: chroma(color="#FFF");
// which makes the filter break in IE.
// We also want to make sure we're only compressing #AABBCC patterns inside { }, not id selectors ( #FAABAC {} )
// We also want to avoid compressing invalid values (e.g. #AABBCCD to #ABCD)
p = Pattern.compile("(\\=\\s*?[\"']?)?" + "#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])" + "(:?\\}|[^0-9a-fA-F{][^{]*?\\})");
m = p.matcher(css);
sb = new StringBuffer();
int index = 0;
while (m.find(index)) {
sb.append(css.substring(index, m.start()));
boolean isFilter = (m.group(1) != null && !"".equals(m.group(1)));
if (isFilter) {
// Restore, as is. Compression will break filters
sb.append(m.group(1) + "#" + m.group(2) + m.group(3) + m.group(4) + m.group(5) + m.group(6) + m.group(7));
} else {
if( m.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase(m.group(3)) &&
m.group(4).equalsIgnoreCase(m.group(5)) &&
m.group(6).equalsIgnoreCase(m.group(7))) {
// #AABBCC pattern
sb.append("#" + (m.group(3) + m.group(5) + m.group(7)).toLowerCase());
} else {
// Non-compressible color, restore, but lower case.
sb.append("#" + (m.group(2) + m.group(3) + m.group(4) + m.group(5) + m.group(6) + m.group(7)).toLowerCase());
index = m.end(7);
css = sb.toString();
// border: none -> border:0
sb = new StringBuffer();
p = Pattern.compile("(?i)(border|border-top|border-right|border-bottom|border-right|outline|background):none(;|})");
m = p.matcher(css);
while (m.find()) {
m.appendReplacement(sb, m.group(1).toLowerCase() + ":0" + m.group(2));
css = sb.toString();
// shorter opacity IE filter
css = css.replaceAll("(?i)progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha\\(Opacity=", "alpha(opacity=");
// Remove empty rules.
css = css.replaceAll("[^\\}\\{/;]+\\{\\}", "");
// TODO: Should this be after we re-insert tokens. These could alter the break points. However then
// we'd need to make sure we don't break in the middle of a string etc.
if (linebreakpos >= 0) {
// Some source control tools don't like it when files containing lines longer
// than, say 8000 characters, are checked in. The linebreak option is used in
// that case to split long lines after a specific column.
i = 0;
int linestartpos = 0;
sb = new StringBuffer(css);
while (i < sb.length()) {
char c = sb.charAt(i++);
if (c == '}' && i - linestartpos > linebreakpos) {
sb.insert(i, '\n');
linestartpos = i;
css = sb.toString();
// Replace multiple semi-colons in a row by a single one
// See SF bug #1980989
css = css.replaceAll(";;+", ";");
// restore preserved comments and strings
for(i = 0, max = preservedTokens.size(); i < max; i++) {
css = css.replace("___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_" + i + "___", preservedTokens.get(i).toString());
// Trim the final string (for any leading or trailing white spaces)
css = css.trim();
// Write the output...
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
* Class Minify_YUI_CssCompressor
* @package Minify
* YUI Compressor
* Author: Julien Lecomte - http://www.julienlecomte.net/
* Author: Isaac Schlueter - http://foohack.com/
* Author: Stoyan Stefanov - http://phpied.com/
* Author: Steve Clay - http://www.mrclay.org/ (PHP port)
* Copyright (c) 2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
* The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed
* by Yahoo! Inc. under the BSD (revised) open source license.
* Compress CSS (incomplete DO NOT USE)
* @see https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/blob/master/src/com/yahoo/platform/yui/compressor/CssCompressor.java
* @package Minify
class Minify_YUI_CssCompressor {
* Minify a CSS string
* @param string $css
* @return string
public function compress($css, $linebreakpos = 0)
$css = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $css);
* @todo comment removal
* @todo re-port from newer Java version
// Normalize all whitespace strings to single spaces. Easier to work with that way.
$css = preg_replace('@\s+@', ' ', $css);
// Make a pseudo class for the Box Model Hack
$css = preg_replace("@\"\\\\\"}\\\\\"\"@", "___PSEUDOCLASSBMH___", $css);
// Remove the spaces before the things that should not have spaces before them.
// But, be careful not to turn "p :link {...}" into "p:link{...}"
// Swap out any pseudo-class colons with the token, and then swap back.
$css = preg_replace_callback("@(^|\\})(([^\\{:])+:)+([^\\{]*\\{)@", array($this, '_removeSpacesCB'), $css);
$css = preg_replace("@\\s+([!{};:>+\\(\\)\\],])@", "$1", $css);
$css = str_replace("___PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___", ":", $css);
// Remove the spaces after the things that should not have spaces after them.
$css = preg_replace("@([!{}:;>+\\(\\[,])\\s+@", "$1", $css);
// Add the semicolon where it's missing.
$css = preg_replace("@([^;\\}])}@", "$1;}", $css);
// Replace 0(px,em,%) with 0.
$css = preg_replace("@([\\s:])(0)(px|em|%|in|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex)@", "$1$2", $css);
// Replace 0 0 0 0; with 0.
$css = str_replace(":0 0 0 0;", ":0;", $css);
$css = str_replace(":0 0 0;", ":0;", $css);
$css = str_replace(":0 0;", ":0;", $css);
// Replace background-position:0; with background-position:0 0;
$css = str_replace("background-position:0;", "background-position:0 0;", $css);
// Replace 0.6 to .6, but only when preceded by : or a white-space
$css = preg_replace("@(:|\\s)0+\\.(\\d+)@", "$1.$2", $css);
// Shorten colors from rgb(51,102,153) to #336699
// This makes it more likely that it'll get further compressed in the next step.
$css = preg_replace_callback("@rgb\\s*\\(\\s*([0-9,\\s]+)\\s*\\)@", array($this, '_shortenRgbCB'), $css);
// Shorten colors from #AABBCC to #ABC. Note that we want to make sure
// the color is not preceded by either ", " or =. Indeed, the property
// filter: chroma(color="#FFFFFF");
// would become
// filter: chroma(color="#FFF");
// which makes the filter break in IE.
$css = preg_replace_callback("@([^\"'=\\s])(\\s*)#([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F])@", array($this, '_shortenHexCB'), $css);
// Remove empty rules.
$css = preg_replace("@[^\\}]+\\{;\\}@", "", $css);
$linebreakpos = isset($this->_options['linebreakpos'])
? $this->_options['linebreakpos']
: 0;
if ($linebreakpos > 0) {
// Some source control tools don't like it when files containing lines longer
// than, say 8000 characters, are checked in. The linebreak option is used in
// that case to split long lines after a specific column.
$i = 0;
$linestartpos = 0;
$sb = $css;
// make sure strlen returns byte count
$mbIntEnc = null;
if (function_exists('mb_strlen') && ((int)ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 2)) {
$mbIntEnc = mb_internal_encoding();
$sbLength = strlen($css);
while ($i < $sbLength) {
$c = $sb[$i++];
if ($c === '}' && $i - $linestartpos > $linebreakpos) {
$sb = substr_replace($sb, "\n", $i, 0);
$linestartpos = $i;
$css = $sb;
// undo potential mb_encoding change
if ($mbIntEnc !== null) {
// Replace the pseudo class for the Box Model Hack
$css = str_replace("___PSEUDOCLASSBMH___", "\"\\\\\"}\\\\\"\"", $css);
// Replace multiple semi-colons in a row by a single one
// See SF bug #1980989
$css = preg_replace("@;;+@", ";", $css);
// prevent triggering IE6 bug: http://www.crankygeek.com/ie6pebug/
$css = preg_replace('/:first-l(etter|ine)\\{/', ':first-l$1 {', $css);
// Trim the final string (for any leading or trailing white spaces)
$css = trim($css);
return $css;
protected function _removeSpacesCB($m)
return str_replace(':', '___PSEUDOCLASSCOLON___', $m[0]);
protected function _shortenRgbCB($m)
$rgbcolors = explode(',', $m[1]);
$hexcolor = '#';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rgbcolors); $i++) {
$val = round($rgbcolors[$i]);
if ($val < 16) {
$hexcolor .= '0';
$hexcolor .= dechex($val);
return $hexcolor;
protected function _shortenHexCB($m)
// Test for AABBCC pattern
if ((strtolower($m[3])===strtolower($m[4])) &&
(strtolower($m[5])===strtolower($m[6])) &&
(strtolower($m[7])===strtolower($m[8]))) {
return $m[1] . $m[2] . "#" . $m[3] . $m[5] . $m[7];
} else {
return $m[0];
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if (isset($_POST['method']) && $_POST['method'] === 'Minify and serve') {
$tpl = array();
$tpl['classes'] = array('Minify_HTML', 'JSMin\\JSMin', 'Minify_CSS', 'Minify_CSS', 'JSMinPlus');
$tpl['classes'] = array('Minify_HTML', 'JSMin\\JSMin', 'Minify_CSS', 'Minify_CSS');
if (isset($_POST['method']) && in_array($_POST['method'], $tpl['classes'])) {
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
require_once '_inc.php';
function test_JSMinPlus()
global $thisDir;
$src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/condcomm.js');
$minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/condcomm.min_plus.js');
$minOutput = JSMinPlus::minify($src);
$passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMinPlus : Conditional Comments');
if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
echo "\n---Output: " .countBytes($minOutput). " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
echo "---Expected: " .countBytes($minExpected). " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
echo "---Source: " .countBytes($src). " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
$src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/before.js');
$minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/before.min_plus.js');
$minOutput = JSMinPlus::minify($src);
$passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMinPlus : Overall');
if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
echo "\n---Output: " .countBytes($minOutput). " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
echo "---Expected: " .countBytes($minExpected). " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
echo "---Source: " .countBytes($src). " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
$src = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue74.js');
$minExpected = file_get_contents($thisDir . '/_test_files/js/issue74.min_plus.js');
$minOutput = JSMinPlus::minify($src);
$passed = assertTrue($minExpected == $minOutput, 'JSMinPlus : Quotes in RegExp literals (Issue 74)');
if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
echo "\n---Output: " .countBytes($minOutput). " bytes\n\n{$minOutput}\n\n";
echo "---Expected: " .countBytes($minExpected). " bytes\n\n{$minExpected}\n\n";
echo "---Source: " .countBytes($src). " bytes\n\n{$src}\n\n\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user