mirror of https://github.com/mrclay/minify.git synced 2025-02-22 16:04:08 +01:00

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* Class Minify_CSS
* @package Minify
* Compress CSS
* This is a heavy regex-based removal of whitespace, unnecessary
* comments and tokens, and some CSS value minimization, where practical.
* Many steps have been taken to avoid breaking comment-based hacks,
* including the ie5/mac filter (and its inversion), but expect tricky
* hacks involving comment tokens in 'content' value strings to break
* minimization badly. A test suite is available.
* @package Minify
* @author Stephen Clay <steve@mrclay.org>
class Minify_CSS {
* Minify a CSS string
* @param string $css
* @param array $options available options:
* 'preserveComments': (default true) multi-line comments that begin
* with "/*!" will be preserved with newlines before and after to
* enhance readability.
* @return string
public static function minify($css, $options = array())
if (isset($options['preserveComments'])
&& !$options['preserveComments']) {
return self::_minify($css, $options);
$ret = '';
while (1) {
list($beforeComment, $comment, $afterComment)
= self::_nextYuiComment($css);
$ret .= self::_minify($beforeComment, $options);
if (false === $comment) {
$ret .= $comment;
$css = $afterComment;
return $ret;
* Extract comments that YUI Compressor preserves.
* @param string $in input
* @return array 3 elements are returned. If a YUI comment is found, the
* 2nd element is the comment and the 1st and 2nd are the surrounding
* strings. If no comment is found, the entire string is returned as the
* 1st element and the other two are false.
private static function _nextYuiComment($in)
return (
(false !== ($start = strpos($in, '/*!')))
&& (false !== ($end = strpos($in, '*/', $start + 3)))
? array(
substr($in, 0, $start)
,"\n/*" . substr($in, $start + 3, $end - $start - 1) . "\n"
,substr($in, -(strlen($in) - $end - 2))
: array($in, false, false);
* Minify a CSS string
* @param string $css
* @param array $options To enable URL rewriting, set the value
* for key 'prependRelativePath'.
* @return string
protected static function _minify($css, $options)
// preserve empty comment after '>'
// http://www.webdevout.net/css-hacks#in_css-selectors
$css = preg_replace('/>\\/\\*\\s*\\*\\//', '>/*keep*/', $css);
// preserve empty comment between property and value
// http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=BoxModelHack
$css = preg_replace('/\\/\\*\\s*\\*\\/\\s*:/', '/*keep*/:', $css);
$css = preg_replace('/:\\s*\\/\\*\\s*\\*\\//', ':/*keep*/', $css);
// apply callback to all valid comments (and strip out surrounding ws
self::$_inHack = false;
$css = preg_replace_callback('/\\s*\\/\\*([\\s\\S]*?)\\*\\/\\s*/'
,array('Minify_CSS', '_commentCB'), $css);
// compress whitespace.
$css = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $css);
// leave needed comments
$css = str_replace('/*keep*/', '/**/', $css);
// remove ws around { }
$css = preg_replace('/\\s*{\\s*/', '{', $css);
$css = preg_replace('/;?\\s*}\\s*/', '}', $css);
// remove ws between rules
$css = preg_replace('/\\s*;\\s*/', ';', $css);
// remove ws around urls
$css = preg_replace('/url\\([\\s]*([^\\)]+?)[\\s]*\\)/', 'url($1)', $css);
// remove ws between rules and colons
$css = preg_replace('/\\s*([{;])\\s*([\\w\\-]+)\\s*:\\s*\\b/', '$1$2:', $css);
// remove ws in selectors
$css = preg_replace_callback('/(?:\\s*[^~>+,\\s]+\\s*[,>+~])+\\s*[^~>+,\\s]+{/'
,array('Minify_CSS', '_selectorsCB'), $css);
// minimize hex colors
$css = preg_replace('/([^=])#([a-f\\d])\\2([a-f\\d])\\3([a-f\\d])\\4([\\s;\\}])/i'
, '$1#$2$3$4$5', $css);
$rewrite = false;
if (isset($options['prependRelativePath'])) {
self::$_tempPrepend = $options['prependRelativePath'];
$rewrite = true;
} elseif (isset($options['currentPath'])) {
self::$_tempCurrentPath = $options['currentPath'];
$rewrite = true;
if ($rewrite) {
$css = preg_replace_callback('/@import ([\'"])(.*?)[\'"]\\s*;/'
,array('Minify_CSS', '_urlCB'), $css);
$css = preg_replace_callback('/url\\(([^\\)]+)\\)/'
,array('Minify_CSS', '_urlCB'), $css);
self::$_tempPrepend = self::$_tempCurrentPath = '';
return trim($css);
* @var bool Are we "in" a hack?
* I.e. are some browsers targetted until the next comment?
protected static $_inHack = false;
* @var string string to be prepended to relative URIs
protected static $_tempPrepend = '';
* @var string path of this stylesheet for rewriting purposes
protected static $_tempCurrentPath = '';
* Process what looks like a comment and return a replacement
* @param array $m regex matches
* @return string
protected static function _commentCB($m)
$m = $m[1];
// $m is everything after the opening tokens and before the closing
// tokens but return will replace the entire comment.
if ($m === 'keep') {
return '/*keep*/';
if (self::$_inHack) {
// inversion: feeding only to one browser
if (preg_match('/^\\/\\s*(\\S[\\s\\S]+?)\\s*\\/\\*/', $m, $n)) {
self::$_inHack = false;
return "/*/{$n[1]}/*keep*/";
if (substr($m, -1) === '\\') {
self::$_inHack = true;
return '/*\\*/';
if ($m !== '' && $m[0] === '/') {
self::$_inHack = true;
return '/*/*/';
if (self::$_inHack) {
self::$_inHack = false;
return '/*keep*/';
return '';
* Replace what looks like a set of selectors
* @param array $m regex matches
* @return string
protected static function _selectorsCB($m)
return preg_replace('/\\s*([,>+~])\\s*/', '$1', $m[0]);
protected static function _urlCB($m)
$isImport = (0 === strpos($m[0], '@import'));
if ($isImport) {
$quote = $m[1];
$url = $m[2];
} else {
// $m[1] is surrounded by quotes or not
$quote = ($m[1][0] === '\'' || $m[1][0] === '"')
? $m[1][0]
: '';
$url = ($quote === '')
? $m[1]
: substr($m[1], 1, strlen($m[1]) - 2);
if ('/' !== $url[0]) {
if (strpos($url, '//') > 0) {
// probably starts with protocol, do not alter
} else {
// relative URI, rewrite!
if (self::$_tempPrepend) {
$url = self::$_tempPrepend . $url;
} else {
// rewrite absolute url from scratch!
// prepend path with current dir separator (OS-independent)
$path = self::$_tempCurrentPath
// strip doc root
$path = substr($path, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']));
// fix to absolute URL
$url = strtr($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/');
$url = str_replace('/./', '/', $url);
if ($isImport) {
return "@import {$quote}{$url}{$quote};";
} else {
return "url({$quote}{$url}{$quote})";