mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:59:41 +01:00
#13 trap floors & doors; fix debug render
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ struct Camera : Controller {
int actTargetEntity, actCamera;
Camera(TR::Level *level, Lara *owner) : Controller(level, owner ? owner->entity : 0), owner(owner), frustum(new Frustum()), timer(0.0f), actTargetEntity(-1), actCamera(-1) {
fov = 80.0f;
fov = 65.0f;
znear = 128;
zfar = 100.0f * 1024.0f;
angleAdv = vec3(0.0f);
@ -130,27 +130,27 @@ struct Camera : Controller {
if (actCamera <= -1) {
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(room, (int)pos.x, (int)pos.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(room, (int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z, info);
int lastRoom = room;
if (info.roomNext != 255)
room = info.roomNext;
if (pos.y < info.ceiling) {
if (pos.y < info.roomCeiling) {
if (info.roomAbove != 255)
room = info.roomAbove;
if (info.ceiling != 0xffff8100)
pos.y = (float)info.ceiling;
if (info.roomCeiling != 0xffff8100)
pos.y = (float)info.roomCeiling;
if (pos.y > info.floor) {
if (pos.y > info.roomFloor) {
if (info.roomBelow != 255)
room = info.roomBelow;
if (info.floor != 0xffff8100)
pos.y = (float)info.floor;
if (info.roomFloor != 0xffff8100)
pos.y = (float)info.roomFloor;
// play underwater sound when camera goes under water
@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ struct Character : Controller {
virtual void checkRoom() {
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
TR::Entity &e = getEntity();
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.y, e.z, info);
if (info.roomNext != 0xFF)
e.room = info.roomNext;
if (info.roomBelow != 0xFF && e.y > info.floor)
e.room = info.roomBelow;
if (info.roomBelow != 0xFF && e.y > info.roomFloor)
e.room = info.roomBelow;
if (info.roomAbove != 0xFF && e.y <= info.ceiling) {
if (info.roomAbove != 0xFF && e.y <= info.roomCeiling) {
if (stand == STAND_UNDERWATER && !level->rooms[info.roomAbove].flags.water) {
velocity.y = 0;
pos.y = float(info.ceiling);
pos.y = float(info.roomCeiling);
} else
if (stand != STAND_ONWATER)
@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ struct Controller {
int mCount;
struct ActionCommand {
int emitter;
TR::Action action;
int value;
float timer;
ActionCommand *next;
ActionCommand() {}
ActionCommand(TR::Action action, int value, float timer, ActionCommand *next = NULL) : action(action), value(value), timer(timer), next(next) {}
ActionCommand(int emitter, TR::Action action, int value, float timer, ActionCommand *next = NULL) : emitter(emitter), action(action), value(value), timer(timer), next(next) {}
} *actionCommand;
Controller(TR::Level *level, int entity) : level(level), entity(entity), animation(level, getModel()), state(animation.state), actionCommand(NULL), mCount(0), meshes(NULL) {
@ -223,10 +224,10 @@ struct Controller {
sz = pz / 1024 * 1024 + 512;
if (lr != room || lx != sx || lz != sz) {
level->getFloorInfo(room, sx, sz, info);
level->getFloorInfo(room, sx, py, sz, info);
if (info.roomNext != 0xFF) {
room = info.roomNext;
level->getFloorInfo(room, sx, sz, info);
level->getFloorInfo(room, sx, py, sz, info);
lr = room;
lx = sx;
@ -234,9 +235,9 @@ struct Controller {
if (isCamera) {
if (py > info.floor && info.roomBelow != 0xFF)
if (py > info.roomFloor && info.roomBelow != 0xFF)
room = info.roomBelow;
else if (py < info.ceiling && info.roomAbove != 0xFF)
else if (py < info.roomCeiling && info.roomAbove != 0xFF)
room = info.roomAbove;
else if (py > info.floor || py < info.ceiling) {
int minX = px / 1024 * 1024;
@ -248,14 +249,14 @@ struct Controller {
dir = (pos - from).normal();
} else {
if (py > info.floor) {
if (py > info.roomFloor) {
if (info.roomBelow != 0xFF)
room = info.roomBelow;
if (py < info.ceiling) {
if (py < info.roomCeiling) {
if (info.roomAbove != 0xFF)
room = info.roomAbove;
@ -277,45 +278,7 @@ struct Controller {
if (rand() % 10 <= 6) return;
playSound(TR::SND_BUBBLE, pos, Sound::Flags::PAN);
void collide() {
TR::Entity &entity = getEntity();
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(entity.room, entity.x, entity.z, info);
if (info.roomNext != 0xFF)
entity.room = info.roomNext;
if (entity.y > info.floor) {
if (info.roomBelow == 0xFF) {
if (entity.y > info.floor) {
entity.y = info.floor;
pos.y = entity.y;
velocity.y = 0.0f;
} else
entity.room = info.roomBelow;
int height = getHeight();
if (entity.y - height < info.ceiling) {
if (info.roomAbove == 0xFF) {
pos.y = entity.y = info.ceiling + height;
if (velocity.y < 0.0f)
velocity.y = GRAVITY;
} else {
if (stand == STAND_UNDERWATER && !level->rooms[info.roomAbove].flags.water) {
velocity.y = 0;
pos.y = info.ceiling;
} else
if (stand != STAND_ONWATER && entity.y < info.ceiling)
entity.room = info.roomAbove;
void activateNext() { // activate next entity (for triggers)
if (!actionCommand || !actionCommand->next) {
actionCommand = NULL;
@ -480,7 +443,7 @@ struct Controller {
if (TR::castShadow(entity.type)) {
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(entity.room, entity.x, entity.z, info, true);
level->getFloorInfo(entity.room, entity.x, entity.y, entity.z, info);
renderShadow(mesh, vec3(float(entity.x), info.floor - 16.0f, float(entity.z)), box.center(), box.size() * 0.8f, angle.y);
@ -184,85 +184,72 @@ namespace Debug {
namespace Level {
void debugFloor(const TR::Level &level, int roomIndex, int x, int z) {
void debugFloor(const TR::Level &level, int roomIndex, int x, int y, int z) {
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level.getFloorInfo(roomIndex, x, z, info);
level.getFloorInfo(roomIndex, x, y, z, info);
vec3 f = vec3(x, info.floor, z);
vec3 c = vec3(x, info.ceiling, z);
vec3 vf[4] = { f, f + vec3(1024, 0, 0), f + vec3(1024, 0, 1024), f + vec3(0, 0, 1024) };
vec3 vc[4] = { c, c + vec3(1024, 0, 0), c + vec3(1024, 0, 1024), c + vec3(0, 0, 1024) };
vec3 rf[4], rc[4], f[4], c[4];
int sx = 256 * info.slantX;
int sz = 256 * info.slantZ;
int offsets[4][2] = { { 1, 1 }, { 1023, 1 }, { 1023, 1023 }, { 1, 1023 } };
if (sx > 0) {
vf[0].y += sx;
vf[3].y += sx;
} else {
vf[1].y -= sx;
vf[2].y -= sx;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
level.getFloorInfo(roomIndex, x + offsets[i][0], y, z + offsets[i][1], info);
rf[i] = vec3( x + offsets[i][0], info.roomFloor - 4, z + offsets[i][1] );
rc[i] = vec3( x + offsets[i][0], info.roomCeiling + 4, z + offsets[i][1] );
f[i] = vec3( x + offsets[i][0], info.floor - 4, z + offsets[i][1] );
c[i] = vec3( x + offsets[i][0], info.ceiling + 4, z + offsets[i][1] );
if (info.roomBelow == 0xFF) rf[i].y = f[i].y;
if (info.roomAbove == 0xFF) rc[i].y = c[i].y;
if (sz > 0) {
vf[0].y += sz;
vf[1].y += sz;
} else {
vf[3].y -= sz;
vf[2].y -= sz;
} else { // ceiling
if (sx < 0) {
p[0].y += sx;
p[3].y += sx;
} else {
p[1].y -= sx;
p[2].y -= sx;
if (sz > 0) {
p[0].y -= sz;
p[1].y -= sz;
} else {
p[3].y += sz;
p[2].y += sz;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
glVertex3fv((GLfloat*)&vf[i % 4]);
glColor3f(1, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
glVertex3fv((GLfloat*)&vc[i % 4]);
if (info.roomNext != 0xFF) {
glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f);
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)
} else {
glColor4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f);
if (info.trigCmdCount > 0)
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
glColor4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
glVertex3fv((GLfloat*)&rf[i % 4]);
glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f);
if (info.roomAbove != 0xFF) {
glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
vec3 v = vf[i];
v.y -= 32.0f;
if (info.trigCmdCount > 0)
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
glVertex3fv((GLfloat*)&rc[i % 4]);
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
if (boxIndex == 0xFFFF) {
@ -292,37 +279,14 @@ namespace Debug {
} while (!(o++)->end);
void debugSectors(const TR::Level &level, const vec3 &pos, int roomIndex) {
void sectors(const TR::Level &level, int roomIndex, int y) {
TR::Room &room = level.rooms[roomIndex];
vec3 p = (pos - vec3(room.info.x, 0, room.info.z)) * vec3(1.0f / 1024.0f, 1, 1.0f / 1024.0f);
// glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
for (int z = 0; z < room.zSectors; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < room.xSectors; x++) {
TR::Room::Sector &s = room.sectors[x * room.zSectors + z];
float floor = s.floor * 256;
if (s.boxIndex < 0xFFFF) {
auto &b = level.boxes[s.boxIndex];
// floor = b.floor;
vec3 f(x * 1024 + room.info.x, floor - 1, z * 1024 + room.info.z);
vec3 c(x * 1024 + room.info.x, s.ceiling * 256 + 1, z * 1024 + room.info.z);
bool current = (int)p.x == x && (int)p.z == z;
debugFloor(level, roomIndex, room.info.x + x * 1024, room.info.z + z * 1024);
if (current && s.boxIndex != 0xFFFF && level.boxes[s.boxIndex].overlap != 0xFFFF) {
glColor4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f);
glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f);
debugOverlaps(level, s.boxIndex);
for (int x = 0; x < room.xSectors; x++)
debugFloor(level, roomIndex, room.info.x + x * 1024, y, room.info.z + z * 1024);
// glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
void rooms(const TR::Level &level, const vec3 &pos, int roomIndex) {
@ -334,7 +298,7 @@ namespace Debug {
if (i == roomIndex) {
//if (lara->insideRoom(Core::viewPos, i)) {
debugSectors(level, pos, i);
// sectors(level, i);
glColor3f(0, 1, 0);
} else
glColor3f(1, 1, 1);
@ -526,7 +490,7 @@ namespace Debug {
Debug::Draw::text(vec2(16, 48), vec4(1.0f), buf);
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level.getFloorInfo(entity.room, entity.x, entity.z, info);
level.getFloorInfo(entity.room, entity.x, entity.y, entity.z, info);
sprintf(buf, "floor = %d, roomBelow = %d, roomAbove = %d, height = %d", info.floorIndex, info.roomBelow, info.roomAbove, info.floor - info.ceiling);
Debug::Draw::text(vec2(16, 64), vec4(1.0f), buf);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ struct Enemy : Character {
vec3 p = pos;
pos += velocity * Core::deltaTime * 30.0f;
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(getRoomIndex(), (int)pos.x, (int)pos.z, info, true);
level->getFloorInfo(getRoomIndex(), (int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z, info);
if (pos.y - info.floor > 1024) {
pos = p;
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ namespace TR {
angle rotation;
int16 intensity;
union {
struct { uint16 unused:7, clear:1, invisible:1, active:5, unused2:1, rendered:1; };
struct { uint16 unused:7, clear:1, invisible:1, active:5, collision:1, rendered:1; };
uint16 value;
} flags;
// not exists in file
@ -736,9 +736,10 @@ namespace TR {
struct FloorInfo {
int roomFloor, roomCeiling;
int roomNext, roomBelow, roomAbove;
int floor, ceiling;
int slantX, slantZ;
int roomNext, roomBelow, roomAbove;
int floorIndex;
int kill;
int trigCmdCount;
@ -1013,15 +1014,17 @@ namespace TR {
return room.sectors[sx * room.zSectors + sz];
void getFloorInfo(int roomIndex, int x, int z, FloorInfo &info, bool actual = false, int prevRoom = 0xFF) const {
void getFloorInfo(int roomIndex, int x, int y, int z, FloorInfo &info) const {
int dx, dz;
Room::Sector &s = getSector(roomIndex, x, z, dx, dz);
info.floor = 256 * (int)s.floor;
info.ceiling = 256 * (int)s.ceiling;
info.roomFloor = 256 * s.floor;
info.roomCeiling = 256 * s.ceiling;
info.floor = info.roomFloor;
info.ceiling = info.roomCeiling;
info.slantX = 0;
info.slantZ = 0;
info.roomNext = 255;
info.roomNext = 0xFF;
info.roomBelow = s.roomBelow;
info.roomAbove = s.roomAbove;
info.floorIndex = s.floorIndex;
@ -1029,23 +1032,60 @@ namespace TR {
info.trigger = Trigger::ACTIVATE;
info.trigCmdCount = 0;
if (actual) {
if (info.roomBelow != 0xFF && info.roomBelow != prevRoom) {
FloorInfo tmp;
getFloorInfo(info.roomBelow, x, z, tmp, true, roomIndex);
info.floor = tmp.floor;
Room::Sector *sBelow = &s;
while (sBelow->roomBelow != 0xFF) sBelow = &getSector(sBelow->roomBelow, x, z, dx, dz);
info.floor = 256 * sBelow->floor;
parseFloorData(info, sBelow->floorIndex, dx, dz);
if (info.roomAbove != 0xFF && info.roomAbove != prevRoom) {
FloorInfo tmp;
getFloorInfo(info.roomAbove, x, z, tmp, true, roomIndex);
info.ceiling = tmp.ceiling;
if (info.roomNext == 0xFF) {
Room::Sector *sAbove = &s;
while (sAbove->roomAbove != 0xFF) sAbove = &getSector(sAbove->roomAbove, x, z, dx, dz);
if (sAbove != sBelow) {
info.ceiling = 256 * sAbove->ceiling;
parseFloorData(info, sAbove->floorIndex, dx, dz);
} else {
int tmp = info.roomNext;
getFloorInfo(tmp, x, y, z, info);
info.roomNext = tmp;
if (!s.floorIndex) return;
// entities collide
if (info.trigCmdCount) {
int sx = x / 1024;
int sz = z / 1024;
FloorData *fd = &floors[s.floorIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < info.trigCmdCount; i++) {
FloorData::TriggerCommand cmd = info.trigCmd[i];
if (cmd.action != Action::ACTIVATE) continue;
Entity &e = entities[cmd.args];
if (!e.flags.collision) continue;
if (sx != e.x / 1024 || sz != e.z / 1024) continue;
switch (e.type) {
case Entity::DOOR_FLOOR_1 :
case Entity::DOOR_FLOOR_2 :
case Entity::TRAP_FLOOR : {
int ey = e.y - (e.type == Entity::TRAP_FLOOR ? 512 : 0);
if (ey >= y - 128 && ey < info.floor)
info.floor = ey;
if (ey < y - 128 && ey > info.ceiling)
info.ceiling = ey + (e.type == Entity::TRAP_FLOOR ? 256 : 0);
default : ;
void parseFloorData(FloorInfo &info, int floorIndex, int dx, int dz) const {
if (!floorIndex) return;
FloorData *fd = &floors[floorIndex];
FloorData::Command cmd;
do {
@ -1083,7 +1123,7 @@ namespace TR {
trigCmd = (*fd++).triggerCmd; // trigger action
info.trigCmd[info.trigCmdCount++] = trigCmd;
} while (!trigCmd.end);
} while (!trigCmd.end);
@ -1096,10 +1136,9 @@ namespace TR {
} while (!cmd.end);
if (actual && info.roomNext != 0xFF)
getFloorInfo(info.roomNext, x, z, info, actual, prevRoom);
}; // struct Level
bool castShadow(Entity::Type type) {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace Game {
level = new Level("LEVEL2_DEMO.PHD", true, false);
//level = new Level("GYM.PHD", false, true);
//level = new Level("LEVEL4.PHD", false, false);
//level = new Level("LEVEL8A.PHD", false, false);
#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
//Sound::play(Sound::openWAD("05_Lara's_Themes.wav"), 1, 1, 0);
@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ struct Lara : Character {
int lastPickUp;
Lara(TR::Level *level, int entity, bool home) : Character(level, entity, 1000), home(home), wpnCurrent(Weapon::EMPTY), wpnNext(Weapon::EMPTY), chestOffset(pos) {
getEntity().flags.active = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
@ -218,12 +219,12 @@ struct Lara : Character {
pos = vec3(43182, 2473, 51556);
angle = vec3(0.0f, PI * 0.5f, 0.0f);
getEntity().room = 12;
// level 2 (pool)
pos = vec3(70067, -256, 29104);
angle = vec3(0.0f, -0.68f, 0.0f);
getEntity().room = 15;
// level 2 (blade)
pos = vec3(27221, -1024, 29205);
angle = vec3(0.0f, PI * 0.5f, 0.0f);
@ -258,16 +259,27 @@ struct Lara : Character {
pos = vec3(70082, -512, 26935);
angle = vec3(0.0f, PI * 0.5f, 0.0f);
getEntity().room = 15;
// level 2 (trap floor)
pos = vec3(31390, -2048, 33472);
angle = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
getEntity().room = 63;
// level 2 (trap door)
pos = vec3(21987, -1024, 29144);
angle = vec3(0.0f, PI * 3.0f * 0.5f, 0.0f);
getEntity().room = 61;
// level 3a
pos = vec3(41015, 3584, 34494);
angle = vec3(0.0f, -PI, 0.0f);
getEntity().room = 51;
// level 1
pos = vec3(20215, 6656, 52942);
angle = vec3(0.0f, PI, 0.0f);
getEntity().room = 14;
@ -838,8 +850,8 @@ struct Lara : Character {
vec3 dst = pos + getDir() * 32.0f;
TR::Level::FloorInfo infoCur, infoDst;
level->getFloorInfo(getEntity().room, (int)pos.x, (int)pos.z, infoCur),
level->getFloorInfo(infoCur.roomAbove, (int)dst.x, (int)dst.z, infoDst);
level->getFloorInfo(getEntity().room, (int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z, infoCur),
level->getFloorInfo(infoCur.roomAbove, (int)dst.x, (int)dst.y, (int)dst.z, infoDst);
int h = int(pos.y - infoDst.floor);
@ -907,7 +919,7 @@ struct Lara : Character {
TR::Entity &e = getEntity();
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.y, e.z, info);
if (!info.trigCmdCount) return; // has no trigger
bool isActive = level->entities[info.trigCmd[0].args].flags.active != 0;
@ -976,10 +988,10 @@ struct Lara : Character {
TR::FloorData::TriggerCommand &cmd = info.trigCmd[i];
switch (cmd.action) {
case TR::Action::CAMERA_SWITCH :
*actionItem = ActionCommand(cmd.action, cmd.args, (float)info.trigCmd[++i].delay); // camera switch uses next command for delay timer
*actionItem = ActionCommand(entity, cmd.action, cmd.args, (float)info.trigCmd[++i].delay); // camera switch uses next command for delay timer
default :
*actionItem = ActionCommand(cmd.action, cmd.args, info.trigInfo.timer);
*actionItem = ActionCommand(entity, cmd.action, cmd.args, info.trigInfo.timer);
actionItem->next = (i < info.trigCmdCount - 1) ? actionItem + 1 : NULL;
@ -1027,7 +1039,7 @@ struct Lara : Character {
TR::Entity &e = getEntity();
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.z, info, true);
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.y, e.z, info);
if (stand == STAND_SLIDE || (stand == STAND_AIR && velocity.y > 0) || stand == STAND_GROUND) {
if (e.y + 8 >= info.floor && (abs(info.slantX) > 2 || abs(info.slantZ) > 2)) {
@ -1077,12 +1089,12 @@ struct Lara : Character {
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
info.roomAbove = getRoomIndex();
level->getFloorInfo(info.roomAbove, (int)pos.x, (int)pos.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(info.roomAbove, (int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z, info);
if (info.roomAbove == 0xFF)
info.roomAbove = getRoomIndex();
do {
level->getFloorInfo(info.roomAbove, (int)p.x, (int)p.z, info, true);
level->getFloorInfo(info.roomAbove, (int)p.x, (int)p.y, (int)p.z, info);
} while (info.ceiling > p.y - LARA_HANG_OFFSET && info.roomAbove != 0xFF);
if (abs(int(info.floor - (p.y - LARA_HANG_OFFSET))) < 16) {
@ -1145,7 +1157,7 @@ struct Lara : Character {
if ((input & (FORTH | ACTION)) == (FORTH | ACTION) && (animation.index == ANIM_STAND || animation.index == ANIM_STAND_NORMAL) && emptyHands()) { // TODO: get rid of animation.index
vec3 p = pos + getDir() * 64.0f;
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(getRoomIndex(), (int)p.x, (int)p.z, info, true);
level->getFloorInfo(getRoomIndex(), (int)p.x, (int)p.y, (int)p.z, info);
int h = (int)pos.y - info.floor;
int aIndex = animation.index;
@ -1233,7 +1245,7 @@ struct Lara : Character {
if (state != STATE_SLIDE && state != STATE_SLIDE_BACK) {
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.y, e.z, info);
int sx = abs(info.slantX), sz = abs(info.slantZ);
// get direction
@ -1269,7 +1281,7 @@ struct Lara : Character {
// possibility check
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
vec3 p = pos + getDir() * 128.0f;
level->getFloorInfo(getRoomIndex(), (int)p.x, (int)p.z, info, true);
level->getFloorInfo(getRoomIndex(), (int)p.x, (int)p.y, (int)p.z, info);
if (info.floor - info.ceiling >= 768)
@ -1464,11 +1476,11 @@ struct Lara : Character {
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
if (stand == STAND_HANG) {
vec3 p = pos + getDir() * 128.0f;
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, (int)p.x, (int)p.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, (int)p.x, (int)p.y, (int)p.z, info);
if (info.roomAbove != 0xFF && info.floor >= e.y - LARA_HANG_OFFSET)
level->getFloorInfo(info.roomAbove, (int)p.x, (int)p.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(info.roomAbove, (int)p.x, (int)p.y, (int)p.z, info);
} else
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.y, e.z, info);
vec3 v(sinf(angleExt), 0.0f, cosf(angleExt));
velocity = info.getSlant(v) * speed;
@ -1509,7 +1521,7 @@ struct Lara : Character {
TR::Entity &e = getEntity();
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, (int)pos.x, (int)pos.z, info, true);
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, (int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z, info);
// get frame to get height
TR::Animation *anim = animation;
@ -1583,7 +1595,7 @@ struct Lara : Character {
canPassGap = f >= 220.0f; // check dist to floor
if (canPassGap) { // check end of hang layer
vec3 d = pos + getDir() * 128.0f;
level->getFloorInfo(info.roomAbove != 0xFF ? info.roomAbove : getRoomIndex(), (int)d.x, (int)d.z, info, true);
level->getFloorInfo(info.roomAbove != 0xFF ? info.roomAbove : getRoomIndex(), (int)d.x, (int)d.y, (int)d.z, info);
canPassGap = fabsf((pos.y - LARA_HANG_OFFSET) - info.floor) < 64.0f;
@ -83,9 +83,15 @@ struct Level {
case TR::Entity::DOOR_6 :
case TR::Entity::DOOR_BIG_1 :
case TR::Entity::DOOR_BIG_2 :
entity.controller = new Door(&level, i);
case TR::Entity::DOOR_FLOOR_1 :
case TR::Entity::DOOR_FLOOR_2 :
entity.controller = new DoorFloor(&level, i);
case TR::Entity::TRAP_FLOOR :
entity.controller = new TrapFloor(&level, i);
case TR::Entity::TRAP_BLADE :
case TR::Entity::TRAP_SPIKES :
entity.controller = new Trigger(&level, i, true);
@ -238,6 +244,8 @@ struct Level {
Shader *sh = setRoomShader(room, 1.0f);
Core::lightColor[0] = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
sh->setParam(uColor, Core::color);
sh->setParam(uLightColor, Core::lightColor[0], MAX_LIGHTS);
@ -264,12 +272,11 @@ struct Level {
rMesh.flags.rendered = true;
// set light parameters
getLight(offset, roomIndex);
//getLight(offset, roomIndex);
if (rMesh.intensity >= 0) {
Core::ambient = vec3(intensity(rMesh.intensity) / 255.0f);
Core::ambient = vec3(0.0);
sh->setParam(uAmbient, Core::ambient);
// Core::ambient = vec3(intensity(rMesh.intensity) / 255.0f);
sh->setParam(uAmbient, vec3(0.0f));//Core::ambient);
// render static mesh
@ -378,6 +385,7 @@ struct Level {
void renderEntity(const TR::Entity &entity) {
// if (entity.room != lara->getRoomIndex()) return;
if (entity.type == TR::Entity::NONE) return;
@ -483,10 +491,11 @@ struct Level {
// Debug::Level::rooms(level, lara->pos, lara->getEntity().room);
// Debug::Level::lights(level);
Debug::Level::sectors(level, lara->getRoomIndex(), (int)lara->pos.y);
// Debug::Level::portals(level);
// Debug::Level::meshes(level);
// Debug::Level::entities(level);
Debug::Level::info(level, lara->getEntity(), lara->animation);
// Debug::Level::info(level, lara->getEntity(), lara->animation);
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ struct Trigger : Controller {
Trigger(TR::Level *level, int entity, bool immediate) : Controller(level, entity), immediate(immediate), timer(0.0f) {
baseState = state;
getEntity().flags.collision = false;
bool inState() {
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ struct Dart : Controller {
pos = pos + velocity * (Core::deltaTime * 30.0f);
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(getRoomIndex(), (int)pos.x, (int)pos.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(getRoomIndex(), (int)pos.x, (int)pos.y, (int)pos.z, info);
if (pos.y > info.floor || pos.y < info.ceiling || !insideRoom(pos, getRoomIndex())) {
if (!inWall) {
TR::Entity &e = getEntity();
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ struct Block : Controller {
void updateFloor(bool rise) {
TR::Entity &e = getEntity();
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.z, info);
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, e.y, e.z, info);
if (info.roomNext != 0xFF)
e.room = info.roomNext;
int dx, dz;
@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ struct Block : Controller {
vec3 dir = getDir() * (push ? 1024.0f : -2048.0f);
TR::Entity &e = getEntity();
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x + (int)dir.x, e.z + (int)dir.z, info, true);
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x + (int)dir.x, e.y, e.z + (int)dir.z, info);
if ((info.slantX | info.slantZ) || info.floor != e.y)
return false;
if (!animation.setState(push ? STATE_PUSH : STATE_PULL))
@ -176,4 +177,70 @@ struct Block : Controller {
struct Door : Trigger {
Door(TR::Level *level, int entity) : Trigger(level, entity, true) {}
struct DoorFloor : Trigger {
DoorFloor(TR::Level *level, int entity) : Trigger(level, entity, true) {
getEntity().flags.collision = true;
virtual bool activate(ActionCommand *cmd) {
bool res = Trigger::activate(cmd);
getEntity().flags.collision = !getEntity().flags.active;
return res;
struct TrapFloor : Trigger {
enum {
float velocity;
TrapFloor(TR::Level *level, int entity) : Trigger(level, entity, true), velocity(0) {
TR::Entity &e = getEntity();
e.flags.collision = true;
virtual bool activate(ActionCommand *cmd) {
TR::Entity &e = level->entities[cmd->emitter];
if (e.type != TR::Entity::LARA) return true;
int ey = (int)pos.y - 512; // real floor object position
return (abs(e.y - ey) <= 8) ? Trigger::activate(cmd) : true;
virtual void update() {
if (state == STATE_FALL) {
TR::Entity &e = getEntity();
e.flags.collision = false;
velocity += GRAVITY * 30 * Core::deltaTime;
pos.y += velocity * Core::deltaTime;
TR::Level::FloorInfo info;
level->getFloorInfo(e.room, e.x, (int)pos.y, e.z, info);
if (pos.y > info.roomFloor && info.roomBelow != 0xFF)
e.room = info.roomBelow;
if (pos.y > info.floor) {
pos.y = info.floor;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user