mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 12:23:02 +01:00
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* Resize and crop images on the fly, store generated images in a cache.
* @author Mikael Roos mos@dbwebb.se
* @example http://dbwebb.se/opensource/cimage
* @link https://github.com/mosbth/cimage
$version = "v0.7.0.x (latest)";
* Default configuration options, can be overridden in own config-file.
* @param string $msg to display.
* @return void
function errorPage($msg)
global $mode;
header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
if ($mode == 'development') {
die("[img.php] $msg");
} else {
error_log("[img.php] $msg");
die("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
* Custom exception handler.
set_exception_handler(function ($exception) {
errorPage("<p><b>img.php: Uncaught exception:</b> <p>" . $exception->getMessage() . "</p><pre>" . $exception->getTraceAsString(), "</pre>");
* Get input from query string or return default value if not set.
* @param mixed $key as string or array of string values to look for in $_GET.
* @param mixed $default value to return when $key is not set in $_GET.
* @return mixed value from $_GET or default value.
function get($key, $default = null)
if (is_array($key)) {
foreach ($key as $val) {
if (isset($_GET[$val])) {
return $_GET[$val];
} elseif (isset($_GET[$key])) {
return $_GET[$key];
return $default;
* Get input from query string and set to $defined if defined or else $undefined.
* @param mixed $key as string or array of string values to look for in $_GET.
* @param mixed $defined value to return when $key is set in $_GET.
* @param mixed $undefined value to return when $key is not set in $_GET.
* @return mixed value as $defined or $undefined.
function getDefined($key, $defined, $undefined)
return get($key) === null ? $undefined : $defined;
* Get value from config array or default if key is not set in config array.
* @param string $key the key in the config array.
* @param mixed $default value to be default if $key is not set in config.
* @return mixed value as $config[$key] or $default.
function getConfig($key, $default)
global $config;
return isset($config[$key])
? $config[$key]
: $default;
* Log when verbose mode, when used without argument it returns the result.
* @param string $msg to log.
* @return void or array.
function verbose($msg = null)
global $verbose;
static $log = array();
if (!$verbose) {
if (is_null($msg)) {
return $log;
$log[] = $msg;
* Get configuration options from file, if the file exists, else use $config
* if its defined or create an empty $config.
$configFile = __DIR__.'/'.basename(__FILE__, '.php').'_config.php';
if (is_file($configFile)) {
$config = require $configFile;
} else if (!isset($config)) {
$config = array();
* verbose, v - do a verbose dump of what happens
$verbose = getDefined(array('verbose', 'v'), true, false);
verbose("img.php version = $version");
* Set mode as strict, production or development.
* Default is production environment.
$mode = getConfig('mode', 'production');
// Settings for any mode
ini_set('gd.jpeg_ignore_warning', 1);
if (!extension_loaded('gd')) {
errorPage("Extension gd is nod loaded.");
// Specific settings for each mode
if ($mode == 'strict') {
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
$verbose = false;
} else if ($mode == 'production') {
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
$verbose = false;
} else if ($mode == 'development') {
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('log_errors', 0);
} else {
errorPage("Unknown mode: $mode");
verbose("mode = $mode");
verbose("error log = " . ini_get('error_log'));
* Set default timezone if not set or if its set in the config-file.
$defaultTimezone = getConfig('default_timezone', null);
if ($defaultTimezone) {
} else if (!ini_get('default_timezone')) {
* Check if passwords are configured, used and match.
* Options decide themself if they require passwords to be used.
$pwdConfig = getConfig('password', false);
$pwdAlways = getConfig('password_always', false);
$pwd = get(array('password', 'pwd'), null);
// Check if passwords match, if configured to use passwords
$passwordMatch = null;
if ($pwdAlways) {
$passwordMatch = ($pwdConfig === $pwd);
if (!$passwordMatch) {
errorPage("Password required and does not match or exists.");
} elseif ($pwdConfig && $pwd) {
$passwordMatch = ($pwdConfig === $pwd);
verbose("password match = $passwordMatch");
* Prevent hotlinking, leeching, of images by controlling who access them
* from where.
$allowHotlinking = getConfig('allow_hotlinking', true);
$hotlinkingWhitelist = getConfig('hotlinking_whitelist', array());
$serverName = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : null;
$referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null;
$refererHost = parse_url($referer, PHP_URL_HOST);
if (!$allowHotlinking) {
if ($passwordMatch) {
; // Always allow when password match
} else if ($passwordMatch === false) {
errorPage("Hotlinking/leeching not allowed when password missmatch.");
} else if (!$referer) {
errorPage("Hotlinking/leeching not allowed and referer is missing.");
} else if (strcmp($serverName, $refererHost) == 0) {
; // Allow when serverName matches refererHost
} else if (!empty($hotlinkingWhitelist)) {
$allowedByWhitelist = false;
foreach ($hotlinkingWhitelist as $val) {
if (preg_match($val, $refererHost)) {
$allowedByWhitelist = true;
if (!$allowedByWhitelist) {
errorPage("Hotlinking/leeching not allowed by whitelist.");
} else {
errorPage("Hotlinking/leeching not allowed.");
verbose("allow_hotlinking = $allowHotlinking");
verbose("referer = $referer");
verbose("referer host = $refererHost");
* Get the source files.
$autoloader = getConfig('autoloader', false);
$cimageClass = getConfig('cimage_class', false);
if ($autoloader) {
require $autoloader;
} else if ($cimageClass) {
require $cimageClass;
* Create the class for the image.
$img = new CImage();
* Allow or disallow remote download of images from other servers.
* Passwords apply if used.
$allowRemote = getConfig('remote_allow', false);
if ($allowRemote && $passwordMatch !== false) {
$pattern = getConfig('remote_pattern', null);
$img->setRemoteDownload($allowRemote, $pattern);
$whitelist = getConfig('remote_whitelist', null);
* shortcut, sc - extend arguments with a constant value, defined
* in config-file.
$shortcut = get(array('shortcut', 'sc'), null);
$shortcutConfig = getConfig('shortcut', array(
'sepia' => "&f=grayscale&f0=brightness,-10&f1=contrast,-20&f2=colorize,120,60,0,0&sharpen",
verbose("shortcut = $shortcut");
if (isset($shortcut)
&& isset($shortcutConfig[$shortcut])) {
parse_str($shortcutConfig[$shortcut], $get);
verbose("shortcut-constant = {$shortcutConfig[$shortcut]}");
$_GET = array_merge($_GET, $get);
* src - the source image file.
$srcImage = get('src')
or errorPage('Must set src-attribute.');
// Check for valid/invalid characters
$imagePath = getConfig('image_path', __DIR__ . '/img/');
$imagePathConstraint = getConfig('image_path_constraint', true);
$validFilename = getConfig('valid_filename', '#^[a-z0-9A-Z-/_\.:]+$#');
preg_match($validFilename, $srcImage)
or errorPage('Filename contains invalid characters.');
if ($allowRemote && $img->isRemoteSource($srcImage)) {
// If source is a remote file, ignore local file checks.
} else if ($imagePathConstraint) {
// Check that the image is a file below the directory 'image_path'.
$pathToImage = realpath($imagePath . $srcImage);
$imageDir = realpath($imagePath);
or errorPage(
'Source image is not a valid file, check the filename and that a
matching file exists on the filesystem.'
substr_compare($imageDir, $pathToImage, 0, strlen($imageDir)) == 0
or errorPage(
'Security constraint: Source image is not below the directory "image_path"
as specified in the config file img_config.php.'
verbose("src = $srcImage");
* Manage size constants from config file, use constants to replace values
* for width and height.
$sizeConstant = getConfig('size_constant', function () {
// Set sizes to map constant to value, easier to use with width or height
$sizes = array(
'w1' => 613,
'w2' => 630,
// Add grid column width, useful for use as predefined size for width (or height).
$gridColumnWidth = 30;
$gridGutterWidth = 10;
$gridColumns = 24;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $gridColumns; $i++) {
$sizes['c' . $i] = ($gridColumnWidth + $gridGutterWidth) * $i - $gridGutterWidth;
return $sizes;
$sizes = call_user_func($sizeConstant);
* width, w - set target width, affecting the resulting image width, height and resize options
$newWidth = get(array('width', 'w'));
$maxWidth = getConfig('max_width', 2000);
// Check to replace predefined size
if (isset($sizes[$newWidth])) {
$newWidth = $sizes[$newWidth];
// Support width as % of original width
if ($newWidth[strlen($newWidth)-1] == '%') {
is_numeric(substr($newWidth, 0, -1))
or errorPage('Width % not numeric.');
} else {
or ($newWidth > 10 && $newWidth <= $maxWidth)
or errorPage('Width out of range.');
verbose("new width = $newWidth");
* height, h - set target height, affecting the resulting image width, height and resize options
$newHeight = get(array('height', 'h'));
$maxHeight = getConfig('max_height', 2000);
// Check to replace predefined size
if (isset($sizes[$newHeight])) {
$newHeight = $sizes[$newHeight];
// height
if ($newHeight[strlen($newHeight)-1] == '%') {
is_numeric(substr($newHeight, 0, -1))
or errorPage('Height % out of range.');
} else {
or ($newHeight > 10 && $newHeight <= $maxHeight)
or errorPage('Hight out of range.');
verbose("new height = $newHeight");
* aspect-ratio, ar - affecting the resulting image width, height and resize options
$aspectRatio = get(array('aspect-ratio', 'ar'));
$aspectRatioConstant = getConfig('aspect_ratio_constant', function () {
return array(
'3:1' => 3/1,
'3:2' => 3/2,
'4:3' => 4/3,
'8:5' => 8/5,
'16:10' => 16/10,
'16:9' => 16/9,
'golden' => 1.618,
// Check to replace predefined aspect ratio
$aspectRatios = call_user_func($aspectRatioConstant);
$negateAspectRatio = ($aspectRatio[0] == '!') ? true : false;
$aspectRatio = $negateAspectRatio ? substr($aspectRatio, 1) : $aspectRatio;
if (isset($aspectRatios[$aspectRatio])) {
$aspectRatio = $aspectRatios[$aspectRatio];
if ($negateAspectRatio) {
$aspectRatio = 1 / $aspectRatio;
or is_numeric($aspectRatio)
or errorPage('Aspect ratio out of range');
verbose("aspect ratio = $aspectRatio");
* crop-to-fit, cf - affecting the resulting image width, height and resize options
$cropToFit = getDefined(array('crop-to-fit', 'cf'), true, false);
verbose("crop to fit = $cropToFit");
* Set default background color from config file.
$backgroundColor = getConfig('background_color', null);
if ($backgroundColor) {
verbose("Using default background_color = $backgroundColor");
* bgColor - Default background color to use
$bgColor = get(array('bgColor', 'bg-color', 'bgc'), null);
verbose("bgColor = $bgColor");
* fill-to-fit, ff - affecting the resulting image width, height and resize options
$fillToFit = get(array('fill-to-fit', 'ff'), null);
verbose("fill-to-fit = $fillToFit");
if ($fillToFit !== null) {
if (!empty($fillToFit)) {
$bgColor = $fillToFit;
verbose("fillToFit changed bgColor to = $bgColor");
$fillToFit = true;
verbose("fill-to-fit (fixed) = $fillToFit");
* no-ratio, nr, stretch - affecting the resulting image width, height and resize options
$keepRatio = getDefined(array('no-ratio', 'nr', 'stretch'), false, true);
verbose("keep ratio = $keepRatio");
* crop, c - affecting the resulting image width, height and resize options
$crop = get(array('crop', 'c'));
verbose("crop = $crop");
* area, a - affecting the resulting image width, height and resize options
$area = get(array('area', 'a'));
verbose("area = $area");
* skip-original, so - skip the original image and always process a new image
$useOriginal = getDefined(array('skip-original', 'so'), false, true);
verbose("use original = $useOriginal");
* no-cache, nc - skip the cached version and process and create a new version in cache.
$useCache = getDefined(array('no-cache', 'nc'), false, true);
verbose("use cache = $useCache");
* quality, q - set level of quality for jpeg images
$quality = get(array('quality', 'q'));
or ($quality > 0 and $quality <= 100)
or errorPage('Quality out of range');
verbose("quality = $quality");
* compress, co - what strategy to use when compressing png images
$compress = get(array('compress', 'co'));
or ($compress > 0 and $compress <= 9)
or errorPage('Compress out of range');
verbose("compress = $compress");
* save-as, sa - what type of image to save
$saveAs = get(array('save-as', 'sa'));
verbose("save as = $saveAs");
* scale, s - Processing option, scale up or down the image prior actual resize
$scale = get(array('scale', 's'));
or ($scale >= 0 and $scale <= 400)
or errorPage('Scale out of range');
verbose("scale = $scale");
* palette, p - Processing option, create a palette version of the image
$palette = getDefined(array('palette', 'p'), true, false);
verbose("palette = $palette");
* sharpen - Processing option, post filter for sharpen effect
$sharpen = getDefined('sharpen', true, null);
verbose("sharpen = $sharpen");
* emboss - Processing option, post filter for emboss effect
$emboss = getDefined('emboss', true, null);
verbose("emboss = $emboss");
* blur - Processing option, post filter for blur effect
$blur = getDefined('blur', true, null);
verbose("blur = $blur");
* rotateBefore - Rotate the image with an angle, before processing
$rotateBefore = get(array('rotateBefore', 'rotate-before', 'rb'));
or ($rotateBefore >= -360 and $rotateBefore <= 360)
or errorPage('RotateBefore out of range');
verbose("rotateBefore = $rotateBefore");
* rotateAfter - Rotate the image with an angle, before processing
$rotateAfter = get(array('rotateAfter', 'rotate-after', 'ra', 'rotate', 'r'));
or ($rotateAfter >= -360 and $rotateAfter <= 360)
or errorPage('RotateBefore out of range');
verbose("rotateAfter = $rotateAfter");
* autoRotate - Auto rotate based on EXIF information
$autoRotate = getDefined(array('autoRotate', 'auto-rotate', 'aro'), true, false);
verbose("autoRotate = $autoRotate");
* filter, f, f0-f9 - Processing option, post filter for various effects using imagefilter()
$filters = array();
$filter = get(array('filter', 'f'));
if ($filter) {
$filters[] = $filter;
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$filter = get(array("filter{$i}", "f{$i}"));
if ($filter) {
$filters[] = $filter;
verbose("filters = " . print_r($filters, 1));
* json - output the image as a JSON object with details on the image.
$outputFormat = getDefined('json', 'json', null);
verbose("json = $outputFormat");
* dpr - change to get larger image to easier support larger dpr, such as retina.
$dpr = get(array('ppi', 'dpr', 'device-pixel-ratio'), 1);
verbose("dpr = $dpr");
* convolve - image convolution as in http://php.net/manual/en/function.imageconvolution.php
$convolve = get('convolve', null);
$convolutionConstant = getConfig('convolution_constant', array());
// Check if the convolve is matching an existing constant
if ($convolve && isset($convolutionConstant)) {
verbose("convolve constant = " . print_r($convolutionConstant, 1));
verbose("convolve = " . print_r($convolve, 1));
* no-upscale, nu - Do not upscale smaller image to larger dimension.
$upscale = getDefined(array('no-upscale', 'nu'), false, true);
verbose("upscale = $upscale");
* Get details for post processing
$postProcessing = getConfig('postprocessing', array(
'png_filter' => false,
'png_filter_cmd' => '/usr/local/bin/optipng -q',
'png_deflate' => false,
'png_deflate_cmd' => '/usr/local/bin/pngout -q',
'jpeg_optimize' => false,
'jpeg_optimize_cmd' => '/usr/local/bin/jpegtran -copy none -optimize',
* alias - Save resulting image to another alias name.
* Password always apply, must be defined.
$alias = get('alias', null);
$aliasPath = getConfig('alias_path', null);
$validAliasname = getConfig('valid_aliasname', '#^[a-z0-9A-Z-_]+$#');
$aliasTarget = null;
if ($alias && $aliasPath && $passwordMatch) {
$aliasTarget = $aliasPath . $alias;
$useCache = false;
or errorPage("Directory for alias is not writable.");
preg_match($validAliasname, $alias)
or errorPage('Filename for alias contains invalid characters. Do not add extension.');
} else if ($alias) {
errorPage('Alias is not enabled in the config file or password not matching.');
verbose("alias = $alias");
* Display image if verbose mode
if ($verbose) {
$query = array();
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $query);
$url1 = '?' . htmlentities(urldecode(http_build_query($query)));
$url2 = '?' . urldecode(http_build_query($query));
echo <<<EOD
<a href=$url1><code>$url1</code></a><br>
<img src='{$url1}' />
<pre id="json"></pre>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.getDetails = function (url, id) {
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
element = document.getElementById(id);
element.innerHTML = "filename: " + data.filename + "\\ncolors: " + data.colors + "\\nsize: " + data.size + "\\nwidth: " + data.width + "\\nheigh: " + data.height + "\\naspect-ratio: " + data.aspectRatio;
<script type="text/javascript">window.getDetails("{$url2}&json", "json")</script>
* Get the cachepath from config.
$cachePath = getConfig('cache_path', __DIR__ . '/../cache/');
* Load, process and output the image
$img->log("Incoming arguments: " . print_r(verbose(), 1))
->setSource($srcImage, $imagePath)
// Options for calculate dimensions
'newWidth' => $newWidth,
'newHeight' => $newHeight,
'aspectRatio' => $aspectRatio,
'keepRatio' => $keepRatio,
'cropToFit' => $cropToFit,
'fillToFit' => $fillToFit,
'crop' => $crop,
'area' => $area,
'upscale' => $upscale,
// Pre-processing, before resizing is done
'scale' => $scale,
'rotateBefore' => $rotateBefore,
'autoRotate' => $autoRotate,
// General processing options
'bgColor' => $bgColor,
// Post-processing, after resizing is done
'palette' => $palette,
'filters' => $filters,
'sharpen' => $sharpen,
'emboss' => $emboss,
'blur' => $blur,
'convolve' => $convolve,
'rotateAfter' => $rotateAfter,
// Output format
'outputFormat' => $outputFormat,
'dpr' => $dpr,