reformat('SELECT * , [a] , [b] AS [bAlias] , [c], [d], [e] , [d] FROM [anotherTable] AS [anotherAlias] INNER JOIN [table3] ON table.col = table3.col WHERE col > 10 OR col < 5 AND active = 1 AND [col] IN (1, 2, 3) ORDER BY [val] ASC , [val2] DESC , [val3] DESC'),
reformat('SELECT * , [a] , [b] AS [bAlias] , [c], [d], [e] , [d] FROM [anotherTable] AS [anotherAlias] INNER JOIN [table3] ON table.col = table3.col WHERE col > 10 OR col < 5 AND active = 1 AND [col] IN (1, 2, 3)'),
reformat('SELECT * , (SELECT count(*) FROM [precteni] AS [P] WHERE P.id_clanku = C.id_clanku) FROM [clanky] AS [C] WHERE id_clanku=123 LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0'),
reformat('SELECT * , [x] AS [xAlias] FROM [products] INNER JOIN [orders] USING (product_id) INNER JOIN [customers] USING ([customer_id]) INNER JOIN [items] USING ([customer_id], [order_id])'),
(string) $fluent
$fluent = $conn->command()->select()
reformat('SELECT * FROM [products] INNER JOIN [orders] USING (product_id)'),