2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< ? php //netteloader=
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
* This file is part of the Nette Framework ( http :// nette . org )
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
* Copyright ( c ) 2004 , 2011 David Grudl ( http :// davidgrudl . com )
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
* For the full copyright and license information , please view
* the file license . txt that was distributed with this source code .
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
* For more information please see http :// nette . org
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
* @ package Nette\Diagnostics
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2010-01-11 17:03:20 +01:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
define ( 'NETTE_DIR' , dirname ( __FILE__ )); interface
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
IBarPanel { function
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
getTab (); function
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
getPanel ();} class
DebugBar { private $panels = array (); public
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
addPanel ( IBarPanel $panel , $id = NULL ){ if ( $id === NULL ){ $c = 0 ; do { $id = get_class ( $panel ) . ( $c ++ ? " - $c " : '' );} while ( isset ( $this -> panels [ $id ]));} $this -> panels [ $id ] = $panel ;} public
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
render (){ $panels = array (); foreach ( $this -> panels
as $id => $panel ){ try { $panels [] = array ( 'id' => preg_replace ( '#[^a-z0-9]+#i' , '-' , $id ), 'tab' => $tab = ( string ) $panel -> getTab (), 'panel' => $tab ? ( string ) $panel -> getPanel () : NULL );} catch ( Exception $e ){ $panels [] = array ( 'id' => " error- $id " , 'tab' => " Error: $id " , 'panel' => nl2br ( htmlSpecialChars (( string ) $e )));}} ?>
<!-- Nette Debug Bar -->
< ? php ob_start () ?>
& nbsp ;
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< style id = " nette-debug-style " class = " nette " > #nette-debug{display:none;position:fixed}body#nette-debug{margin:5px 5px 0;display:block}#nette-debug *{font:inherit;color:inherit;background:transparent;margin:0;padding:0;border:none;text-align:inherit;list-style:inherit}#nette-debug .nette-fixed-coords{position:fixed;_position:absolute;right:0;bottom:0;max-width:100%}#nette-debug a{color:#125EAE;text-decoration:none}#nette-debug .nette-panel a{color:#125EAE;text-decoration:none}#nette-debug a:hover,#nette-debug a:active,#nette-debug a:focus{background-color:#125EAE;color:white}#nette-debug .nette-panel h2,#nette-debug .nette-panel h3,#nette-debug .nette-panel p{margin:.4em 0}#nette-debug .nette-panel table{border-collapse:collapse;background:#FDF5CE}#nette-debug .nette-panel tr:nth-child(2n) td{background:#F7F0CB}#nette-debug .nette-panel td,#nette-debug .nette-panel th{border:1px solid #E6DFBF;padding:2px 5px;vertical-align:top;text-align:left}#nette-debug .nette-panel th{background:#F4F3F1;color:#655E5E;font-size:90%;font-weight:bold}#nette-debug .nette-panel pre,#nette-debug .nette-panel code{font:9pt/1.5 Consolas,monospace}#nette-debug table .nette-right{text-align:right}.nette-hidden,.nette-collapsed{display:none}#nette-debug-bar{font:normal normal 12px/21px Tahoma,sans-serif;color:#333;border:1px solid #c9c9c9;background:#EDEAE0 url('') top;position:relative;overflow:auto;min-height:21px;_float:left;min-width:50px;white-space:nowrap;z-index:23181;opacity:.9;border-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius:3px;box-shadow:1px 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.15);-moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.15);-webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.15)}#nette-debug-bar:hover{opacity:1}#nette-debug-bar ul{list-style:none none;margin-left:4px}#nette-debug-bar li{float:left}#nette-debug-bar img{vertical-align:middle;position:relative;top:-1px;margin-right:3px}#nette-debug-bar li a{color:#000;display:block;padding:0 4px}#nette-debug-bar li a:hover{color:black;background:#c3c1b8}#nette-debug-bar li .nette-warning{color:#D32B2B;font-weight:bold}#nette-debug-bar li>span{padding:0 4px}#nette-debug-logo{background:url('
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
<!-- [ if lt IE 8 ] >< style class = " nette " > #nette-debug-bar img{display:none}#nette-debug-bar li{border-left:1px solid #DCD7C8;padding:0 3px}#nette-debug-logo span{background:#edeae0;display:inline}</style><![endif]-->
< script id = " nette-debug-script " >/*<! [ CDATA [ */ var Nette = Nette || {};
( function (){ Nette . Class = function ( a ){ var b = a . constructor || function (){}, c , d = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; delete a . constructor ; if ( a . Extends ){ var f = function (){ this . constructor = b }; f . prototype = a . Extends . prototype ; b . prototype = new f ; delete a . Extends } if ( a . Static ){ for ( c in a . Static ) if ( d . call ( a . Static , c )) b [ c ] = a . Static [ c ]; delete a . Static } for ( c in a ) if ( d . call ( a , c )) b . prototype [ c ] = a [ c ]; return b }; Nette . Q = Nette . Class ({ Static : { factory : function ( a ){ return new Nette . Q ( a )}, implement : function ( a ){ var b , c = Nette . Q . implement ,
d = Nette . Q . prototype , f = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; for ( b in a ) if ( f . call ( a , b )){ c [ b ] = a [ b ]; d [ b ] = function ( i ){ return function (){ return this . each ( c [ i ], arguments )}}( b )}}}, constructor : function ( a ){ if ( typeof a === " string " ) a = this . _find ( document , a ); else if ( ! a || a . nodeType || a . length === undefined || a === window ) a = [ a ]; for ( var b = 0 , c = a . length ; b < c ; b ++ ) if ( a [ b ]) this [ this . length ++ ] = a [ b ]}, length : 0 , find : function ( a ){ return new Nette . Q ( this . _find ( this [ 0 ], a ))}, _find : function ( a , b ){ if ( ! a ||! b ) return []; else if ( document . querySelectorAll ) return a . querySelectorAll ( b );
else if ( b . charAt ( 0 ) === " # " ) return [ document . getElementById ( b . substring ( 1 ))]; else { b = b . split ( " . " ); var c = a . getElementsByTagName ( b [ 0 ] || " * " ); if ( b [ 1 ]){ for ( var d = [], f = RegExp ( " (^| \\ s) " + b [ 1 ] + " ( \\ s| $ ) " ), i = 0 , k = c . length ; i < k ; i ++ ) f . test ( c [ i ] . className ) && d . push ( c [ i ]); return d } else return c }}, dom : function (){ return this [ 0 ]}, each : function ( a , b ){ for ( var c = 0 , d ; c < this . length ; c ++ ) if (( d = a . apply ( this [ c ], b || [])) !== undefined ) return d ; return this }}); var h = Nette . Q . factory , e = Nette . Q . implement ; e ({ bind : function ( a , b ){ if ( document . addEventListener &&
( a === " mouseenter " || a === " mouseleave " )){ var c = b ; a = a === " mouseenter " ? " mouseover " : " mouseout " ; b = function ( g ){ for ( var j = g . relatedTarget ; j ; j = j . parentNode ) if ( j === this ) return ; c . call ( this , g )}} var d = e . data . call ( this ); d = d . events = d . events || {}; if ( ! d [ a ]){ var f = this , i = d [ a ] = [], k = e . bind . genericHandler = function ( g ){ if ( ! g . target ) g . target = g . srcElement ; if ( ! g . preventDefault ) g . preventDefault = function (){ g . returnValue = false }; if ( ! g . stopPropagation ) g . stopPropagation = function (){ g . cancelBubble = true }; g . stopImmediatePropagation = function (){ this . stopPropagation ();
j = i . length }; for ( var j = 0 ; j < i . length ; j ++ ) i [ j ] . call ( f , g )}; if ( document . addEventListener ) this . addEventListener ( a , k , false ); else document . attachEvent && this . attachEvent ( " on " + a , k )} d [ a ] . push ( b )}, addClass : function ( a ){ this . className = this . className . replace ( /^| \s +| $ / g , " " ) . replace ( " " + a + " " , " " ) + " " + a }, removeClass : function ( a ){ this . className = this . className . replace ( /^| \s +| $ / g , " " ) . replace ( " " + a + " " , " " )}, hasClass : function ( a ){ return this . className . replace ( /^| \s +| $ / g , " " ) . indexOf ( " " + a + " " ) >- 1 }, show : function (){ var a =
e . show . display = e . show . display || {}, b = this . tagName ; if ( ! a [ b ]){ var c = document . body . appendChild ( document . createElement ( b )); a [ b ] = e . css . call ( c , " display " )} this . style . display = a [ b ]}, hide : function (){ this . style . display = " none " }, css : function ( a ){ return this . currentStyle ? this . currentStyle [ a ] : window . getComputedStyle ? document . defaultView . getComputedStyle ( this , null ) . getPropertyValue ( a ) : undefined }, data : function (){ return this . nette ? this . nette : this . nette = {}}, val : function (){ var a ; if ( ! this . nodeName ){ a = 0 ; for ( len = this . length ; a <
len ; a ++ ) if ( this [ a ] . checked ) return this [ a ] . value ; return null } if ( this . nodeName . toLowerCase () === " select " ){ a = this . selectedIndex ; var b = this . options ; if ( a < 0 ) return null ; else if ( this . type === " select-one " ) return b [ a ] . value ; a = 0 ; values = []; for ( len = b . length ; a < len ; a ++ ) b [ a ] . selected && values . push ( b [ a ] . value ); return values } if ( this . type === " checkbox " ) return this . checked ; return this . value . replace ( /^ \s +| \s + $ / g , " " )}, _trav : function ( a , b , c ){ for ( b = b . split ( " . " ); a &&! ( a . nodeType === 1 && ( ! b [ 0 ] || a . tagName . toLowerCase () === b [ 0 ]) && ( ! b [ 1 ] ||
e . hasClass . call ( a , b [ 1 ])));) a = a [ c ]; return h ( a )}, closest : function ( a ){ return e . _trav ( this , a , " parentNode " )}, prev : function ( a ){ return e . _trav ( this . previousSibling , a , " previousSibling " )}, next : function ( a ){ return e . _trav ( this . nextSibling , a , " nextSibling " )}, offset : function ( a ){ for ( var b = this , c = a ? { left :- a . left || 0 , top :- a . top || 0 } : e . position . call ( b ); b = b . offsetParent ;){ c . left += b . offsetLeft ; c . top += b . offsetTop } if ( a ) e . position . call ( this ,{ left :- c . left , top :- c . top }); else return c }, position : function ( a ){ if ( a ){ this . nette &&
this . nette . onmove && this . nette . onmove . call ( this , a ); this . style . left = ( a . left || 0 ) + " px " ; this . style . top = ( a . top || 0 ) + " px " } else return { left : this . offsetLeft , top : this . offsetTop , width : this . offsetWidth , height : this . offsetHeight }}, draggable : function ( a ){ var b = h ( this ), c = document . documentElement , d ; a = a || {}; h ( a . handle || this ) . bind ( " mousedown " , function ( f ){ f . preventDefault (); f . stopPropagation (); if ( e . draggable . binded ) return c . onmouseup ( f ); var i = b [ 0 ] . offsetLeft - f . clientX , k = b [ 0 ] . offsetTop - f . clientY ; e . draggable . binded = true ;
d = false ; c . onmousemove = function ( g ){ g = g || event ; if ( ! d ){ a . draggedClass && b . addClass ( a . draggedClass ); a . start && a . start ( g , b ); d = true } b . position ({ left : g . clientX + i , top : g . clientY + k }); return false }; c . onmouseup = function ( g ){ if ( d ){ a . draggedClass && b . removeClass ( a . draggedClass ); if ( a . stop ) a . stop ( g || event , b )} e . draggable . binded = c . onmousemove = c . onmouseup = null ; return false }}) . bind ( " click " , function ( f ){ if ( d ){ f . stopImmediatePropagation (); preventClick = false }})}})})();
( function (){ Nette . Debug = {}; var h = Nette . Q . factory , e = Nette . Debug . Panel = Nette . Class ({ Extends : Nette . Q , Static : { PEEK : " nette-mode-peek " , FLOAT : " nette-mode-float " , WINDOW : " nette-mode-window " , FOCUSED : " nette-focused " , factory : function ( a ){ return new e ( a )}, _toggle : function ( a ){ var b = a . rel ; b = b . charAt ( 0 ) === " # " ? h ( b ) : h ( a )[ b === " prev " ? " prev " : " next " ]( b . substring ( 4 )); if ( b . css ( " display " ) === " none " ){ b . show (); a . innerHTML = a . innerHTML . replace ( " ► " , " ▼ " )} else { b . hide (); a . innerHTML = a . innerHTML . replace ( " ▼ " , " ► " )}}}, constructor : function ( a ){ Nette . Q . call ( this ,
" #nette-debug-panel- " + a . replace ( " nette-debug-panel- " , " " ))}, reposition : function (){ if ( this . hasClass ( e . WINDOW )) window . resizeBy ( document . documentElement . scrollWidth - document . documentElement . clientWidth , document . documentElement . scrollHeight - document . documentElement . clientHeight ); else { this . position ( this . position ()); if ( this . position () . width ) document . cookie = this . dom () . id + " = " + this . position () . left + " : " + this . position () . top + " ; path=/ " }}, focus : function (){ if ( this . hasClass ( e . WINDOW )) this . data () . win . focus (); else { clearTimeout ( this . data () . blurTimeout );
this . addClass ( e . FOCUSED ) . show ()}}, blur : function (){ this . removeClass ( e . FOCUSED ); if ( this . hasClass ( e . PEEK )){ var a = this ; this . data () . blurTimeout = setTimeout ( function (){ a . hide ()}, 50 )}}, toFloat : function (){ this . removeClass ( e . WINDOW ) . removeClass ( e . PEEK ) . addClass ( e . FLOAT ) . show () . reposition (); return this }, toPeek : function (){ this . removeClass ( e . WINDOW ) . removeClass ( e . FLOAT ) . addClass ( e . PEEK ) . hide (); document . cookie = this . dom () . id + " =; path=/ " }, toWindow : function (){ var a = this , b , c ; c = this . offset (); var d = this . dom () . id ; c . left +=
typeof window . screenLeft === " number " ? window . screenLeft : window . screenX + 10 ; c . top += typeof window . screenTop === " number " ? window . screenTop : window . screenY + 50 ; if ( b = window . open ( " " , d . replace ( /-/ g , " _ " ), " left= " + c . left + " ,top= " + c . top + " ,width= " + c . width + " ,height= " + ( c . height + 15 ) + " ,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes " )){ c = b . document ; c . write ( '<!DOCTYPE html><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><style>' + h ( " #nette-debug-style " ) . dom () . innerHTML + " </style><script> " + h ( " #nette-debug-script " ) . dom () . innerHTML +
'<\/script><body id="nette-debug">' ); c . body . innerHTML = '<div class="nette-panel nette-mode-window" id="' + d + '">' + this . dom () . innerHTML + " </div> " ; b . Nette . Debug . Panel . factory ( d ) . initToggler () . reposition (); c . title = a . find ( " h1 " ) . dom () . innerHTML ; h ([ b ]) . bind ( " unload " , function (){ a . toPeek (); b . close ()}); h ( c ) . bind ( " keyup " , function ( f ){ f . keyCode === 27 &&! f . shiftKey &&! f . altKey &&! f . ctrlKey &&! f . metaKey && b . close ()}); document . cookie = d + " =window; path=/ " ; this . hide () . removeClass ( e . FLOAT ) . removeClass ( e . PEEK ) . addClass ( e . WINDOW ) . data () . win =
b }}, init : function (){ var a = this , b ; a . data () . onmove = function ( c ){ var d = document , f = window . innerHeight || d . documentElement . clientHeight || d . body . clientHeight ; c . left = Math . max ( Math . min ( c . left , 0.8 * this . offsetWidth ), 0.2 * this . offsetWidth - ( window . innerWidth || d . documentElement . clientWidth || d . body . clientWidth )); c . top = Math . max ( Math . min ( c . top , 0.8 * this . offsetHeight ), this . offsetHeight - f )}; h ( window ) . bind ( " resize " , function (){ a . reposition ()}); a . draggable ({ handle : a . find ( " h1 " ), stop : function (){ a . toFloat ()}}) . bind ( " mouseenter " ,
function (){ a . focus ()}) . bind ( " mouseleave " , function (){ a . blur ()}); this . initToggler (); a . find ( " .nette-icons " ) . find ( " a " ) . bind ( " click " , function ( c ){ this . rel === " close " ? a . toPeek () : a . toWindow (); c . preventDefault ()}); if ( b = document . cookie . match ( RegExp ( a . dom () . id + " =(window|(-?[0-9]+):(-?[0-9]+)) " ))) b [ 2 ] ? a . toFloat () . position ({ left : b [ 2 ], top : b [ 3 ]}) : a . toWindow (); else a . addClass ( e . PEEK )}, initToggler : function (){ var a = this ; this . bind ( " click " , function ( b ){ var c = h ( b . target ) . closest ( " a " ) . dom (); if ( c && c . rel ){ e . _toggle ( c ); b . preventDefault ();
a . reposition ()}}); return this }}); Nette . Debug . Bar = Nette . Class ({ Extends : Nette . Q , constructor : function (){ Nette . Q . call ( this , " #nette-debug-bar " )}, init : function (){ var a = this , b ; a . data () . onmove = function ( c ){ var d = document , f = window . innerHeight || d . documentElement . clientHeight || d . body . clientHeight ; c . left = Math . max ( Math . min ( c . left , 0 ), this . offsetWidth - ( window . innerWidth || d . documentElement . clientWidth || d . body . clientWidth )); c . top = Math . max ( Math . min ( c . top , 0 ), this . offsetHeight - f )}; h ( window ) . bind ( " resize " , function (){ a . position ( a . position ())});
a . draggable ({ draggedClass : " nette-dragged " , stop : function (){ document . cookie = a . dom () . id + " = " + a . position () . left + " : " + a . position () . top + " ; path=/ " }}); a . find ( " a " ) . bind ( " click " , function ( c ){ if ( this . rel === " close " ){ h ( " #nette-debug " ) . hide (); window . opera && h ( " body " ) . show ()} else if ( this . rel ){ var d = e . factory ( this . rel ); if ( c . shiftKey ) d . toFloat () . toWindow (); else if ( d . hasClass ( e . FLOAT )){ var f = h ( this ) . offset (); d . offset ({ left : f . left - d . position () . width + f . width + 4 , top : f . top - d . position () . height - 4 }) . toPeek ()} else d . toFloat () . position ({ left : d . position () . left -
Math . round ( Math . random () * 100 ) - 20 , top : d . position () . top - Math . round ( Math . random () * 100 ) - 20 }) . reposition ()} c . preventDefault ()}) . bind ( " mouseenter " , function (){ if ( ! ( ! this . rel || this . rel === " close " || a . hasClass ( " nette-dragged " ))){ var c = e . factory ( this . rel ); c . focus (); if ( c . hasClass ( e . PEEK )){ var d = h ( this ) . offset (); c . offset ({ left : d . left - c . position () . width + d . width + 4 , top : d . top - c . position () . height - 4 })}}}) . bind ( " mouseleave " , function (){ ! this . rel || this . rel === " close " || a . hasClass ( " nette-dragged " ) || e . factory ( this . rel ) . blur ()});
if ( b = document . cookie . match ( RegExp ( a . dom () . id + " =(-?[0-9]+):(-?[0-9]+) " ))) a . position ({ left : b [ 1 ], top : b [ 2 ]}); a . find ( " a " ) . each ( function (){ ! this . rel || this . rel === " close " || e . factory ( this . rel ) . init ()})}})})(); /*]]>*/ </ script >
< ? php foreach ( $panels
as $id => $panel ) : if ( ! $panel [ 'panel' ]) continue ; ?>
< div class = " nette-fixed-coords " >
< div class = " nette-panel " id = " nette-debug-panel-<?php echo $panel['id'] ?> " >
< ? php echo $panel [ 'panel' ] ?>
< div class = " nette-icons " >
< a href = " # " title = " open in window " >& curren ; </ a >
< a href = " # " rel = " close " title = " close window " >& times ; </ a >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php endforeach ?>
< div class = " nette-fixed-coords " >
< div id = " nette-debug-bar " >
< ul >
< li id = " nette-debug-logo " title = " PHP <?php echo
htmlSpecialChars ( PHP_VERSION . " | \n " . ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ]) ? $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ] . " | \n " : '' ) . ( class_exists ( 'Framework' ) ? 'Nette Framework ' . Framework :: VERSION . ' (' . substr ( Framework :: REVISION , 8 ) . ')' : '' )) ?> "> <span>Nette Framework</span></li>
< ? php foreach ( $panels
as $panel ) : if ( ! $panel [ 'tab' ]) continue ; ?>
< li >< ? php if ( $panel [ 'panel' ]) : ?> <a href="#" rel="<?php echo$panel['id']?>"><?php echo
trim ( $panel [ 'tab' ]) ?> </a><?php else:echo'<span>',trim($panel['tab']),'</span>';endif?></li>
< ? php endforeach ?>
< li >< a href = " # " rel = " close " title = " close debug bar " >& times ; </ a ></ li >
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php $output = ob_get_clean (); ?>
< div id = " nette-debug " ></ div >
< script >
( function ( onloadOrig ) {
window . onload = function () {
if ( typeof onloadOrig === 'function' ) onloadOrig ();
var debug = document . getElementById ( 'nette-debug' );
document . body . appendChild ( debug );
debug . innerHTML = < ? php echo
json_encode ( @ iconv ( 'UTF-16' , 'UTF-8//IGNORE' , iconv ( 'UTF-8' , 'UTF-16//IGNORE' , $output ))) ?> ;
for ( var i = 0 , scripts = debug . getElementsByTagName ( 'script' ); i < scripts . length ; i ++ ) eval ( scripts [ i ] . innerHTML );
( new Nette . Debug . Bar ) . init ();
Nette . Q . factory ( debug ) . show ();
})( window . onload );
</ script >
<!-- / Nette Debug Bar -->
< ? php }} class
DebugBlueScreen { private $panels = array (); public
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
addPanel ( $panel , $id = NULL ){ if ( $id === NULL ){ $this -> panels [] = $panel ;} else { $this -> panels [ $id ] = $panel ;}} public
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
render ( Exception $exception ){ $panels = $this -> panels ; static $errorTypes = array ( E_ERROR => 'Fatal Error' , E_USER_ERROR => 'User Error' , E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Recoverable Error' , E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error' , E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error' , E_PARSE => 'Parse Error' , E_WARNING => 'Warning' , E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning' , E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning' , E_USER_WARNING => 'User Warning' , E_NOTICE => 'Notice' , E_USER_NOTICE => 'User Notice' , E_STRICT => 'Strict' , E_DEPRECATED => 'Deprecated' , E_USER_DEPRECATED => 'User Deprecated' ); $title = ( $exception
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
FatalErrorException && isset ( $errorTypes [ $exception -> getSeverity ()])) ? $errorTypes [ $exception -> getSeverity ()] : get_class ( $exception ); $expandPath = NETTE_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ; $counter = 0 ; ?> <!-- "' --></script></style></pre></xmp></table>
<! DOCTYPE html >
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
< html >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
< head >
< meta http - equiv = " Content-Type " content = " text/html; charset=utf-8 " >
< meta name = " robots " content = " noindex,noarchive " >
< meta name = " generator " content = " Nette Framework " >
< title >< ? php echo
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
htmlspecialchars ( $title ) ?> </title><!-- <?php
$ex = $exception ; echo $ex -> getMessage (),( $ex -> getCode () ? ' #' . $ex -> getCode () : '' ); while (( method_exists ( $ex , 'getPrevious' ) && $ex = $ex -> getPrevious ()) || ( isset ( $ex -> previous ) && $ex = $ex -> previous )) echo '; caused by ' , get_class ( $ex ), ' ' , $ex -> getMessage (),( $ex -> getCode () ? ' #' . $ex -> getCode () : '' ); ?> -->
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< style type = " text/css " class = " nette " > html { overflow - y : scroll } body { margin : 0 0 2 em ; padding : 0 } #netteBluescreen{font:9pt/1.5 Verdana,sans-serif;background:white;color:#333;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;z-index:23178;text-align:left}#netteBluescreen *{font:inherit;color:inherit;background:transparent;border:none;margin:0;padding:0;text-align:inherit;text-indent:0}#netteBluescreen b{font-weight:bold}#netteBluescreen i{font-style:italic}#netteBluescreen a{text-decoration:none;color:#328ADC;padding:2px 4px;margin:-2px -4px}#netteBluescreen a:hover,#netteBluescreen a:active,#netteBluescreen a:focus{color:#085AA3}#netteBluescreen a abbr{font-family:sans-serif;color:#BBB}#netteBluescreenIcon{position:absolute;right:.5em;top:.5em;z-index:23179;text-decoration:none;background:#CD1818;padding:3px}#netteBluescreenError{background:#CD1818;color:white;font:13pt/1.5 Verdana,sans-serif!important;display:block}#netteBluescreenError #netteBsSearch{color:#CD1818;font-size:.7em}#netteBluescreenError:hover #netteBsSearch{color:#ED8383}#netteBluescreen h1{font-size:18pt;font-weight:normal;text-shadow:1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.4);margin:.7em 0}#netteBluescreen h2{font:14pt/1.5 sans-serif!important;color:#888;margin:.6em 0}#netteBluescreen h3{font:bold 10pt/1.5 Verdana,sans-serif!important;margin:1em 0;padding:0}#netteBluescreen p,#netteBluescreen pre{margin:.8em 0}#netteBluescreen pre,#netteBluescreen code,#netteBluescreen table{font:9pt/1.5 Consolas,monospace!important}#netteBluescreen pre,#netteBluescreen table{background:#FDF5CE;padding:.4em .7em;border:1px dotted silver;overflow:auto}#netteBluescreen table pre{padding:0;margin:0;border:none}#netteBluescreen pre .php-array,#netteBluescreen pre .php-object{color:#C22}#netteBluescreen pre .php-string{color:#080}#netteBluescreen pre .php-int,#netteBluescreen pre .php-float,#netteBluescreen pre .php-null,#netteBluescreen pre .php-bool{color:#328ADC}#netteBluescreen pre .php-visibility{font-size:85%;color:#998}#netteBluescreen pre.nette-dump a{color:#333}#netteBluescreen div.panel{padding:1px 25px}#netteBluescreen div.inner{background:#F4F3F1;padding:.1em 1em 1em;border-radius:8px;-moz-border-radius:8px;-webkit-border-radius:8px}#netteBluescreen table{border-collapse:collapse;width:100%}#netteBluescreen .outer{overflow:auto}#netteBluescreen td,#netteBluescreen th{vertical-align:top;text-align:left;padding:2px 6px;border:1px solid #e6dfbf}#netteBluescreen th{width:10%;font-weight:bold}#netteBluescreen tr:nth-child(2n),#netteBluescreen tr:nth-child(2n) pre{background-color:#F7F0CB}#netteBluescreen ol{margin:1em 0;padding-left:2.5em}#netteBluescreen ul{font:7pt/1.5 Verdana,sans-serif!important;padding:2em 4em;margin:1em 0 0;color:#777;background:#F6F5F3 url('') 99% 10px no-repeat;border-top:1px solid #DDD}#netteBluescreen .highlight{background:#CD1818;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;display:block;padding:0 .4em;margin:0 -.4em}#net
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
</ head >
< body >
2009-06-26 08:24:14 +00:00
< div id = " netteBluescreen " >
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< a id = " netteBluescreenIcon " href = " # " rel = " next " >< abbr >& #x25bc;</abbr></a
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
2009-06-26 08:24:14 +00:00
>< div >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< div id = " netteBluescreenError " class = " panel " >
< h1 >< ? php echo
2009-06-26 08:24:14 +00:00
htmlspecialchars ( $title ),( $exception -> getCode () ? ' #' . $exception -> getCode () : '' ) ?> </h1>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< p >< ? php echo
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
htmlspecialchars ( $exception -> getMessage ()) ?> <a href="http://www.google.cz/search?sourceid=nette&q=<?php echo
urlencode ( $title . ' ' . preg_replace ( '#\'.*\'|".*"#Us' , '' , $exception -> getMessage ())) ?> " id="netteBsSearch">search►</a></p>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ div >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php $ex = $exception ; $level = 0 ; ?>
< ? php do { ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php if ( $level ++ ) : ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " panel " >
< h2 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl<?php echo++ $counter ?> " > Caused by < abbr >< ? php echo ( $collapsed = $level > 2 ) ? '►' : '▼' ?> </abbr></a></h2>
< div id = " netteBsPnl<?php echo $counter ?> " class = " <?php echo $collapsed ?'nette-collapsed ':''?>inner " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< div class = " panel " >
< h1 >< ? php echo
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
htmlspecialchars ( get_class ( $ex )),( $ex -> getCode () ? ' #' . $ex -> getCode () : '' ) ?> </h1>
2010-11-02 03:29:19 +01:00
< p >< b >< ? php echo
htmlspecialchars ( $ex -> getMessage ()) ?> </b></p>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ div >
< ? php endif ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< ? php foreach ( $panels
as $panel ) : ?>
< ? php $panel = call_user_func ( $panel , $ex ); if ( empty ( $panel [ 'tab' ]) || empty ( $panel [ 'panel' ])) continue ; ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " panel " >
< h2 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl<?php echo++ $counter ?> " >< ? php echo
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
htmlSpecialChars ( $panel [ 'tab' ]) ?> <abbr>▼</abbr></a></h2>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div id = " netteBsPnl<?php echo $counter ?> " class = " inner " >
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< ? php echo $panel [ 'panel' ] ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
</ div ></ div >
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< ? php endforeach ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
< ? php $stack = $ex -> getTrace (); $expanded = NULL ?>
< ? php if ( strpos ( $ex -> getFile (), $expandPath ) === 0 ){ foreach ( $stack
as $key => $row ){ if ( isset ( $row [ 'file' ]) && strpos ( $row [ 'file' ], $expandPath ) !== 0 ){ $expanded = $key ; break ;}}} ?>
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " panel " >
< h2 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl<?php echo++ $counter ?> " > Source file < abbr >< ? php echo ( $collapsed = $expanded !== NULL ) ? '►' : '▼' ?> </abbr></a></h2>
< div id = " netteBsPnl<?php echo $counter ?> " class = " <?php echo $collapsed ?'nette-collapsed ':''?>inner " >
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< p >< b > File :</ b > < ? php echo
DebugHelpers :: editorLink ( $ex -> getFile (), $ex -> getLine ()) ?> <b>Line:</b> <?php echo$ex->getLine()?></p>
< ? php if ( is_file ( $ex -> getFile ())) : ?> <pre><?php echo
self :: highlightFile ( $ex -> getFile (), $ex -> getLine (), 15 , isset ( $ex -> context ) ? $ex -> context : NULL ) ?> </pre><?php endif?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
</ div ></ div >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $stack [ 0 ][ 'class' ]) && $stack [ 0 ][ 'class' ] === 'Debugger' && ( $stack [ 0 ][ 'function' ] === '_shutdownHandler' || $stack [ 0 ][ 'function' ] === '_errorHandler' )) unset ( $stack [ 0 ]) ?>
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
< ? php if ( $stack ) : ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " panel " >
< h2 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl<?php echo++ $counter ?> " > Call stack < abbr >& #x25bc;</abbr></a></h2>
< div id = " netteBsPnl<?php echo $counter ?> " class = " inner " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ol >
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
< ? php foreach ( $stack
as $key => $row ) : ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< li >< p >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2010-11-02 03:29:19 +01:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $row [ 'file' ]) && is_file ( $row [ 'file' ])) : ?>
< ? php echo
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
DebugHelpers :: editorLink ( $row [ 'file' ], $row [ 'line' ]), ':' , $row [ 'line' ] ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php else : ?>
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< i > inner - code </ i >< ? php if ( isset ( $row [ 'line' ])) echo ':' , $row [ 'line' ] ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php endif ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $row [ 'file' ]) && is_file ( $row [ 'file' ])) : ?> <a href="#" rel="netteBsSrc<?php echo"$level-$key"?>">source <abbr>►</abbr></a> <?php endif?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $row [ 'class' ])) echo $row [ 'class' ] . $row [ 'type' ] ?>
< ? php echo $row [ 'function' ] ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
( < ? php if ( ! empty ( $row [ 'args' ])) : ?> <a href="#" rel="netteBsArgs<?php echo"$level-$key"?>">arguments <abbr>►</abbr></a><?php endif?>)
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ p >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php if ( ! empty ( $row [ 'args' ])) : ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " nette-collapsed outer " id = " netteBsArgs<?php echo " $level - $key " ?> " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< table >
< ? php
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
try { $r = isset ( $row [ 'class' ]) ? new
ReflectionMethod ( $row [ 'class' ], $row [ 'function' ]) : new
2009-06-26 08:24:14 +00:00
ReflectionFunction ( $row [ 'function' ]); $params = $r -> getParameters ();} catch ( Exception $e ){ $params = array ();} foreach ( $row [ 'args' ] as $k => $v ){ echo '<tr><th>' ,( isset ( $params [ $k ]) ? '$' . $params [ $k ] -> name : " # $k " ), '</th><td>' ; echo
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
DebugHelpers :: clickableDump ( $v ); echo " </td></tr> \n " ;} ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ table >
</ div >
< ? php endif ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $row [ 'file' ]) && is_file ( $row [ 'file' ])) : ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< pre < ? php if ( $expanded !== $key ) echo 'class="nette-collapsed"' ; ?> id="netteBsSrc<?php echo"$level-$key"?>"><?php echo
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
self :: highlightFile ( $row [ 'file' ], $row [ 'line' ]) ?> </pre>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php endif ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ li >
< ? php endforeach ?>
</ ol >
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
</ div ></ div >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php endif ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php if ( isset ( $ex -> context ) && is_array ( $ex -> context )) : ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " panel " >
< h2 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl<?php echo++ $counter ?> " > Variables < abbr >& #x25ba;</abbr></a></h2>
< div id = " netteBsPnl<?php echo $counter ?> " class = " nette-collapsed inner " >
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
< div class = " outer " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< table >
< ? php
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
foreach ( $ex -> context
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
as $k => $v ){ echo '<tr><th>$' , htmlspecialchars ( $k ), '</th><td>' , DebugHelpers :: clickableDump ( $v ), " </td></tr> \n " ;} ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ table >
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
</ div >
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
</ div ></ div >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php endif ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php } while (( method_exists ( $ex , 'getPrevious' ) && $ex = $ex -> getPrevious ()) || ( isset ( $ex -> previous ) && $ex = $ex -> previous )); ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< ? php while ( -- $level ) echo '</div></div>' ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< ? php foreach ( $panels
as $panel ) : ?>
< ? php $panel = call_user_func ( $panel , NULL ); if ( empty ( $panel [ 'tab' ]) || empty ( $panel [ 'panel' ])) continue ; ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " panel " >
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< h2 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl<?php echo++ $counter ?> " >< ? php echo
htmlSpecialChars ( $panel [ 'tab' ]) ?> <abbr>►</abbr></a></h2>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div id = " netteBsPnl<?php echo $counter ?> " class = " nette-collapsed inner " >
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< ? php echo $panel [ 'panel' ] ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
</ div ></ div >
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< ? php endforeach ?>
2009-09-18 07:26:02 +02:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " panel " >
< h2 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl<?php echo++ $counter ?> " > Environment < abbr >& #x25ba;</abbr></a></h2>
< div id = " netteBsPnl<?php echo $counter ?> " class = " nette-collapsed inner " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
$list = get_defined_constants ( TRUE ); if ( ! empty ( $list [ 'user' ])) : ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< h3 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl-env-const " > Constants < abbr >& #x25bc;</abbr></a></h3>
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
< div class = " outer " >
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
< table id = " netteBsPnl-env-const " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
foreach ( $list [ 'user' ] as $k => $v ){ echo '<tr><th>' , htmlspecialchars ( $k ), '</th>' ; echo '<td>' , DebugHelpers :: clickableDump ( $v ), " </td></tr> \n " ;} ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ table >
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
</ div >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php endif ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< h3 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl-env-files " > Included files < abbr >& #x25ba;</abbr></a> (<?php echo
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
count ( get_included_files ()) ?> )</h3>
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
< div class = " outer " >
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< table id = " netteBsPnl-env-files " class = " nette-collapsed " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
foreach ( get_included_files () as $v ){ echo '<tr><td>' , htmlspecialchars ( $v ), " </td></tr> \n " ;} ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ table >
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
</ div >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< h3 > $_SERVER </ h3 >
< ? php if ( empty ( $_SERVER )) : ?>
< p >< i > empty </ i ></ p >
< ? php else : ?>
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
< div class = " outer " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< table >
< ? php
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
foreach ( $_SERVER
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
as $k => $v ) echo '<tr><th>' , htmlspecialchars ( $k ), '</th><td>' , DebugHelpers :: clickableDump ( $v ), " </td></tr> \n " ; ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ table >
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
</ div >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php endif ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
</ div ></ div >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " panel " >
< h2 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl<?php echo++ $counter ?> " > HTTP request < abbr >& #x25ba;</abbr></a></h2>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div id = " netteBsPnl<?php echo $counter ?> " class = " nette-collapsed inner " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php if ( function_exists ( 'apache_request_headers' )) : ?>
< h3 > Headers </ h3 >
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
< div class = " outer " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< table >
< ? php
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
foreach ( apache_request_headers () as $k => $v ) echo '<tr><th>' , htmlspecialchars ( $k ), '</th><td>' , htmlspecialchars ( $v ), " </td></tr> \n " ; ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ table >
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
</ div >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php endif ?>
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php foreach ( array ( '_GET' , '_POST' , '_COOKIE' ) as $name ) : ?>
< h3 > $ < ? php echo $name ?> </h3>
< ? php if ( empty ( $GLOBALS [ $name ])) : ?>
< p >< i > empty </ i ></ p >
< ? php else : ?>
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
< div class = " outer " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< table >
< ? php
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
foreach ( $GLOBALS [ $name ] as $k => $v ) echo '<tr><th>' , htmlspecialchars ( $k ), '</th><td>' , DebugHelpers :: clickableDump ( $v ), " </td></tr> \n " ; ?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ table >
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
</ div >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php endif ?>
< ? php endforeach ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
</ div ></ div >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< div class = " panel " >
< h2 >< a href = " # " rel = " netteBsPnl<?php echo++ $counter ?> " > HTTP response < abbr >& #x25ba;</abbr></a></h2>
< div id = " netteBsPnl<?php echo $counter ?> " class = " nette-collapsed inner " >
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< h3 > Headers </ h3 >
< ? php if ( headers_list ()) : ?>
< pre >< ? php
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
foreach ( headers_list () as $s ) echo
htmlspecialchars ( $s ), '<br>' ; ?> </pre>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ? php else : ?>
< p >< i > no headers </ i ></ p >
< ? php endif ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
</ div ></ div >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
< ul >
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< li > Report generated at < ? php echo @ date ( 'Y/m/d H:i:s' , Debugger :: $time ) ?> </li>
< ? php if ( preg_match ( '#^https?://#' , Debugger :: $source )) : ?>
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
< li >< a href = " <?php echo
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
htmlSpecialChars ( Debugger :: $source ) ?> "><?php echo
htmlSpecialChars ( Debugger :: $source ) ?> </a></li>
< ? php elseif ( Debugger :: $source ) : ?>
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
< li >< ? php echo
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
htmlSpecialChars ( Debugger :: $source ) ?> </li>
2010-04-01 05:24:13 +02:00
< ? php endif ?>
< li > PHP < ? php echo
htmlSpecialChars ( PHP_VERSION ) ?> </li>
< ? php if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ])) : ?> <li><?php echo
htmlSpecialChars ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ]) ?> </li><?php endif?>
< ? php if ( class_exists ( 'Framework' )) : ?> <li><?php echo
htmlSpecialChars ( 'Nette Framework ' . Framework :: VERSION ) ?> <i>(revision <?php echo
htmlSpecialChars ( Framework :: REVISION ) ?> )</i></li><?php endif?>
2009-03-08 18:00:36 +00:00
</ ul >
</ div >
2009-06-26 08:24:14 +00:00
</ div >
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< script type = " text/javascript " >/*<! [ CDATA [ */ var bs = document . getElementById ( " netteBluescreen " ); document . body . appendChild ( bs ); document . onkeyup = function ( b ){ b = b || window . event ; b . keyCode == 27 &&! b . shiftKey &&! b . altKey &&! b . ctrlKey &&! b . metaKey && bs . onclick ({ target : document . getElementById ( " netteBluescreenIcon " )})};
for ( var i = 0 , styles = document . styleSheets ; i < styles . length ; i ++ ) if (( styles [ i ] . owningElement || styles [ i ] . ownerNode ) . className !== " nette " ){ styles [ i ] . oldDisabled = styles [ i ] . disabled ; styles [ i ] . disabled = true } else styles [ i ] . addRule ? styles [ i ] . addRule ( " .nette-collapsed " , " display: none " ) : styles [ i ] . insertRule ( " .nette-collapsed { display: none } " , 0 );
bs . onclick = function ( b ){ b = b || window . event ; for ( var a = b . target || b . srcElement ; a && a . tagName && a . tagName . toLowerCase () !== " a " ;) a = a . parentNode ; if ( ! a ||! a . rel ) return true ; for ( var d = a . getElementsByTagName ( " abbr " )[ 0 ], c = a . rel === " next " ? a . nextSibling : document . getElementById ( a . rel ); c . nodeType !== 1 ;) c = c . nextSibling ; b = c . currentStyle ? c . currentStyle . display == " none " : getComputedStyle ( c , null ) . display == " none " ; try { d . innerHTML = String . fromCharCode ( b ? 9660 : 9658 )} catch ( e ){} c . style . display = b ? c . tagName . toLowerCase () === " code " ? " inline " :
" block " : " none " ; if ( a . id === " netteBluescreenIcon " ){ a = 0 ; for ( d = document . styleSheets ; a < d . length ; a ++ ) if (( d [ a ] . owningElement || d [ a ] . ownerNode ) . className !== " nette " ) d [ a ] . disabled = b ? true : d [ a ] . oldDisabled } return false }; /*]]>*/ </ script >
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
</ body >
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
</ html >
< ? php } public
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
highlightFile ( $file , $line , $count = 15 , $vars = array ()){ if ( function_exists ( 'ini_set' )){ ini_set ( 'highlight.comment' , '#998; font-style: italic' ); ini_set ( 'highlight.default' , '#000' ); ini_set ( 'highlight.html' , '#06B' ); ini_set ( 'highlight.keyword' , '#D24; font-weight: bold' ); ini_set ( 'highlight.string' , '#080' );} $start = max ( 1 , $line - floor ( $count / 2 )); $source =@ file_get_contents ( $file ); if ( ! $source ){ return ;} $source = explode ( " \n " , highlight_string ( $source , TRUE )); $spans = 1 ; $out = $source [ 0 ]; $source = explode ( '<br />' , $source [ 1 ]); array_unshift ( $source , NULL ); $i = $start ; while ( -- $i >= 1 ){ if ( preg_match ( '#.*(</?span[^>]*>)#' , $source [ $i ], $m )){ if ( $m [ 1 ] !== '</span>' ){ $spans ++ ; $out .= $m [ 1 ];} break ;}} $source = array_slice ( $source , $start , $count , TRUE ); end ( $source ); $numWidth = strlen (( string ) key ( $source )); foreach ( $source
as $n => $s ){ $spans += substr_count ( $s , '<span' ) - substr_count ( $s , '</span' ); $s = str_replace ( array ( " \r " , " \n " ), array ( '' , '' ), $s ); preg_match_all ( '#<[^>]+>#' , $s , $tags ); if ( $n === $line ){ $out .= sprintf ( " <span class='highlight'>% { $numWidth } s: %s \n </span>%s " , $n , strip_tags ( $s ), implode ( '' , $tags [ 0 ]));} else { $out .= sprintf ( " <span class='line'>% { $numWidth } s:</span> %s \n " , $n , $s );}} $out .= str_repeat ( '</span>' , $spans ) . '</code>' ; $out = preg_replace_callback ( '#">\$(\w+)( )?</span>#' , create_function ( '$m' , 'extract(NClosureFix::$vars[' . NClosureFix :: uses ( array ( 'vars' => $vars )) . ' ], EXTR_REFS );
return isset ( $vars [ $m [ 1 ]])
? \ ' " title= " \ ' . str_replace ( \ ' " \ ', \ '" \ ', strip_tags(DebugHelpers::htmlDump( $vars[$m[1] ]))) . $m[0]
: $m [ 0 ];
' ), $out ); return $out ;}} final
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
IBarPanel { private $id ; public $data ; public
__construct ( $id ){ $this -> id = $id ;} public
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
getTab (){ ob_start (); $data = $this -> data ; if ( $this -> id === 'time' ){ ?>
2010-11-07 22:45:37 +01:00
< span title = " Execution time " >< img src = "  "
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
/>< ? php echo
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
number_format (( microtime ( TRUE ) - Debugger :: $time ) * 1000 , 1 , '.' , ' ' ) ?> ms</span>
< ? php } elseif ( $this -> id === 'memory' ){ ?>
2010-11-07 22:45:37 +01:00
< span title = " The peak of allocated memory " >< img src = "  "
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
/>< ? php echo
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
function_exists ( 'memory_get_peak_usage' ) ? number_format ( memory_get_peak_usage () / 1000000 , 2 , '.' , ' ' ) : 'n/a' ; ?> MB</span>
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< ? php } elseif ( $this -> id === 'dumps' && $this -> data ){ ?>
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
< img src = "  " /> variables
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< ? php } elseif ( $this -> id === 'errors' && $this -> data ){ ?>
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
< img src = "  "
2010-09-06 23:57:31 +02:00
/>< span class = " nette-warning " >< ? php echo
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
array_sum ( $data ) ?> errors</span>
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< ? php } return
ob_get_clean ();} public
2010-05-19 19:42:04 +02:00
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
getPanel (){ ob_start (); $data = $this -> data ; if ( $this -> id === 'dumps' ){ ?>
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< style > #nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel h2{font:11pt/1.5 sans-serif;margin:0;padding:2px 8px;background:#3484d2;color:white}#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel table{width:100%}#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel a{color:#333;background:transparent}#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel a abbr{font-family:sans-serif;color:#999}#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel pre .php-array,#nette-debug .nette-DumpPanel pre .php-object{color:#c16549}</style>
2010-04-01 05:24:13 +02:00
< h1 > Dumped variables </ h1 >
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< div class = " nette-inner nette-DumpPanel " >
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< ? php foreach ( $data
2010-04-01 05:24:13 +02:00
as $item ) : ?>
< ? php if ( $item [ 'title' ]) : ?>
< h2 >< ? php echo
htmlspecialchars ( $item [ 'title' ]) ?> </h2>
< ? php endif ?>
< table >
< ? php $i = 0 ?>
< ? php foreach ( $item [ 'dump' ] as $key => $dump ) : ?>
< tr class = " <?php echo $i ++%
2 ? 'nette-alt' : '' ?> ">
< th >< ? php echo
htmlspecialchars ( $key ) ?> </th>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< td >< ? php echo $dump ?> </td>
2010-04-01 05:24:13 +02:00
</ tr >
< ? php endforeach ?>
</ table >
< ? php endforeach ?>
</ div >
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
< ? php } elseif ( $this -> id === 'errors' ){ ?>
2010-08-25 01:15:59 +02:00
< h1 > Errors </ h1 >
2010-04-01 05:24:13 +02:00
2010-05-19 19:42:04 +02:00
< div class = " nette-inner " >
< table >
2010-11-02 03:29:19 +01:00
< ? php $i = 0 ?>
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
< ? php foreach ( $data
2010-11-02 03:29:19 +01:00
as $item => $count ) : list ( $message , $file , $line ) = explode ( '|' , $item ) ?>
2010-04-01 05:24:13 +02:00
< tr class = " <?php echo $i ++%
2 ? 'nette-alt' : '' ?> ">
2010-11-02 03:29:19 +01:00
< td class = " nette-right " >< ? php echo $count ? " $count\xC3\x97 " : '' ?> </td>
< td >< pre >< ? php echo
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
htmlspecialchars ( $message ), ' in ' , DebugHelpers :: editorLink ( $file , $line ), ':' , $line ?> </pre></td>
2010-04-01 05:24:13 +02:00
</ tr >
< ? php endforeach ?>
</ table >
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
</ div >
< ? php } return
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
ob_get_clean ();}} class
FireLogger { const
DEBUG = 'debug' , INFO = 'info' , WARNING = 'warning' , ERROR = 'error' , CRITICAL = 'critical' ; private
static $payload = array ( 'logs' => array ()); public
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
log ( $message , $priority = self :: DEBUG ){ if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FIRELOGGER' ]) || headers_sent ()){ return
FALSE ;} $item = array ( 'name' => 'PHP' , 'level' => $priority , 'order' => count ( self :: $payload [ 'logs' ]), 'time' => str_pad ( number_format (( microtime ( TRUE ) - Debugger :: $time ) * 1000 , 1 , '.' , ' ' ), 8 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT ) . ' ms' , 'template' => '' , 'message' => '' , 'style' => 'background:#767ab6' ); $args = func_get_args (); if ( isset ( $args [ 0 ]) && is_string ( $args [ 0 ])){ $item [ 'template' ] = array_shift ( $args );} if ( isset ( $args [ 0 ]) && $args [ 0 ] instanceof
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
Exception ){ $e = array_shift ( $args ); $trace = $e -> getTrace (); if ( isset ( $trace [ 0 ][ 'class' ]) && $trace [ 0 ][ 'class' ] === 'Debugger' && ( $trace [ 0 ][ 'function' ] === '_shutdownHandler' || $trace [ 0 ][ 'function' ] === '_errorHandler' )){ unset ( $trace [ 0 ]);} $file = str_replace ( dirname ( dirname ( dirname ( $e -> getFile ()))), " \xE2 \x80 \xA6 " , $e -> getFile ()); $item [ 'template' ] = ( $e
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
ErrorException ? '' : get_class ( $e ) . ': ' ) . $e -> getMessage () . ( $e -> getCode () ? ' #' . $e -> getCode () : '' ) . ' in ' . $file . ':' . $e -> getLine (); $item [ 'pathname' ] = $e -> getFile (); $item [ 'lineno' ] = $e -> getLine ();} else { $trace = debug_backtrace (); if ( isset ( $trace [ 1 ][ 'class' ]) && $trace [ 1 ][ 'class' ] === 'Debugger' && ( $trace [ 1 ][ 'function' ] === 'fireLog' )){ unset ( $trace [ 0 ]);} foreach ( $trace
as $frame ){ if ( isset ( $frame [ 'file' ]) && is_file ( $frame [ 'file' ])){ $item [ 'pathname' ] = $frame [ 'file' ]; $item [ 'lineno' ] = $frame [ 'line' ]; break ;}}} $item [ 'exc_info' ] = array ( '' , '' , array ()); $item [ 'exc_frames' ] = array (); foreach ( $trace
as $frame ){ $frame += array ( 'file' => NULL , 'line' => NULL , 'class' => NULL , 'type' => NULL , 'function' => NULL , 'object' => NULL , 'args' => NULL ); $item [ 'exc_info' ][ 2 ][] = array ( $frame [ 'file' ], $frame [ 'line' ], " $frame[class] $frame[type] $frame[function] " , $frame [ 'object' ]); $item [ 'exc_frames' ][] = $frame [ 'args' ];} if ( isset ( $args [ 0 ]) && in_array ( $args [ 0 ], array ( self :: DEBUG , self :: INFO , self :: WARNING , self :: ERROR , self :: CRITICAL ), TRUE )){ $item [ 'level' ] = array_shift ( $args );} $item [ 'args' ] = $args ; self :: $payload [ 'logs' ][] = self :: jsonDump ( $item , - 1 ); foreach ( str_split ( base64_encode ( @ json_encode ( self :: $payload )), 4990 ) as $k => $v ){ header ( " FireLogger-de11e- $k : $v " );} return
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
TRUE ;} private
2008-10-28 19:31:32 +00:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
jsonDump ( & $var , $level = 0 ){ if ( is_bool ( $var ) || is_null ( $var ) || is_int ( $var ) || is_float ( $var )){ return $var ;} elseif ( is_string ( $var )){ if ( Debugger :: $maxLen && strlen ( $var ) > Debugger :: $maxLen ){ $var = substr ( $var , 0 , Debugger :: $maxLen ) . " \xE2 \x80 \xA6 " ;} return @ iconv ( 'UTF-16' , 'UTF-8//IGNORE' , iconv ( 'UTF-8' , 'UTF-16//IGNORE' , $var ));} elseif ( is_array ( $var )){ static $marker ; if ( $marker === NULL ){ $marker = uniqid ( " \x00 " , TRUE );} if ( isset ( $var [ $marker ])){ return " \xE2 \x80 \xA6 RECURSION \xE2 \x80 \xA6 " ;} elseif ( $level < Debugger :: $maxDepth ||! Debugger :: $maxDepth ){ $var [ $marker ] = TRUE ; $res = array (); foreach ( $var
as $k =>& $v ){ if ( $k !== $marker ){ $res [ self :: jsonDump ( $k )] = self :: jsonDump ( $v , $level + 1 );}} unset ( $var [ $marker ]); return $res ;} else { return " \xE2 \x80 \xA6 " ;}} elseif ( is_object ( $var )){ $arr = ( array ) $var ; static $list = array (); if ( in_array ( $var , $list , TRUE )){ return " \xE2 \x80 \xA6 RECURSION \xE2 \x80 \xA6 " ;} elseif ( $level < Debugger :: $maxDepth ||! Debugger :: $maxDepth ){ $list [] = $var ; $res = array ( " \x00 " => '(object) ' . get_class ( $var )); foreach ( $arr
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
as $k =>& $v ){ if ( $k [ 0 ] === " \x00 " ){ $k = substr ( $k , strrpos ( $k , " \x00 " ) + 1 );} $res [ self :: jsonDump ( $k )] = self :: jsonDump ( $v , $level + 1 );} array_pop ( $list ); return $res ;} else { return " \xE2 \x80 \xA6 " ;}} elseif ( is_resource ( $var )){ return " resource " . get_resource_type ( $var );} else { return " unknown type " ;}}} final
DebugHelpers { public
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2010-04-01 05:24:13 +02:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
editorLink ( $file , $line ){ if ( Debugger :: $editor && is_file ( $file )){ $dir = dirname ( strtr ( $file , '/' , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )); $base = isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ]) ? dirname ( dirname ( strtr ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ], '/' , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ))) : dirname ( $dir ); if ( substr ( $dir , 0 , strlen ( $base )) === $base ){ $dir = '...' . substr ( $dir , strlen ( $base ));} return
Html :: el ( 'a' ) -> href ( strtr ( Debugger :: $editor , array ( '%file' => rawurlencode ( $file ), '%line' => $line ))) -> title ( " $file : $line " ) -> setHtml ( htmlSpecialChars ( rtrim ( $dir , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '<b>' . htmlSpecialChars ( basename ( $file )) . '</b>' );} else { return
Html :: el ( 'span' ) -> setText ( $file );}} public
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2010-01-11 17:03:20 +01:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
htmlDump ( & $var , $level = 0 ){ static $tableUtf , $tableBin , $reBinary = '#[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E\xA0-\x{10FFFF}]#u' ; if ( $tableUtf === NULL ){ foreach ( range ( " \x00 " , " \xFF " ) as $ch ){ if ( ord ( $ch ) < 32 && strpos ( " \r \n \t " , $ch ) === FALSE ){ $tableUtf [ $ch ] = $tableBin [ $ch ] = '\\x' . str_pad ( dechex ( ord ( $ch )), 2 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );} elseif ( ord ( $ch ) < 127 ){ $tableUtf [ $ch ] = $tableBin [ $ch ] = $ch ;} else { $tableUtf [ $ch ] = $ch ; $tableBin [ $ch ] = '\\x' . dechex ( ord ( $ch ));}} $tableBin [ " \\ " ] = '\\\\' ; $tableBin [ " \r " ] = '\\r' ; $tableBin [ " \n " ] = '\\n' ; $tableBin [ " \t " ] = '\\t' ; $tableUtf [ '\\x' ] = $tableBin [ '\\x' ] = '\\\\x' ;} if ( is_bool ( $var )){ return '<span class="php-bool">' . ( $var ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE' ) . " </span> \n " ;} elseif ( $var === NULL ){ return " <span class= \" php-null \" >NULL</span> \n " ;} elseif ( is_int ( $var )){ return " <span class= \" php-int \" > $var </span> \n " ;} elseif ( is_float ( $var )){ $var = var_export ( $var , TRUE ); if ( strpos ( $var , '.' ) === FALSE ){ $var .= '.0' ;} return " <span class= \" php-float \" > $var </span> \n " ;} elseif ( is_string ( $var )){ if ( Debugger :: $maxLen && strlen ( $var ) > Debugger :: $maxLen ){ $s = htmlSpecialChars ( substr ( $var , 0 , Debugger :: $maxLen ), ENT_NOQUOTES ) . ' ... ' ;} else { $s = htmlSpecialChars ( $var , ENT_NOQUOTES );} $s = strtr ( $s , preg_match ( $reBinary , $s ) || preg_last_error () ? $tableBin : $tableUtf ); $len = strlen ( $var ); return " <span class= \" php-string \" > \" $s\ " </ span > " .( $len >1? " ( $len ) " : " " ). " \n " ;}elseif(is_array( $var )) { $s = '<span class="php-array">array</span>(' . count ( $var ) . " ) " ; $space = str_repeat ( $space1 = ' ' , $level ); $brackets = range ( 0 , count ( $var ) - 1 ) === array_keys ( $var ) ? " [] " : " { } " ; static $marker ; if ( $marker === NULL ){ $marker = uniqid ( " \x00 " , TRUE );} if ( empty ( $var )){} elseif ( isset ( $var [ $marker ])){ $brackets = $var [ $marker ]; $s .= " $brackets[0] *RECURSION* $brackets[1] " ;} elseif ( $level < Debugger :: $maxDepth ||! Debugger :: $maxDepth ){ $s .= " <code> $brackets[0] \n " ; $var [ $marker ] = $brackets ; foreach ( $var
as $k =>& $v ){ if ( $k === $marker ){ continue ;} $k = strtr ( $k , preg_match ( $reBinary , $k ) || preg_last_error () ? $tableBin : $tableUtf ); $k = htmlSpecialChars ( preg_match ( '#^\w+$#' , $k ) ? $k : " \" $k\ " " ); $s .= " $space $space1 < span class = \ " php-key \" > $k </span> => " . self :: htmlDump ( $v , $level + 1 );} unset ( $var [ $marker ]); $s .= " $space $brackets[1] </code> " ;} else { $s .= " $brackets[0] ... $brackets[1] " ;} return $s . " \n " ;} elseif ( is_object ( $var )){ if ( $var
Closure ){ $rc = new
ReflectionFunction ( $var ); $arr = array (); foreach ( $rc -> getParameters () as $param ){ $arr [] = '$' . $param -> getName ();} $arr = array ( 'file' => $rc -> getFileName (), 'line' => $rc -> getStartLine (), 'parameters' => implode ( ', ' , $arr ));} else { $arr = ( array ) $var ;} $s = '<span class="php-object">' . get_class ( $var ) . " </span>( " . count ( $arr ) . " ) " ; $space = str_repeat ( $space1 = ' ' , $level ); static $list = array (); if ( empty ( $arr )){} elseif ( in_array ( $var , $list , TRUE )){ $s .= " { *RECURSION* } " ;} elseif ( $level < Debugger :: $maxDepth ||! Debugger :: $maxDepth || $var
Closure ){ $s .= " <code> { \n " ; $list [] = $var ; foreach ( $arr
as $k =>& $v ){ $m = '' ; if ( $k [ 0 ] === " \x00 " ){ $m = ' <span class="php-visibility">' . ( $k [ 1 ] === '*' ? 'protected' : 'private' ) . '</span>' ; $k = substr ( $k , strrpos ( $k , " \x00 " ) + 1 );} $k = strtr ( $k , preg_match ( $reBinary , $k ) || preg_last_error () ? $tableBin : $tableUtf ); $k = htmlSpecialChars ( preg_match ( '#^\w+$#' , $k ) ? $k : " \" $k\ " " ); $s .= " $space $space1 < span class = \ " php-key \" > $k </span> $m => " . self :: htmlDump ( $v , $level + 1 );} array_pop ( $list ); $s .= " $space }</code> " ;} else { $s .= " { ... } " ;} return $s . " \n " ;} elseif ( is_resource ( $var )){ return '<span class="php-resource">' . htmlSpecialChars ( get_resource_type ( $var )) . " resource</span> \n " ;} else { return " <span>unknown type</span> \n " ;}} public
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
2010-01-11 17:03:20 +01:00
2011-02-17 22:18:30 +01:00
clickableDump ( $dump ){ return '<pre class="nette-dump">' . preg_replace_callback ( '#^( *)((?>[^(]{1,200}))\((\d+)\) <code>#m' , create_function ( '$m' , '
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
return " $m[1] <a href= \ '# \ ' rel= \ 'next \ '> $m[2] ( $m[3] ) "
. ( trim ( $m [ 1 ]) || $m [ 3 ] < 7
? \ ' < abbr >& #x25bc;</abbr> </a><code>\'
: \ ' < abbr >& #x25ba;</abbr> </a><code class="nette-collapsed">\');
'),self::htmlDump($dump)).' </ pre > ' ;}} class
Logger { const
DEBUG = 'debug' , INFO = 'info' , WARNING = 'warning' , ERROR = 'error' , CRITICAL = 'critical' ; public
static $emailSnooze = 172800 ; public $mailer = array ( __CLASS__ , 'defaultMailer' ); public $directory ; public $email ; public
log ( $message , $priority = self :: INFO ){ if ( ! is_dir ( $this -> directory )){ throw
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
DirectoryNotFoundException ( " Directory ' $this->directory ' is not found or is not directory. " );} if ( is_array ( $message )){ $message = implode ( ' ' , $message );} $res = error_log ( trim ( $message ) . PHP_EOL , 3 , $this -> directory . '/' . strtolower ( $priority ) . '.log' ); if (( $priority === self :: ERROR || $priority === self :: CRITICAL ) && $this -> email && $this -> mailer &&@ filemtime ( $this -> directory . '/email-sent' ) + self :: $emailSnooze < time () &&@ file_put_contents ( $this -> directory . '/email-sent' , 'sent' )){ call_user_func ( $this -> mailer , $message , $this -> email );} return $res ;} private
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
defaultMailer ( $message , $email ){ $host = isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ]) ? $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] : ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ]) ? $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] : '' ); $parts = str_replace ( array ( " \r \n " , " \n " ), array ( " \n " , PHP_EOL ), array ( 'headers' => " From: noreply@ $host\nX -Mailer: Nette Framework \n " , 'subject' => " PHP: An error occurred on the server $host " , 'body' => " [ " .@ date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . " ] $message " )); mail ( $email , $parts [ 'subject' ], $parts [ 'body' ], $parts [ 'headers' ]);}} class
ArrayAccess , Countable , IteratorAggregate { private $name ; private $isEmpty ; public $attrs = array (); protected $children = array (); public
static $xhtml = TRUE ; public
static $emptyElements = array ( 'img' => 1 , 'hr' => 1 , 'br' => 1 , 'input' => 1 , 'meta' => 1 , 'area' => 1 , 'embed' => 1 , 'keygen' => 1 , 'source' => 1 , 'base' => 1 , 'col' => 1 , 'link' => 1 , 'param' => 1 , 'basefont' => 1 , 'frame' => 1 , 'isindex' => 1 , 'wbr' => 1 , 'command' => 1 ); public
el ( $name = NULL , $attrs = NULL ){ $el = new
self ; $parts = explode ( ' ' , $name , 2 ); $el -> setName ( $parts [ 0 ]); if ( is_array ( $attrs )){ $el -> attrs = $attrs ;} elseif ( $attrs !== NULL ){ $el -> setText ( $attrs );} if ( isset ( $parts [ 1 ])){ foreach ( Strings :: matchAll ( $parts [ 1 ] . ' ' , '#([a-z0-9:-]+)(?:=(["\'])?(.*?)(?(2)\\2|\s))?#i' ) as $m ){ $el -> attrs [ $m [ 1 ]] = isset ( $m [ 3 ]) ? $m [ 3 ] : TRUE ;}} return $el ;} final
setName ( $name , $isEmpty = NULL ){ if ( $name !== NULL &&! is_string ( $name )){ throw
InvalidArgumentException ( " Name must be string or NULL, " . gettype ( $name ) . " given. " );} $this -> name = $name ; $this -> isEmpty = $isEmpty === NULL ? isset ( self :: $emptyElements [ $name ]) : ( bool ) $isEmpty ; return $this ;} final
getName (){ return $this -> name ;} final
isEmpty (){ return $this -> isEmpty ;} public
addAttributes ( array $attrs ){ $this -> attrs = $attrs + $this -> attrs ; return $this ;} final
__set ( $name , $value ){ $this -> attrs [ $name ] = $value ;} final
function & __get ( $name ){ return $this -> attrs [ $name ];} final
__unset ( $name ){ unset ( $this -> attrs [ $name ]);} final
__call ( $m , $args ){ $p = substr ( $m , 0 , 3 ); if ( $p === 'get' || $p === 'set' || $p === 'add' ){ $m = substr ( $m , 3 ); $m [ 0 ] = $m [ 0 ] | " \x20 " ; if ( $p === 'get' ){ return
isset ( $this -> attrs [ $m ]) ? $this -> attrs [ $m ] : NULL ;} elseif ( $p === 'add' ){ $args [] = TRUE ;}} if ( count ( $args ) === 0 ){} elseif ( count ( $args ) === 1 ){ $this -> attrs [ $m ] = $args [ 0 ];} elseif (( string ) $args [ 0 ] === '' ){ $tmp =& $this -> attrs [ $m ];} elseif ( ! isset ( $this -> attrs [ $m ]) || is_array ( $this -> attrs [ $m ])){ $this -> attrs [ $m ][ $args [ 0 ]] = $args [ 1 ];} else { $this -> attrs [ $m ] = array ( $this -> attrs [ $m ], $args [ 0 ] => $args [ 1 ]);} return $this ;} final
href ( $path , $query = NULL ){ if ( $query ){ $query = http_build_query ( $query , NULL , '&' ); if ( $query !== '' ){ $path .= '?' . $query ;}} $this -> attrs [ 'href' ] = $path ; return $this ;} final
setHtml ( $html ){ if ( $html === NULL ){ $html = '' ;} elseif ( is_array ( $html )){ throw
InvalidArgumentException ( " Textual content must be a scalar, " . gettype ( $html ) . " given. " );} else { $html = ( string ) $html ;} $this -> removeChildren (); $this -> children [] = $html ; return $this ;} final
getHtml (){ $s = '' ; foreach ( $this -> children
as $child ){ if ( is_object ( $child )){ $s .= $child -> render ();} else { $s .= $child ;}} return $s ;} final
setText ( $text ){ if ( ! is_array ( $text )){ $text = htmlspecialchars (( string ) $text , ENT_NOQUOTES );} return $this -> setHtml ( $text );} final
getText (){ return
html_entity_decode ( strip_tags ( $this -> getHtml ()), ENT_QUOTES , 'UTF-8' );} final
add ( $child ){ return $this -> insert ( NULL , $child );} final
create ( $name , $attrs = NULL ){ $this -> insert ( NULL , $child = self :: el ( $name , $attrs )); return $child ;} public
insert ( $index , $child , $replace = FALSE ){ if ( $child
Html || is_scalar ( $child )){ if ( $index === NULL ){ $this -> children [] = $child ;} else { array_splice ( $this -> children ,( int ) $index , $replace ? 1 : 0 , array ( $child ));}} else { throw
InvalidArgumentException ( " Child node must be scalar or Html object, " . ( is_object ( $child ) ? get_class ( $child ) : gettype ( $child )) . " given. " );} return $this ;} final
offsetSet ( $index , $child ){ $this -> insert ( $index , $child , TRUE );} final
offsetGet ( $index ){ return $this -> children [ $index ];} final
offsetExists ( $index ){ return
isset ( $this -> children [ $index ]);} public
offsetUnset ( $index ){ if ( isset ( $this -> children [ $index ])){ array_splice ( $this -> children ,( int ) $index , 1 );}} final
count (){ return
count ( $this -> children );} public
removeChildren (){ $this -> children = array ();} final
getIterator ( $deep = FALSE ){ if ( $deep ){ $deep = $deep > 0 ? RecursiveIteratorIterator :: SELF_FIRST : RecursiveIteratorIterator :: CHILD_FIRST ; return
RecursiveIteratorIterator ( new
GenericRecursiveIterator ( new
ArrayIterator ( $this -> children )), $deep );} else { return
GenericRecursiveIterator ( new
ArrayIterator ( $this -> children ));}} final
getChildren (){ return $this -> children ;} final
render ( $indent = NULL ){ $s = $this -> startTag (); if ( ! $this -> isEmpty ){ if ( $indent !== NULL ){ $indent ++ ;} foreach ( $this -> children
as $child ){ if ( is_object ( $child )){ $s .= $child -> render ( $indent );} else { $s .= $child ;}} $s .= $this -> endTag ();} if ( $indent !== NULL ){ return " \n " . str_repeat ( " \t " , $indent - 1 ) . $s . " \n " . str_repeat ( " \t " , max ( 0 , $indent - 2 ));} return $s ;} final
__toString (){ return $this -> render ();} final
startTag (){ if ( $this -> name ){ return '<' . $this -> name . $this -> attributes () . ( self :: $xhtml && $this -> isEmpty ? ' />' : '>' );} else { return '' ;}} final
endTag (){ return $this -> name &&! $this -> isEmpty ? '</' . $this -> name . '>' : '' ;} final
attributes (){ if ( ! is_array ( $this -> attrs )){ return '' ;} $s = '' ; foreach ( $this -> attrs
as $key => $value ){ if ( $value === NULL || $value === FALSE ){ continue ;} elseif ( $value === TRUE ){ if ( self :: $xhtml ){ $s .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $key . '"' ;} else { $s .= ' ' . $key ;} continue ;} elseif ( is_array ( $value )){ if ( $key === 'data' ){ foreach ( $value
as $k => $v ){ if ( $v !== NULL && $v !== FALSE ){ $s .= ' data-' . $k . '="' . htmlspecialchars (( string ) $v ) . '"' ;}} continue ;} $tmp = NULL ; foreach ( $value
as $k => $v ){ if ( $v != NULL ){ $tmp [] = $v === TRUE ? $k : ( is_string ( $k ) ? $k . ':' . $v : $v );}} if ( $tmp === NULL ){ continue ;} $value = implode ( $key === 'style' ||! strncmp ( $key , 'on' , 2 ) ? ';' : ' ' , $tmp );} else { $value = ( string ) $value ;} $s .= ' ' . $key . '="' . htmlspecialchars ( $value ) . '"' ;} $s = str_replace ( '@' , '@' , $s ); return $s ;} public
__clone (){ foreach ( $this -> children
as $key => $value ){ if ( is_object ( $value )){ $this -> children [ $key ] = clone $value ;}}}} @ header ( 'X-Powered-By: Nette Framework' ); final
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
Debugger { public
static $productionMode ; public
static $consoleMode ; public
static $time ; private
static $ajaxDetected ; public
static $source ; public
static $editor = 'editor://open/?file=%file&line=%line' ; public
static $maxDepth = 3 ; public
static $maxLen = 150 ; public
static $showLocation = FALSE ; const
static $blueScreen ; public
static $strictMode = FALSE ; public
static $scream = FALSE ; public
static $onFatalError = array (); private
static $enabled = FALSE ; private
static $lastError = FALSE ; public
static $logger ; public
static $fireLogger ; public
static $logDirectory ; public
static $email ; public
static $mailer ; public
static $emailSnooze ; public
static $bar ; private
static $errorPanel ; private
static $dumpPanel ; const
DEBUG = 'debug' , INFO = 'info' , WARNING = 'warning' , ERROR = 'error' , CRITICAL = 'critical' ; final
__construct (){ throw
StaticClassException ;} public
_init (){ self :: $time = microtime ( TRUE ); self :: $consoleMode = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ; self :: $productionMode = self :: DETECT ; if ( self :: $consoleMode ){ self :: $source = empty ( $_SERVER [ 'argv' ]) ? 'cli' : 'cli: ' . implode ( ' ' , $_SERVER [ 'argv' ]);} else { self :: $ajaxDetected = isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' ] === 'XMLHttpRequest' ; if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ])){ self :: $source = ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ]) && strcasecmp ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ], 'off' ) ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) . ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ]) ? $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] : ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ]) ? $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] : '' )) . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ];}} self :: $logger = new
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
Logger ; self :: $logDirectory =& self :: $logger -> directory ; self :: $email =& self :: $logger -> email ; self :: $mailer =& self :: $logger -> mailer ; self :: $emailSnooze =& Logger :: $emailSnooze ; self :: $fireLogger = new
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
FireLogger ; self :: $blueScreen = new
DebugBlueScreen ; self :: $blueScreen -> addPanel ( create_function ( '$e' , '
if ( $e instanceof TemplateException ) {
return array (
\ ' tab\ ' => \ ' Template\ ' ,
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
\ ' panel\ ' => \ ' < p >< b > File :</ b > \ ' . DebugHelpers :: editorLink ( $e -> sourceFile , $e -> sourceLine )
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
. \ ' & nbsp ; < b > Line :</ b > \ ' . ( $e -> sourceLine ? $e -> sourceLine : \ ' n / a\ ' ) . \ ' </ p > \ '
. ( $e -> sourceLine ? \ ' < pre > \ ' . DebugBlueScreen :: highlightFile ( $e -> sourceFile , $e -> sourceLine ) . \ ' </ pre > \ ' : \ ' \ ' )
' )); self :: $bar = new
DebugBar ; self :: $bar -> addPanel ( new
DefaultBarPanel ( 'time' )); self :: $bar -> addPanel ( new
DefaultBarPanel ( 'memory' )); self :: $bar -> addPanel ( self :: $errorPanel = new
DefaultBarPanel ( 'errors' )); self :: $bar -> addPanel ( self :: $dumpPanel = new
DefaultBarPanel ( 'dumps' ));} public
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
enable ( $mode = NULL , $logDirectory = NULL , $email = NULL ){ error_reporting ( E_ALL | E_STRICT ); if ( is_bool ( $mode )){ self :: $productionMode = $mode ;} elseif ( is_string ( $mode )){ $mode = preg_split ( '#[,\s]+#' , " $mode ::1 " );} if ( is_array ( $mode )){ self :: $productionMode =! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ]) ||! in_array ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ], $mode , TRUE );} if ( self :: $productionMode === self :: DETECT ){ if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ]) || isset ( $_SERVER [ 'LOCAL_ADDR' ])){ $addrs = array (); if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ])){ $addrs = preg_split ( '#,\s*#' , $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ]);} if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ])){ $addrs [] = $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ];} $addrs [] = isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ]) ? $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ] : $_SERVER [ 'LOCAL_ADDR' ]; self :: $productionMode = FALSE ; foreach ( $addrs
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
as $addr ){ $oct = explode ( '.' , $addr ); if ( $addr !== '::1' && ( count ( $oct ) !== 4 || ( $oct [ 0 ] !== '10' && $oct [ 0 ] !== '127' && ( $oct [ 0 ] !== '172' || $oct [ 1 ] < 16 || $oct [ 1 ] > 31 ) && ( $oct [ 0 ] !== '169' || $oct [ 1 ] !== '254' ) && ( $oct [ 0 ] !== '192' || $oct [ 1 ] !== '168' )))){ self :: $productionMode = TRUE ; break ;}}} else { self :: $productionMode =! self :: $consoleMode ;}} if ( is_string ( $logDirectory )){ self :: $logDirectory = realpath ( $logDirectory ); if ( self :: $logDirectory === FALSE ){ throw
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
DirectoryNotFoundException ( " Directory ' $logDirectory ' is not found. " );}} elseif ( $logDirectory === FALSE ){ self :: $logDirectory = FALSE ;} elseif ( self :: $logDirectory === NULL ){ self :: $logDirectory = defined ( 'APP_DIR' ) ? APP_DIR . '/../log' : getcwd () . '/log' ;} if ( self :: $logDirectory ){ ini_set ( 'error_log' , self :: $logDirectory . '/php_error.log' );} if ( function_exists ( 'ini_set' )){ ini_set ( 'display_errors' , ! self :: $productionMode ); ini_set ( 'html_errors' , FALSE ); ini_set ( 'log_errors' , FALSE );} elseif ( ini_get ( 'display_errors' ) !=! self :: $productionMode && ini_get ( 'display_errors' ) !== ( self :: $productionMode ? 'stderr' : 'stdout' )){ throw
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
NotSupportedException ( 'Function ini_set() must be enabled.' );} if ( $email ){ if ( ! is_string ( $email )){ throw
InvalidArgumentException ( 'Email address must be a string.' );} self :: $email = $email ;} if ( ! defined ( 'E_DEPRECATED' )){ define ( 'E_DEPRECATED' , 8192 );} if ( ! defined ( 'E_USER_DEPRECATED' )){ define ( 'E_USER_DEPRECATED' , 16384 );} if ( ! self :: $enabled ){ register_shutdown_function ( array ( __CLASS__ , '_shutdownHandler' )); set_exception_handler ( array ( __CLASS__ , '_exceptionHandler' )); set_error_handler ( array ( __CLASS__ , '_errorHandler' )); self :: $enabled = TRUE ;}} public
isEnabled (){ return
self :: $enabled ;} public
log ( $message , $priority = self :: INFO ){ if ( self :: $logDirectory === FALSE ){ return ;} elseif ( ! self :: $logDirectory ){ throw
InvalidStateException ( 'Logging directory is not specified in Debugger::$logDirectory.' );} if ( $message
Exception ){ $exception = $message ; $message = " PHP Fatal error: " . ( $message
FatalErrorException ? $exception -> getMessage () : " Uncaught exception " . get_class ( $exception ) . " with message ' " . $exception -> getMessage () . " ' " ) . " in " . $exception -> getFile () . " : " . $exception -> getLine (); $hash = md5 ( $exception . ( method_exists ( $exception , 'getPrevious' ) ? $exception -> getPrevious () : ( isset ( $exception -> previous ) ? $exception -> previous : '' ))); $exceptionFilename = " exception " .@ date ( 'Y-m-d H-i-s' ) . " $hash .html " ; foreach ( new
DirectoryIterator ( self :: $logDirectory ) as $entry ){ if ( strpos ( $entry , $hash )){ $exceptionFilename = NULL ; break ;}}} self :: $logger -> log ( array ( @ date ( '[Y-m-d H-i-s]' ), $message , self :: $source ? ' @ ' . self :: $source : NULL , ! empty ( $exceptionFilename ) ? ' @@ ' . $exceptionFilename : NULL ), $priority ); if ( ! empty ( $exceptionFilename ) && $logHandle =@ fopen ( self :: $logDirectory . '/' . $exceptionFilename , 'w' )){ ob_start (); ob_start ( create_function ( '$buffer' , 'extract(NClosureFix::$vars[' . NClosureFix :: uses ( array ( 'logHandle' => $logHandle )) . '], EXTR_REFS); fwrite($logHandle, $buffer); ' ), 1 ); self :: $blueScreen -> render ( $exception ); ob_end_flush (); ob_end_clean (); fclose ( $logHandle );}} public
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
_shutdownHandler (){ if ( ! self :: $enabled ){ return ;} static $types = array ( E_ERROR => 1 , E_CORE_ERROR => 1 , E_COMPILE_ERROR => 1 , E_PARSE => 1 ); $error = error_get_last (); if ( isset ( $types [ $error [ 'type' ]])){ self :: _exceptionHandler ( new
FatalErrorException ( $error [ 'message' ], 0 , $error [ 'type' ], $error [ 'file' ], $error [ 'line' ], NULL ));} if ( self :: $bar &&! self :: $productionMode && self :: isHtmlMode ()){ self :: $bar -> render ();}} public
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
_exceptionHandler ( Exception $exception ){ if ( ! headers_sent ()){ header ( 'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error' );} try { if ( self :: $productionMode ){ self :: log ( $exception , self :: ERROR ); if ( self :: $consoleMode ){ echo " ERROR: the server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. \n " ;} elseif ( self :: isHtmlMode ()){ ?>
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
<! DOCTYPE html >
< meta http - equiv = " Content-Type " content = " text/html; charset=utf-8 " >
< meta name = robots content = noindex >< meta name = generator content = " Nette Framework " >
< style > body { color : #333;background:white;width:500px;margin:100px auto}h1{font:bold 47px/1.5 sans-serif;margin:.6em 0}p{font:21px/1.5 Georgia,serif;margin:1.5em 0}small{font-size:70%;color:gray}</style>
< title > Server Error </ title >
< h1 > Server Error </ h1 >
< p > We ' re sorry ! The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request . Please try again later .</ p >
< p >< small > error 500 </ small ></ p >
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
< ? php }} else { if ( self :: $consoleMode ){ echo " $exception\n " ;} elseif ( self :: isHtmlMode ()){ self :: $blueScreen -> render ( $exception ); if ( self :: $bar ){ self :: $bar -> render ();}} elseif ( ! self :: fireLog ( $exception , self :: ERROR )){ self :: log ( $exception );}} foreach ( self :: $onFatalError
as $handler ){ call_user_func ( $handler , $exception );}} catch ( Exception $e ){ echo " \n Nette \\ Debug FATAL ERROR: thrown " , get_class ( $e ), ': ' , $e -> getMessage (), " \n while processing " , get_class ( $exception ), ': ' , $exception -> getMessage (), " \n " ;} self :: $enabled = FALSE ; exit ( 255 );} public
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
_errorHandler ( $severity , $message , $file , $line , $context ){ if ( self :: $scream ){ error_reporting ( E_ALL | E_STRICT );} if ( self :: $lastError !== FALSE && ( $severity & error_reporting ()) === $severity ){ self :: $lastError = new
ErrorException ( $message , 0 , $severity , $file , $line ); return
NULL ;} if ( $severity === E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR || $severity === E_USER_ERROR ){ throw
FatalErrorException ( $message , 0 , $severity , $file , $line , $context );} elseif (( $severity & error_reporting ()) !== $severity ){ return
FALSE ;} elseif ( self :: $strictMode &&! self :: $productionMode ){ self :: _exceptionHandler ( new
FatalErrorException ( $message , 0 , $severity , $file , $line , $context ));} static $types = array ( E_WARNING => 'Warning' , E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Warning' , E_USER_WARNING => 'Warning' , E_NOTICE => 'Notice' , E_USER_NOTICE => 'Notice' , E_STRICT => 'Strict standards' , E_DEPRECATED => 'Deprecated' , E_USER_DEPRECATED => 'Deprecated' ); $message = 'PHP ' . ( isset ( $types [ $severity ]) ? $types [ $severity ] : 'Unknown error' ) . " : $message " ; $count =& self :: $errorPanel -> data [ " $message | $file | $line " ]; if ( $count ++ ){ return
NULL ;} elseif ( self :: $productionMode ){ self :: log ( " $message in $file : $line " , self :: ERROR ); return
NULL ;} else { $ok = self :: fireLog ( new
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
ErrorException ( $message , 0 , $severity , $file , $line ), self :: WARNING ); return ! self :: isHtmlMode () || ( ! self :: $bar &&! $ok ) ? FALSE : NULL ;} return
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
FALSE ;} public
toStringException ( Exception $exception ){ if ( self :: $enabled ){ self :: _exceptionHandler ( $exception );} else { trigger_error ( $exception -> getMessage (), E_USER_ERROR );}} public
tryError (){ if ( ! self :: $enabled && self :: $lastError === FALSE ){ set_error_handler ( array ( __CLASS__ , '_errorHandler' ));} self :: $lastError = NULL ;} public
catchError ( & $error ){ if ( ! self :: $enabled && self :: $lastError !== FALSE ){ restore_error_handler ();} $error = self :: $lastError ; self :: $lastError = FALSE ; return ( bool ) $error ;} public
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
dump ( $var , $return = FALSE ){ if ( ! $return && self :: $productionMode ){ return $var ;} $output = " <pre class= \" nette-dump \" > " . DebugHelpers :: htmlDump ( $var ) . " </pre> \n " ; if ( ! $return ){ $trace = debug_backtrace (); $i =! isset ( $trace [ 1 ][ 'class' ]) && isset ( $trace [ 1 ][ 'function' ]) && $trace [ 1 ][ 'function' ] === 'dump' ? 1 : 0 ; if ( isset ( $trace [ $i ][ 'file' ], $trace [ $i ][ 'line' ]) && is_file ( $trace [ $i ][ 'file' ])){ $lines = file ( $trace [ $i ][ 'file' ]); preg_match ( '#dump\((.*)\)#' , $lines [ $trace [ $i ][ 'line' ] - 1 ], $m ); $output = substr_replace ( $output , ' title="' . htmlspecialchars (( isset ( $m [ 0 ]) ? " $m[0] \n " : '' ) . " in file { $trace [ $i ][ 'file' ] } on line { $trace [ $i ][ 'line' ] } " ) . '"' , 4 , 0 ); if ( self :: $showLocation ){ $output = substr_replace ( $output , ' <small>in ' . DebugHelpers :: editorLink ( $trace [ $i ][ 'file' ], $trace [ $i ][ 'line' ]) . " : { $trace [ $i ][ 'line' ] } </small> " , - 8 , 0 );}}} if ( self :: $consoleMode ){ $output = htmlspecialchars_decode ( strip_tags ( $output ), ENT_NOQUOTES );} if ( $return ){ return $output ;} else { echo $output ; return $var ;}} public
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
timer ( $name = NULL ){ static $time = array (); $now = microtime ( TRUE ); $delta = isset ( $time [ $name ]) ? $now - $time [ $name ] : 0 ; $time [ $name ] = $now ; return $delta ;} public
barDump ( $var , $title = NULL ){ if ( ! self :: $productionMode ){ $dump = array (); foreach (( is_array ( $var ) ? $var : array ( '' => $var )) as $key => $val ){ $dump [ $key ] = DebugHelpers :: clickableDump ( $val );} self :: $dumpPanel -> data [] = array ( 'title' => $title , 'dump' => $dump );} return $var ;} public
fireLog ( $message ){ if ( ! self :: $productionMode ){ return
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
self :: $fireLogger -> log ( $message );}} private
2011-04-21 01:52:02 +02:00
2011-07-01 08:06:36 +02:00
isHtmlMode (){ return ! self :: $ajaxDetected &&! self :: $consoleMode &&! preg_match ( '#^Content-Type: (?!text/html)#im' , implode ( " \n " , headers_list ()));} public
addPanel ( IBarPanel $panel , $id = NULL ){ self :: $bar -> addPanel ( $panel , $id );}} function
dump ( $var ){ foreach ( func_get_args () as $arg ) Debugger :: dump ( $arg ); return $var ;} class
Exception { private $severity ; public
__construct ( $message , $code , $severity , $file , $line , $context ){ parent :: __construct ( $message , $code ); $this -> severity = $severity ; $this -> file = $file ; $this -> line = $line ; $this -> context = $context ;} public
getSeverity (){ return $this -> severity ;}} class
NClosureFix { static $vars = array (); static
uses ( $args ){ self :: $vars [] = $args ; return
count ( self :: $vars ) - 1 ;}} Debugger :: _init ();