connection = @mysql_connect($host, $config['username'], $config['password'], TRUE, $config['options']); } else { $this->connection = @mysql_pconnect($host, $config['username'], $config['password'], $config['options']); } NException::restore(); if (!is_resource($this->connection)) { throw new DibiDatabaseException(mysql_error(), mysql_errno()); } if (isset($config['charset'])) { @mysql_query("SET NAMES '" . $config['charset'] . "'", $this->connection); // don't handle this error... } if (isset($config['database']) && !@mysql_select_db($config['database'], $this->connection)) { throw new DibiDatabaseException(mysql_error($this->connection), mysql_errno($this->connection)); } $this->buffered = empty($config['unbuffered']); } /** * Disconnects from a database * * @return void */ public function disconnect() { mysql_close($this->connection); } /** * Executes the SQL query * * @param string SQL statement. * @return bool have resultset? * @throws DibiDatabaseException */ public function query($sql) { if ($this->buffered) { $this->resultset = @mysql_query($sql, $this->connection); } else { $this->resultset = @mysql_unbuffered_query($sql, $this->connection); } if ($errno = mysql_errno($this->connection)) { throw new DibiDatabaseException(mysql_error($this->connection), $errno, $sql); } return is_resource($this->resultset); } /** * Gets the number of affected rows by the last INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query * * @return int number of rows or FALSE on error */ public function affectedRows() { return mysql_affected_rows($this->connection); } /** * Retrieves the ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT query * * @return int|FALSE int on success or FALSE on failure */ public function insertId($sequence) { return mysql_insert_id($this->connection); } /** * Begins a transaction (if supported). * @return void */ public function begin() { $this->query('BEGIN'); } /** * Commits statements in a transaction. * @return void */ public function commit() { $this->query('COMMIT'); } /** * Rollback changes in a transaction. * @return void */ public function rollback() { $this->query('ROLLBACK'); } /** * Format to SQL command * * @param string value * @param string type (dibi::FIELD_TEXT, dibi::FIELD_BOOL, dibi::FIELD_DATE, dibi::FIELD_DATETIME, dibi::IDENTIFIER) * @return string formatted value * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function format($value, $type) { if ($type === dibi::FIELD_TEXT) return "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value, $this->connection) . "'"; if ($type === dibi::IDENTIFIER) return '`' . str_replace('.', '`.`', $value) . '`'; if ($type === dibi::FIELD_BOOL) return $value ? 1 : 0; if ($type === dibi::FIELD_DATE) return date("'Y-m-d'", $value); if ($type === dibi::FIELD_DATETIME) return date("'Y-m-d H:i:s'", $value); throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported formatting type'); } /** * Injects LIMIT/OFFSET to the SQL query * * @param string &$sql The SQL query that will be modified. * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return void */ public function applyLimit(&$sql, $limit, $offset) { if ($limit < 0 && $offset < 1) return; // see $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . ($limit < 0 ? '18446744073709551615' : (int) $limit) . ($offset > 0 ? ' OFFSET ' . (int) $offset : ''); } /** * Returns the number of rows in a result set * * @return int */ public function rowCount() { if (!$this->buffered) { throw new DibiDatabaseException('Row count is not available for unbuffered queries'); } return mysql_num_rows($this->resultset); } /** * Fetches the row at current position and moves the internal cursor to the next position * internal usage only * * @return array|FALSE array on success, FALSE if no next record */ public function fetch() { return mysql_fetch_assoc($this->resultset); } /** * Moves cursor position without fetching row * * @param int the 0-based cursor pos to seek to * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE if unable to seek to specified record * @throws DibiException */ public function seek($row) { if (!$this->buffered) { throw new DibiDatabaseException('Cannot seek an unbuffered result set'); } return mysql_data_seek($this->resultset, $row); } /** * Frees the resources allocated for this result set * * @return void */ public function free() { mysql_free_result($this->resultset); } /** this is experimental */ public function buildMeta() { static $types = array( 'ENUM' => dibi::FIELD_TEXT, // eventually dibi::FIELD_INTEGER 'SET' => dibi::FIELD_TEXT, // eventually dibi::FIELD_INTEGER 'CHAR' => dibi::FIELD_TEXT, 'VARCHAR' => dibi::FIELD_TEXT, 'STRING' => dibi::FIELD_TEXT, 'TINYTEXT' => dibi::FIELD_TEXT, 'TEXT' => dibi::FIELD_TEXT, 'MEDIUMTEXT'=> dibi::FIELD_TEXT, 'LONGTEXT' => dibi::FIELD_TEXT, 'BINARY' => dibi::FIELD_BINARY, 'VARBINARY' => dibi::FIELD_BINARY, 'TINYBLOB' => dibi::FIELD_BINARY, 'BLOB' => dibi::FIELD_BINARY, 'MEDIUMBLOB'=> dibi::FIELD_BINARY, 'LONGBLOB' => dibi::FIELD_BINARY, 'DATE' => dibi::FIELD_DATE, 'DATETIME' => dibi::FIELD_DATETIME, 'TIMESTAMP' => dibi::FIELD_DATETIME, 'TIME' => dibi::FIELD_DATETIME, 'BIT' => dibi::FIELD_BOOL, 'YEAR' => dibi::FIELD_INTEGER, 'TINYINT' => dibi::FIELD_INTEGER, 'SMALLINT' => dibi::FIELD_INTEGER, 'MEDIUMINT' => dibi::FIELD_INTEGER, 'INT' => dibi::FIELD_INTEGER, 'INTEGER' => dibi::FIELD_INTEGER, 'BIGINT' => dibi::FIELD_INTEGER, 'FLOAT' => dibi::FIELD_FLOAT, 'DOUBLE' => dibi::FIELD_FLOAT, 'REAL' => dibi::FIELD_FLOAT, 'DECIMAL' => dibi::FIELD_FLOAT, 'NUMERIC' => dibi::FIELD_FLOAT, ); $count = mysql_num_fields($this->resultset); $meta = array(); for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) { $info['native'] = $native = strtoupper(mysql_field_type($this->resultset, $index)); $info['flags'] = explode(' ', mysql_field_flags($this->resultset, $index)); $info['length'] = mysql_field_len($this->resultset, $index); $info['table'] = mysql_field_table($this->resultset, $index); if (in_array('auto_increment', $info['flags'])) { // or 'primary_key' ? $info['type'] = dibi::FIELD_COUNTER; } else { $info['type'] = isset($types[$native]) ? $types[$native] : dibi::FIELD_UNKNOWN; // if ($info['type'] === dibi::FIELD_TEXT && $info['length'] > 255) // $info['type'] = dibi::FIELD_LONG_TEXT; } $name = mysql_field_name($this->resultset, $index); $meta[$name] = $info; } return $meta; } /** * Returns the connection resource * * @return mixed */ public function getResource() { return $this->connection; } /** * Returns the resultset resource * * @return mixed */ public function getResultResource() { return $this->resultset; } /** * Gets a information of the current database. * * @return DibiReflection */ function getDibiReflection() {} }