loadFile(__DIR__ . "/data/$config[system].sql"); $row = $conn->fetch('SELECT * FROM [products] ORDER BY product_id'); // existing Assert::same('Chair', $row->title); Assert::true(isset($row->title)); Assert::same('Chair', $row['title']); Assert::true(isset($row['title'])); // missing Assert::error(function () use ($row) { $x = $row->missing; }, E_USER_NOTICE, "Attempt to read missing column 'missing'."); Assert::error(function () use ($row) { $x = $row['missing']; }, E_USER_NOTICE, "Attempt to read missing column 'missing'."); Assert::false(isset($row->missing)); Assert::false(isset($row['missing'])); // suggestions Assert::error(function () use ($row) { $x = $row->tilte; }, E_USER_NOTICE, "Attempt to read missing column 'tilte', did you mean 'title'?"); Assert::error(function () use ($row) { $x = $row['tilte']; }, E_USER_NOTICE, "Attempt to read missing column 'tilte', did you mean 'title'?"); // to array Assert::same(['product_id' => num(1), 'title' => 'Chair'], iterator_to_array($row)); Assert::same(['product_id' => num(1), 'title' => 'Chair'], $row->toArray()); // counting Assert::same(2, count($row));