2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
< ? php
* e107 website system
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 - 2009 e107 Inc ( e107 . org )
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License ( http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl . txt )
* Update routines from older e107 versions to current .
* Also links to plugin update routines .
* 2 - stage process - routines identify whether update is required , and then execute as instructed .
// [debug=8] shows the operations on major table update
2021-01-16 13:32:35 -08:00
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../class2.php' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'db_table_admin_class.php' );
e107 :: includeLan ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . '/admin/lan_e107_update.php' );
// Modified update routine - combines checking and update code into one block per function
// - reduces code size typically 30%.
// - keeping check and update code together should improve clarity/reduce mis-types etc
// @todo: how do we handle update of multi-language tables?
// If following line uncommented, enables a test routine
// define('TEST_UPDATE',TRUE);
$update_debug = TRUE ; // TRUE gives extra messages in places
//$update_debug = TRUE; // TRUE gives extra messages in places
if ( defined ( 'TEST_UPDATE' )) $update_debug = TRUE ;
//if (!defined('LAN_UPDATE_8')) { define('LAN_UPDATE_8', ''); }
//if (!defined('LAN_UPDATE_9')) { define('LAN_UPDATE_9', ''); }
// Determine which installed plugins have an update file - save the path and the installed version in an array
$dbupdateplugs = array (); // Array of paths to installed plugins which have a checking routine
$dbupdatep = array (); // Array of plugin upgrade actions (similar to $dbupdate)
$dbupdate = array (); // Array of core upgrade actions
global $e107cache ;
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$e107info = [];
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
if ( is_readable ( e_ADMIN . 'ver.php' ))
include ( e_ADMIN . 'ver.php' );
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
// If $dont_check_update is both defined and TRUE on entry, a check for update is done only once per 24 hours.
$dont_check_update = varset ( $dont_check_update , FALSE );
if ( $dont_check_update === TRUE )
$dont_check_update = FALSE ;
if ( $tempData = $e107cache -> retrieve_sys ( 'nq_admin_updatecheck' , 3600 , TRUE ))
{ // See when we last checked for an admin update
list ( $last_time , $dont_check_update , $last_ver ) = explode ( ',' , $tempData );
if ( $last_ver != $e107info [ 'e107_version' ])
$dont_check_update = FALSE ; // Do proper check on version change
$dont_check_update = false ;
if ( ! $dont_check_update )
2020-12-17 05:52:54 -08:00
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
if ( $dbupdateplugs = e107 :: getConfig () -> get ( 'plug_installed' ))
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// Read in each update file - this will add an entry to the $dbupdatep array if a potential update exists
foreach ( $dbupdateplugs as $path => $ver )
if ( ! is_file ( e_PLUGIN . $path . " /plugin.xml " ))
$fname = e_PLUGIN . $path . '/' . $path . '_update_check.php' ; // DEPRECATED - left for BC only.
if ( is_readable ( $fname )) include_once ( $fname );
$fname = e_PLUGIN . $path . '/' . $path . '_setup.php' ;
if ( is_readable ( $fname ))
$dbupdatep [ $path ] = $path ; // ' 0.7.x forums '.LAN_UPDATE_9.' 0.8 forums';
include_once ( $fname );
// List of potential updates
if ( defined ( 'TEST_UPDATE' ))
$dbupdate [ 'test_code' ] = 'Test update routine' ;
// set 'master' to true to prevent other upgrades from running before it is complete.
$LAN_UPDATE_4 = deftrue ( 'LAN_UPDATE_4' , " Update from [x] to [y] " ); // in case language-pack hasn't been upgraded.
$LAN_UPDATE_5 = deftrue ( 'LAN_UPDATE_5' , " Core database structure " );
// $dbupdate['218_to_219'] = array('master'=>false, 'title'=> e107::getParser()->lanVars($LAN_UPDATE_4, array('2.1.8','2.1.9')), 'message'=> null, 'hide_when_complete'=>true);
// $dbupdate['217_to_218'] = array('master'=>false, 'title'=> e107::getParser()->lanVars($LAN_UPDATE_4, array('2.1.7','2.1.8')), 'message'=> null, 'hide_when_complete'=>true);
2020-05-05 15:11:49 -07:00
$dbupdate [ '706_to_800' ] = array ( 'master' => true , 'title' => e107 :: getParser () -> lanVars ( $LAN_UPDATE_4 , array ( '1.x' , '2.0' )), 'message' => LAN_UPDATE_29 , 'hide_when_complete' => true );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
2023-03-19 15:14:04 -07:00
$dbupdate [ '20x_to_latest' ] = array ( 'master' => true , 'title' => e107 :: getParser () -> lanVars ( $LAN_UPDATE_4 , array ( '2.x' , $e107info [ 'e107_version' ])), 'message' => null , 'hide_when_complete' => false );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// always run these last.
$dbupdate [ 'core_database' ] = array ( 'master' => false , 'title' => $LAN_UPDATE_5 );
$dbupdate [ 'core_prefs' ] = array ( 'master' => true , 'title' => LAN_UPDATE_13 ); // Prefs check
// $dbupdate['70x_to_706'] = LAN_UPDATE_8.' .70x '.LAN_UPDATE_9.' .706';
} // End if (!$dont_check_update)
// New in v2.x ------------------------------------------------
class e107Update
var $core = array ();
var $updates = 0 ;
var $disabled = 0 ;
function __construct ( $core = null )
2021-09-28 08:13:27 -07:00
e107 :: getCache () -> clear_sys ();
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$this -> core = $core ;
if ( varset ( $_POST [ 'update_core' ]) && is_array ( $_POST [ 'update_core' ]))
$func = key ( $_POST [ 'update_core' ]);
$this -> updateCore ( $func );
if ( varset ( $_POST [ 'update' ]) && is_array ( $_POST [ 'update' ])) // Do plugin updates
$func = key ( $_POST [ 'update' ]);
$this -> updatePlugin ( $func );
// $dbv = e107::getSingleton('db_verify', e_HANDLER."db_verify_class.php");
// $dbv->clearCache();
$this -> renderForm ();
function updateCore ( $func = '' )
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
2020-06-12 13:29:40 -07:00
if ( function_exists ( 'update_' . $func )) // Legacy Method.
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$installed = call_user_func ( " update_ " . $func );
//?! (LAN_UPDATE == $_POST[$func])
if ( vartrue ( $_POST [ 'update_core' ][ $func ]) && ! $installed )
if ( function_exists ( " update_ " . $func ))
// $message = LAN_UPDATE_7." ".$func;
$message = $tp -> lanVars ( LAN_UPDATE_7 , $this -> core [ $func ][ 'title' ]);
$error = call_user_func ( " update_ " . $func , " do " );
if ( $error != '' )
$mes -> add ( $message , E_MESSAGE_ERROR );
$mes -> add ( $error , E_MESSAGE_ERROR );
$mes -> add ( $message , E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS );
2019-05-22 13:57:51 -07:00
e107 :: getCache () -> clear_sys ( 'Update_core' );
2020-06-12 13:29:40 -07:00
$search = [ '[' , ']' ];
$replace = [ " <a class='alert-link' href=' " . e_ADMIN . " fileinspector.php'> " , " </a> " ];
$fileInspectorMessage = LAN_UPDATE_58 ; // running file-inspector is recommended..
$mes -> addInfo ( str_replace ( $search , $replace , $fileInspectorMessage ));
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$mes -> addDebug ( " could not run 'update_ " . $func );
2020-06-12 13:29:40 -07:00
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
function updatePlugin ( $path )
e107 :: getPlugin () -> install_plugin_xml ( $path , 'upgrade' );
// e107::getPlugin()->save_addon_prefs(); // Rebuild addon prefs.
e107 :: getMessage () -> reset ( E_MESSAGE_INFO );
e107 :: getMessage () -> addSuccess ( LAN_UPDATED . " : " . $path );
function plugins ()
if ( ! $list = e107 :: getPlugin () -> updateRequired ())
return false ;
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$text = " " ;
uksort ( $list , " strnatcasecmp " );
foreach ( $list as $path => $val )
$name = ! empty ( $val [ '@attributes' ][ 'lan' ]) ? $tp -> toHTML ( $val [ '@attributes' ][ 'lan' ], false , 'TITLE' ) : $val [ '@attributes' ][ 'name' ];
$text .= " <tr>
< td > " . $name . " </ td >
< td > " . $frm->admin_button ('update['. $path .']', LAN_UPDATE, 'warning', '', 'disabled='. $this->disabled ). " </ td >
</ tr > " ;
return $text ;
function core ()
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$text = " " ;
foreach ( $this -> core as $func => $data )
$text2 = '' ;
if ( function_exists ( " update_ " . $func ))
if ( call_user_func ( " update_ " . $func ))
if ( empty ( $data [ 'hide_when_complete' ]))
$text2 .= " <td> " . $data [ 'title' ] . " </td> " ;
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$text2 .= " <td> " . defset ( 'ADMIN_TRUE_ICON' ) . " </td> " ;
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$text2 .= " <td> " . $data [ 'title' ] . " </td> " ;
if ( vartrue ( $data [ 'message' ]))
$mes -> addInfo ( $data [ 'message' ]);
$this -> updates ++ ;
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$text2 .= " <td> " . $frm -> admin_button ( 'update_core[' . $func . ']' , LAN_UPDATE , 'warning' , '' , " id=e- $func &disabled= " . $this -> disabled ) . " </td> " ;
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
if ( $data [ 'master' ])
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$this -> disabled = 1 ;
if ( ! empty ( $text2 ))
$text .= " <tr> " . $text2 . " </tr> \n " ;
return $text ;
function renderForm ()
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$caption = LAN_UPDATE ;
$text = "
< form method = 'post' action = '".e_ADMIN."e107_update.php' >
< fieldset id = 'core-e107-update' >
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
< legend > $caption </ legend >
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
< table class = 'table adminlist' >
< colgroup >
< col style = 'width: 60%' />
< col style = 'width: 40%' />
</ colgroup >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > " .LAN_UPDATE_55. " </ th >
< th class = 'last' > " .LAN_UPDATE_2. " </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
" ;
$text .= $this -> core ();
$text .= $this -> plugins ();
$text .= "
</ tbody >
</ table >
</ fieldset >
</ form >
" ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_UPDATES , $mes -> render () . $text );
* Master routine to call to check for updates
function update_check ()
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$e107cache = e107 :: getCache ();
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
global $dont_check_update , $e107info ;
global $dbupdate , $dbupdatep , $e107cache ;
$update_needed = FALSE ;
if ( $dont_check_update === FALSE )
$dbUpdatesPref = array ();
$skip = e107 :: getPref ( 'db_updates' );
foreach ( $dbupdate as $func => $rmks ) // See which core functions need update
if ( ! empty ( $skip [ $func ]) && ( ! deftrue ( 'e_DEBUG' ) || E107_DBG_TIMEDETAILS )) // skip version checking when debug is off and check already done.
continue ;
if ( function_exists ( 'update_' . $func ))
2020-05-02 15:35:30 -07:00
e107 :: getDebug () -> logTime ( 'Check Core Update_' . $func . ' ' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
if ( ! call_user_func ( 'update_' . $func , false ))
$dbUpdatesPref [ $func ] = 0 ;
$update_needed = true ;
break ;
elseif ( strpos ( $func , 'core_' ) !== 0 ) // skip the pref and table check.
$dbUpdatesPref [ $func ] = 1 ;
e107 :: getConfig () -> set ( 'db_updates' , $dbUpdatesPref ) -> save ( false , true , false );
// Now check plugins - XXX DEPRECATED
foreach ( $dbupdatep as $func => $rmks )
if ( function_exists ( 'update_' . $func ))
// $sql->db_Mark_Time('Check Core Update_'.$func.' ');
if ( ! call_user_func ( 'update_' . $func , false ))
$update_needed = true ;
break ;
// New in v2.x
if ( e107 :: getPlugin () -> updateRequired ( 'boolean' ))
$update_needed = TRUE ;
// $e107cache->set_sys('nq_admin_updatecheck', time().','.($update_needed ? '2,' : '1,').$e107info['e107_version'], TRUE);
$update_needed = ( $dont_check_update == '2' );
return $update_needed ;
//XXX to be reworked eventually - for checking remote 'new versions' of plugins and installed theme.
// require_once(e_HANDLER.'e_upgrade_class.php');
// $upg = new e_upgrade;
// $upg->checkSiteTheme();
// $upg->checkAllPlugins();
// Check current prefs against latest list
function update_core_prefs ( $type = '' )
global $e107info ; // $pref, $pref must be kept as global
$pref = e107 :: getConfig ( 'core' , true , true ) -> getPref ();
2020-12-22 09:36:02 -08:00
$admin_log = e107 :: getLog ();
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$do_save = FALSE ;
$should = get_default_prefs ();
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$just_check = ! ( $type == 'do' ); // TRUE if we're just seeing if an update is needed
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
foreach ( $should as $k => $v )
if ( $k && ! array_key_exists ( $k , $pref ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Missing pref: ' . $k );
// $pref[$k] = $v;
e107 :: getConfig () -> set ( $k , $v );
$admin_log -> logMessage ( $k . ' => ' . $v , E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY , E_MESSAGE_INFO );
$do_save = TRUE ;
if ( $do_save )
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
e107 :: getConfig () -> save ( false , true );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$admin_log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_14 . $e107info [ 'e107_version' ], E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY , E_MESSAGE_INFO );
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$admin_log -> flushMessages ( 'UPDATE_03' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
//e107::getLog()->add('UPDATE_03',LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'].'[!br!]'.implode(', ',$accum),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); // Log result of actual update
return $just_check ;
if ( defined ( 'TEST_UPDATE' ))
// Test routine - to activate, define TEST_UPDATE
function update_test_code ( $type = '' )
global $sql , $ns , $pref ;
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
// TRUE if we're just seeing whether an update is needed
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// Add your test code in here
// End of test code
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
return ! ( $type == 'do' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
} // End of test routine
// generic database structure update.
function update_core_database ( $type = '' )
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$just_check = ! ( $type == 'do' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// require_once(e_HANDLER."db_verify_class.php");
// $dbv = new db_verify;
/** @var db_verify $dbv */
$dbv = e107 :: getSingleton ( 'db_verify' , e_HANDLER . " db_verify_class.php " );
2020-12-22 09:36:02 -08:00
$log = e107 :: getLog ();
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
if ( $plugUpgradeReq = e107 :: getPlugin () -> updateRequired ())
$exclude = array_keys ( $plugUpgradeReq ); // search xxxxx_setup.php and check for 'upgrade_required()' == true.
asort ( $exclude );
$exclude = false ;
$dbv -> compareAll ( $exclude ); // core & plugins, but not plugins calling for an update with xxxxx_setup.php
if ( $dbv -> errors ())
if ( $just_check )
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
// $mes->addDebug(print_a($dbv->errors,true));
$log -> addDebug ( print_a ( $dbv -> errors , true ));
$tables = implode ( " , " , array_keys ( $dbv -> errors ));
return update_needed ( " Database Tables require updating: <b> " . $tables . " </b> " );
$dbv -> compileResults ();
$dbv -> runFix (); // Fix entire core database structure and plugins too.
return $just_check ;
function update_218_to_219 ( $type = '' )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$just_check = ( $type == 'do' ) ? false : true ;
// add common video and audio media categories if missing.
$count = $sql -> select ( " core_media_cat " , " * " , " media_cat_category = '_common_video' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! $count )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Media-Manager is missing the video and audio categories and needs to be updated.' );
$sql -> gen ( " INSERT INTO ` " . MPREFIX . " core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_video', '(Common Videos)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 0); " );
$sql -> gen ( " INSERT INTO ` " . MPREFIX . " core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_audio', '(Common Audio)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 0); " );
return $just_check ;
} */
* @ param string $type
* @ return bool true = no update required , and false if update required .
/* function update_217_to_218 ( $type = '' )
$just_check = ( $type == 'do' ) ? false : true ;
$e_user_list = e107 :: getPref ( 'e_user_list' );
e107 :: getPlug () -> clearCache () -> buildAddonPrefLists ();
if ( empty ( $e_user_list [ 'user' ])) // check e107_plugins/user/e_user.php is registered.
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " user/e_user.php need to be registered " ); // NO LAN.
// Make sure, that the pref "post_script" contains one of the allowed userclasses
// Close possible security hole
if ( ! array_key_exists ( e107 :: getPref ( 'post_script' ), e107 :: getUserClass () -> uc_required_class_list ( 'nobody,admin,main,classes,no-excludes' , true )))
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " Pref 'Class which can post < script > and similar tags' contains an invalid value " ); // NO LAN.
e107 :: getConfig () -> setPref ( 'post_script' , 255 ) -> save ( false , true );
return $just_check ;
} */
* @ param string $type
* @ return bool true = no update required , and false if update required .
2023-03-19 15:14:04 -07:00
function update_20x_to_latest ( $type = '' )
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$log = e107 :: getLog ();
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$just_check = ! ( $type == 'do' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$pref = e107 :: getPref ();
2021-03-11 09:44:37 -08:00
if ( ! isset ( $pref [ 'lan_global_list' ][ 'news' ]))
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " News is missing from global lan list. " );
$plgClass = e107 :: getPlugin ();
$plgClass -> plugFolder = 'news' ;
$plgClass -> XmlLanguageFiles ( 'refresh' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
if ( ! $sql -> select ( 'core_media_cat' , 'media_cat_id' , " media_cat_category = '_icon_svg' LIMIT 1 " ))
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " Missing Media-category for SVG " );
$query = " INSERT INTO `#core_media_cat` (media_cat_id, media_cat_owner, media_cat_category, media_cat_title, media_cat_sef, media_cat_diz, media_cat_class, media_cat_image, media_cat_order) VALUES (NULL, '_icon', '_icon_svg', 'Icons SVG', '', 'Available where icons are used in admin.', '253', '', '0'); " ;
$sql -> gen ( $query );
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'e_header_list' ][ 'social' ]))
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " Social Plugin Needs to be refreshed. " );
e107 :: getPlugin () -> refresh ( 'social' );
if ( empty ( $pref [ 'themecss' ])) // FIX
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " Theme CSS pref value is blank. " );
e107 :: getConfig () -> set ( 'themecss' , 'style.css' ) -> save ( false , true , false );
2020-11-28 11:47:19 -08:00
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'flood_protect' ]))
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " Old flood protection pref needs to be removed. " );
e107 :: getConfig () -> remove ( 'flood_protect' ) -> save ( false , true , false );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// User is marked as not installed.
if ( $sql -> select ( 'plugin' , 'plugin_id' , " plugin_path = 'user' AND plugin_installflag != 1 LIMIT 1 " ))
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " Plugin table 'user' value needs to be reset. " );
$sql -> delete ( 'plugin' , " plugin_path = 'user' " );
// Make sure, that the pref "post_script" contains one of the allowed userclasses
// Close possible security hole
if ( ! array_key_exists ( e107 :: getPref ( 'post_script' ), e107 :: getUserClass () -> uc_required_class_list ( 'nobody,admin,main,classes,no-excludes' , true )))
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " Pref 'Class which can post < script > and similar tags' contains an invalid value " ); // NO LAN.
e107 :: getConfig () -> setPref ( 'post_script' , 255 ) -> save ( false , true );
// add common video and audio media categories if missing.
$count = $sql -> select ( " core_media_cat " , " * " , " media_cat_category = '_common_video' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! $count )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Media-Manager is missing the video and audio categories and needs to be updated.' );
$sql -> gen ( " INSERT INTO ` " . MPREFIX . " core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_video', '(Common Videos)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 0); " );
$sql -> gen ( " INSERT INTO ` " . MPREFIX . " core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_audio', '(Common Audio)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 0); " );
2021-03-11 09:44:37 -08:00
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
return $just_check ;
// Upgrade later versions of 0.7.x to 0.8
function update_706_to_800 ( $type = '' )
global $pref , $e107info ;
global $sysprefs , $eArrayStorage ;
//$mes = new messageLog; // Combined logging and message displaying handler
//$mes = e107::getMessage();
2020-12-22 09:36:02 -08:00
$log = e107 :: getLog (); // Used for combined logging and message displaying
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$sql2 = e107 :: getDb ( 'sql2' );
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
e107 :: getCache () -> clearAll ( 'db' );
e107 :: getCache () -> clear_sys ( 'Config' );
e107 :: getMessage () -> setUnique ();
// List of unwanted $pref values which can go
$obs_prefs = array ( 'frontpage_type' , 'rss_feeds' , 'log_lvcount' , 'zone' , 'upload_allowedfiletype' , 'real' , 'forum_user_customtitle' ,
'utf-compatmode' , 'frontpage_method' , 'standards_mode' , 'image_owner' , 'im_quality' , 'signup_option_timezone' ,
'modules' , 'plug_sc' , 'plug_bb' , 'plug_status' , 'plug_latest' , 'subnews_hide_news' , 'upload_storagetype' ,
// List of DB tables not required (includes a few from 0.6xx)
2020-06-02 13:43:21 -07:00
$obs_tables = array ( 'flood' , 'stat_info' , 'stat_counter' , 'stat_last' , 'preset' , 'tinymce' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// List of DB tables newly required (defined in core_sql.php) (The existing dblog table gets renamed)
// No Longer required. - automatically checked against core_sql.php.
// $new_tables = array('audit_log', 'dblog', 'news_rewrite', 'core_media', 'core_media_cat','cron', 'mail_recipients', 'mail_content');
// List of core prefs that need to be converted from serialized to e107ArrayStorage.
$serialized_prefs = array ( " 'emote' " , " 'menu_pref' " , " 'search_prefs' " , " 'emote_default' " , " 'pm_prefs' " );
// List of changed DB tables (defined in core_sql.php)
// No Longer required. - automatically checked against core_sql.php.
// (primarily those which have changed significantly; for the odd field write some explicit code - it'll run faster)
// $changed_tables = array('user', 'dblog', 'admin_log', 'userclass_classes', 'banlist', 'menus',
// 'plugin', 'news', 'news_category', 'online', 'page', 'links', 'comments');
// List of changed DB tables from core plugins (defined in pluginname_sql.php file)
// key = plugin directory name. Data = comma-separated list of tables to check
// (primarily those which have changed significantly; for the odd field write some explicit code - it'll run faster)
// No Longer required. - automatically checked by db-verify
/* $pluginChangedTables = array ( 'linkwords' => 'linkwords' ,
'featurebox' => 'featurebox' ,
'links_page' => 'links_page' ,
'poll' => 'polls' ,
'content' => 'pcontent'
$setCorePrefs = array ( //modified prefs during upgrade.
'adminstyle' => 'infopanel' ,
'admintheme' => 'bootstrap' ,
'admincss' => 'admin_style.css' ,
'resize_dimensions' => array (
'news-image' => array ( 'w' => 250 , 'h' => 250 ),
'news-bbcode' => array ( 'w' => 250 , 'h' => 250 ),
'page-bbcode' => array ( 'w' => 250 , 'h' => 250 )
$do_save = TRUE ;
// List of changed menu locations.
$changeMenuPaths = array (
array ( 'oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'sitebutton_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'compliance_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'powered_by_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'sitebutton_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'counter_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'latestnews_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'compliance_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'compliance_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'powered_by_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'powered_by_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'sitebutton_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'sitebutton_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'counter_menu' , 'newpath' => 'siteinfo' , 'menu' => 'counter_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'usertheme_menu' , 'newpath' => 'user' , 'menu' => 'usertheme_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'userlanguage_menu' , 'newpath' => 'user' , 'menu' => 'userlanguage_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'lastseen_menu' , 'newpath' => 'online' , 'menu' => 'lastseen_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'other_news_menu' , 'newpath' => 'news' , 'menu' => 'other_news_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'other_news_menu' , 'newpath' => 'news' , 'menu' => 'other_news2_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'user_menu' , 'newpath' => 'user' , 'menu' => 'usertheme_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'user_menu' , 'newpath' => 'user' , 'menu' => 'userlanguage_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'poll_menu' , 'newpath' => 'poll' , 'menu' => 'poll_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'banner_menu' , 'newpath' => 'banner' , 'menu' => 'banner_menu' ),
array ( 'oldpath' => 'online_menu' , 'newpath' => 'online' , 'menu' => 'online_menu' ),
// List of DB tables (key) and field (value) which need changing to accommodate IPV6 addresses
$ip_upgrade = array ( 'download_requests' => 'download_request_ip' ,
'submitnews' => 'submitnews_ip' ,
'tmp' => 'tmp_ip' ,
'chatbox' => 'cb_ip'
$db_parser = new db_table_admin ; // Class to read table defs and process them
$do_save = FALSE ; // Set TRUE to update prefs when update complete
$updateMessages = array (); // Used to log actions for the admin log - TODO: will go once all converted to new class
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$just_check = ! (( $type == 'do' )); // TRUE if we're just seeing whether an update is needed
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// if (!$just_check)
// {
// foreach(vartrue($setCorePrefs) as $k=>$v)
// {
// $pref[$k] = $v;
// }
// }
if ( ! $just_check )
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_14 . $e107info [ 'e107_version' ], E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY );
if ( $pref [ 'admintheme' ] == 'bootstrap' ) //TODO Force an admin theme update or not?
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'pref: Admin theme upgrade to bootstrap3 ' );
$pref [ 'admintheme' ] = 'bootstrap3' ;
2021-01-29 09:27:38 -08:00
$pref [ 'admincss' ] = 'css/bootstrap-dark.min.css' ;
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$do_save = true ;
// convert all serialized core prefs to e107 ArrayStorage;
$serialz_qry = " SUBSTRING( e107_value,1,5)!='array' AND e107_value !='' " ;
$serialz_qry .= " AND e107_name IN ( " . implode ( " , " , $serialized_prefs ) . " ) " ;
if ( e107 :: getDb () -> select ( " core " , " * " , $serialz_qry ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Convert serialized core prefs' );
while ( $row = e107 :: getDb () -> fetch ())
$status = e107 :: getDb ( 'sql2' ) -> update ( 'core' , " e107_value= \" " . convert_serialized ( $row [ 'e107_value' ]) . " \" WHERE e107_name=' " . $row [ 'e107_name' ] . " ' " ) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR ;
$log -> addDebug ( LAN_UPDATE_22 . $row [ 'e107_name' ] . " : " . $status );
if ( e107 :: getDb () -> select ( " core " , " * " , " e107_name='pm_prefs' LIMIT 1 " ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Rename the pm prefs' );
e107 :: getDb () -> update ( " core " , " e107_name='plugin_pm' WHERE e107_name = 'pm_prefs' " );
//@TODO de-serialize the user_prefs also.
// Banlist
if ( ! $sql -> field ( 'banlist' , 'banlist_id' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Banlist table requires updating.' );
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE #banlist DROP PRIMARY KEY " );
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE `#banlist` ADD `banlist_id` INT( 11 ) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST " );
// Move the maximum online counts from menu prefs to a separate pref - 'history'
e107 :: getCache () -> clear_sys ( 'Config' );
$menuConfig = e107 :: getConfig ( 'menu' , true , true );
if ( $menuConfig -> get ( 'most_members_online' ) || $menuConfig -> get ( 'most_guests_online' ) || $menuConfig -> get ( 'most_online_datestamp' ))
$status = E_MESSAGE_DEBUG ;
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Move online counts from menupref' );
$newPrefs = e107 :: getConfig ( 'history' );
foreach ( array ( 'most_members_online' , 'most_guests_online' , 'most_online_datestamp' ) as $v )
if ( FALSE === $newPrefs -> get ( $v , FALSE ))
if ( FALSE !== $menuConfig -> get ( $v , FALSE ))
$newPrefs -> set ( $v , $menuConfig -> get ( $v ));
$newPrefs -> set ( $v , 0 );
$menuConfig -> remove ( $v );
$result = $newPrefs -> save ( false , true , false );
if ( $result === TRUE )
$resultMessage = 'Historic member counts updated' ;
$result = $menuConfig -> save ( false , true , false ); // Only re-save if successul.
elseif ( $result === FALSE )
$resultMessage = 'moving historic member counts' ;
$status = E_MESSAGE_ERROR ;
{ // No change
$resultMessage = 'Historic member counts already updated' ;
$status = E_MESSAGE_INFO ;
// $result = $menuConfig->save(false, true, false); // Save updated menuprefs - without the counts - don't delete them if it fails.
//$updateMessages[] = $statusTexts[$status].': '.$resultMessage; // Admin log message
$log -> logMessage ( $resultMessage , $status ); // User message
// ++++++++ Modify Menu Paths +++++++.
if ( varset ( $changeMenuPaths ))
foreach ( $changeMenuPaths as $val )
$qry = " SELECT menu_path FROM `#menus` WHERE menu_name = ' " . $val [ 'menu' ] . " ' AND (menu_path=' " . $val [ 'oldpath' ] . " ' || menu_path=' " . $val [ 'oldpath' ] . " /' ) LIMIT 1 " ;
if ( $sql -> gen ( $qry ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Menu path changed required: ' . $val [ 'menu' ] . ' ' );
$updqry = " menu_path=' " . $val [ 'newpath' ] . " /' WHERE menu_name = ' " . $val [ 'menu' ] . " ' AND (menu_path=' " . $val [ 'oldpath' ] . " ' || menu_path=' " . $val [ 'oldpath' ] . " /' ) " ;
$status = $sql -> update ( 'menus' , $updqry ) ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR ;
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_23 . '<b>' . $val [ 'menu' ] . '</b> : ' . $val [ 'oldpath' ] . ' => ' . $val [ 'newpath' ], $status ); // LAN_UPDATE_25;
// catch_error($sql);
// Leave this one here.. just in case..
//delete record for online_extended_menu (now only using one online menu)
2020-12-14 16:21:48 -08:00
if ( $sql -> select ( 'menus' , '*' , " menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/' " ))
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( " The Menu table needs to have some paths corrected in its data. " );
2020-12-14 16:21:48 -08:00
$row = $sql -> fetch ();
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
//if online_extended is activated, we need to activate the new 'online' menu, and delete this record
if ( $row [ 'menu_location' ] != 0 )
$status = $sql -> update ( 'menus' , " menu_name='online_menu', menu_path='online/' WHERE menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/' " ) ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR ;
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_23 . " <b>online_menu</b> : online/ " , $status );
{ //else if the menu is not active
//we need to delete the online_extended menu row, and change the online_menu to online
$sql -> delete ( 'menus' , " menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/' " );
2021-10-17 08:43:07 -07:00
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_23 , E_MESSAGE_DEBUG );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
catch_error ( $sql );
//change menu_path for online_menu (if it still exists)
2020-12-14 16:21:48 -08:00
if ( $sql -> select ( 'menus' , 'menu_path' , " menu_path='online_menu' || menu_path='online_menu/' " ))
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'change menu_path for online menu' );
$status = $sql -> update ( 'menus' , " menu_path='online/' WHERE menu_path='online_menu' || menu_path='online_menu/' " ) ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR ;
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_23 . " <b>online_menu</b> : online/ " , $status );
catch_error ( $sql );
if ( ! $just_check )
// Alert Admin to delete deprecated menu folders.
$chgPath = array ();
foreach ( $changeMenuPaths as $cgpArray )
if ( is_dir ( e_PLUGIN . $cgpArray [ 'oldpath' ]))
if ( ! in_array ( $cgpArray [ 'oldpath' ], $chgPath ))
$chgPath [] = $cgpArray [ 'oldpath' ];
if ( count ( $chgPath ))
$log -> addWarning ( LAN_UPDATE_57 . ' ' );
array_unique ( $chgPath );
asort ( $chgPath );
foreach ( $chgPath as $cgp )
$log -> addWarning ( e_PLUGIN_ABS . " <b> " . $cgp . " </b> " );
// Comments - split user field
if ( $sql -> db_Field ( 'comments' , 'comment_author' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Comment table author field update' );
if (( ! $sql -> db_Field ( 'comments' , 'comment_author_id' )) // Check to see whether new fields already added - maybe data copy failed part way through
&& ( ! $sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE `#comments`
ADD COLUMN comment_author_id int ( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `comment_author` ,
ADD COLUMN comment_author_name varchar ( 100 ) NOT NULL default '' AFTER `comment_author_id` " )))
// Flag error
// $commentMessage = LAN_UPDAXXTE_34;
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_21 . " comments " , E_MESSAGE_ERROR );
if ( FALSE === $sql -> update ( 'comments' , " comment_author_id=SUBSTRING_INDEX(`comment_author`,'.',1), comment_author_name=SUBSTRING(`comment_author` FROM POSITION('.' IN `comment_author`)+1) " ))
// Flag error
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_21 . 'comments' , E_MESSAGE_ERROR );
{ // Delete superceded field - comment_author
if ( ! $sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE `#comments` DROP COLUMN `comment_author` " ))
// Flag error
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_24 . 'comments - comment_author' , E_MESSAGE_ERROR );
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_21 . 'comments' , E_MESSAGE_DEBUG );
// Add index to download history
// Deprecated by db-verify-class
// if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('download_requests', 'download_request_datestamp', $just_check, $updateMessages)))
// {
// if ($just_check)
// {
// return update_needed($temp);
// }
// }
// Extra index to tmp table
// Deprecated by db-verify-class
// if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('tmp', 'tmp_time', $just_check, $updateMessages)))
// {
// if ($just_check)
// {
// return update_needed($temp);
// }
// }
// Extra index to rss table (if used)
// Deprecated by db-verify-class
// if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('rss', 'rss_name', $just_check, $updateMessages, TRUE)))
// {
// if ($just_check)
// {
// return update_needed($temp);
// }
// }
// Front page prefs (logic has changed)
if ( ! isset ( $pref [ 'frontpage_force' ])) // Just set basic options; no real method of converting the existing
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Change front page prefs' );
$pref [ 'frontpage_force' ] = array ( e_UC_PUBLIC => '' );
$fpdef = vartrue ( $pref [ 'frontpage' ][ 'all' ]) == 'index.php' ? 'index.php' : 'news.php' ;
$pref [ 'frontpage' ] = array ( e_UC_PUBLIC => $fpdef );
// $_pdateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_38; //FIXME
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_20 . " frontpage " , E_MESSAGE_DEBUG );
e107 :: getConfig () -> add ( 'frontpage_force' , $pref [ 'frontpage_force' ]);
e107 :: getConfig () -> add ( 'frontpage' , $pref [ 'frontpage' ]);
unset ( $pref [ 'frontpage_force' ], $pref [ 'frontpage' ]);
$do_save = TRUE ;
// Check need for user timezone before we delete the field
// if (vartrue($pref['signup_option_timezone']))
if ( $sql -> field ( 'user' , 'user_timezone' ) === true && $sql -> field ( 'user_extended' , 'user_timezone' ) === false )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Move user timezone info' );
if ( ! copy_user_timezone ())
{ // Error doing the transfer
//$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_42;
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_42 , E_MESSAGE_ERROR );
return FALSE ;
//$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_41;
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_41 , E_MESSAGE_DEBUG );
// Tables defined in core_sql.php to be RENAMED.
// Next bit will be needed only by the brave souls who used an early CVS - probably delete before release
if ( $sql -> isTable ( 'rl_history' ) && ! $sql -> isTable ( 'dblog' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Rename rl_history to dblog' );
$sql -> gen ( 'ALTER TABLE `' . MPREFIX . 'rl_history` RENAME `' . MPREFIX . 'dblog`' );
//$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_44;
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_44 , E_MESSAGE_DEBUG );
catch_error ( $sql );
if ( $sql -> isTable ( 'dblog' ) && ! $sql -> isTable ( 'admin_log' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Rename dblog to admin_log' );
$sql -> gen ( 'ALTER TABLE `' . MPREFIX . 'dblog` RENAME `' . MPREFIX . 'admin_log`' );
catch_error ( $sql );
//$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_43;
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_43 , E_MESSAGE_DEBUG );
if ( $sql -> isTable ( 'forum_t' ) && $sql -> isEmpty ( 'forum' ) && $sql -> isEmpty ( 'forum_t' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Empty forum tables need to be removed.' );
$obs_tables [] = 'forum_t' ;
$obs_tables [] = 'forum' ;
// Obsolete tables (list at top)
$sql -> mySQLtableList = false ; // clear the cached table list.
foreach ( $obs_tables as $ot )
if ( $sql -> isTable ( $ot ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( " Delete table: " . $ot );
$status = $sql -> gen ( 'DROP TABLE `' . MPREFIX . $ot . '`' ) ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR ;
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_25 . $ot , $status );
// Tables where IP address field needs updating to accommodate IPV6
// Set to varchar(45) - just in case something uses the IPV4 subnet (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPV6#Notation)
foreach ( $ip_upgrade as $t => $f )
if ( $sql -> isTable ( $t ))
{ // Check for table - might add some core plugin tables in here
if ( $field_info = ( $sql -> db_Field ( $t , $f , '' , TRUE )))
if ( strtolower ( $field_info [ 'Type' ]) != 'varchar(45)' )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Update IP address field ' . $f . ' in table ' . $t );
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$status = $sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . $t . " ` MODIFY ` $f ` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; " ) ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR ;
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_26 . $t . ' - ' . $f , $status );
// catch_error($sql);
2020-12-18 19:55:12 -08:00
// else
// {
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// Got a strange error here
2020-12-18 19:55:12 -08:00
// }
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// Obsolete prefs (list at top)
// Intentionally do this last - we may check some of them during the update
$accum = array ();
foreach ( $obs_prefs as $p )
if ( isset ( $pref [ $p ]))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Remove obsolete prefs' );
unset ( $pref [ $p ]);
e107 :: getConfig () -> remove ( $p );
$do_save = true ;
$log -> addDebug ( 'Removed obsolete pref: ' . $p );
// $accum[] = $p;
/* -------------- Upgrade Entire Table Structure - Multi-Language Supported ----------------- */
// ONLY ever add fields, never deletes.
// require_once(e_HANDLER."db_verify_class.php");
// $dbv = new db_verify;
$dbv = e107 :: getSingleton ( 'db_verify' , e_HANDLER . " db_verify_class.php " );
if ( $plugUpgradeReq = e107 :: getPlugin () -> updateRequired ())
$exclude = array_keys ( $plugUpgradeReq ); // search xxxxx_setup.php and check for 'upgrade_required()' == true.
asort ( $exclude );
$exclude = false ;
$dbv -> compareAll ( $exclude ); // core & plugins, but not plugins calling for an update with xxxxx_setup.php
if ( count ( $dbv -> errors ))
if ( $just_check )
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
// $mes->addDebug(print_a($dbv->errors,true));
$log -> addDebug ( print_a ( $dbv -> errors , true ));
// return update_needed("Database Tables require updating."); //
$dbv -> compileResults ();
$dbv -> runFix (); // Fix entire core database structure and plugins too.
// print_a($dbv->results);
// print_a($dbv->fixList);
//TODO - send notification messages to Log.
if ( $sql -> field ( 'page' , 'page_theme' ) && $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM `#page` WHERE page_theme != '' AND menu_title = '' LIMIT 1 " ))
if ( $just_check )
return update_needed ( " Pages/Menus Table requires updating. " );
if ( $sql -> update ( 'page' , " menu_name = page_theme, menu_title = page_title, menu_text = page_text, menu_template='default', page_title = '', page_text = '' WHERE page_theme !='' AND menu_title = '' AND menu_text IS NULL " ))
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE `#page` DROP page_theme " );
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$log -> addDebug ( " Successfully updated pages/menus table to new format. " );
$log -> addDebug ( " FAILED to update pages/menus table to new format. " );
//$sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#page` DROP page_theme ");
if ( $sql -> field ( 'plugin' , 'plugin_releaseUrl' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'plugin_releaseUrl is deprecated and needs to be removed. ' );
if ( $sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE `#plugin` DROP `plugin_releaseUrl` " ))
$log -> addDebug ( " Successfully removed plugin_releaseUrl. " );
// --- Notify Prefs
// $notify_prefs = $sysprefs -> get('notify_prefs');
// $notify_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> ReadArray($notify_prefs);
e107 :: getCache () -> clear_sys ( 'Config' );
$notify_prefs = e107 :: getConfig ( 'notify' , true , true ) -> getPref ();
$nt_changed = 0 ;
if ( vartrue ( $notify_prefs [ 'event' ]))
foreach ( $notify_prefs [ 'event' ] as $e => $d )
if ( isset ( $d [ 'type' ]))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Notify pref: ' . $e . ' outdated' );
switch ( $d [ 'type' ])
case 'main' :
$notify_prefs [ 'event' ][ $e ][ 'class' ] = e_UC_MAINADMIN ;
break ;
case 'class' : // Should already have class defined
break ;
case 'email' :
$notify_prefs [ 'event' ][ $e ][ 'class' ] = 'email' ;
break ;
case 'off' : // Need to disable
default :
$notify_prefs [ 'event' ][ $e ][ 'class' ] = e_UC_NOBODY ; // Just disable if we don't know what else to do
$nt_changed ++ ;
$notify_prefs [ 'event' ][ $e ][ 'legacy' ] = 1 ;
unset ( $notify_prefs [ 'event' ][ $e ][ 'type' ]);
if ( $nt_changed )
$s_prefs = $tp -> toDB ( $notify_prefs );
2021-03-22 21:27:22 +01:00
$s_prefs = e107 :: serialize ( $s_prefs , true );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// Could we use $sysprefs->set($s_prefs,'notify_prefs') instead - avoids caching problems ????
$status = ( $sql -> update ( " core " , " e107_value=' " . $s_prefs . " ' WHERE e107_name='notify_prefs' " ) !== FALSE ) ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR ;
$message = str_replace ( '[x]' , $nt_changed , LAN_UPDATE_20 );
$log -> logMessage ( $message , $status );
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'forum_user_customtitle' ]) && ! isset ( $pref [ 'signup_option_customtitle' ]))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'pref: forum_user_customtitle needs to be renamed' );
// $pref['signup_option_customtitle'] = $pref['forum_user_customtitle'];
e107 :: getConfig () -> add ( 'signup_option_customtitle' , $pref [ 'forum_user_customtitle' ]);
e107 :: getConfig () -> remove ( 'forum_user_customtitle' );
$log -> logMessage ( LAN_UPDATE_20 . 'customtitle' , E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS );
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$do_save = true ;
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// --------------- Saved emails - copy across
if ( ! $just_check && $sql -> select ( 'generic' , '*' , " gen_type='massmail' " ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Copy across saved emails' );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'mail_manager_class.php' );
$mailHandler = new e107MailManager ;
$i = 0 ;
while ( $row = $sql -> fetch ())
$mailRecord = array (
'mail_create_date' => $row [ 'gen_datestamp' ],
'mail_creator' => $row [ 'gen_user_id' ],
'mail_title' => $row [ 'gen_ip' ],
'mail_subject' => $row [ 'gen_ip' ],
'mail_body' => $row [ 'gen_chardata' ],
'mail_content_status' => MAIL_STATUS_SAVED
2020-06-12 13:29:40 -07:00
$mailHandler -> mailToDb ( $mailRecord , TRUE );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$mailHandler -> saveEmail ( $mailRecord , TRUE );
$sql2 -> delete ( 'generic' , 'gen_id=' . intval ( $row [ 'gen_id' ])); // Delete as we go in case operation fails part way through
$i ++ ;
unset ( $mailHandler );
$log -> logMessage ( str_replace ( '[x]' , $i , LAN_UPDATE_28 ));
// ------------------- Populate Plugin Table With Changes ------------------
if ( ! isset ( $pref [ 'shortcode_legacy_list' ]))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Legacy shortcode conversion' );
// Reset, legacy and new shortcode list will be generated in plugin update routine
// $pref['shortcode_legacy_list'] = array();
// $pref['shortcode_list'] = array();
e107 :: getConfig () -> add ( 'shortcode_legacy_list' , array ());
e107 :: getConfig () -> set ( 'shortcode_list' , array ());
e107 :: getConfig () -> save ( false , true , false );
$ep = e107 :: getPlugin ();
2020-06-12 13:29:40 -07:00
$ep -> update_plugins_table (); // scan for e_xxx changes and save to plugin table.
$ep -> save_addon_prefs (); // generate global e_xxx_list prefs from plugin table.
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// This has to be done after the table is upgraded
if ( $sql -> select ( 'plugin' , 'plugin_category' , " plugin_category = '' " ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Update plugin table' );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'plugin_class.php' );
$ep = new e107plugin ;
$ep -> update_plugins_table ( 'update' );
// $_pdateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_XX24;
// catch_error($sql);
//-- Media-manger import --------------------------------------------------
// Autogenerate filetypes.xml if not found.
if ( ! is_readable ( e_SYSTEM . " filetypes.xml " ))
$data = ' < ? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf-8 " ?>
< e107Filetypes >
< class name = " 253 " type = " zip,gz,jpg,jpeg,png,gif,xml,pdf " maxupload = " 2M " />
</ e107Filetypes > ' ;
file_put_contents ( e_SYSTEM . " filetypes.xml " , $data );
$root_media = str_replace ( basename ( e_MEDIA ) . " / " , " " , e_MEDIA );
$user_media_dirs = array ( " images " , " avatars " , " avatars/default " , " avatars/upload " , " files " , " temp " , " videos " , " icons " );
// check for old paths and rename.
if ( is_dir ( $root_media . " images " ) || is_dir ( $root_media . " temp " ))
foreach ( $user_media_dirs as $md )
@ rename ( $root_media . $md , e_MEDIA . $md );
// create sub-directories if they do not exist.
if ( ! is_dir ( e_MEDIA . " images " ) || ! is_dir ( e_MEDIA . " temp " ) || ! is_dir ( e_AVATAR_UPLOAD ) || ! is_dir ( e_AVATAR_DEFAULT ) )
foreach ( $user_media_dirs as $md )
if ( ! is_dir ( e_MEDIA . $md ))
if ( mkdir ( e_MEDIA . $md ) === false )
e107 :: getMessage () -> addWarning ( " Unable to create " . e_MEDIA . $md . " . " );
// Move Avatars to new location
$av1 = e107 :: getFile () -> get_files ( e_FILE . 'public/avatars' , '.jpg|.gif|.png|.GIF|.jpeg|.JPG|.PNG' );
$av2 = e107 :: getFile () -> get_files ( e_IMAGE . 'avatars' , '.jpg|.gif|.png|.GIF|.jpeg|.JPG|.PNG' );
$avatar_images = array_merge ( $av1 , $av2 );
if ( count ( $avatar_images ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Avatar paths require updating.' );
foreach ( $avatar_images as $av )
2020-12-20 11:50:10 -08:00
$apath = ( strpos ( $av [ 'path' ], 'public/' ) !== false ) ? e_AVATAR_UPLOAD : e_AVATAR_DEFAULT ;
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
if ( rename ( $av [ 'path' ] . $av [ 'fname' ], $apath . $av [ 'fname' ]) === false )
e107 :: getMessage () -> addWarning ( " Unable to more " . $av [ 'path' ] . $av [ 'fname' ] . " to " . $apath . $av [ 'fname' ] . " . Please move manually. " );
// -------------------------------
if ( ! e107 :: isInstalled ( 'download' ) && $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM #links WHERE link_url LIKE 'download.php%' AND link_class != ' " . e_UC_NOBODY . " ' LIMIT 1 " ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Download Plugin needs to be installed.' );
// e107::getSingleton('e107plugin')->install('download',array('nolinks'=>true));
e107 :: getSingleton ( 'e107plugin' ) -> refresh ( 'download' );
if ( ! e107 :: isInstalled ( 'banner' ) && $sql -> isTable ( 'banner' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Banner Table found, but plugin not installed. Needs to be refreshed.' );
e107 :: getSingleton ( 'e107plugin' ) -> refresh ( 'banner' );
// ---------------------------------
$med = e107 :: getMedia ();
// Media Category Update
if ( $sql -> db_Field ( " core_media_cat " , " media_cat_nick " ))
$count = $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_nick = '_common' " );
if ( $count == 1 )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Media-Manager Categories needs to be updated.' );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media_cat' , " media_cat_owner = media_cat_nick, media_cat_category = media_cat_nick WHERE media_cat_nick REGEXP '_common|news|page|_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' " );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media_cat' , " media_cat_owner = '_icon', media_cat_category = media_cat_nick WHERE media_cat_nick REGEXP '_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' " );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media_cat' , " media_cat_owner = 'download', media_cat_category='download_image' WHERE media_cat_nick = 'download' " );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media_cat' , " media_cat_owner = 'download', media_cat_category='download_thumb' WHERE media_cat_nick = 'downloadthumb' " );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media_cat' , " media_cat_owner = 'news', media_cat_category='news_thumb' WHERE media_cat_nick = 'newsthumb' " );
$log -> addDebug ( " core-media-cat Categories and Ownership updated " );
if ( $sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . " core_media_cat` DROP `media_cat_nick` " ))
$log -> addDebug ( " core-media-cat `media_cat_nick` field removed. " );
// $query = "INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` (`media_cat_id`, `media_cat_owner`, `media_cat_category`, `media_cat_title`, `media_cat_diz`, `media_cat_class`, `media_cat_image`, `media_cat_order`) VALUES
// (0, 'gallery', 'gallery_1', 'Gallery 1', 'Visible to the public at /gallery.php', 0, '', 0);
/// ";
// if(mysql_query($query))
// {
// $log->addDebug("Added core-media-cat Gallery.");
// }
// Media Update
$count = $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE media_category = 'newsthumb' OR media_category = 'downloadthumb' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $count == 1 )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Media-Manager Data needs to be updated.' );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media' , " media_category='download_image' WHERE media_category = 'download' " );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media' , " media_category='download_thumb' WHERE media_category = 'downloadthumb' " );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media' , " media_category='news_thumb' WHERE media_category = 'newsthumb' " );
$log -> addDebug ( " core-media Category names updated " );
// Media Update - core media and core-file.
$count = $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE media_category = '_common' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $count == 1 )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Media-Manager Category Data needs to be updated.' );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media' , " media_category='_common_image' WHERE media_category = '_common' " );
$log -> addDebug ( " core-media _common Category updated " );
// Media Update - core media and core-file. CATEGORY
$count = $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_category = '_common' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $count == 1 )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Media-Manager Category Data needs to be updated.' );
$sql -> update ( 'core_media_cat' , " media_cat_category='_common_image' WHERE media_cat_category = '_common' " );
$sql -> gen ( " INSERT INTO ` " . MPREFIX . " core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_file', '(Common Area)', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 0); " );
$sql -> gen ( " INSERT INTO ` " . MPREFIX . " core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_file', 'Download Files', '', 253, '', 0); " );
$log -> addDebug ( " core-media-cat _common Category updated " );
$count = $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE `media_cat_owner` = '_common' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $count != 1 )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Add Media-Manager Categories and Import existing images.' );
$e107_core_media_cat = array (
array ( 'media_cat_id' => 0 , 'media_cat_owner' => '_common' , 'media_cat_category' => '_common_image' , 'media_cat_title' => '(Common Images)' , 'media_cat_sef' => '' , 'media_cat_diz' => 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin.' , 'media_cat_class' => '253' , 'media_cat_image' => '' , 'media_cat_order' => '0' ),
array ( 'media_cat_id' => 0 , 'media_cat_owner' => '_common' , 'media_cat_category' => '_common_file' , 'media_cat_title' => '(Common Files)' , 'media_cat_sef' => '' , 'media_cat_diz' => 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin.' , 'media_cat_class' => '253' , 'media_cat_image' => '' , 'media_cat_order' => '0' ),
array ( 'media_cat_id' => 0 , 'media_cat_owner' => 'news' , 'media_cat_category' => 'news' , 'media_cat_title' => 'News' , 'media_cat_sef' => '' , 'media_cat_diz' => 'Will be available in the news area.' , 'media_cat_class' => '253' , 'media_cat_image' => '' , 'media_cat_order' => '1' ),
array ( 'media_cat_id' => 0 , 'media_cat_owner' => 'page' , 'media_cat_category' => 'page' , 'media_cat_title' => 'Custom Pages' , 'media_cat_sef' => '' , 'media_cat_diz' => 'Will be available in the custom pages area of admin.' , 'media_cat_class' => '253' , 'media_cat_image' => '' , 'media_cat_order' => '0' ),
array ( 'media_cat_id' => 0 , 'media_cat_owner' => 'download' , 'media_cat_category' => 'download_image' , 'media_cat_title' => 'Download Images' , 'media_cat_sef' => '' , 'media_cat_diz' => '' , 'media_cat_class' => '253' , 'media_cat_image' => '' , 'media_cat_order' => '0' ),
array ( 'media_cat_id' => 0 , 'media_cat_owner' => 'download' , 'media_cat_category' => 'download_thumb' , 'media_cat_title' => 'Download Thumbnails' , 'media_cat_sef' => '' , 'media_cat_diz' => '' , 'media_cat_class' => '253' , 'media_cat_image' => '' , 'media_cat_order' => '0' ),
array ( 'media_cat_id' => 0 , 'media_cat_owner' => 'download' , 'media_cat_category' => 'download_file' , 'media_cat_title' => 'Download Files' , 'media_cat_sef' => '' , 'media_cat_diz' => '' , 'media_cat_class' => '253' , 'media_cat_image' => '' , 'media_cat_order' => '0' ),
array ( 'media_cat_id' => 0 , 'media_cat_owner' => 'news' , 'media_cat_category' => 'news_thumb' , 'media_cat_title' => 'News Thumbnails (Legacy)' , 'media_cat_sef' => '' , 'media_cat_diz' => 'Legacy news thumbnails.' , 'media_cat_class' => '253' , 'media_cat_image' => '' , 'media_cat_order' => '1' ),
foreach ( $e107_core_media_cat as $insert )
$sql -> insert ( 'core_media_cat' , $insert );
// $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_image', '(Common Images)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 1);");
// $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_file', '(Common Files)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 2);");
// $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'news', 'news', 'News', '', 'Will be available in the news area. ', 253, '', 3);");
// $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'page', 'page', 'Custom Pages', '', 'Will be available in the custom pages area of admin. ', 253, '', 4);");
// $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_image','', 'Download Images', '', 253, '', 5);");
// $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_thumb', '', 'Download Thumbnails', '', 253, '', 6);");
// $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_file', '', 'Download Files', '', 253, '', 7);");
// mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'gallery', 'gallery_1', 'Gallery', 'Visible to the public at /gallery.php', 0, '', 0);");
// $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'news', 'news_thumb', 'News Thumbnails (Legacy)', '', 'Legacy news thumbnails. ', 253, '', 8);");
$med -> import ( 'news_thumb' , e_IMAGE . 'newspost_images' , " ^thumb_ " );
$med -> import ( 'news' , e_IMAGE . 'newspost_images' );
$med -> import ( 'page' , e_IMAGE . 'custom' );
2020-12-18 19:55:12 -08:00
// else
// {
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// $log->addDebug("Media COUNT was ".$count. " LINE: ".__LINE__);
2020-12-18 19:55:12 -08:00
// }
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// Check for Legacy Download Images.
$fl = e107 :: getFile ();
$dl_images = $fl -> get_files ( e_FILE . 'downloadimages' );
if ( count ( $dl_images ) && ! $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE `media_category` = 'download_image' " ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Import Download Images into Media Manager' );
$med -> import ( 'download_image' , e_FILE . 'downloadimages' );
$med -> import ( 'download_thumb' , e_FILE . 'downloadthumbs' );
$dl_files = $fl -> get_files ( e_FILE . 'downloads' , " " , " standard " , 5 ); // don't use e_DOWNLOAD or a loop may occur.
$publicFilter = array ( '_FT' , '^thumbs\.db$' , '^Thumbs\.db$' , '.*\._$' , '^\.htaccess$' , '^\.cvsignore$' , '^\.ftpquota$' , '^index\.html$' , '^null\.txt$' , '\.bak$' , '^.tmp' ); // Default file filter (regex format)
// $publicFilter = array(1);
$public_files = $fl -> get_files ( e_FILE . 'public' , '' , $publicFilter );
if (( count ( $dl_files ) || count ( $public_files )) && ! $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE `media_category` = 'download_file' OR `media_category` = '_common_file' " ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Import ' . count ( $dl_files ) . ' Download File(s) and ' . count ( $public_files ) . ' Public File(s) into Media Manager' );
if ( $sql -> gen ( " SELECT download_url FROM `#download` " ))
$allowed_types = array ();
while ( $row = $sql -> fetch ())
$ext = strrchr ( $row [ 'download_url' ], " . " );
$suffix = ltrim ( $ext , " . " );
if ( ! isset ( $allowed_types [ $suffix ]))
$allowed_types [ $suffix ] = $suffix ;
$allowed_types = array_unique ( $allowed_types );
$allowed_types = array ( 'zip' , 'gz' , 'pdf' );
$fmask = '[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.(' . implode ( '|' , $allowed_types ) . ')$' ;
$med -> import ( 'download_file' , e_DOWNLOAD , $fmask );
// add found Public file-types.
foreach ( $public_files as $v )
$ext = strrchr ( $v [ 'fname' ], " . " );
$suffix = ltrim ( $ext , " . " );
if ( ! isset ( $allowed_types [ $suffix ]))
$allowed_types [ $suffix ] = $suffix ;
$publicFmask = '[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.(' . implode ( '|' , $allowed_types ) . ')$' ;
$med -> import ( '_common_file' , e_FILE . 'public' , $publicFmask );
$count = $sql -> gen ( " SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_owner='_icon' " );
if ( ! $count )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Add icons to media-manager' );
$query = " INSERT INTO ` " . MPREFIX . " core_media_cat` (`media_cat_id`, `media_cat_owner`, `media_cat_category`, `media_cat_title`, `media_cat_diz`, `media_cat_class`, `media_cat_image`, `media_cat_order`) VALUES
( 0 , '_icon' , '_icon_16' , 'Icons 16px' , 'Available where icons are used in admin. ' , 253 , '' , 0 ),
( 0 , '_icon' , '_icon_32' , 'Icons 32px' , 'Available where icons are used in admin. ' , 253 , '' , 0 ),
( 0 , '_icon' , '_icon_48' , 'Icons 48px' , 'Available where icons are used in admin. ' , 253 , '' , 0 ),
( 0 , '_icon' , '_icon_64' , 'Icons 64px' , 'Available where icons are used in admin. ' , 253 , '' , 0 );
" ;
2020-12-18 19:55:12 -08:00
$sql -> gen ( $query );
// if(!$sql->gen($query))
// {
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
// echo "mysyql error";
// error or already exists.
2020-12-18 19:55:12 -08:00
// }
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$med -> importIcons ( e_PLUGIN );
$med -> importIcons ( e_IMAGE . " icons/ " );
$med -> importIcons ( e_THEME . $pref [ 'sitetheme' ] . " /images/ " );
$log -> addDebug ( " Icon category added " );
// Search Clean up ----------------------------------
$searchPref = e107 :: getConfig ( 'search' );
if ( $searchPref -> getPref ( 'core_handlers/news' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Core search handlers need to be updated.' );
$searchPref -> removePref ( 'core_handlers/news' ) -> save ( false , true , false );
if ( $searchPref -> getPref ( 'core_handlers/downloads' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Core search handlers need to be updated.' );
$searchPref -> removePref ( 'core_handlers/downloads' ) -> save ( false , true , false );
if ( $searchPref -> getPref ( 'core_handlers/pages' ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'Core search handlers need to be updated.' );
$searchPref -> removePref ( 'core_handlers/pages' ) -> save ( false , true , false );
e107 :: getSingleton ( 'e107plugin' ) -> refresh ( 'page' );
// Clean up news keywords. - remove spaces between commas.
if ( $sql -> select ( 'news' , 'news_id' , " news_meta_keywords LIKE '%, %' LIMIT 1 " ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ( 'News keywords contain spaces between commas and needs to be updated. ' );
$sql -> update ( 'news' , " news_meta_keywords = REPLACE(news_meta_keywords, ', ', ',') " );
// Any other images should be imported manually via Media Manager batch-import.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check that custompages have been imported from current theme.php file
if ( ! $just_check ) // Running the Upgrade Process.
if ( ! is_array ( $pref [ 'sitetheme_layouts' ]) || ! vartrue ( $pref [ 'sitetheme_deflayout' ]))
$th = e107 :: getSingleton ( 'themeHandler' );
$tmp = $th -> getThemeInfo ( $pref [ 'sitetheme' ]);
if ( $th -> setTheme ( $pref [ 'sitetheme' ], false ))
$log -> addDebug ( " Updated SiteTheme prefs " );
$log -> addDebug ( " Couldn't update SiteTheme prefs " );
$log -> toFile ( 'upgrade_v1_to_v2' );
if ( $do_save )
// save_prefs();
e107 :: getConfig () -> setPref ( $pref ) -> save ( false , true , false );
// $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_50);
// $log->logMessage(implode(', ', $accum), E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY);
//$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_50.implode(', ',$accum); // Note for admin log
$log -> flushMessages ( 'UPDATE_01' ); // Write admin log entry, update message handler
$log -> toFile ( 'upgrade_v1_to_v2_check' );
//FIXME grab message-stack from $log for the log.
//if ($just_check) return TRUE;
//e107::getLog()->add('UPDATE_01',LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'].'[!br!]'.implode('[!br!]',$updateMessages),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); // Log result of actual update
return $just_check ;
/* No Longed Used I think
function core_media_import ( $cat , $epath )
if ( ! vartrue ( $cat )){ return ;}
if ( ! is_readable ( $epath ))
return ;
$fl = e107 :: getFile ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$fl -> setFileInfo ( 'all' );
$img_array = $fl -> get_files ( $epath , '' , '' , 2 );
if ( ! count ( $img_array )){ return ;}
foreach ( $img_array as $f )
$fullpath = $tp -> createConstants ( $f [ 'path' ] . $f [ 'fname' ], 1 );
$insert = array (
'media_caption' => $f [ 'fname' ],
'media_description' => '' ,
'media_category' => $cat ,
'media_datestamp' => $f [ 'modified' ],
'media_url' => $fullpath ,
'media_userclass' => 0 ,
'media_name' => $f [ 'fname' ],
'media_author' => USERID ,
'media_size' => $f [ 'fsize' ],
'media_dimensions' => $f [ 'img-width' ] . " x " . $f [ 'img-height' ],
'media_usedby' => '' ,
'media_tags' => '' ,
'media_type' => $f [ 'mime' ]
2020-12-17 05:52:54 -08:00
if ( ! $sql -> select ( 'core_media' , 'media_url' , " media_url = ' " . $fullpath . " ' LIMIT 1 " ))
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
2020-12-17 05:52:54 -08:00
if ( $sql -> insert ( " core_media " , $insert ))
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$mes -> add ( " Importing Media: " . $f [ 'fname' ], E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS );
function update_70x_to_706 ( $type = '' )
global $sql , $ns , $pref , $e107info , $admin_log , $emessage ;
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$just_check = ! ( $type == 'do' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
if ( ! $sql -> db_Field ( " plugin " , 5 )) // not plugin_rss so just add the new one.
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ();
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . " plugin` ADD `plugin_addons` TEXT NOT NULL ; " );
catch_error ( $sql );
//rename plugin_rss field
if ( $sql -> db_Field ( " plugin " , 5 ) == " plugin_rss " )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ();
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . " plugin` CHANGE `plugin_rss` `plugin_addons` TEXT NOT NULL; " );
catch_error ( $sql );
if ( $sql -> db_Field ( " dblog " , 5 ) == " dblog_query " )
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ();
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . " dblog` CHANGE `dblog_query` `dblog_title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; " );
catch_error ( $sql );
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . " dblog` CHANGE `dblog_remarks` `dblog_remarks` TEXT NOT NULL; " );
catch_error ( $sql );
if ( ! $sql -> db_Field ( " plugin " , " plugin_path " , " UNIQUE " ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ();
if ( ! $sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . " plugin` ADD UNIQUE (`plugin_path`); " ))
$mesg = LAN_UPDATE_12 . " : <a href=' " . e_ADMIN . " db.php?plugin'> " . ADLAN_145 . " </a>. " ;
//$ns -> tablerender(LAN_ERROR,$mes);
2020-06-12 13:29:40 -07:00
e107 :: getMessage () -> add ( $mesg , E_MESSAGE_ERROR );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
catch_error ( $sql );
if ( ! $sql -> db_Field ( " online " , 6 )) // online_active field
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ();
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE " . MPREFIX . " online ADD online_active INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' " );
catch_error ( $sql );
if ( $sql -> db_Query ( " SHOW INDEX FROM " . MPREFIX . " tmp " ))
2020-12-14 16:21:48 -08:00
$row = $sql -> fetch ();
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
if ( ! in_array ( 'tmp_ip' , $row ))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ();
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . " tmp` ADD INDEX `tmp_ip` (`tmp_ip`); " );
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . " upload` ADD INDEX `upload_active` (`upload_active`); " );
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . " generic` ADD INDEX `gen_type` (`gen_type`); " );
if ( ! $just_check )
// update new fields
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " plugin_class.php " );
$ep = new e107plugin ;
$ep -> update_plugins_table ( 'update' );
$ep -> save_addon_prefs ( 'update' );
if ( ! isset ( $pref [ 'displayname_maxlength' ]))
if ( $just_check ) return update_needed ();
$pref [ 'displayname_maxlength' ] = 15 ;
save_prefs ();
// If we get to here, in checking mode no updates are required. In update mode, all done.
if ( $just_check ) return TRUE ;
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
e107 :: getLog () -> add ( 'UPDATE_02' , LAN_UPDATE_14 . $e107info [ 'e107_version' ]); // Log result of actual update
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
return $just_check ; // TRUE if no updates needed, FALSE if updates needed and completed
* Carries out the copy of timezone data from the user record to an extended user field
* @ return boolean TRUE on success , FALSE on failure
function copy_user_timezone ()
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$sql2 = e107 :: getDb ( 'sql2' );
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
// require_once(e_HANDLER.'user_extended_class.php');
$ue = e107 :: getUserExt ();
$tmp = $ue -> parse_extended_xml ( 'getfile' );
$tmp [ 'timezone' ][ 'parms' ] = $tp -> toDB ( $tmp [ 'timezone' ][ 'parms' ]);
if ( ! $ue -> user_extended_add ( $tmp [ 'timezone' ]))
e107 :: getMessage () -> addError ( " Unable to add user_timezone field to user_extended table. " );
return false ;
if ( $sql -> field ( 'user_extended' , 'user_timezone' ) === false )
e107 :: getMessage () -> addError ( " user_timezone field missing from user_extended table. " );
return false ;
e107 :: getMessage () -> addDebug ( " Line: " . __LINE__ );
// Created the field - now copy existing data
2020-12-14 16:21:48 -08:00
if ( $sql -> select ( 'user' , 'user_id, user_timezone' ))
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
2020-12-14 16:21:48 -08:00
while ( $row = $sql -> fetch ())
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$sql2 -> update ( 'user_extended' , " `user_timezone`=' { $row [ 'user_timezone' ] } ' WHERE `user_extended_id`= { $row [ 'user_id' ] } " );
return true ; // All done!
function update_needed ( $message = '' )
if ( E107_DEBUG_LEVEL )
$tmp = debug_backtrace ();
//$ns->tablerender("", "<div style='text-align:center'>Update required in ".basename(__FILE__)." on line ".$tmp[0]['line']."</div>");
e107 :: getMessage () -> add ( " Update required in " . basename ( __FILE__ ) . " on line " . $tmp [ 0 ][ 'line' ] . " ( " . $message . " ) " , E_MESSAGE_DEBUG );
return FALSE ;
* Add index to a table . Returns FALSE if not required . Returns a message if required and just checking
* @ todo - get rid of $updateMessages parameter once log / message display method finalised , call the relevant method
function addIndexToTable ( $target , $indexSpec , $just_check , & $updateMessages , $optionalTable = FALSE )
global $sql ;
if ( ! $sql -> isTable ( $target ))
if ( $optionalTable )
return ! $just_check ; // Nothing to do it table is optional and not there
$updateMessages [] = str_replace ( array ( '[y]' , '[x]' ), array ( $target , $indexSpec ), LAN_UPDATE_54 );
return ! $just_check ; // No point carrying on - return 'nothing to do'
if ( $sql -> gen ( " SHOW INDEX FROM " . MPREFIX . $target ))
$found = FALSE ;
2020-12-14 16:21:48 -08:00
while ( $row = $sql -> fetch ())
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
{ // One index per field
if ( in_array ( $indexSpec , $row ))
return ! $just_check ; // Found - nothing to do
// Index not found here
if ( $just_check )
return 'Required to add index to ' . $target ;
$sql -> gen ( " ALTER TABLE ` " . MPREFIX . $target . " ` ADD INDEX ` " . $indexSpec . " ` (` " . $indexSpec . " `); " );
$updateMessages [] = str_replace ( array ( '[y]' , '[x]' ), array ( $target , $indexSpec ), LAN_UPDATE_37 );
return FALSE ;
/** Check for database access errors
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
* @ param object $target e_db $target - pointer to db object
2020-06-12 13:29:40 -07:00
* @ return null
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
function catch_error ( $target )
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
if ( vartrue ( $target -> getLastErrorText ()) && defset ( 'E107_DEBUG_LEVEL' ) != 0 )
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$tmp2 = debug_backtrace ();
$tmp = $target -> getLastErrorText ();
echo $tmp . " [ " . basename ( __FILE__ ) . " on line " . $tmp2 [ 0 ][ 'line' ] . " ] <br /> " ;
2020-06-12 13:29:40 -07:00
return null ;
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
function get_default_prefs ()
e107 :: getDebug () -> log ( " Retrieving default prefs from xml file " );
$xmlArray = e107 :: getSingleton ( 'xmlClass' ) -> loadXMLfile ( e_CORE . " xml/default_install.xml " , 'advanced' );
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
return e107 :: getSingleton ( 'xmlClass' ) -> e107ImportPrefs ( $xmlArray , 'core' );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
function convert_serialized ( $serializedData , $type = '' )
$arrayData = unserialize ( $serializedData );
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
return e107 :: serialize ( $arrayData );
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
function theme_foot ()
global $pref ;
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'update_core' ][ '706_to_800' ]) || ! empty ( $_POST [ 'update_core' ][ '20x_to_latest' ]))
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
2023-11-03 06:37:31 -07:00
$data = array ( 'name' => SITENAME , 'theme' => $pref [ 'sitetheme' ], 'language' => e_LANGUAGE , 'url' => SITEURL , 'type' => 'upgrade' , 'version' => defset ( 'e_VERSION' ), 'php' => defset ( 'PHP_VERSION' ));
2019-03-29 19:13:32 -05:00
$base = base64_encode ( http_build_query ( $data , null , '&' ));
$url = " https://e107.org/e-install/ " . $base ;
return " <img src=' " . $url . " ' style='width:1px; height:1px;border:0' /> " ;