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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* Admin BootLoader
* $URL$
* $Id$
if (!defined('e107_INIT'))
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8', TRUE);
### Language files
e107::coreLan('header', true);
e107::coreLan('footer', true);
// DEPRECATED - plugins should load their lans manually
// plugin autoload, will be removed in the future!
// here mostly because of BC reasons
2013-02-23 23:08:30 -08:00
$_plugins = e107::getPref('plug_installed');
if(is_array($_plugins) && count($_plugins) > 0)
2013-02-23 23:08:30 -08:00
$_plugins = array_keys($_plugins);
foreach ($_plugins as $_p)
e107::loadLanFiles($_p, 'admin');
2013-03-21 02:52:34 -07:00
// Get Icon constants, theme override (theme/templates/admin_icons_template.php) is allowed
2013-03-21 02:52:34 -07:00
if(!defset('e_ADMIN_UI') && !defset('e_PAGETITLE'))
$array_functions = e107::getNav()->adminLinks('legacy'); // replacement see e107_handlers/sitelinks.php
foreach($array_functions as $val)
$link = str_replace("../","",$val[0]);
require_once (e_ADMIN.'ad_links.php'); //FIXME - remove??
if (!defined('ADMIN_WIDTH')) //BC Only
2013-02-23 03:01:57 -08:00
define('ADMIN_WIDTH', "width:100%;");
2013-02-23 03:01:57 -08:00
// Wysiwyg JS support on or off.
// your code should run off e_WYSIWYG
if (e107::getPref('wysiwyg', false) ) // posts bbcode by default.
define("e_WYSIWYG", TRUE);
define("e_WYSIWYG", FALSE);
* Automate DB system messages DEPRECATED
* NOTE: default value of $output parameter will be changed to false (no output by default) in the future
* @param integer|bool $update return result of db::db_Query
* @param string $type update|insert|update
* @param string $success forced success message
* @param string $failed forced error message
* @param bool $output false suppress any function output
* @return integer|bool db::db_Query result
// TODO - This function often needs to be available BEFORE header.php is loaded.
2012-12-06 20:34:57 -08:00
//XXX DEPRECATED It has been copied to message_handler.php as addAuto();
2012-12-06 20:34:57 -08:00
function admin_updXXate($update, $type = 'update', $success = false, $failed = false, $output = true)
2012-12-06 20:34:57 -08:00
e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Using deprecated admin_update () which has been replaced by \$mes->addAuto();");
return e107::getMessage()->addAuto($update, $type, $success , $failed , $output);
2012-12-06 20:34:57 -08:00
function admin_purge_related($table, $id)
$ns = e107::getRender();
$tp = e107::getParser();
$msg = "";
// Delete any related comments
require_once (e_HANDLER."comment_class.php");
$_com = new comment;
$num = $_com->delete_comments($table, $id);
if ($num)
$msg .= $num." ".ADLAN_114." ".LAN_DELETED."<br />";
// Delete any related ratings
require_once (e_HANDLER."rate_class.php");
$_rate = new rater;
$num = $_rate->delete_ratings($table, $id);
if ($num)
$msg .= LAN_RATING." ".LAN_DELETED."<br />";
if ($msg)
$ns->tablerender(LAN_DELETE, $msg);
// legacy vars, will be removed soon
$ns = e107::getRender();
$e107_var = array();
// Left in for BC for now.
function e_admin_menu($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $tmpl = array(), $sub_link = false, $sortlist = false)
global $E_ADMIN_MENU;
if (!$tmpl)
$tmpl = $E_ADMIN_MENU;
return e107::getNav()->admin($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $tmpl, $sub_link , $sortlist );
// See e107::getNav()->admin();
/// Search for id
$temp = explode('--id--', $title, 2);
$title = $temp[0];
$id = str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', varset($temp[1]));
if ($sortlist == TRUE)
$temp = $e107_vars;
$func_list = array();
foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key)
$func_list[] = $temp[$key]['text'];
usort($func_list, 'strcoll');
foreach ($func_list as $func_text)
foreach (array_keys($temp) as $key)
if ($temp[$key]['text'] == $func_text)
$e107_vars[] = $temp[$key];
$kpost = '';
$text = '';
if ($sub_link)
$kpost = '_sub';
$text = $tmpl['start'];
//FIXME - e_parse::array2sc()
$search = array();
$search[0] = '/\{LINK_TEXT\}(.*?)/si';
$search[1] = '/\{LINK_URL\}(.*?)/si';
$search[2] = '/\{ONCLICK\}(.*?)/si';
$search[3] = '/\{SUB_HEAD\}(.*?)/si';
$search[4] = '/\{SUB_MENU\}(.*?)/si';
$search[5] = '/\{ID\}(.*?)/si';
$search[6] = '/\{SUB_ID\}(.*?)/si';
$search[7] = '/\{LINK_CLASS\}(.*?)/si';
$search[8] = '/\{SUB_CLASS\}(.*?)/si';
$search[9] = '/\{LINK_IMAGE\}(.*?)/si';
foreach (array_keys($e107_vars) as $act)
if (isset($e107_vars[$act]['perm']) && !getperms($e107_vars[$act]['perm'])) // check perms first.
// check class so that e.g. e_UC_NOBODY will result no permissions granted (even for main admin)
if (isset($e107_vars[$act]['userclass']) && !e107::getUser()->checkClass($e107_vars[$act]['userclass'], false)) // check userclass perms
// print_a($e107_vars[$act]);
$replace = array();
$rid = str_replace(array(' ', '_'), '-', $act).($id ? "-{$id}" : '');
if (($active_page == $act && !is_numeric($act))|| (str_replace("?", "", e_PAGE.e_QUERY) == str_replace("?", "", $act)))
$temp = $tmpl['button_active'.$kpost];
$temp = $tmpl['button'.$kpost];
// $temp = $tmpl['button'.$kpost];
// echo "ap = ".$active_page;
// echo " act = ".$act."<br /><br />";
if($rid == 'adminhome')
$temp = $tmpl['button_other'.$kpost];
if($rid == 'home')
$temp = $tmpl['button_home'.$kpost];
if($rid == 'language')
$temp = $tmpl['button_language'.$kpost];
if($rid == 'logout')
$temp = $tmpl['button_logout'.$kpost];
$replace[0] = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", $e107_vars[$act]['text']);
// valid URLs
$replace[1] = str_replace(array('&amp;', '&'), array('&', '&amp;'), varsettrue($e107_vars[$act]['link'], "#{$act}"));
$replace[2] = '';
if (varsettrue($e107_vars[$act]['include']))
$replace[2] = $e107_vars[$act]['include'];
//$replace[2] = $js ? " onclick=\"showhideit('".$act."');\"" : " onclick=\"document.location='".$e107_vars[$act]['link']."'; disabled=true;\"";
$replace[3] = $title;
$replace[4] = '';
$replace[5] = $id ? " id='eplug-nav-{$rid}'" : '';
$replace[6] = $rid;
$replace[7] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['link_class']);
$replace[8] = '';
$replace[9] = varset($e107_vars[$act]['image']);
if($rid == 'logout' || $rid == 'home' || $rid == 'language')
$START_SUB = $tmpl['start_other_sub'];
$START_SUB = $tmpl['start_sub'];
if (varsettrue($e107_vars[$act]['sub']))
$replace[6] = $id ? " id='eplug-nav-{$rid}-sub'" : '';
$replace[7] = ' '.varset($e107_vars[$act]['link_class'], 'e-expandit');
$replace[8] = ' '.varset($e107_vars[$act]['sub_class'], 'e-hideme e-expandme');
$replace[4] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $START_SUB);
$replace[4] .= e_ad/min_menu(false, $active_page, $e107_vars[$act]['sub'], $tmpl, true, (isset($e107_vars[$act]['sort']) ? $e107_vars[$act]['sort'] : $sortlist));
$replace[4] .= $tmpl['end_sub'];
$text .= preg_replace($search, $replace, $temp);
// echo "<br />".$title." act=".$act;
$text .= (!$sub_link) ? $tmpl['end'] : '';
if ($sub_link || empty($title))
return $text;
$ns = e107::getRender();
$ns->tablerender($title, $text, array('id'=>$id, 'style'=>'button_menu'));
return '';
* DEPRECATED - use e_adm/in_menu() e107::getNav()->admin
if (!function_exists('show_admin_menu'))
function show_admin_menu($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, $js = FALSE, $sub_link = FALSE, $sortlist = FALSE)
return e107::getNav()->admin($title, $active_page, $e107_vars, false, false, $sortlist);
if (!function_exists("parse_admin"))
function parse_admin($ADMINLAYOUT)
2013-02-08 16:50:35 +02:00
$tp = e107::getParser();
$adtmp = explode("\n", $ADMINLAYOUT);
2013-02-08 16:50:35 +02:00
for ($a = 0; $a < count($adtmp); $a++)
if (preg_match("/{.+?}/", $adtmp[$a]))
echo $tp->parseTemplate($adtmp[$a]);
echo $adtmp[$a];