2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
< ? php
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| <EFBFBD> Steve Dunstan 2001 - 2002
| http :// e107 . org
| jalist @ e107 . org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License ( http :// gnu . org ) .
| $Source : / cvs_backup / e107_0 . 8 / news . php , v $
2006-12-23 18:38:33 +00:00
| $Revision : 1.2 $
| $Date : 2006 - 12 - 23 18 : 38 : 27 $
| $Author : e107steved $
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( " class2.php " );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " news_class.php " );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " comment_class.php " );
$cobj = new comment ;
if ( isset ( $NEWSHEADER )) {
require_once ( HEADERF );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
$cacheString = 'news.php_' . e_QUERY ;
$action = '' ;
if ( ! defined ( " ITEMVIEW " )){
if ( $pref [ 'newsposts' ] == " " ){
define ( " ITEMVIEW " , 15 );
} else {
define ( " ITEMVIEW " , $pref [ 'newsposts' ]);
if ( e_QUERY ) {
$tmp = explode ( " . " , e_QUERY );
$action = $tmp [ 0 ];
$sub_action = $tmp [ 1 ];
$id = $tmp [ 2 ];
$from = ( ! is_numeric ( $action ) || ! e_QUERY ? 0 : ( $action ? $action : e_QUERY ));
if ( isset ( $tmp [ 1 ]) && $tmp [ 1 ] == 'list' ) {
$action = 'list' ;
$from = intval ( $tmp [ 0 ]);
$sub_action = intval ( $tmp [ 2 ]);
if ( $action == 'all' || $action == 'cat' ) {
$from = intval ( $tmp [ 2 ]);
$sub_action = intval ( $tmp [ 1 ]);
$ix = new news ;
$nobody_regexp = " '(^|,)( " . str_replace ( " , " , " | " , e_UC_NOBODY ) . " )(,| $ )' " ;
if ( $action == 'cat' || $action == 'all' ){
// --> Cache
if ( $tmp = checkCache ( $cacheString )){
require_once ( HEADERF );
renderCache ( $tmp , TRUE );
// <-- Cache
$qs = explode ( " . " , e_QUERY );
$category = intval ( $qs [ 1 ]);
if ( $action == 'cat' && $category != 0 ) {
$gen = new convert ;
$sql -> db_Select ( " news_category " , " * " , " category_id=' $category ' " );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
extract ( $row ); // still required for the table-render. :(
if ( $action == 'all' ){
if ( ! defined ( " NEWSALL_LIMIT " )){ define ( " NEWSALL_LIMIT " , 10 ); }
// show archive of all news items using list-style template.
$news_total = $sql -> db_Count ( " news " , " (*) " , " WHERE news_class REGEXP ' " . e_CLASS_REGEXP . " ' " );
$query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon FROM #news AS n
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id
WHERE n . news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT ( n . news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " ) AND n . news_start < " .time(). "
AND ( n . news_end = 0 || n . news_end > " .time(). " ) ORDER BY n . news_sticky DESC , n . news_datestamp DESC LIMIT " .intval( $from ). " , " .NEWSALL_LIMIT;
$category_name = " All " ;
elseif ( $action == 'cat' ){
// show archive of all news items in a particular category using list-style template.
$news_total = $sql -> db_Count ( " news " , " (*) " , " WHERE news_class REGEXP ' " . e_CLASS_REGEXP . " ' AND NOT (news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " ) AND news_start < " . time () . " AND (news_end=0 || news_end> " . time () . " ) AND news_category= " . intval ( $sub_action ));
if ( ! defined ( " NEWSLIST_LIMIT " )){ define ( " NEWSLIST_LIMIT " , 10 ); }
$query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon FROM #news AS n
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id
WHERE n . news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT ( n . news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " ) AND n . news_start < " .time(). " AND ( n . news_end = 0 || n . news_end > " .time(). " ) AND n . news_category = " .intval( $sub_action ). " ORDER BY n . news_datestamp DESC LIMIT " .intval( $from ). " , " .NEWSLIST_LIMIT;
if ( $category_name ){
define ( " e_PAGETITLE " , $category_name );
require_once ( HEADERF );
< div style = 'padding:3px;width:100%' >
< table style = 'border-bottom:1px solid black;width:100%' cellpadding = '0' cellspacing = '0' >
< tr >
< td style = 'vertical-align:top;padding:3px;width:20px' >
</ td >< td style = 'text-align:left;padding:3px' >
< br />
< span class = 'smalltext' >
</ span >
</ td >< td style = 'width:55px' >
</ td ></ tr ></ table >
</ div > \n " ;
$param [ 'itemlink' ] = ( defined ( " NEWSLIST_ITEMLINK " )) ? NEWSLIST_ITEMLINK : " " ;
$param [ 'thumbnail' ] = ( defined ( " NEWSLIST_THUMB " )) ? NEWSLIST_THUMB : " border:0px " ;
$param [ 'catlink' ] = ( defined ( " NEWSLIST_CATLINK " )) ? NEWSLIST_CATLINK : " " ;
$param [ 'caticon' ] = ( defined ( " NEWSLIST_CATICON " )) ? NEWSLIST_CATICON : ICONSTYLE ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$newsList = $sql -> db_getList ();
foreach ( $newsList as $row )
$text .= $ix -> render_newsitem ( $row , 'return' , '' , $NEWSLISTSTYLE , $param );
$amount = ( $action == " all " ) ? NEWSALL_LIMIT : NEWSLIST_LIMIT ;
$icon = ( $row [ 'category_icon' ]) ? " <img src=' " . e_IMAGE . " icons/ " . $row [ 'category_icon' ] . " ' alt='' /> " : " " ;
$parms = $news_total . " , " . $amount . " , " . $from . " , " . e_SELF . '?' . $action . " . " . $sub_action . " .[FROM] " ;
$text .= " <div class='nextprev'> " . $tp -> parseTemplate ( " { NEXTPREV= { $parms } } " ) . " </div> " ;
$NEWSLISTTITLE = LAN_NEWS_82 . " ' { $category_name } ' " ;
ob_start ();
$ns -> tablerender ( $NEWSLISTTITLE , $text );
$cache_data = ob_get_flush ();
setNewsCache ( $cacheString , $cache_data );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
if ( $action == " extend " ) {
// --> Cache
if ( $tmp = checkCache ( $cacheString )){
require_once ( HEADERF );
renderCache ( $tmp , TRUE );
// <-- Cache
$query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon FROM #news AS n
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id
WHERE n . news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT ( n . news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " ) AND n . news_start < " .time(). " AND ( n . news_end = 0 || n . news_end > " .time(). " ) AND n . news_id = " .intval( $sub_action );
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$news = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
if ( $news [ 'news_title' ]){
if ( $pref [ 'meta_news_summary' ] && $news [ 'news_title' ]){
define ( " META_DESCRIPTION " , SITENAME . " : " . $news [ 'news_title' ] . " - " . $news [ 'news_summary' ]);
define ( " e_PAGETITLE " , $news [ 'news_title' ]);
require_once ( HEADERF );
ob_start ();
$ix -> render_newsitem ( $news , " extend " );
$cache_data = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_flush ();
setNewsCache ( $cacheString , $cache_data );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
if ( empty ( $order )){
$order = " news_datestamp " ;
$order = $tp -> toDB ( $order , true );
$interval = 10 ;
if ( $action == " list " ){
$sub_action = intval ( $sub_action );
$news_total = $sql -> db_Count ( " news " , " (*) " , " WHERE news_category= $sub_action AND news_class REGEXP ' " . e_CLASS_REGEXP . " ' AND news_render_type<2 " );
$query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon FROM #news AS n
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id
WHERE n . news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT ( n . news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " ) AND n . news_start < " .time(). "
AND ( n . news_end = 0 || n . news_end > " .time(). " ) AND n . news_render_type < 2
AND n . news_category = { $sub_action } ORDER BY n . news_sticky DESC , " . $order . " DESC LIMIT " .intval( $from ). " , " .ITEMVIEW;
elseif ( $action == " item " )
$sub_action = intval ( $sub_action );
$query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon FROM #news AS n
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id
WHERE n . news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT ( n . news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " ) AND n . news_start < " .time(). " AND ( n . news_end = 0 || n . news_end > " .time(). " ) AND n . news_id = { $sub_action } " ;
elseif ( strstr ( e_QUERY , " month " ))
$tmp = explode ( " . " , e_QUERY );
$item = $tp -> toDB ( $tmp [ 1 ]);
$year = substr ( $item , 0 , 4 );
$month = substr ( $item , 4 );
$startdate = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $month , 1 , $year );
$lastday = date ( " t " , $startdate );
$enddate = mktime ( 23 , 59 , 59 , $month , $lastday , $year );
$query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon FROM #news AS n
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id
WHERE n . news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT ( n . news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " ) AND n . news_start < " .time(). " AND ( n . news_end = 0 || n . news_end > " .time(). " ) AND n . news_render_type < 2 AND n . news_datestamp > $startdate AND n . news_datestamp < $enddate ORDER BY " . $order . " DESC LIMIT " .intval( $from ). " , " .ITEMVIEW;
elseif ( strstr ( e_QUERY , " day " ))
$tmp = explode ( " . " , e_QUERY );
$item = $tp -> toDB ( $tmp [ 1 ]);
$year = substr ( $item , 0 , 4 );
$month = substr ( $item , 4 , 2 );
$day = substr ( $item , 6 , 2 );
$startdate = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $month , $day , $year );
$lastday = date ( " t " , $startdate );
$enddate = mktime ( 23 , 59 , 59 , $month , $day , $year );
$query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon FROM #news AS n
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id
WHERE n . news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT ( n . news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " ) AND n . news_start < " .time(). " AND ( n . news_end = 0 || n . news_end > " .time(). " ) AND n . news_render_type < 2 AND n . news_datestamp > $startdate AND n . news_datestamp < $enddate ORDER BY " . $order . " DESC LIMIT " .intval( $from ). " , " .ITEMVIEW;
$news_total = $sql -> db_Count ( " news " , " (*) " , " WHERE news_class REGEXP ' " . e_CLASS_REGEXP . " ' AND NOT (news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " ) AND news_start < " . time () . " AND (news_end=0 || news_end> " . time () . " ) AND news_render_type<2 " );
if ( ! isset ( $pref [ 'newsposts_archive' ]))
$pref [ 'newsposts_archive' ] = 0 ;
$interval = $pref [ 'newsposts' ] - $pref [ 'newsposts_archive' ];
// Get number of news item to show
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'trackbackEnabled' ]) && $pref [ 'trackbackEnabled' ]) {
$query = " SELECT COUNT(tb.trackback_pid) AS tb_count, n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon, COUNT(*) AS tbcount FROM #news AS n
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id
LEFT JOIN #trackback AS tb ON tb.trackback_pid = n.news_id
WHERE n . news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."'
AND NOT ( n . news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " )
AND n . news_start < " .time(). "
AND ( n . news_end = 0 || n . news_end > " .time(). " )
AND n . news_render_type < 2
GROUP by n . news_id
ORDER BY news_sticky DESC , " . $order . " DESC LIMIT " .intval( $from ). " , " . $pref['newsposts'] ;
$query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, nc.category_name, nc.category_icon FROM #news AS n
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id
WHERE n . news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."'
AND NOT ( n . news_class REGEXP " . $nobody_regexp . " )
AND n . news_start < " .time(). "
AND ( n . news_end = 0 || n . news_end > " .time(). " )
AND n . news_render_type < 2
ORDER BY n . news_sticky DESC , " . $order . " DESC LIMIT " .intval( $from ). " , " . $pref['newsposts'] ;
// #### END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $tmp_cache = checkCache ( $cacheString )) // normal news front-page - with cache.
require_once ( HEADERF );
if ( ! $action )
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'fb_active' ]))
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . " featurebox/featurebox.php " );
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'nfp_display' ]) && $pref [ 'nfp_display' ] == 1 )
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . " newforumposts_main/newforumposts_main.php " );
//news archive
if ( $action != " item " && $action != 'list' && $pref [ 'newsposts_archive' ]) {
if ( $sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query )) {
$newsAr = $sql -> db_getList ();
if ( $newsarchive = checkCache ( 'newsarchive' )){
$tmp_cache = $tmp_cache . $newsarchive ;
} else {
newsarchive ( $newsAr );
renderCache ( $tmp_cache , TRUE );
if ( ! $sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query )) {
require_once ( HEADERF );
echo " <br /><br /><div style='text-align:center'><b> " . ( strstr ( e_QUERY , " month " ) ? LAN_NEWS_462 : LAN_NEWS_83 ) . " </b></div><br /><br /> " ;
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
} else {
$newsAr = $sql -> db_getList ();
$p_title = ( $action == " item " ) ? $newsAr [ 1 ][ 'news_title' ] : $newsAr [ 1 ][ 'category_name' ];
if ( $action != " " && ! is_numeric ( $action ))
if ( $action == " item " && $pref [ 'meta_news_summary' ] && $newsAr [ 1 ][ 'news_title' ]){
define ( " META_DESCRIPTION " , SITENAME . " : " . $newsAr [ 1 ][ 'news_title' ] . " - " . $newsAr [ 1 ][ 'news_summary' ]);
define ( " e_PAGETITLE " , $p_title );
require_once ( HEADERF );
if ( ! $action )
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'fb_active' ])){ // --->feature box
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . " featurebox/featurebox.php " );
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'nfp_display' ]) && $pref [ 'nfp_display' ] == 1 ){
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . " newforumposts_main/newforumposts_main.php " );
changes by jalist 03 / 02 / 2005 :
news page templating
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'news_unstemplate' ]) && $pref [ 'news_unstemplate' ] && file_exists ( THEME . " news_template.php " )) {
// theme specific template required ...
require_once ( THEME . " news_template.php " );
return TRUE ;
$newscolumns = ( isset ( $NEWSCOLUMNS ) ? $NEWSCOLUMNS : 1 );
$newspercolumn = ( isset ( $NEWSITEMSPERCOLUMN ) ? $NEWSITEMSPERCOLUMN : 10 );
$newsdata = array ();
$loop = 1 ;
foreach ( $newsAr as $news ) {
if ( is_array ( $ALTERNATECLASSES )) {
$newsdata [ $loop ] .= " <div class=' { $ALTERNATECLASSES [ 0 ] } '> " . $ix -> render_newsitem ( $news , " return " ) . " </div> " ;
} else {
$newsdata [ $loop ] .= $ix -> render_newsitem ( $news , " return " );
$loop ++ ;
if ( $loop > $newscolumns ) {
$loop = 1 ;
$loop = 1 ;
foreach ( $newsdata as $data ) {
$var = " ITEMS { $loop } " ;
$$var = $data ;
$loop ++ ;
$text = preg_replace ( " / \ { (.*?) \ }/e " , '$\1' , $NEWSCLAYOUT );
require_once ( HEADERF );
echo $text ;
setNewsCache ( $cacheString , $text );
} else {
changes by jalist 22 / 01 / 2005 :
added ability to add a new date header to news posts , turn on and off from news -> prefs
ob_start ();
$newpostday = 0 ;
$thispostday = 0 ;
$pref [ 'newsHeaderDate' ] = 1 ;
$gen = new convert ();
if ( ! defined ( " DATEHEADERCLASS " )) {
define ( " DATEHEADERCLASS " , " nextprev " );
// if not defined in the theme, default class nextprev will be used for new date header
// #### normal newsitems, rendered via render_newsitem(), the $query is changed above (no other changes made) ---------
$i = 1 ;
while ( isset ( $newsAr [ $i ]) && $i <= $interval ) {
$news = $newsAr [ $i ];
// render new date header if pref selected ...
$thispostday = strftime ( " %j " , $news [ 'news_datestamp' ]);
if ( $newpostday != $thispostday && ( isset ( $pref [ 'news_newdateheader' ]) && $pref [ 'news_newdateheader' ])) {
echo " <div class=' " . DATEHEADERCLASS . " '> " . strftime ( " %A %d %B %Y " , $news [ 'news_datestamp' ]) . " </div> " ;
$newpostday = $thispostday ;
$news [ 'category_id' ] = $news [ 'news_category' ];
if ( $action == " item " ) {
unset ( $news [ 'news_render_type' ]);
$ix -> render_newsitem ( $news );
$i ++ ;
$parms = $news_total . " , " . ITEMVIEW . " , " . $from . " , " . e_SELF . '?' . " [FROM]. " . $action . ( isset ( $sub_action ) ? " . " . $sub_action : " " );
$nextprev = $tp -> parseTemplate ( " { NEXTPREV= { $parms } } " );
echo ( $nextprev ? " <div class='nextprev'> " . $nextprev . " </div> " : " " );
$cache_data = ob_get_clean ();
require_once ( HEADERF );
echo $cache_data ;
setNewsCache ( $cacheString , $cache_data );
// ##### --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function newsarchive ( $newsAr ){
global $ns , $gen , $interval , $pref , $tp , $news_archive_shortcodes , $NEWSARCHIVE , $news2 ;
// do not show the news archive on the news.php?item.X page (but only on the news mainpage)
require_once ( e_FILE . 'shortcode/batch/news_archives.php' );
ob_start ();
$i = $interval + 1 ;
while ( isset ( $newsAr [ $i ]))
$news2 = $newsAr [ $i ];
// Code from Lisa
// copied from the rss creation, but added here to make sure the url for the newsitem is to the news.php?item.X
// instead of the actual hyperlink that may have been added to a newstitle on creation
$search = array ();
$replace = array ();
$search [ 0 ] = " / \ <a href= \" (.*?) \" >(.*?)< \ /a>/si " ;
$replace [ 0 ] = '\\2' ;
$search [ 1 ] = " / \ <a href='(.*?)'>(.*?)< \ /a>/si " ;
$replace [ 1 ] = '\\2' ;
$search [ 2 ] = " / \ <a href='(.*?)'>(.*?)< \ /a>/si " ;
$replace [ 2 ] = '\\2' ;
$search [ 3 ] = " / \ <a href="(.*?)">(.*?)< \ /a>/si " ;
$replace [ 3 ] = '\\2' ;
$search [ 4 ] = " / \ <a href='(.*?)'>(.*?)< \ /a>/si " ;
$replace [ 4 ] = '\\2' ;
$news2 [ 'news_title' ] = preg_replace ( $search , $replace , $news2 [ 'news_title' ]);
// End of code from Lisa
$gen = new convert ;
$news2 [ 'news_datestamp' ] = $gen -> convert_date ( $news2 [ 'news_datestamp' ], " short " );
if ( ! $NEWSARCHIVE ){
$NEWSARCHIVE = " <div>
< table style = 'width:98%;' >
< tr >
< td >
< div > { ARCHIVE_BULLET } < b > { ARCHIVE_LINK } </ b > < span class = 'smalltext' >< i > { ARCHIVE_AUTHOR } @ ({ ARCHIVE_DATESTAMP }) ({ ARCHIVE_CATEGORY }) </ i ></ span ></ div >
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div > " ;
$textnewsarchive .= $tp -> parseTemplate ( $NEWSARCHIVE , FALSE , $news_archive_shortcodes );
$i ++ ;
$ns -> tablerender ( $pref [ 'newsposts_archive_title' ], $textnewsarchive , 'news_archive' );
$newsarchive = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_flush (); // dump collected data
setNewsCache ( 'newsarchive' , $newsarchive );
// #### new: news archive ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $action != " item " && $action != 'list' && $pref [ 'newsposts_archive' ]) {
newsarchive ( $newsAr );
// #### END -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $action != " item " ) {
if ( is_numeric ( $action )){
$action = " " ;
// $parms = $news_total.",".ITEMVIEW.",".$from.",".e_SELF.'?'."[FROM].".$action.(isset($sub_action) ? ".".$sub_action : "");
// $nextprev = $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}");
// echo ($nextprev ? "<div class='nextprev'>".$nextprev."</div>" : "");
if ( is_dir ( " remotefile " )) {
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " file_class.php " );
$file = new e_file ;
$reject = array ( '$.' , '$..' , '/' , 'CVS' , 'thumbs.db' , '*._$' , 'index' , 'null*' , 'Readme.txt' );
$crem = $file -> get_files ( e_BASE . " remotefile " , " " , $reject );
if ( count ( $crem )) {
foreach ( $crem as $loadrem ) {
if ( strstr ( $loadrem [ 'fname' ], " load_ " )) {
require_once ( e_BASE . " remotefile/ " . $loadrem [ 'fname' ]);
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'nfp_display' ]) && $pref [ 'nfp_display' ] == 2 ) {
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . " newforumposts_main/newforumposts_main.php " );
render_newscats ();
require_once ( FOOTERF );
// =========================================================================
function setNewsCache ( $cache_tag , $cache_data ) {
global $e107cache ;
$e107cache -> set ( $cache_tag , $cache_data );
$e107cache -> set ( $cache_tag . " _title " , defined ( " e_PAGETITLE " ) ? e_PAGETITLE : '' );
$e107cache -> set ( $cache_tag . " _diz " , defined ( " META_DESCRIPTION " ) ? META_DESCRIPTION : '' );
function checkCache ( $cacheString ){
global $pref , $e107cache ;
$cache_data = $e107cache -> retrieve ( $cacheString );
$cache_title = $e107cache -> retrieve ( $cacheString . " _title " );
$cache_diz = $e107cache -> retrieve ( $cacheString . " _diz " );
$etitle = ( $cache_title != " e_PAGETITLE " ) ? $cache_title : " " ;
$ediz = ( $cache_diz != " META_DESCRIPTION " ) ? $cache_diz : " " ;
if ( $etitle ){
define ( e_PAGETITLE , $etitle );
if ( $ediz ){
define ( " META_DESCRIPTION " , $ediz );
if ( $cache_data ) {
return $cache_data ;
} else {
return false ;
function renderCache ( $cache , $nfp = FALSE ){
global $pref , $tp , $sql , $CUSTOMFOOTER , $FOOTER , $cust_footer , $ph ;
global $db_debug , $ns , $eTraffic , $eTimingStart , $error_handler , $db_time , $sql2 , $mySQLserver , $mySQLuser , $mySQLpassword , $mySQLdefaultdb , $e107 ;
echo $cache ;
2006-12-23 18:38:33 +00:00
if ( isset ( $nfp ) && isset ( $pref [ 'nfp_display' ]) && $pref [ 'nfp_display' ] == 2 ) {
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . " newforumposts_main/newforumposts_main.php " );
render_newscats ();
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
function render_newscats (){ // -- CNN Style Categories. ----
global $pref , $ns , $tp ;
if ( isset ( $pref [ 'news_cats' ]) && $pref [ 'news_cats' ] == '1' ) {
$text3 = $tp -> toHTML ( " { NEWS_CATEGORIES} " , TRUE , 'parse_sc,nobreak,emotes_off,no_make_clickable' );
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_NEWS_23 , $text3 , 'news_cat' );