2007-03-27 13:48:30 +00:00
< ? php
if ( ! function_exists ( 'e_userprofile_content' )){
function e_userprofile_content (){
global $qs , $sql , $tp ;
include_lan ( e_PLUGIN . " content/languages/ " . e_LANGUAGE . " /lan_content.php " );
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . 'content/handlers/content_class.php' );
$aa = new content ;
$userid = intval ( $qs [ 1 ]);
$caption = array ();
$data = array ();
//get main parent types
$sqlm = new db ;
2007-04-12 21:35:00 +00:00
if ( $sqlm -> db_Select ( " pcontent " , " content_id, content_heading " , " content_class REGEXP ' " . e_CLASS_REGEXP . " ' AND content_parent = '0' " . $datequery . " " . $headingquery . " ORDER BY content_heading " )){
2007-03-27 13:48:30 +00:00
while ( $rowm = $sqlm -> db_Fetch ()){
//global var for this main parent
$mainparent = $rowm [ 'content_id' ];
$maincaption = $rowm [ 'content_heading' ];
$text = '' ;
//prepare query paramaters
$array = $aa -> getCategoryTree ( " " , $mainparent , TRUE );
$validparent = implode ( " , " , array_keys ( $array ));
$qry = " p.content_parent REGEXP ' " . $aa -> CONTENTREGEXP ( $validparent ) . " ' " ;
$datequery = " AND p.content_datestamp < " . time () . " AND (p.content_enddate=0 || p.content_enddate> " . time () . " ) " ;
$content_pref = $aa -> getContentPref ( $mainparent );
$content_icon_path = $tp -> replaceConstants ( $content_pref [ " content_icon_path " ]);
$l = strlen ( $userid ) + 1 ;
$userquery = " AND (p.content_author = ' " . $userid . " ' || LEFT(p.content_author, " . $l . " ) = ' " . $userid . " ^' OR SUBSTRING_INDEX(p.content_author, '^', 1) = ' " . $userid . " ' ) " ;
$qry = "
SELECT p . content_id , p . content_heading , p . content_subheading , p . content_icon , p . content_datestamp
FROM #pcontent AS p
WHERE LEFT ( p . content_parent , 1 ) != '0'
AND " . $qry . " " . $datequery . "
AND p . content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."'
" . $userquery . "
ORDER BY p . content_heading " ;
$qry1 = $qry . " LIMIT 0,3 " ;
$found = false ;
$sqlc = new db ;
$total = $sqlc -> db_Select_gen ( $qry );
if ( $sqlc -> db_Select_gen ( $qry1 )){
while ( $rowc = $sqlc -> db_Fetch ()){
$icon = '' ;
if ( $rowc [ 'content_icon' ] && is_readable ( $content_icon_path . $rowc [ 'content_icon' ])){
$icon = " <a href=' " . e_PLUGIN . " content/content.php?content. " . $rowc [ 'content_id' ] . " ' ><img src=' " . $content_icon_path . $rowc [ 'content_icon' ] . " ' style='width:50px; height:50px;' alt='' /></a> " ;
} else {
$icon = " <a href=' " . e_PLUGIN . " content/content.php?content. " . $rowc [ 'content_id' ] . " ' ><img src=' " . $content_icon_path . " blank.gif' style='width:50px; height:50px;' alt='' /></a> " ;
$date = strftime ( " %d %b %Y " , $rowc [ 'content_datestamp' ]);
$subheading = ( $row [ 'content_subheading' ] ? $row [ 'content_subheading' ] . " <br /> " : '' );
$text .= "
< div style = 'clear:both; padding-bottom:10px;' >
< div style = 'float:left; padding-bottom:10px;' > " . $icon . " </ div >
< div style = 'margin-left:60px; padding-bottom:10px;' >
< a href = '".e_PLUGIN."content/content.php?content.".$rowc[' content_id ']."' > " . $tp->toHTML ( $rowc['content_heading'] , TRUE, " " ). " </ a >< br />
" . $subheading . "
< span class = 'smalltext' > " . $date . " </ span >
</ div >
</ div > " ;
$id = $rowc [ 'content_id' ];
$found = true ;
$lan0 = str_replace ( '{caption}' , $maincaption , CONTENT_USERPROFILE_LAN_1 );
$text .= " <div style='clear:both; padding-bottom:10px;'><a href=' " . e_PLUGIN . " content/content.php?author. " . $id . " '> " . $lan0 . " </a></div> " ;
if ( $found ){
$caption [] = str_replace ( array ( '{caption}' , '{total}' ), array ( $maincaption , $total ), CONTENT_USERPROFILE_LAN_2 );
$data [] = $text ;
return array ( 'caption' => $caption , 'text' => $data );