2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
< ? php
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| <EFBFBD> Steve Dunstan 2001 - 2002
| http :// e107 . org
| jalist @ e107 . org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License ( http :// gnu . org ) .
| $Source : / cvs_backup / e107_0 . 8 / e107_plugins / forum / forum_mod . php , v $
2007-08-14 21:11:36 +00:00
| $Revision : 1.2 $
| $Date : 2007 - 08 - 14 21 : 11 : 29 $
| $Author : e107steved $
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( ! defined ( 'e107_INIT' )) { exit ; }
@ include_once e_PLUGIN . 'forum/languages/' . e_LANGUAGE . '/lan_forum_admin.php' ;
@ include_once e_PLUGIN . 'forum/languages/English/lan_forum_admin.php' ;
function forum_thread_moderate ( $p )
global $sql ;
foreach ( $p as $key => $val ) {
if ( preg_match ( " #(.*?)_( \ d+)_x# " , $key , $matches ))
$act = $matches [ 1 ];
$id = intval ( $matches [ 2 ]);
switch ( $act )
case 'lock' :
$sql -> db_Update ( " forum_t " , " thread_active='0' WHERE thread_id=' $id ' " );
break ;
case 'unlock' :
$sql -> db_Update ( " forum_t " , " thread_active='1' WHERE thread_id=' $id ' " );
return FORLAN_OPEN ;
break ;
case 'stick' :
$sql -> db_Update ( " forum_t " , " thread_s='1' WHERE thread_id=' $id ' " );
break ;
case 'unstick' :
$sql -> db_Update ( " forum_t " , " thread_s='0' WHERE thread_id=' $id ' " );
break ;
case 'delete' :
return forum_delete_thread ( $id );
break ;
function forum_delete_thread ( $thread_id )
global $sql ;
@ require_once ( e_PLUGIN . 'forum/forum_class.php' );
$f =& new e107forum ;
$sql -> db_Select ( " forum_t " , " * " , " thread_id=' " . intval ( $thread_id ) . " ' " );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
if ( $row [ 'thread_parent' ])
// post is a reply?
$sql -> db_Delete ( " forum_t " , " thread_id=' " . intval ( $thread_id ) . " ' " );
// dec forum reply count by 1
2007-08-14 21:11:36 +00:00
$sql -> db_Update ( " forum " , " forum_replies=forum_replies-1 WHERE forum_id=' " . $row [ 'thread_forum_id' ] . " ' AND forum_replies>0 " );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// dec thread reply count by 1
2007-08-14 21:11:36 +00:00
$sql -> db_Update ( " forum_t " , " thread_total_replies=thread_total_replies-1 WHERE thread_id=' " . $row [ 'thread_parent' ] . " ' AND thread_total_replies>0 " );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// dec user forum post count by 1
$tmp = explode ( " . " , $row [ 'thread_user' ]);
$uid = intval ( $tmp [ 0 ]);
if ( $uid > 0 )
2007-08-14 21:11:36 +00:00
$sql -> db_Update ( " user " , " user_forums=user_forums-1 WHERE user_id=' " . $uid . " ' AND user_forums>0 " );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// update lastpost info
$f -> update_lastpost ( 'thread' , $row [ 'thread_parent' ]);
$f -> update_lastpost ( 'forum' , $row [ 'thread_forum_id' ]);
return FORLAN_154 ;
// post is thread
// delete poll if there is one
$sql -> db_Delete ( " poll " , " poll_datestamp=' " . intval ( $thread_id ) . " ' " );
//decrement user post counts
forum_userpost_count ( " WHERE thread_id = ' " . intval ( $thread_id ) . " ' OR thread_parent = ' " . intval ( $thread_id ) . " ' " , " dec " );
// delete replies and grab how many there were
$count = $sql -> db_Delete ( " forum_t " , " thread_parent=' " . intval ( $thread_id ) . " ' " );
// delete the post itself
$sql -> db_Delete ( " forum_t " , " thread_id=' " . intval ( $thread_id ) . " ' " );
// update thread/reply counts
2007-08-14 21:11:36 +00:00
$sql -> db_Update ( " forum " , " forum_threads=LEAST(forum_threads-1,0), forum_replies=LEAST(forum_replies- { $count } ,0) WHERE forum_id=' " . $row [ 'thread_forum_id' ] . " ' " );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// update lastpost info
$f -> update_lastpost ( 'forum' , $row [ 'thread_forum_id' ]);
return FORLAN_6 . ( $count ? " , " . $count . " " . FORLAN_7 . " . " : " . " );
function forum_userpost_count ( $where = " " , $type = " dec " )
global $sql ;
$qry = "
SELECT thread_user , count ( thread_user ) AS cnt FROM #forum_t
{ $where }
GROUP BY thread_user
" ;
if ( $sql -> db_Select_gen ( $qry ))
$uList = $sql -> db_getList ();
foreach ( $uList as $u )
$tmp = explode ( " . " , $u [ 'thread_user' ]);
$uid = intval ( $tmp [ 0 ]);
if ( $uid > 0 )
if ( " set " == $type )
$sql -> db_Update ( " user " , " user_forums= { $u [ 'cnt' ] } WHERE user_id=' " . $uid . " ' " );
2007-08-14 21:11:36 +00:00
{ // user_forums is unsigned, so underflow will give a very big number
$sql -> db_Update ( " user " , " user_forums=LEAST(user_forums- { $u [ 'cnt' ] } ,0) WHERE user_id=' " . $uid . " ' " );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00