//define("LAN_EURL_UDEFINED_INFO", "User defined URL configuration - overrides (disables) all custom configuration profiles. Remove the User defined configuration folder to enable the custom configuration profiles.");
define("LAN_EURL_PROFILE_INFO","Profile info not available");
define("LAN_EURL_SETTINGS_MAINMODULE_HELP","Choose which site area will be connected with your base site URL. Example: When News is your root namespace http://yoursite.com/News-Item-Title will be associated with news (item view page will be resolved)");
define("LAN_EURL_SETTINGS_REDIRECT","Redirect to System not found page");
define("LAN_EURL_SETTINGS_REDIRECT_HELP","If set to false, not found page will be direct rendered (without browser redirect)");
define("LAN_EURL_MODREWR_DESCR","Removes entry script file name (rewrite.php) from your URLs. You'll need mod_rewrite installed and running on your server (Apache Web Server). After enabling this setting go to your site root folder, rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess and modifgy <em>"RewriteBase"</em> Directive if required.");
define("LAN_EURL_NEWS_REWRITE_DESCR","Demonstrates manual link parsing and assembling.<br />Examples: <br />http://yoursite.com/news<br />http://yoursite.com/news/News Title <em>(view news item)</em>");
define("LAN_EURL_NEWS_REWRITEX_LABEL","Extended User Friendly URLs (mod_rewrite)");
define("LAN_EURL_NEWS_REWRITEX_DESCR","Demonstrates automated link parsing and assembling based on predefined route rules.<br />Examples: <br />http://yoursite.com/news<br />http://yoursite.com/news/News Category Name/News Title <em>(view news item)</em>");
// Downloads
//define("LAN_EURL_CORE_DOWNLOADS", "Downloads");
// Users
define("LAN_EURL_USER_DEFAULT_DESCR","Legacy direct URLs. Example: http://yoursite.com/user.php?id.1");