2011-12-06 11:24:41 +00:00
< ? php
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 - 2011 e107 Inc ( e107 . org ), Licensed under GNU GPL ( http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl . txt )
* $Id $
* PM Default URL configuration
* TODO - SEF URL configuration
class plugin_pm_url extends eUrlConfig
public function config ()
return array (
'config' => array (
'noSingleEntry' => true , // [optional] default false; disallow this module to be shown via single entry point when this config is used
'legacy' => '{e_PLUGIN}pm/pm.php' , // this config won't work in single entry point mod (legacy not used at all), so just set this to default plugin file to notify router it's legacy module
'format' => 'get' , // get|path - notify core for the current URL format, if set to 'get' rules will be ignored
'selfCreate' => true , // [optional] default false; use only this->create() method, no core routine URL creating
'defaultRoute' => 'view/inbox' , // [optional] default empty; route (no leading module) used when module is found with no additional controller/action information e.g. /news/
// rule set array
'rules' => array ()
* Describe all pm routes .
* Routes vs legacy queries :
* view / inbox -> ? inbox ( default route , resolved on index / index )
* view / outbox -> ? outbox
* view / message ? id = xxx -> ? show . xxx . inbox
* view / sent ? id = xxx -> ? show . xxx . outbox
* view / show ? id = xxx -> ? show . xxx ( investigate why we have dupps , good time to remove them ! )
* view / reply ? id = xxx -> ? reply . xxx
* view / send -> ? send
* action / delete - in ? id = xx -> ? del . xxx . inbox
* action / delete - out ? id = xx -> ? del . xxx . outbox
* action / delete - blocked ? id = xxx -> ? delblocked . xxx
* action / block ? id = xx -> ? block . xxx
* action / unblock ? id = xx -> ? unblock . xxx
* action / get ? id = xxx & index = yyy -> ? get . xxx . yyy
public function create ( $route , $params = array (), $options = array ())
if ( is_string ( $route )) $route = explode ( '/' , $route , 2 );
if ( ! varset ( $route [ 0 ]) || 'index' == $route [ 0 ]) $route [ 0 ] = 'view' ;
if ( ! varset ( $route [ 1 ])) $route [ 1 ] = 'inbox' ;
$base = e107 :: getInstance () -> getFolder ( 'plugins' ) . 'pm/' ;
//var_dump($options, $route, $params);
if ( $route [ 0 ] == 'view' )
if ( ! isset ( $params [ 'id' ]) && isset ( $params [ 'pm_id' ])) $params [ 'id' ] = $params [ 'pm_id' ];
switch ( $route [ 1 ])
case 'index' :
case 'inbox' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'inbox' ;
return $base . 'pm.php?inbox' ;
break ;
case 'outbox' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'outbox' ;
return $base . 'pm.php?outbox' ;
break ;
// we could just remove them all and let only 'message' live
case 'show' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'show.' . $params [ 'id' ];
return $base . 'pm.php?show.' . $params [ 'id' ];
break ;
case 'message' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'show.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.inbox' ;
return $base . 'pm.php?show.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.inbox' ;
break ;
case 'sent' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'show.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.outbox' ;
return $base . 'pm.php?show.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.outbox' ;
break ;
case 'reply' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'reply.' . $params [ 'id' ];
return $base . 'pm.php?reply.' . $params [ 'id' ];
break ;
case 'new' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'send' ;
return $base . 'pm.php?send' ;
break ;
elseif ( $route [ 0 ] == 'action' )
if ( ! isset ( $params [ 'id' ]) && isset ( $params [ 'pm_id' ])) $params [ 'id' ] = $params [ 'pm_id' ];
switch ( $route [ 1 ])
case 'delete-in' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'del.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.inbox' ;
return $base . 'pm.php?del.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.inbox' ;
break ;
case 'delete-out' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'del.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.outbox' ;
return $base . 'pm.php?del.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.outbox' ;
break ;
case 'delete-blocked' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'delblocked.' . $params [ 'id' ];
return $base . 'pm.php?delblocked.' . $params [ 'id' ];
break ;
case 'block' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'block.' . $params [ 'id' ];
return $base . 'pm.php?block.' . $params [ 'id' ];
break ;
case 'unblock' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'unblock.' . $params [ 'id' ];
return $base . 'pm.php?unblock.' . $params [ 'id' ];
break ;
case 'get' :
$this -> legacyQueryString = 'get.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.' . $params [ 'index' ];
return $base . 'pm.php?get.' . $params [ 'id' ] . '.' . $params [ 'index' ];
break ;
return false ;
* Admin callback
* Language file not loaded as all language data is inside the lan_eurl . php ( loaded by default on administration URL page )
public function admin ()
// static may be used for performance
2011-12-06 17:27:41 +00:00
e107 :: plugLan ( 'pm' , 'admin_pm' , true );
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static $admin = array (
'labels' => array (
2011-12-06 17:27:41 +00:00
'name' => ADLAN_PM , // Module name
'label' => ADLAN_PM_URL_DEFAULT_LABEL , // Current profile name
'description' => ADLAN_PM_URL_DEFAULT_DESCR , //
2011-12-06 11:24:41 +00:00
'form' => array (), // Under construction - additional configuration options
'callbacks' => array (), // Under construction - could be used for e.g. URL generator functionallity
return $admin ;