define("TPVLAN_1","You are looking at a preview of the <b>'".PREVIEWTHEMENAME."'</b> theme. It has not been set as the main theme for your site, it has been activated to provide a preview of how the theme looks.<br />To set this theme as your site theme, <a href='".e_ADMIN."theme.php'>return to your theme manager</a> and select 'Set As Site Theme'.<br />To preview more themes please <a href='".e_ADMIN."theme.php'>click here</a>");
define("TPVLAN_2","Theme Preview");
define("TPVLAN_3","Main site theme set to");
define("TPVLAN_6","Release date");
define("TPVLAN_9","Preview Theme");
define("TPVLAN_10","Set As Site Theme");
define("TPVLAN_12","No preview available");
define("TPVLAN_13","Upload theme (.zip or .tar.gz format)");
define("TPVLAN_14","Upload Theme");
define("TPVLAN_15","The file could not be uploaded as the ".e_THEME." folder does not have the correct permissions - please CHMOD to 777 and re-upload the file.");
define("TPVLAN_16","Admin Message");
define("TPVLAN_17","That file does not appear to be a valid .zip or .tar archive.");
define("TPVLAN_18","An error has occurred, unable to un-archive the file");
define("TPVLAN_19","Your theme has been uploaded and unzipped, please scroll down to see your theme in the list.");
define("TPVLAN_20","Auto theme upload and extraction is disabled as your themes folder does not have the correct permissions - please CHMOD your e107_themes folder to 777.");
define("TPVLAN_21","This is the currently selected site theme");