2022-12-12 15:00:30 -08:00
< ? php
* Plugin Admin Generator by CaMer0n . //TODO - Added dummy template and shortcode creation, plus e_search, e_cron, e_xxxxx etc.
class e_pluginbuilder
var $fields = array ();
var $table = '' ;
var $pluginName = '' ;
var $special = array ();
var $tableCount = 0 ;
var $tableList = array ();
var $createFiles = false ;
private $buildTable = false ;
private $debug = false ;
function __construct ()
if ( e_DEBUG == true )
$this -> debug = true ;
$this -> special [ 'checkboxes' ] = array ( 'title' => '' , 'type' => null , 'data' => null , 'width' => '5%' , 'thclass' => 'center' , 'forced' => TRUE , 'class' => 'center' , 'toggle' => 'e-multiselect' , 'fieldpref' => true );
$this -> special [ 'options' ] = array ( 'title' => 'LAN_OPTIONS' , 'type' => null , 'data' => null , 'width' => '10%' , 'thclass' => 'center last' , 'class' => 'center last' , 'forced' => TRUE , 'fieldpref' => true );
function run ()
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'newplugin' ]))
$this -> pluginName = e107 :: getParser () -> filter ( $_GET [ 'newplugin' ], 'file' );
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'createFiles' ]))
$this -> createFiles = true ;
if ( vartrue ( $_POST [ 'step' ]) == 4 )
return $this -> step4 ();
if ( vartrue ( $_GET [ 'step' ]) == 3 )
return $this -> step3 ();
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'newplugin' ]) && $_GET [ 'step' ] == 2 )
return $this -> step2 ();
return $this -> step1 ();
function step1 ()
$fl = e107 :: getFile ();
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$newDir = [];
$lanDir = [];
$plugFolders = $fl -> get_dirs ( e_PLUGIN );
foreach ( $plugFolders as $dir )
$lanDir [ $dir ] = $dir ;
if ( E107_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 && file_exists ( e_PLUGIN . $dir . " /admin_config.php " ))
continue ;
$newDir [ $dir ] = $dir ;
$info = EPL_ADLAN_102 ;
$info .= " <ul> " ;
$info .= " <li> " . str_replace ( array ( '[x]' , '[b]' , '[/b]' ), array ( e_PLUGIN , '<strong>' , '</strong>' ), EPL_ADLAN_103 ) . " </li> " ;
// $info .= "<li>".EPL_ADLAN_104."</li>";
$info .= " <li> " . str_replace ( array ( '[b]' , '[/b]' ), array ( '<strong>' , '</strong>' ), EPL_ADLAN_105 ) . " </li> " ;
$info .= " <li> " . EPL_ADLAN_106 . " </li> " ;
$info .= " </ul> " ;
// $mes->addInfo($tp->toHTML($info,true));
$text = $frm -> open ( 'createPlugin' , 'get' , e_SELF );
$text .= $frm -> hidden ( 'action' , 'build' );
$text .= " <table class='table adminform'>
< colgroup >
< col class = 'col-label' />
< col class = 'col-control' />
< col class = 'col-control' />
</ colgroup >
< tr >
< td > " .EPL_ADLAN_107. " </ td >
< td >< div class = 'input-append form-inline' > " . $frm->open ('createPlugin','get',e_SELF. " ? mode = create " ). $frm->select ( " newplugin " , $newDir , false, 'size=xlarge'). $frm->admin_button ('step', 2,'other',LAN_GO). " </ div > " . $frm->checkbox ('createFiles',1,1,EPL_ADLAN_255). $frm->close (). " </ td >
< td >< div class = 'alert alert-info' > " . $info . " </ div ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > " .EPL_ADLAN_108. " </ td >
< td >< div class = 'input-append form-inline' > " . $frm->open ('checkPluginLangs','get',e_SELF. " ? mode = lans " ). $frm->select ( " newplugin " , $lanDir , false, 'size=xlarge'). $frm->admin_button ('step', 2,'other',LAN_GO). " </ div > " . $frm->close (). " </ td >
< td >< div class = 'alert alert-info' > " .EPL_ADLAN_254. " </ div ></ td >
</ tr > " ;
/* NOT a good idea - requires the use of $_POST which would prevent browser 'go Back' navigation .
if ( e_DOMAIN == FALSE ) // localhost.
$text .= " <tr>
< td > Pasted MySql Dump Here </ td >
< td > " . $frm->textarea ('mysql','', 10,80). "
< span class = 'field-help' > eg . </ span ></ td >
</ tr > " ;
$text .= "
</ table >
< div class = 'buttons-bar center' >
</ div > " ;
$text .= $frm -> close ();
return $text ;
// $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_98.SEP.EPL_ADLAN_114, $mes->render() . $text);
// $var['lans']['text'] = EPL_ADLAN_226;
// $var['lans']['link'] = e_SELF."?mode=lans";
function enterMysql ()
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
return " <div> " . $frm -> textarea ( 'mysql' , '' ) . " </div> " ;
* @ param string $table
* @ param string $file
private function buildSQLFile ( $table , $file )
$table = e107 :: getParser () -> filter ( $table );
e107 :: getDb () -> gen ( " SHOW CREATE TABLE `# " . $table . " ` " );
$data = e107 :: getDb () -> fetch ( 'num' );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 1 ]))
$createData = str_replace ( " ` " . MPREFIX , '`' , $data [ 1 ]);
$createData .= " ; " ;
if ( ! file_exists ( $file ) /* && empty($this->createFiles)*/ )
file_put_contents ( $file , $createData );
function step3 ()
// require_once(e_HANDLER."db_verify_class.php");
// $dv = new db_verify;
$dv = e107 :: getSingleton ( 'db_verify' , e_HANDLER . " db_verify_class.php " );
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$newplug = $tp -> filter ( $_GET [ 'newplugin' ], 'file' );
$this -> pluginName = $newplug ;
$sqlFile = e_PLUGIN . $newplug . " / " . $newplug . " _sql.php " ;
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'build' ]) && ! file_exists ( $sqlFile ))
$this -> buildSQLFile ( $_GET [ 'build' ], $sqlFile );
$ret = array ();
if ( file_exists ( $sqlFile ))
$data = file_get_contents ( $sqlFile );
$ret = $dv -> getSqlFileTables ( $data );
e107 :: getDebug () -> log ( " SQL File Not Found " );
// $this->buildTable = true;
$text = $frm -> open ( 'newplugin-step3' , 'post' , e_SELF . '?mode=create&action=build&newplugin=' . $newplug . '&createFiles=' . $this -> createFiles . '&step=3' );
$text .= " <ul class='nav nav-tabs'> \n " ;
$text .= " <li class='active'><a data-toggle='tab' data-bs-toggle='tab' href='#xml'> " . EPL_ADLAN_109 . " </a></li> " ;
$this -> tableCount = ! empty ( $ret [ 'tables' ]) ? count ( $ret [ 'tables' ]) : 0 ;
if ( ! empty ( $ret [ 'tables' ]))
foreach ( $ret [ 'tables' ] as $key => $table )
$label = " Table: " . $table ;
$text .= " <li><a data-toggle='tab' data-bs-toggle='tab' href='# " . $table . " '> " . $label . " </a></li> " ;
$this -> tableList [] = $table ;
$text .= " <li><a data-toggle='tab' data-bs-toggle='tab' href='#preferences'> " . LAN_PREFS . " </a></li> " ;
$text .= " <li><a data-toggle='tab' data-bs-toggle='tab' href='#addons'> " . LAN_ADDONS . " </a></li> " ; //TODO LAN
$text .= " </ul> " ;
$text .= " <div class='tab-content'> \n " ;
$text .= " <div class='tab-pane active' id='xml'> \n " ;
$text .= $this -> pluginXml ();
$text .= " </div> " ;
if ( ! empty ( $ret [ 'tables' ]))
foreach ( $ret [ 'tables' ] as $key => $table )
$text .= " <div class='tab-pane' id=' " . $table . " '> \n " ;
$fields = $dv -> getFields ( $ret [ 'data' ][ $key ]);
$text .= $this -> form ( $table , $fields );
$text .= " </div> " ;
$text .= " <div class='tab-pane' id='preferences'> \n " ;
$text .= $this -> prefs ();
$text .= " </div> " ;
$text .= " <div class='tab-pane' id='addons'> \n " ;
$text .= $this -> addons ();
$text .= " </div> " ;
if ( empty ( $ret [ 'tables' ]))
$text .= $frm -> hidden ( $this -> pluginName . '_ui[mode]' , 'main' );
$text .= $frm -> hidden ( $this -> pluginName . '_ui[pluginName]' , $this -> pluginName );
$text .= " </div> " ;
$text .= "
< div class = 'buttons-bar center' >
" . $frm->hidden ('newplugin', $this->pluginName ). "
" . $frm->admin_button ('step', 4,'other', LAN_GENERATE). "
</ div > " ;
$text .= $frm -> close ();
$mes -> addInfo ( EPL_ADLAN_112 );
$mes -> addInfo ( EPL_ADLAN_113 );
return array ( 'caption' => EPL_ADLAN_115 , 'text' => $text );
// $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_98.SEP.EPL_ADLAN_114.SEP., $mes->render() . $text);
private function step2 ()
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$tables = e107 :: getDb () -> tables ();
$text = $frm -> open ( 'buildTab' , 'get' , e_REQUEST_SELF );
$text .= " <table class='table adminform'>
< tr >< td colspan = '2' >< h4 > " .ucfirst(LAN_OPTIONAL). " </ h4 ></ td ></ tr >
< tr >
< td class = 'col-label' > To generate your < em > " . $this->pluginName . " _sql . php </ em > table creation file , please select your sql table then click 'Refresh' </ td >
< td class = 'form-inline' > " ;
$text .= $frm -> select ( 'build' , $tables , null , array ( 'useValues' => 1 ), " ( " . LAN_OPTIONAL . " ) " );
// $text .= "<a href='#' id='build-table-submit' class='btn btn-success'>Refresh</a>";
// $text .= $frm->button('step', 3, 'submit', "Continue");
unset ( $_GET [ 'step' ]);
foreach ( $_GET as $k => $v )
$text .= $frm -> hidden ( $k , $v );
// $text .= $frm->hidden("build_table_url", e_REQUEST_SELF.'?'.$qry, array('id'=>'build-table-url'));
$text .= " </td></tr>
< tr >< td >& nbsp ; </ td >< td >
" . $frm->button ('step', 3, 'submit', LAN_CONTINUE). "
</ td ></ tr ></ table > " ;
$text .= $frm -> close ();
e107 :: js ( 'footer-inline' , '
$ ( document ) . on ( " click " , " #build-table-submit " , function ( e ){
e . preventDefault ();
$ ( this ) . addClass ( " disabled " );
var url = $ ( " #build-table-url " ) . val ();
var sel = $ ( " #build-table-tbl " ) . val ();
url = url + " &build= " + sel ;
window . location . href = url ;
return false ;
' ); */
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
return array ( 'caption' => EPL_ADLAN_115 , 'text' => $text );
// $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_98.SEP.EPL_ADLAN_114.SEP.EPL_ADLAN_115, $text);
return $text ;
private function buildTemplateFile ()
$dirName = e_PLUGIN . $this -> pluginName . " /templates " ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dirName ))
mkdir ( $dirName , 0755 );
$file = $dirName . " / " . $this -> pluginName . " _template.php " ;
$shortFileName = " templates/ " . $this -> pluginName . " _template.php " ;
if ( file_exists ( $file ) && empty ( $this -> createFiles ))
return e107 :: getParser () -> lanVars ( EPL_ADLAN_256 , $shortFileName );
$content = <<< TMPL
< ? php
// Template File
$upperName = strtoupper ( $this -> pluginName );
$content .= "
// ".$this->pluginName." Template file
if ( ! defined ( 'e107_INIT' )) { exit ; }
\ $ " . $upperName . " _TEMPLATE = array ();
\ $ " . $upperName . " _TEMPLATE [ 'default' ][ 'start' ] \t = '{SETIMAGE: w=400&h=300}' ;
\ $ " . $upperName . " _TEMPLATE [ 'default' ][ 'item' ] \t = '' ;
\ $ " . $upperName . " _TEMPLATE [ 'default' ][ 'end' ] \t = '' ;
" ;
return file_put_contents ( $file , $content ) ? LAN_CREATED . ': ' . $shortFileName : LAN_CREATED_FAILED . ': ' . $shortFileName ;
private function buildShortcodesFile ()
$file = e_PLUGIN . $this -> pluginName . " / " . $this -> pluginName . " _shortcodes.php " ;
$content = <<< TMPL
< ? php
$content .= "
// ".$this->pluginName." Shortcodes file
if ( ! defined ( 'e107_INIT' )) { exit ; }
class plugin_ " . $this->pluginName . " _ " . $this->pluginName . " _shortcodes extends e_shortcode
" ;
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'bullets_ui' ][ 'fields' ]))
foreach ( $_POST [ 'bullets_ui' ][ 'fields' ] as $key => $row )
if ( $key === 'options' || $key === 'checkboxes' )
continue ;
$content .= "
* { " .strtoupper( $key ). " }
public function sc_ " . $key . " ( \ $parm = null )
return \ $this -> var [ '".$key."' ];
" ;
$content .= '}' ;
return file_put_contents ( $file , $content ) ? LAN_CREATED . ': ' . $this -> pluginName . " _shortcodes.php " : LAN_CREATED_FAILED . ': ' . $this -> pluginName . " _shortcodes.php " ;
private function createAddons ( $list )
$srch = array ( '_blank' , 'blank' );
$result = array ();
foreach ( $list as $addon )
$addonDest = str_replace ( " _blank " , $this -> pluginName , $addon );
$source = e_PLUGIN . " _blank/ " . $addon . " .php " ;
$destination = e_PLUGIN . $this -> pluginName . " / " . $addonDest . " .php " ;
if ( file_exists ( $destination ) && empty ( $this -> createFiles ))
$result [] = e107 :: getParser () -> lanVars ( EPL_ADLAN_256 , $addonDest . '.php' );
continue ;
if ( $addon === '_blank_template' )
$result [] = $this -> buildTemplateFile ();
continue ;
if ( $addon === '_blank_shortcodes' )
$result [] = $this -> buildShortcodesFile ();
continue ;
if ( $content = file_get_contents ( $source ))
$content = str_replace ( $srch , $this -> pluginName , $content );
if ( file_exists ( $destination ) && empty ( $this -> createFiles ))
$result [] = e107 :: getParser () -> lanVars ( EPL_ADLAN_256 , $addonDest . '.php' );
if ( file_put_contents ( $destination , $content ))
$result [] = LAN_CREATED . " : " . $addonDest . " .php " ;
return $result ;
private function addons ()
$plg = e107 :: getPlugin ();
$list = $plg -> getAddonsList ();
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$text = " <table class='table table-striped adminlist' > " ;
//Todo LANS
$dizOther = array (
'_blank' => " Simple frontend script " ,
'_blank_setup' => " Create default table data during install, upgrade, uninstall etc " ,
'_blank_menu' => " Menu item for use in the menu manager. " ,
'_blank_template' => " Template to allow layout customization by themes. " ,
'_blank_shortcodes' => " Shortcodes for the template. "
array_unshift ( $list , '_blank' , '_blank_setup' , '_blank_menu' , '_blank_template' , '_blank_shortcodes' );
$templateFiles = scandir ( e_PLUGIN . " _blank " );
// $list[] = "_blank";
// $list[] = "_blank_setup";
foreach ( $list as $v )
if ( ! in_array ( $v . " .php " , $templateFiles ) && $v != '_blank_template' && $v != '_blank_shortcodes' )
continue ;
$diz = ! empty ( $dizOther [ $v ]) ? $dizOther [ $v ] : $plg -> getAddonsDiz ( $v );
$label = str_replace ( " _blank " , $this -> pluginName , $v );
$id = str_replace ( '_blank' , 'blank' , $v );
$text .= " <tr> " ;
$text .= " <td> " . $frm -> checkbox ( 'addons[]' , $v , false , $label ) . " </td> " ;
$text .= " <td><label for=' " . $frm -> name2id ( 'addons-' . $id ) . " '> " . $diz . " </label></td> " ;
$text .= " </tr> " ;
$text .= " </table> " ;
return $text ;
function prefs ()
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$text = '' ;
$options = array (
'text' => EPL_ADLAN_116 ,
'number' => EPL_ADLAN_117 ,
'url' => EPL_ADLAN_118 ,
'textarea' => EPL_ADLAN_119 ,
'bbarea' => EPL_ADLAN_120 ,
'boolean' => EPL_ADLAN_121 ,
" method " => EPL_ADLAN_122 ,
" image " => EPL_ADLAN_123 ,
" dropdown " => EPL_ADLAN_124 ,
" userclass " => EPL_ADLAN_125 ,
" language " => EPL_ADLAN_126 ,
" icon " => EPL_ADLAN_127 ,
" file " => EPL_ADLAN_128 ,
$text = " <table class='table table-striped'> " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 10 ; $i ++ )
$text .= " <tr><td> " .
$frm -> text ( " pluginPrefs[ " . $i . " ][index] " , '' , 40 , 'placeholder=' . EPL_ADLAN_129 ) . " </td><td> " .
$frm -> text ( " pluginPrefs[ " . $i . " ][value] " , '' , 50 , 'placeholder=' . EPL_ADLAN_130 ) . " </td><td> " .
$frm -> select ( " pluginPrefs[ " . $i . " ][type] " , $options , '' , 'class=null' , EPL_ADLAN_131 ) . " </td><td> " .
$frm -> text ( " pluginPrefs[ " . $i . " ][help] " , '' , 80 , 'size=xxlarge&placeholder=' . EPL_ADLAN_174 ) . " </td> " .
" </tr> " ;
$text .= " </table> " ;
return $text ;
function pluginXml ()
//TODO Plugin.xml Form Fields. .
$data = array (
'main' => array ( 'name' , 'lang' , 'version' , 'date' , 'compatibility' ),
'author' => array ( 'name' , 'url' ),
'summary' => array ( 'summary' ),
'description' => array ( 'description' ),
'keywords' => array ( 'one' , 'two' , 'three' ),
'category' => array ( 'category' ),
'copyright' => array ( 'copyright' ),
// 'adminLinks' => array('url','description','icon','iconSmall','primary'),
// 'sitelinks' => array('url','description','icon','iconSmall')
// Load old plugin.php file if it exists;
$legacyFile = e_PLUGIN . $this -> pluginName . " /plugin.php " ;
if ( file_exists ( $legacyFile ))
$eplug_name = $eplug_author = $eplug_url = $eplug_description = " " ;
$eplug_tables = array ();
require_once ( $legacyFile );
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$mes -> addInfo ( " Loading plugin.php file " );
$defaults = array (
" main-name " => $eplug_name ,
" author-name " => $eplug_author ,
" author-url " => $eplug_url ,
" description-description " => $eplug_description ,
" summary-summary " => $eplug_description
if ( count ( $eplug_tables ) && ! file_exists ( e_PLUGIN . $this -> pluginName . " / " . $this -> pluginName . " _sql.php " ))
$cont = '' ;
foreach ( $eplug_tables as $tab )
if ( strpos ( $tab , " INSERT INTO " ) !== FALSE )
continue ;
$cont .= " \n " . str_replace ( " \t " , " " , $tab );
if ( file_put_contents ( e_PLUGIN . $this -> pluginName . " / " . $this -> pluginName . " _sql.php " , $cont ))
$info = str_replace ( '[x]' , $this -> pluginName . " _sql.php " , EPL_ADLAN_132 );
$mes -> addInfo ( $info , 'default' , true );
$red = e107 :: getRedirect ();
$red -> redirect ( e_REQUEST_URL , true );
// $red->redirect(e_SELF."?mode=create&newplugin=".$this->pluginName."&createFiles=1&step=2",true);
$msg = str_replace ( '[x]' , $this -> pluginName . " _sql.php " , EPL_ADLAN_133 ) . " <br /> " ;
$msg .= str_replace ( array ( '[x]' , '[y]' ), array ( $this -> pluginName . " _sql.php " , $cont ), EPL_ADLAN_134 );
$mes -> addWarning ( $msg );
$existingXml = e_PLUGIN . $this -> pluginName . " /plugin.xml " ;
if ( file_exists ( $existingXml ))
$p = e107 :: getXml () -> loadXMLfile ( $existingXml , true );
// print_a($p);
$defaults = array (
" main-name " => varset ( $p [ '@attributes' ][ 'name' ]),
" main-lang " => varset ( $p [ '@attributes' ][ 'lan' ]),
" author-name " => varset ( $p [ 'author' ][ '@attributes' ][ 'name' ]),
" author-url " => varset ( $p [ 'author' ][ '@attributes' ][ 'url' ]),
" description-description " => varset ( $p [ 'description' ]),
" summary-summary " => varset ( $p [ 'summary' ], $p [ 'description' ]),
" category-category " => varset ( $p [ 'category' ]),
" copyright-copyright " => varset ( $p [ 'copyright' ]),
" keywords-one " => varset ( $p [ 'keywords' ][ 'word' ][ 0 ]),
" keywords-two " => varset ( $p [ 'keywords' ][ 'word' ][ 1 ]),
" keywords-three " => varset ( $p [ 'keywords' ][ 'word' ][ 2 ]),
unset ( $p );
$text = " <table class='table adminform'> " ;
foreach ( $data as $key => $val )
$text .= " <tr><td> $key </td><td>
< div class = 'controls' > " ;
foreach ( $val as $type )
$nm = $key . '-' . $type ;
$name = " xml[ $nm ] " ;
$size = ( count ( $val ) == 1 ) ? 'span7 col-md-7' : 'span2 col-md-2' ;
$text .= " <div class=' $size '> " . $this -> xmlInput ( $name , $key . " - " . $type , vartrue ( $defaults [ $nm ])) . " </div> " ;
$text .= " </div></td></tr> " ;
$text .= " </table> " ;
return $text ;
function xmlInput ( $name , $info , $default = '' )
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
list ( $cat , $type ) = explode ( " - " , $info );
$size = 30 ; // Textbox size.
$help = '' ;
$pattern = " " ;
$required = false ;
switch ( $info )
case 'main-name' :
$help = EPL_ADLAN_135 ;
$required = true ;
$pattern = " [A-Za-z0-9 -]* " ;
$xsize = 'medium' ;
break ;
case 'main-lang' :
$help = EPL_ADLAN_136 ;
// $required = false;
$placeholder = " " ;
$pattern = " [A-Z0-9_]* " ;
$xsize = 'medium' ;
break ;
case 'main-date' :
$help = EPL_ADLAN_137 ;
$required = true ;
$xsize = 'medium' ;
break ;
case 'main-version' :
$default = '1.0' ;
$required = true ;
$help = EPL_ADLAN_138 ;
$pattern = " ^[ \ d] { 1,2} \ .[ \ d] { 1,2}( \ .[ \ d] { 1,2})? $ " ;
$xsize = 'small' ;
break ;
case 'main-compatibility' :
$default = '2.0' ;
$required = true ;
$help = EPL_ADLAN_139 ;
$pattern = " ^[ \ d] { 1,2} \ .[ \ d] { 1,2} $ " ;
$xsize = 'small' ;
break ;
case 'author-name' :
$default = ( vartrue ( $default )) ? $default : USERNAME ;
$required = true ;
$help = EPL_ADLAN_140 ;
$pattern = " [A-Za-z \ .0-9]* " ;
$xsize = 'medium' ;
break ;
case 'author-url' :
$required = true ;
$help = EPL_ADLAN_141 ;
// $pattern = "https?://.+";
$xsize = 'medium' ;
break ;
//case 'main-installRequired':
// return "Installation required: ".$frm->radio_switch($name,'',LAN_YES, LAN_NO);
case 'summary-summary' :
$help = EPL_ADLAN_142 . " <br /> " . EPL_ADLAN_143 ;
$required = true ;
$size = 130 ;
$placeholder = " " ;
$pattern = " [A-Za-z - \ .0-9]* " ;
$xsize = 'block-level' ;
break ;
case 'keywords-one' :
$type = 'keywordDropDown' ;
$required = true ;
$help = EPL_ADLAN_144 ;
break ;
case 'keywords-three' :
case 'keywords-two' :
$help = EPL_ADLAN_144 . " <br /> " . EPL_ADLAN_143 ;
$required = true ;
$size = 20 ;
$placeholder = " " ;
$pattern = '^[a-z]*$' ;
$xsize = 'medium' ;
break ;
case 'description-description' :
$help = EPL_ADLAN_145 . " <br /> " . EPL_ADLAN_143 ;
$required = true ;
$size = 100 ;
$placeholder = " " ;
$pattern = " [A-Za-z - \ .0-9]* " ;
$xsize = 'block-level' ;
break ;
case 'category-category' :
$help = EPL_ADLAN_146 ;
$required = true ;
$size = 20 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
$req = ( $required == true ) ? " &required=1 " : " " ;
$placeholder = ( varset ( $placeholder )) ? $placeholder : $type ;
$pat = ! empty ( $pattern ) ? " &pattern= " . $pattern : " " ;
$sz = ! empty ( $xsize ) ? " &size= " . $xsize : " " ;
switch ( $type )
case 'date' :
$text = $frm -> datepicker ( $name , time (), 'format=yyyy-mm-dd&return=string' . $req . $sz );
break ;
case 'description' :
$text = $frm -> textarea ( $name , $default , 3 , 100 , $req . $sz ); // pattern not supported.
break ;
case 'category' :
$options = array (
'settings' => EPL_ADLAN_147 ,
'users' => EPL_ADLAN_148 ,
'content' => EPL_ADLAN_149 ,
'tools' => EPL_ADLAN_150 ,
'manage' => EPL_ADLAN_151 ,
'misc' => EPL_ADLAN_152 ,
'menu' => EPL_ADLAN_153 ,
'about' => EPL_ADLAN_154
$text = $frm -> select ( $name , $options , $default , 'required=1&class=form-control' , true );
break ;
case 'keywordDropDown' :
$options = array (
'generic' ,
'admin' ,
'messaging' ,
'enhancement' ,
'date' ,
'commerce' ,
'form' ,
'gaming' ,
'intranet' ,
'multimedia' ,
'information' ,
'mail' ,
'search' ,
'stats' ,
'files' ,
'security' ,
'generic' ,
sort ( $options );
$text = $frm -> select ( $name , $options , $default , 'required=1&class=form-control&useValues=1' , true );
break ;
default :
$text = $frm -> text ( $name , $default , $size , 'placeholder=' . $placeholder . $sz . $req . $pat );
break ;
$text .= ( $help ) ? " <span class='field-help'> " . $help . " </span> " : " " ;
return $text ;
function createXml ( $data )
// print_a($_POST);
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$newArray = [];
foreach ( $data as $key => $val )
$key = strtoupper ( str_replace ( " - " , " _ " , $key ));
$newArray [ $key ] = $val ;
$newArray [ 'DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION' ] = strip_tags ( $tp -> toHTML ( $newArray [ 'DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION' ], true ));
$_POST [ 'pluginPrefs' ] = $tp -> filter ( $_POST [ 'pluginPrefs' ]);
$plugPref = array ();
foreach ( $_POST [ 'pluginPrefs' ] as $val )
if ( vartrue ( $val [ 'index' ]))
$id = $val [ 'index' ];
$plugPref [ $id ] = $val [ 'value' ];
// print_a($_POST['pluginPrefs']);
if ( ! empty ( $plugPref ))
$xmlPref = " <pluginPrefs> \n " ;
foreach ( $plugPref as $k => $v )
$xmlPref .= " <pref name=' " . $k . " '> " . $v . " </pref> \n " ;
$xmlPref .= " </pluginPrefs> " ;
$newArray [ 'PLUGINPREFS' ] = $xmlPref ;
// print_a($newArray);
// print_a($this);
$template = <<< TEMPLATE
< ? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf-8 " ?>
< e107Plugin name = " { MAIN_NAME} " lan = " { MAIN_LANG} " version = " { MAIN_VERSION} " date = " { MAIN_DATE} " compatibility = " { MAIN_COMPATIBILITY} " installRequired = " true " >
< author name = " { AUTHOR_NAME} " url = " { AUTHOR_URL} " />
< summary lan = " " > { SUMMARY_SUMMARY } </ summary >
< description lan = " " > { DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION } </ description >
< keywords >
< word > { KEYWORDS_ONE } </ word >
< word > { KEYWORDS_TWO } </ word >
< word > { KEYWORDS_THREE } </ word >
</ keywords >
< category > { CATEGORY_CATEGORY } </ category >
< copyright > { COPYRIGHT_COPYRIGHT } </ copyright >
< adminLinks >
< link url = " admin_config.php " description = " { ADMINLINKS_DESCRIPTION} " icon = " images/icon_32.png " iconSmall = " images/icon_16.png " icon128 = " images/icon_128.png " primary = " true " > LAN_CONFIGURE </ link >
</ adminLinks >
</ e107Plugin >
// pluginPrefs
< siteLinks >
< link url = " { e_PLUGIN}_blank/_blank.php " perm = " everyone " > Blank </ link >
</ siteLinks >
< pluginPrefs >
< pref name = " blank_pref_1 " > 1 </ pref >
< pref name = " blank_pref_2 " > [ more ... ] </ pref >
</ pluginPrefs >
< userClasses >
< class name = " blank_userclass " description = " Blank Userclass Description " />
</ userClasses >
< extendedFields >
< field name = " custom " type = " EUF_TEXTAREA " default = " 0 " active = " true " />
</ extendedFields >
$result = e107 :: getParser () -> simpleParse ( $template , $newArray );
$path = e_PLUGIN . $this -> pluginName . " /plugin.xml " ;
if ( file_exists ( $path ) && empty ( $this -> createFiles ))
return htmlentities ( $result );
if ( $this -> createFiles == true || ! file_exists ( $path ))
if ( file_put_contents ( $path , $result ) )
$mes -> addSuccess ( EPL_ADLAN_155 . " " . $path );
else {
$mes -> addError ( EPL_ADLAN_156 . " " . $path );
return htmlentities ( $result );
// $ns->tablerender(LAN_CREATED.": plugin.xml", "<pre style='font-size:80%'>".htmlentities($result)."</pre>");
function form ( $table , $fieldArray )
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$modes = array (
" main " => EPL_ADLAN_157 ,
" cat " => EPL_ADLAN_158 ,
" other1 " => EPL_ADLAN_159 ,
" other2 " => EPL_ADLAN_160 ,
" other3 " => EPL_ADLAN_161 ,
" other4 " => EPL_ADLAN_162 ,
'exclude' => EPL_ADLAN_163 ,
// echo "TABLE COUNT= ".$this->tableCount ;
$this -> table = $table . " _ui " ;
$c = 0 ;
foreach ( $modes as $id => $md )
if ( $tbl = varset ( $this -> tableList [ $c ], false ))
$defaultMode [ $tbl ] = $id ;
$c ++ ;
// print_a($defaultMode);
$text = $frm -> hidden ( $this -> table . '[pluginName]' , $this -> pluginName , 15 ) .
$frm -> hidden ( $this -> table . '[table]' , $table , 15 );
if ( $this -> tableCount > 1 )
$text .= " <table class='table adminform'> \n " ;
$text .= "
< tr >
< td > Mode </ td >
< td > " . $frm->select ( $this->table . " [ mode ] " , $modes , $defaultMode[$table] , 'required=1&class=null', true). " </ td >
</ tr >
" ;
$text .= $frm -> hidden ( $this -> table . '[mode]' , 'main' );
$text .= " </table> " . $this -> special ( 'checkboxes' );
$text .= " <table class='table adminlist'>
< thead >
< tr >
< th > " .EPL_ADLAN_164. " </ th >
< th > " .EPL_ADLAN_165. " </ th >
< th > " .EPL_ADLAN_166. " </ th >
< th > " .EPL_ADLAN_167. " </ th >
< th > " .EPL_ADLAN_168. " </ th >
< th class = 'center' > " .EPL_ADLAN_169. " </ th >
< th class = 'center' > " .EPL_ADLAN_170. " </ th >
< th class = 'center' > " .EPL_ADLAN_171. " </ th >
< th class = 'center' title = '".EPL_ADLAN_177."' > " .EPL_ADLAN_172. " </ th >
< th class = 'center' title = '".EPL_ADLAN_178."' > " .EPL_ADLAN_173. " </ th >
< th class = 'center' title = '".EPL_ADLAN_257."' > R / O </ th >
< th > " .EPL_ADLAN_174. " </ th >
< th > " .EPL_ADLAN_175. " </ th >
< th > " .EPL_ADLAN_176. " </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
" ;
foreach ( $fieldArray as $name => $val )
$text .= " <tr>
< td > " . $name . " </ td >
< td > " . $frm->text ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ title ] " , $this->guess ( $name , $val ,'title'),35, 'required=1'). " </ td >
< td > " . $this->fieldType ( $name , $val ). " </ td >
< td > " . $this->fieldData ( $name , $val ). " </ td >
< td > " . $frm->text ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ width ] " , $this->guess ( $name , $val ,'width'), 4, 'size=mini'). " </ td >
< td class = 'center' > " . $frm->checkbox ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ batch ] " , 1, $this->guess ( $name , $val ,'batch')). " </ td >
< td class = 'center' > " . $frm->checkbox ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ filter ] " , 1, $this->guess ( $name , $val ,'filter')). " </ td >
< td class = 'center' > " . $frm->checkbox ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ inline ] " , 1, $this->guess ( $name , $val ,'inline')). " </ td >
< td class = 'center' > " . $frm->checkbox ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ validate ] " , 1). " </ td >
< td class = 'center' > " . $frm->checkbox ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ fieldpref ] " , 1, $this->guess ( $name , $val ,'fieldpref')). " </ td >
< td class = 'center' > " . $frm->checkbox ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ readonly ] " , 1). " </ td >
< td > " . $frm->text ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ help ] " ,'', 50,'size=medium'). " </ td >
< td > " . $frm->text ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ readParms ] " ,'', 60,'size=small'). " </ td >
< td > " . $frm->text ( $this->table . " [ fields ][ " . $name . " ][ writeParms ] " ,'', 60,'size=small').
$frm -> hidden ( $this -> table . " [fields][ " . $name . " ][class] " , $this -> guess ( $name , $val , 'class' )) .
$frm -> hidden ( $this -> table . " [fields][ " . $name . " ][thclass] " , $this -> guess ( $name , $val , 'thclass' )) .
" </td>
</ tr > " ;
//'width' => '20%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE, 'parms' => 'truncate=30', 'validate' => false, 'help' => 'Enter blank URL here', 'error' => 'please, ener valid URL'),
$text .= " </tbody></table> " . $this -> special ( 'options' );
return $text ;
// Checkboxes and Options.
function special ( $name )
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$text = " " ;
foreach ( $this -> special [ $name ] as $key => $val )
$text .= $frm -> hidden ( $this -> table . " [fields][ " . $name . " ][ " . $key . " ] " , $val );
return $text ;
* @ param $name
* @ param $val
* @ return string
function fieldType ( $name , $val )
$type = strtolower ( $val [ 'type' ]);
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
if ( strtolower ( $val [ 'default' ]) == " auto_increment " )
$key = $this -> table . " [pid] " ;
return " Primary Id " .
$frm -> hidden ( $this -> table . " [fields][ " . $name . " ][type] " , 'number' ) .
$frm -> hidden ( $key , $name ); //
switch ( $type )
case 'date' :
case 'datetime' :
case 'time' :
case 'timestamp' :
$array = array (
'text' => EPL_ADLAN_179 ,
" hidden " => EPL_ADLAN_180 ,
" method " => EPL_ADLAN_186 ,
break ;
case 'int' :
case 'tinyint' :
case 'bigint' :
case 'smallint' :
case 'mediumint' :
$array = array (
" boolean " => EPL_ADLAN_181 ,
" number " => EPL_ADLAN_182 ,
" dropdown " => EPL_ADLAN_183 ,
" userclass " => EPL_ADLAN_184 ,
" datestamp " => LAN_DATE ,
" method " => EPL_ADLAN_186 ,
" hidden " => EPL_ADLAN_187 ,
" user " => EPL_ADLAN_188 ,
break ;
case 'decimal' :
case 'double' :
case 'float' :
$array = array (
" number " => EPL_ADLAN_182 ,
" dropdown " => EPL_ADLAN_190 ,
" method " => EPL_ADLAN_191 ,
" hidden " => EPL_ADLAN_192 ,
break ;
case 'varchar' :
case 'tinytext' :
case 'tinyblob' :
$array = array (
'text' => EPL_ADLAN_193 ,
" url " => EPL_ADLAN_194 ,
" email " => EPL_ADLAN_195 ,
" ip " => EPL_ADLAN_196 ,
" number " => EPL_ADLAN_197 ,
" password " => EPL_ADLAN_198 ,
" tags " => EPL_ADLAN_199 ,
" dropdown " => EPL_ADLAN_200 ,
" userclass " => EPL_ADLAN_201 ,
" language " => EPL_ADLAN_202 ,
" icon " => EPL_ADLAN_203 ,
" image " => EPL_ADLAN_204 ,
" file " => EPL_ADLAN_205 ,
" method " => EPL_ADLAN_206 ,
" hidden " => EPL_ADLAN_207
break ;
case 'enum' :
$array = array (
" dropdown " => EPL_ADLAN_200 ,
" tags " => EPL_ADLAN_211 ,
" method " => EPL_ADLAN_212 ,
" hidden " => EPL_ADLAN_215
break ;
case 'text' :
case 'mediumtext' :
case 'longtext' :
case 'blob' :
case 'mediumblob' :
case 'longblob' :
$array = array (
'textarea' => EPL_ADLAN_208 ,
'bbarea' => EPL_ADLAN_209 ,
'text' => EPL_ADLAN_210 ,
" tags " => EPL_ADLAN_211 ,
" method " => EPL_ADLAN_212 ,
" image " => EPL_ADLAN_213 ,
" images " => EPL_ADLAN_214 ,
" hidden " => EPL_ADLAN_215
break ;
// asort($array);
$fname = $this -> table . " [fields][ " . $name . " ][type] " ;
return $frm -> select ( $fname , $array , $this -> guess ( $name , $val ), 'required=1&class=null' , true );
// Guess Default Field Type based on name of field.
function guess ( $data , $val = null , $mode = 'type' )
$tmp = explode ( " _ " , $data );
if ( count ( $tmp ) == 3 ) // eg Link_page_title
$name = $tmp [ 2 ];
elseif ( count ( $tmp ) == 2 ) // Link_description
$name = $tmp [ 1 ];
elseif ( count ( $tmp ) === 1 )
$name = $data ;
$ret [ 'title' ] = ucfirst ( $name );
$ret [ 'width' ] = 'auto' ;
$ret [ 'class' ] = 'left' ;
$ret [ 'thclass' ] = 'left' ;
// echo "<br />name=".$name;
switch ( $name )
case 'id' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_ID' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'boolean' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'width' ] = '5%' ;
break ;
case 'start' :
case 'end' :
case 'datestamp' :
case 'date' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_DATESTAMP' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'datestamp' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'fieldpref' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = false ;
break ;
case 'prename' :
case 'firstname' :
case 'lastname' :
case 'company' :
case 'city' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = ucfirst ( $name );
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'text' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'fieldpref' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = true ;
break ;
case 'name' :
case 'title' :
case 'subject' :
case 'summary' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_TITLE' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'text' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'fieldpref' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = true ;
break ;
case 'email' :
case 'email2' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_EMAIL' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'email' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'fieldpref' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = true ;
break ;
case 'ip' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_IP' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'ip' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'fieldpref' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = false ;
break ;
case 'user' :
case 'userid' :
case 'author' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_AUTHOR' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'user' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = false ;
break ;
case 'thumb' :
case 'thumbnail' :
case 'image' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_IMAGE' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'image' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = false ;
break ;
case 'total' :
case 'order' :
case 'limit' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_ORDER' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'number' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = false ;
break ;
case 'code' :
case 'zip' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = ucfirst ( $name );
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'number' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = true ;
break ;
case 'state' :
case 'country' :
case 'category' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = ( $name == 'category' ) ? 'LAN_CATEGORY' : ucfirst ( $name );
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'dropdown' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'fieldpref' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = true ;
break ;
case 'type' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_TYPE' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'dropdown' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'fieldpref' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = true ;
break ;
case 'icon' :
case 'button' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_ICON' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'icon' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = false ;
break ;
case 'website' :
case 'url' :
case 'homepage' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_URL' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'url' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = true ;
break ;
case 'visibility' :
case 'class' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = 'LAN_USERCLASS' ;
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'userclass' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'fieldpref' ] = true ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = true ;
break ;
case 'notes' :
case 'comment' :
case 'comments' :
case 'address' :
case 'description' :
$ret [ 'title' ] = ( $name == 'description' ) ? 'LAN_DESCRIPTION' : ucfirst ( $name );
$ret [ 'type' ] = ( $val [ 'type' ] == 'TEXT' ) ? 'textarea' : 'text' ;
$ret [ 'width' ] = '40%' ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = false ;
break ;
default :
$ret [ 'type' ] = 'boolean' ;
$ret [ 'class' ] = 'left' ;
$ret [ 'batch' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'filter' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'thclass' ] = 'left' ;
$ret [ 'width' ] = 'auto' ;
$ret [ 'inline' ] = false ;
break ;
return vartrue ( $ret [ $mode ]);
function fieldData ( $name , $val )
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$type = $val [ 'type' ];
$strings = array ( 'time' , 'timestamp' , 'datetime' , 'year' , 'tinyblob' , 'blob' ,
'mediumblob' , 'longblob' , 'tinytext' , 'mediumtext' , 'longtext' , 'text' , 'date' );
$type = strtolower ( $type );
if ( in_array ( $type , $strings ))
$value = 'str' ;
elseif ( $type === 'varchar' || $type === 'char' )
$value = 'safestr' ;
elseif ( $type === 'decimal' || $type === 'float' )
$value = 'float' ;
$value = 'int' ;
$fname = $this -> table . " [fields][ " . $name . " ][data] " ;
return $frm -> hidden ( $fname , $value ) . " <a href='#' class='e-tip' title=' $type ' > " . $value . " </a> " ;
// ******************************** CODE GENERATION AREA *************************************************
function step4 ()
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$xmlText = null ;
$addonResults = null ;
$pluginTitle = $tp -> filter ( $_POST [ 'xml' ][ 'main-name' ]);
if ( $_POST [ 'xml' ])
$_POST [ 'xml' ] = $tp -> filter ( $_POST [ 'xml' ]);
$xmlText = $this -> createXml ( $_POST [ 'xml' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'addons' ]))
$_POST [ 'addons' ] = $tp -> filter ( $_POST [ 'addons' ]);
$addonResults = $this -> createAddons ( $_POST [ 'addons' ]);
// e107::getDebug()->log($_POST);
unset ( $_POST [ 'step' ], $_POST [ 'xml' ], $_POST [ 'addons' ]);
$pluginFolder = $tp -> filter ( $_POST [ 'newplugin' ], 'file' );
// Create some default plugin icons.
$imgDir = e_PLUGIN . $pluginFolder . '/images' ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $imgDir ))
mkdir ( $imgDir , 0775 );
$icons = [ 16 , 32 , 128 ];
foreach ( $icons as $size )
@ copy ( e_PLUGIN . '_blank/images/icon_' . $size . '.png' , $imgDir . '/icon_' . $size . '.png' );
$text = $this -> buildAdminUI ( $_POST , $pluginFolder , $pluginTitle );
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$generatedFile = e_PLUGIN . $pluginFolder . " /admin_config.php " ;
$startPHP = chr ( 60 ) . " ?php " ;
$endPHP = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $addonResults ))
foreach ( $addonResults as $v )
$mes -> addSuccess ( $v );
if ( file_exists ( $generatedFile ) && empty ( $this -> createFiles ))
$message = e107 :: getParser () -> lanVars ( EPL_ADLAN_256 , " admin_config.php " );
$mes -> addSuccess ( $message );
if ( file_put_contents ( $generatedFile , $startPHP . $text . $endPHP ))
$message = str_replace ( " [x] " , " <a class='alert-link' href=' " . $generatedFile . " '> " . EPL_ADLAN_216 . " </a> " , EPL_ADLAN_217 );
$mes -> addSuccess ( $message );
$mes -> addError ( str_replace ( '[x]' , $generatedFile , EPL_ADLAN_218 ));
// echo $mes->render();
$ret = " <h3>plugin.xml</h3> " ;
$ret .= " <pre style='font-size:80%'> " . $xmlText . " </pre> " ;
$ret .= " <h3>admin_config.php</h3> " ;
$ret .= " <pre style='font-size:80%'> " . $text . " </pre> " ;
e107 :: getPlug () -> clearCache ();
return array ( 'caption' => EPL_ADLAN_253 , 'text' => $ret );
* @ param array $fields
* @ param string $table
* @ param string $type
* @ return string
private function buildAdminUIBatchFilter ( $fields , $table , $type = null )
$text = '' ;
$typeUpper = ucfirst ( $type );
$params = ( $type === 'batch' ) ? " \$ selected, \$ type " : " \$ type " ;
foreach ( $fields as $fld => $val )
if ( varset ( $val [ 'type' ]) !== 'method' )
continue ;
$text .= "
// Handle ".$type." options as defined in ".str_replace("_ui", "_form_ui", $table)."::".$fld."; 'handle' + action + field + '".$typeUpper."'
// @important \$fields['".$fld."']['".$type."'] must be true for this method to be detected.
// @param \$selected
// @param \$type
function handleList " .eHelper::camelize( $fld ,true). $typeUpper . " ( " . $params . " )
" ;
if ( $type === 'filter' )
$text .= "
\ $this -> listOrder = '".$fld." ASC' ;
" ;
$text .= "
\ $ids = implode ( ',' , \ $selected ); \n " ;
$text .= "
switch ( \ $type )
case 'custom".$type."_1' :
" ;
$text .= ( $type === 'batch' ) ? " // do something " : " // return ' " . $fld . " != 'something' '; " ;
$text .= "
e107 :: getMessage () -> addSuccess ( 'Executed custom".$type."_1' );
break ;
case 'custom".$type."_2' :
" ;
$text .= ( $type === 'batch' ) ? " // do something " : " // return ' " . $fld . " != 'something' '; " ;
$text .= "
e107 :: getMessage () -> addSuccess ( 'Executed custom".$type."_2' );
break ;
" ;
return $text ;
* @ param array $vars
* @ return null | string | string []
private function buildAdminUIFields ( $vars )
$srch = array (
" \n " ,
// "),",
" " ,
" 'forced' => '1' " ,
" 'batch' => '1' " ,
" 'filter' => '1' " ,
" 'batch' => '0' " ,
" 'filter' => '0' " ,
" 'inline' => '1' " ,
" 'validate' => '1' " ,
" 'readonly' => '1' " ,
// ", 'fieldpref' => '1'",
" 'type' => '' " ,
" 'data' => '' " ,
" array ( ) " ,
' ' ,
$repl = array (
" " ,
// "),\n\t\t",
" " ,
" 'forced' => true " ,
" 'batch' => true " ,
" 'filter' => true " ,
" 'batch' => false " ,
" 'filter' => false " ,
" 'inline' => true " ,
" 'validate' => true " ,
" 'readonly' => true " ,
// "",
" 'type' => null " ,
" 'data' => null " ,
" [] " ,
' '
foreach ( $vars [ 'fields' ] as $key => $val )
if ( isset ( $val [ 'type' ]))
if (( $val [ 'type' ] === 'dropdown' || $val [ 'type' ] === 'method' ) && empty ( $val [ 'filter' ]))
$vars [ 'fields' ][ $key ][ 'filter' ] = '0' ;
if (( $val [ 'type' ] === 'dropdown' || $val [ 'type' ] === 'method' ) && empty ( $val [ 'batch' ]))
$vars [ 'fields' ][ $key ][ 'batch' ] = '0' ;
if ( $val [ 'type' ] == 'image' && empty ( $val [ 'readParms' ]))
$vars [ 'fields' ][ $key ][ 'readParms' ] = 'thumb=80x80' ; // provide a thumbnail preview by default.
if ( empty ( $vars [ 'fields' ][ $key ][ 'readParms' ]))
$vars [ 'fields' ][ $key ][ 'readParms' ] = array ();
if ( empty ( $vars [ 'fields' ][ $key ][ 'writeParms' ]))
$vars [ 'fields' ][ $key ][ 'writeParms' ] = array ();
unset ( $vars [ 'fields' ][ $key ][ 'fieldpref' ]);
$FIELDS = " array ( \n " ;
foreach ( $vars [ 'fields' ] as $key => $val )
$FIELDS .= " \t \t \t ' " . str_pad ( $key . " ' " , 25 ) . " => " . str_replace ( $srch , $repl , var_export ( $val , true )) . " , \n " ;
$FIELDS .= " \t \t ) " ;
// $FIELDS = var_export($vars['fields'],true);
// $FIELDS = str_replace($srch,$repl,var_export($vars['fields'],true));
return preg_replace ( " #('([A-Z0-9_]*?LAN[_A-Z0-9]*)')# " , " $ 2 " , $FIELDS ); // remove quotations from LANs.
* @ param array $post POSTED data from form .
* @ param string $pluginFolder
* @ param string $pluginTitle
* @ return string
public function buildAdminUI ( $post , $pluginFolder , $pluginTitle )
unset ( $post [ 'step' ], $post [ 'xml' ], $post [ 'addons' ]);
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$text = " \n
// Generated e107 Plugin Admin Area
require_once ( '../../class2.php' );
if ( ! getperms ( 'P' ))
e107 :: redirect ( 'admin' );
exit ;
// e107::lan('" . $pluginFolder . "',true);
class " . $ pluginFolder . " _adminArea extends e_admin_dispatcher
protected \ $modes = array (
" ;
unset ( $post [ 'newplugin' ], $post [ 'mode' ]);
foreach ( $post as $table => $vars ) // LOOP Through Tables.
if ( ! empty ( $vars [ 'mode' ]) && $vars [ 'mode' ] != 'exclude' )
$vars [ 'mode' ] = $tp -> filter ( $vars [ 'mode' ]);
$text .= "
'" . $vars[' mode '] . "' => array (
'controller' => '" . $table . "' ,
'path' => null ,
'ui' => '" . str_replace("_ui", "_form_ui", $table) . "' ,
'uipath' => null
" ;
'cat' => array (
'controller' => 'faq_cat_ui' ,
'path' => null ,
'ui' => 'faq_cat_form_ui' ,
'uipath' => null
$text .= "
protected \ $adminMenu = array (
" ;
foreach ( $post as $table => $vars ) // LOOP Through Tables.
if ( ! empty ( $vars [ 'mode' ]) && $vars [ 'mode' ] != 'exclude' && ! empty ( $vars [ 'table' ]))
$vars [ 'mode' ] = $tp -> filter ( $vars [ 'mode' ]);
$text .= "
'" . $vars[' mode '] . "/list' => array ( 'caption' => LAN_MANAGE , 'perm' => 'P' ),
'" . $vars[' mode '] . "/create' => array ( 'caption' => LAN_CREATE , 'perm' => 'P' ),
" ;
if ( $post [ 'pluginPrefs' ][ 0 ][ 'index' ])
$text .= "
'main/prefs' => array ( 'caption' => LAN_PREFS , 'perm' => 'P' ),
" ;
$text .= "
// 'main/div0' => array('divider'=> true),
// 'main/custom' => array('caption'=> 'Custom Page', 'perm' => 'P'),
protected \ $adminMenuAliases = array (
'main/edit' => 'main/list'
protected \ $menuTitle = '" . vartrue($pluginTitle, $pluginFolder) . "' ;
" ;
$tableCount = 1 ;
foreach ( $post as $table => $vars ) // LOOP Through Tables.
if ( $table == 'pluginPrefs' || $vars [ 'mode' ] == 'exclude' )
continue ;
$vars [ 'mode' ] = $tp -> filter ( $vars [ 'mode' ]);
$vars [ 'pluginName' ] = $tp -> filter ( $vars [ 'pluginName' ]);
2022-12-12 15:16:00 -08:00
$vars [ 'table' ] = ! empty ( $var [ 'table' ]) ? $tp -> filter ( $vars [ 'table' ]) : '' ;
2022-12-12 15:00:30 -08:00
$vars [ 'pid' ] = $tp -> filter ( $vars [ 'pid' ]);
$FIELDS = $this -> buildAdminUIFields ( $vars );
$FIELDPREF = array ();
foreach ( $vars [ 'fields' ] as $k => $v )
if ( isset ( $v [ 'fieldpref' ]) && $k != 'checkboxes' && $k != 'options' )
$FIELDPREF [] = " ' " . $k . " ' " ;
$text .=
class " . $ table . " extends e_admin_ui
protected \ $pluginTitle = '" . $pluginTitle . "' ;
protected \ $pluginName = '" . $vars[' pluginName '] . "' ;
// protected \$eventName = '" . $vars['pluginName'] . "-" . $vars['table'] . "'; // remove comment to enable event triggers in admin.
protected \ $table = '" . $vars[' table '] . "' ;
protected \ $pid = '" . $vars[' pid '] . "' ;
protected \ $perPage = 10 ;
protected \ $batchDelete = true ;
protected \ $batchExport = true ;
protected \ $batchCopy = true ;
// protected \$sortField = 'somefield_order';
// protected \$sortParent = 'somefield_parent';
// protected \$treePrefix = 'somefield_title';
// protected \$tabs = array('tab1'=>'Tab 1', 'tab2'=>'Tab 2'); // Use 'tab'=>'tab1' OR 'tab'=>'tab2' in the \$fields below to enable.
// protected \$listQry = \"SELECT * FROM `#tableName` WHERE field != '' \"; // Example Custom Query. LEFT JOINS allowed. Should be without any Order or Limit.
protected \ $listOrder = '" . $vars[' pid '] . " DESC' ;
protected \ $fields = " . $FIELDS . " ;
protected \ $fieldpref = array ( " . implode( " , " , $FIELDPREF ) . " );
" ;
if ( $post [ 'pluginPrefs' ] && ( $vars [ 'mode' ] == 'main' ))
$text .= "
// protected \$preftabs = array('General', 'Other' );
protected \ $prefs = array ( \n " ;
foreach ( $post [ 'pluginPrefs' ] as $k => $val )
if ( ! empty ( $val [ 'index' ]))
$index = $tp -> filter ( $val [ 'index' ]);
$type = vartrue ( $val [ 'type' ], 'text' );
$help = str_replace ( " ' " , '' , vartrue ( $val [ 'help' ]));
2022-12-12 15:16:00 -08:00
$text .= " \t \t \t ' " . $index . " ' \t \t => array('title'=> ' " . ucfirst ( $index ) . " ', 'tab'=>0, 'type'=>' " . $tp -> filter ( $type ) . " ', 'data' => 'str', 'help'=>' " . $tp -> filter ( $help ) . " ', 'writeParms' => []), \n " ;
2022-12-12 15:00:30 -08:00
$text .= " \t \t ); \n \n " ;
$text .= "
public function init ()
// This code may be removed once plugin development is complete.
if ( ! e107 :: isInstalled ( '" . $vars[' pluginName '] . "' ))
e107 :: getMessage () -> addWarning ( \ " This plugin is not yet installed. Saving and loading of preference or table data will fail. \" );
// Set drop-down values (if any).
" ;
foreach ( $vars [ 'fields' ] as $k => $v )
if ( isset ( $v [ 'type' ]) && ( $v [ 'type' ] === 'dropdown' ))
$text .= " \t \t \t \$ this->fields[' " . $k . " ']['writeParms']['optArray'] = array(' " . $k . " _0',' " . $k . " _1', ' " . $k . " _2'); // Example Drop-down array. \n " ;
$text .= "
// ------- Customize Create --------
public function beforeCreate ( \ $new_data , \ $old_data )
return \ $new_data ;
public function afterCreate ( \ $new_data , \ $old_data , \ $id )
// do something
public function onCreateError ( \ $new_data , \ $old_data )
// do something
// ------- Customize Update --------
public function beforeUpdate ( \ $new_data , \ $old_data , \ $id )
return \ $new_data ;
public function afterUpdate ( \ $new_data , \ $old_data , \ $id )
// do something
public function onUpdateError ( \ $new_data , \ $old_data , \ $id )
// do something
// left-panel help menu area. (replaces e_help.php used in old plugins)
public function renderHelp ()
\ $caption = LAN_HELP ;
\ $text = 'Some help text' ;
return array ( 'caption' => \ $caption , 'text' => \ $text );
// optional - a custom page.
public function customPage ()
\ $text = 'Hello World!' ;
\ $otherField = \ $this -> getController () -> getFieldVar ( 'other_field_name' );
return \ $text ;
" ;
$text .= $this -> buildAdminUIBatchFilter ( $vars [ 'fields' ], $table , 'batch' );
$text .= $this -> buildAdminUIBatchFilter ( $vars [ 'fields' ], $table , 'filter' );
$text .= "
class " . str_replace ( " _ui " , " _form_ui " , $table ) . " extends e_admin_form_ui
" ;
foreach ( $vars [ 'fields' ] as $fld => $val )
if ( varset ( $val [ 'type' ]) != 'method' )
continue ;
$text .= "
// Custom Method/Function
function " . $fld . " ( \ $curVal , \ $mode )
switch ( \ $mode )
case 'read' : // List Page
return \ $curVal ;
break ;
case 'write' : // Edit Page
return \ $this -> text ( '" . $fld . "' , \ $curVal , 255 , 'size=large' );
break ;
case 'filter' :
return array ( 'customfilter_1' => 'Custom Filter 1' , 'customfilter_2' => 'Custom Filter 2' );
break ;
case 'batch' :
return array ( 'custombatch_1' => 'Custom Batch 1' , 'custombatch_2' => 'Custom Batch 2' );
break ;
return null ;
" ;
foreach ( $post [ 'pluginPrefs' ] as $fld => $val )
if ( varset ( $val [ 'type' ]) !== 'method' || empty ( $val [ 'index' ]))
continue ;
$index = $tp -> filter ( $val [ 'index' ]);
$text .= "
// Custom Method/Function (pref)
function " . $index . " ( \ $curVal , \ $mode )
switch ( \ $mode )
case 'write' : // Edit Page
return \ $this -> text ( '" . $index . "' , \ $curVal , 255 , 'size=large' );
break ;
return null ;
" ;
$text .= "
" ;
$tableCount ++ ;
} // End LOOP.
$text .= '
new ' . $pluginFolder . ' _adminArea ();
require_once ( e_ADMIN . " auth.php " );
e107 :: getAdminUI () -> runPage ();
require_once ( e_ADMIN . " footer.php " );
exit ;
' ;
return $text ;