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* e107 website system
* Copyright (C) e107 Inc (e107.org)
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
* $URL: https://e107.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/e107/trunk/e107_0.8/e107_handlers/bbcode_handler.php $
* $Id: bbcode_handler.php 12778 2012-06-02 08:12:16Z e107coders $
* Two Modes supported below going to and from the Tinymce wysiwyg editor.
* 1) When the post_html pref is active - raw html is used in the editor and wrapped in [html] [/html] bbcodes in the background.
* 2) When the post_html pref is disabled - bbcodes are used in the background and converted to html for the editor.
* Tested extensively over 24 hours with Images - check with Cameron first if issues arise.
* TODO Test Lines breaks and out html tags.
* TODO Check with html5 tags active.
if($_POST['mode'] == 'tohtml')
// XXX @Cam possible fix - convert to BB first, see news admin AJAX request/response values for reference why
$content = stripslashes($_POST['content']);
// $content = e107::getBB()->htmltoBBcode($content); //XXX This breaks inserted images from media-manager. :/
if(check_class($pref['post_html'])) // raw HTML within [html] tags.
if(strstr($content,"[html]") === false) // BC - convert old BB code text to html.
$content = str_replace('\r\n',"<br />",$content);
$content = nl2br($content, true);
$content = $tp->toHtml($content, true);
$content = str_replace("{e_BASE}","",$content); // We want {e_BASE} in the final data going to the DB, but not the editor.
$srch = array("<!-- bbcode-html-start -->","<!-- bbcode-html-end -->","[html]","[/html]");
$content = str_replace($srch,"",$content);
$content = e107::getBB()->parseBBCodes($content); // parse the <bbcode> tag so we see the HTML equivalent while editing!
echo $content;
else // bbcode Mode.
// XXX @Cam this breaks new lines, currently we use \n instead [br]
//echo $tp->toHtml(str_replace("\n","",$content), true);
$content = str_replace("{e_BASE}",e_HTTP, $content); // We want {e_BASE} in the final data going to the DB, but not the editor.
$content = $tp->toHtml($content, true);
$content = str_replace(e_MEDIA_IMAGE,"{e_MEDIA_IMAGE}",$content);
echo $content;
if($_POST['mode'] == 'tobbcode')
// echo $_POST['content'];
$content = stripslashes($_POST['content']);
if(check_class($pref['post_html'])) // Plain HTML mode.
$srch = array('src="'.e_HTTP.'thumb.php?','src="/{e_MEDIA_IMAGE}');
$repl = array('src="{e_BASE}thumb.php?','src="{e_BASE}thumb.php?src=e_MEDIA_IMAGE/');
$content = str_replace($srch, $repl, $content);
// resize the thumbnail to match wysiwyg width/height.
// $psrch = '/<img[^>]*src="{e_BASE}thumb.php\?src=([\S]*)w=([\d]*)&h=([\d]*)"(.*)width="([\d]*)" height="([\d]*)"/i';
// $prepl = '<img src="{e_BASE}thumb.php?src=$1w=$5&h=$6"$4width="$5" height="$6" ';
// $content = preg_replace($psrch, $prepl, $content);
$content = updateImg($content);
$content = $tp->parseBBTags($content,true); // replace html with bbcode equivalent
echo ($content) ? "[html]".$content."[/html]" : ""; // Add the tags before saving to DB.
else // bbcode Mode. //XXX Disabled at the moment in tinymce/e_meta.php - post_html is required to activate.
// [img width=400]/e107_2.0/thumb.php?src={e_MEDIA_IMAGE}2012-12/e107org_white_stripe.png&w=400&h=0[/img]
// $content = str_replace("{e_BASE}","", $content); // We want {e_BASE} in the final data going to the DB, but not the editor.
echo e107::getBB()->htmltoBBcode($content); // not reliable enough yet.
* Rebuld <img> tags with modified thumbnail size.
function updateImg($text)
$arr = e107::getParser()->getTags($text,'img');
$srch = array("?","&");
$repl = array("\?","&");
foreach($arr['img'] as $img)
$regexp = '#(<img[^>]*src="'.str_replace($srch, $repl, $img['src']).'"[^>]*>)#';
$width = vartrue($img['width']) ? ' width="'.$img['width'].'"' : '';
$height = vartrue($img['height']) ? ' height="'.$img['height'].'"' : '';
$style = vartrue($img['style']) ? ' style="'.$img['style'].'"' : '';
$class = vartrue($img['class']) ? ' class="'.$img['class'].'"' : '';
$alt = vartrue($img['alt']) ? ' alt="'.$img['alt'].'"' : '';
list($url,$qry) = explode("?",$img['src']);
$qr['w'] = $img['width'];
$qr['h'] = $img['height'];
$src = $url."?".urldecode(http_build_query($qr));
$replacement = '<img'.$class.$style.' src="'.$src.'"'.$width.$height.$alt.' />';
$text = preg_replace($regexp, $replacement, $text);
return $text;