e107 is a free (open-source) content management system which allows you to easily manage and publish your content online. Developers can save time in building websites and powerful online applications. Users can avoid programming completely! Blogs, Websites, Intranets - e107 does it all.
* A Linux based Webserver running Apache 2.x, PHP 7.x and MySQL 5.x (LAMP)
* A registered Domain Name
* Access to a Server Control Panel (such as cPanel)
### Standard Installation
* Unzip/Extract the compressed file onto your server.
* Point your browser to the *http://localhost/YOUR FOLDER/install.php* (depending on your webserver setup)
* Follow the installation wizard
### Git Installation (developer version)
* Run the following commands ( where 'youraccount' is the folder above your public_html folder and xxx:xxx is the default owner for your files - this can be found using FileZilla and FTP)
* Please submit 1 pull-request for each Github #issue you may work on.
* Make sure that only the lines you have changed actually show up in a file-comparison (diff) ie. some text-editors alter every line so this should be avoided.