2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
< ? php
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| <EFBFBD> Steve Dunstan 2001 - 2002
| http :// e107 . org
| jalist @ e107 . org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License ( http :// gnu . org ) .
| $Source : / cvs_backup / e107_0 . 8 / e107_admin / links . php , v $
2007-06-25 15:39:34 +00:00
| $Revision : 1.5 $
| $Date : 2007 - 06 - 25 15 : 39 : 34 $
| $Author : sweetas $
2007-06-05 20:07:35 +00:00
| links . php ? debug shows stored data for each link after name ( before constant conversion )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( '../class2.php' );
if ( ! getperms ( 'I' )) {
header ( 'location:' . e_BASE . 'index.php' );
$e_sub_cat = 'links' ;
if ( ! is_object ( $tp )) $tp = new e_parse ;
// ----- Presets.----------
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " preset_class.php " );
$pst = new e_preset ;
$pst -> form = " linkform " ;
$pst -> page = " links.php?create " ;
$pst -> id = " admin_links " ;
require_once ( 'auth.php' );
// --------------------
$pst -> save_preset ();
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'userclass_class.php' );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'form_handler.php' );
2007-06-25 15:39:34 +00:00
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " ren_help.php " );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$rs = new form ;
$linkpost = new links ;
if ( e_QUERY ) {
$tmp = explode ( '.' , e_QUERY );
$action = $tmp [ 0 ];
$sub_action = $tmp [ 1 ];
$id = $tmp [ 2 ];
unset ( $tmp );
foreach ( array_keys ( $_POST ) as $k )
if ( preg_match ( " #(.*?)_delete_( \ d+)(.*)# " , $k , $matches ))
$delete = $matches [ 1 ];
$del_id = $matches [ 2 ];
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'generate_sublinks' ]) && isset ( $_POST [ 'sublink_type' ]) && $_POST [ 'sublink_parent' ] != " " ){
$subtype = $_POST [ 'sublink_type' ];
$sublink = $linkpost -> sublink_list ( $subtype );
if ( ! is_object ( $sql2 )){
$sql2 = new db ;
$sql -> db_Select ( " links " , " * " , " link_id = ' " . $_POST [ 'sublink_parent' ] . " ' " );
$par = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
extract ( $par );
$sql -> db_Select ( $sublink [ 'table' ], " * " , $sublink [ 'query' ]);
$count = 1 ;
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ()){
$subcat = $row [( $sublink [ 'fieldid' ])];
$name = $row [( $sublink [ 'fieldname' ])];
$subname = $name ; // eliminate old embedded hierarchy from names. (e.g. 'submenu.TopName.name')
$suburl = str_replace ( " # " , $subcat , $sublink [ 'url' ]);
$subicon = ( $sublink [ 'fieldicon' ]) ? $row [( $sublink [ 'fieldicon' ])] : $link_button ;
$subdiz = ( $sublink [ 'fielddiz' ]) ? $row [( $sublink [ 'fielddiz' ])] : $link_description ;
$subparent = $_POST [ 'sublink_parent' ];
if ( $sql2 -> db_Insert ( " links " , " 0, ' $subname ', ' $suburl ', ' $subdiz ', ' $subicon ', ' $link_category ', ' $count ', ' $subparent ', ' $link_open ', ' $link_class ' " )){
$message .= LAN_CREATED . " ( $name )<br /> " ;
} else {
$message .= LAN_CREATED_FAILED . " ( $name )<br /> " ;
$count ++ ;
if ( $message ){
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_CREATED , $message );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'inc' ])) {
$qs = explode ( " . " , $_POST [ 'inc' ]);
$linkid = $qs [ 0 ];
$link_order = $qs [ 1 ];
$sql -> db_Update ( " links " , " link_order=link_order+1 WHERE link_order=' " . ( $link_order - 1 ) . " ' " );
$sql -> db_Update ( " links " , " link_order=link_order-1 WHERE link_id=' " . $linkid . " ' " );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'dec' ])) {
$qs = explode ( " . " , $_POST [ 'dec' ]);
$linkid = $qs [ 0 ];
$link_order = $qs [ 1 ];
$sql -> db_Update ( " links " , " link_order=link_order-1 WHERE link_order=' " . ( $link_order + 1 ) . " ' " );
$sql -> db_Update ( " links " , " link_order=link_order+1 WHERE link_id=' " . $linkid . " ' " );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'update' ])) {
foreach ( $_POST [ 'link_order' ] as $loid ) {
$tmp = explode ( " . " , $loid );
$sql -> db_Update ( " links " , " link_order= " . $tmp [ 1 ] . " WHERE link_id= " . $tmp [ 0 ]);
foreach ( $_POST [ 'link_class' ] as $lckey => $lcid ) {
$sql -> db_Update ( " links " , " link_class=' " . $lcid . " ' WHERE link_id= " . $lckey );
$e107cache -> clear ( " sitelinks " );
$linkpost -> show_message ( LAN_UPDATED );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'updateoptions' ])) {
$pref [ 'linkpage_screentip' ] = $_POST [ 'linkpage_screentip' ];
$pref [ 'sitelinks_expandsub' ] = $_POST [ 'sitelinks_expandsub' ];
save_prefs ();
$e107cache -> clear ( " sitelinks " );
$linkpost -> show_message ( LCLAN_1 );
if ( $delete == 'main' )
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " links " , " link_id, link_name, link_order " , " link_id=' " . $del_id . " ' " )){
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$msg = $linkpost -> delete_link ( $row );
if ( $msg ){
$e107cache -> clear ( " sitelinks " );
$linkpost -> show_message ( $msg );
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_link' ])) {
$linkpost -> submit_link ( $sub_action , $_POST [ 'link_id' ]);
unset ( $id );
$linkArray = $linkpost -> getLinks ();
if ( $action == 'create' ) {
$linkpost -> create_link ( $sub_action , $id );
if ( ! e_QUERY || $action == 'main' ) {
$linkpost -> show_existing_items ();
2007-06-05 20:07:35 +00:00
if ( $action == 'debug' )
$linkpost -> show_existing_items ( TRUE );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( $action == 'opt' ) {
$linkpost -> show_pref_options ();
if ( $action == " sublinks " ){
$linkpost -> show_sublink_generator ();
require_once ( 'footer.php' );
exit ;
// End ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class links
var $link_total ;
var $aIdOptPrep , $aIdOptData , $aIdOptTest ;
2007-06-05 20:07:35 +00:00
var $debug_dis = FALSE ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
function getLinks ()
global $sql ;
if ( $this -> link_total = $sql -> db_Select ( " links " , " * " , " ORDER BY link_category,link_order, link_id ASC " , " nowhere " ))
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
$ret [ $row [ 'link_parent' ]][] = $row ;
return $ret ;
function linkName ( $text )
// This function is ONLY needed for link databases that have been upgraded from
// before 0.7+ -- all new link collections make use of link_parent instead
// of hierarchy embedded in the link_name. (Unfortunately, the upgraded
// data still includes embedded coding.)
if ( substr ( $text , 0 , 8 ) == " submenu. " ) // for backwards compatibility only.
$tmp = explode ( " . " , $text );
switch ( count ( $tmp )) {
case 3 : // submenu.parent.node
$tmp = $tmp [ 2 ]; break ;
case 5 : // submenu.parent.midlev.child.node
$tmp = $tmp [ 4 ]; break ;
case 2 : // submenu.parent (invalid?)
default :
$parentLen = strlen ( $tmp [ 1 ]);
$tmp = substr ( $text , 8 + $parentLen + 1 ); // Skip submenu.parent.
return $tmp ;
return $text ;
function dropdown ( $curval = " " , $lid = 0 , $indent = 0 )
{ // Drop-down list using on the parent_id. :)
global $linkArray , $id , $sub_action ;
if ( 0 == $indent ) { $ret = " <option value=''> " . LINKLAN_3 . " </option> \n " ;}
foreach ( $linkArray [ $lid ] as $l )
$s = ( $l [ 'link_id' ] == $curval ? " selected='selected' " : " " );
$thename = $this -> linkName ( $l [ 'link_name' ]);
// prevent making self the parent.
if ( $l [ 'link_id' ] == $id ) { $thename = " ( " . $thename . " ) " ; }
if ( $sub_action == " sub " )
$thelink = ( $l [ 'link_id' ] != $lid ) ? $l [ 'link_id' ] : $l [ 'link_parent' ] ;
$thelink = ( $l [ 'link_id' ] != $id ) ? $l [ 'link_id' ] : $l [ 'link_parent' ] ;
$ret .= " <option value=' " . $thelink . " ' { $s } > " . str_pad ( " " , $indent * 36 , " " ) . $thename . " </option> \n " ;
if ( array_key_exists ( $l [ 'link_id' ], $linkArray ))
$ret .= $this -> dropdown ( $curval , $l [ 'link_id' ], $indent + 1 );
return $ret ;
function existing ( $id = 0 , $level = 0 )
global $linkArray ;
$ret = " " ;
foreach ( $linkArray [ $id ] as $l )
$s = ( $l [ 'link_parent' ] == $curval ? " selected='selected' " : " " );
$ret .= $this -> display_row ( $l , $level );
if ( array_key_exists ( $l [ 'link_id' ], $linkArray ))
$ret .= $this -> existing ( $l [ 'link_id' ], $level + 1 );
return $ret ;
2007-06-05 20:07:35 +00:00
function show_existing_items ( $dbg_display = FALSE )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
global $sql , $rs , $ns , $tp , $linkArray ;
2007-06-05 20:07:35 +00:00
$this -> debug_dis = $dbg_display ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( count ( $linkArray ))
$this -> prepIdOpts (); // Prepare the options list for all links
$text = $rs -> form_open ( " post " , e_SELF , " myform_ { $link_id } " , " " , " " );
$text .= " <div style='text-align:center'>
< table class = 'fborder' style = '".ADMIN_WIDTH."' >
< colgroup >
< col width = \ " 5% \" />
< col width = \ " 60% \" />
< col width = \ " 15% \" />
< col width = \ " 10% \" />
< col width = \ " 5% \" />
< col width = \ " 5% \" />
</ colgroup >
< tr >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LCLAN_89. " </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LCLAN_15. " </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_OPTIONS. " </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LCLAN_95. " </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LCLAN_91. " </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_ORDER. " </ td >
</ tr > " ;
$text .= $this -> existing ( 0 );
$text .= " <tr>
< td class = 'forumheader' colspan = '6' style = 'text-align:center' >< input class = 'button' type = 'submit' name = 'update' value = '".LAN_UPDATE."' /></ td >
</ tr > " ;
$text .= " </table></div> " ;
$text .= $rs -> form_close ();
} else {
$text .= " <div style='text-align:center'> " . LCLAN_61 . " </div> " ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LCLAN_8 , $text );
function prepIdOpts () {
for ( $a = 1 ; $a <= $this -> link_total ; $a ++ ) {
$sTxt = " " . $a ;
$this -> aIdOptData [] = array ( 'val' => '|||.' . $a , 'txt' => $sTxt ); // Later, ||| becomes Id
$this -> aIdOptTest [] = $sTxt ;
$this -> aIdOptPrep = $this -> prepOpts ( $this -> aIdOptData );
function display_row ( $row2 , $indent = FALSE ) {
2006-12-07 15:41:50 +00:00
global $sql , $rs , $ns , $tp , $linkArray , $previous_cat , $imode ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
extract ( $row2 );
if ( $link_category > 1 && $link_category != $previous_cat )
$text .= "
< tr >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LCLAN_89. " </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LCLAN_15. " ( " .LCLAN_12. " : " . $link_category . " ) </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_OPTIONS. " </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LCLAN_95. " </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LCLAN_91. " </ td >
< td class = 'fcaption' > " .LAN_ORDER. " </ td >
</ tr > " ;
$previous_cat = $link_category ;
if ( strpos ( $link_name , " submenu. " ) !== FALSE || $link_parent != 0 ) // 'submenu' for upgrade compatibility only.
$link_name = $this -> linkName ( $link_name );
2007-06-05 20:07:35 +00:00
if ( $this -> debug_dis )
$link_name .= ' [' . $link_url . ']' ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( $indent ) {
2006-12-07 15:41:50 +00:00
$subimage = " <img src=' " . e_IMAGE . " packs/ " . $imode . " /admin_images/sublink.png' alt='' /> " ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$subspacer = ( $indent > 1 ) ? " style='padding-left: " . (( $indent - 1 ) * 16 ) . " px' " : " " ;
$subindent = " <td " . $subspacer . " > " . $subimage . " </td> " ;
$text .= " <tr><td class='forumheader3' style='text-align: center; vertical-align: middle' title=' " . $link_description . " '> " ;
$text .= $link_button ? " <img src=' " . e_IMAGE . " icons/ " . $link_button . " ' alt='' /> " :
" " ;
$text .= " </td><td class='forumheader3' title=' " . $link_description . " '>
< table cellspacing = '0' cellpadding = '0' border = '0' style = 'width: 100%' >
< tr >
" . $subindent . "
< td style = '".($indent ? "" : "font-weight:bold;")."width: 100%' > " . $link_name . " </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ td > " ;
$text .= " <td style='text-align:center; white-space: nowrap' class='forumheader3'> " ;
2006-12-07 15:41:50 +00:00
$text .= " <a href=' " . e_SELF . " ?create.sub. { $link_id } '><img src=' " . e_IMAGE . " packs/ " . $imode . " /admin_images/sublink_16.png' title=' " . LINKLAN_10 . " ' alt=' " . LINKLAN_10 . " ' /></a> " ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$text .= " <a href=' " . e_SELF . " ?create.edit. { $link_id } '> " . ADMIN_EDIT_ICON . " </a> " ;
$text .= " <input type='image' title=' " . LAN_DELETE . " ' name='main_delete_ { $link_id } ' src=' " . ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH . " ' onclick= \" return jsconfirm(' " . $tp -> toJS ( LCLAN_58 . " [ $link_name ] " ) . " ') \" /> " ;
$text .= " </td> " ;
$text .= " <td style='text-align:center' class='forumheader3'> " . r_userclass ( " link_class[ " . $link_id . " ] " , $link_class , " off " , " public,guest,nobody,member,admin,classes " ) . " </td> " ;
$text .= " <td style='text-align:center; white-space: nowrap' class='forumheader3'> " ;
2006-12-07 15:41:50 +00:00
$text .= " <input type='image' src=' " . e_IMAGE . " packs/ " . $imode . " /admin_images/up.png' title=' " . LCLAN_30 . " ' value=' " . $link_id . " . " . $link_order . " ' name='inc' /> " ;
$text .= " <input type='image' src=' " . e_IMAGE . " packs/ " . $imode . " /admin_images/down.png' title=' " . LCLAN_31 . " ' value=' " . $link_id . " . " . $link_order . " ' name='dec' /> " ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$text .= " </td> " ;
$text .= " <td style='text-align:center' class='forumheader3'> " ;
$text .= " <select name='link_order[]' class='tbox'> \n " ;
$text .= $this -> genOpts ( $this -> aIdOptPrep , $this -> aIdOptTest , $link_order , $link_id );
$text .= " </select> " ;
$text .= " </td> " ;
$text .= " </tr> " ;
return $text ;
function show_message ( $message ) {
global $ns ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_UPDATE , " <div style='text-align:center'><b> " . $message . " </b></div> " );
function create_link ( $sub_action , $id ) {
global $sql , $rs , $ns , $pst , $tp ;
$preset = $pst -> read_preset ( " admin_links " );
extract ( $preset );
if ( $sub_action == " edit " && ! $_POST [ 'submit' ])
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " links " , " * " , " link_id=' $id ' " ))
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
extract ( $row );
if ( " sub " == $sub_action )
$link_parent = $id ;
if ( strpos ( $link_name , " submenu. " ) !== FALSE ){ // 'submenu' for upgrade compatibility only.
$link_name = $this -> linkName ( $link_name );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " file_class.php " );
$fl = new e_file ;
if ( $iconlist = $fl -> get_files ( e_IMAGE . " icons/ " , " .jpg|.gif|.png|.JPG|.GIF|.PNG " )){
sort ( $iconlist );
$text = " <div style='text-align:center'>
< form method = 'post' action = '".e_SELF."' id = 'linkform' >
< table style = '".ADMIN_WIDTH."' class = 'fborder' > " ;
$text .= " <tr>
< td style = 'width:30%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .LINKLAN_2. " : </ td >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' >
< select class = 'tbox' name = 'link_parent' > " ;
$text .= $this -> dropdown ( $link_parent );
$text .= " </select></td>
</ tr >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:30%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .LCLAN_15. " : </ td >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' >
< input class = 'tbox' type = 'text' name = 'link_name' size = '60' value = '$link_name' maxlength = '100' />
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:30%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .LCLAN_16. " : </ td >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' >
< input class = 'tbox' type = 'text' name = 'link_url' size = '60' value = '".$tp->replaceConstants($link_url,TRUE)."' maxlength = '200' /> " ;
if ( e_MENU == " debug " )
$text .= $link_url ;
$text .= "
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:30%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .LCLAN_17. " : </ td >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' >
2007-06-25 15:39:34 +00:00
< textarea class = 'tbox' id = 'link_description' name = 'link_description' cols = '70' rows = '5' style = 'width:95%' onselect = 'storeCaret(this);' onclick = 'storeCaret(this);' onkeyup = 'storeCaret(this)' > " . $tp->toForm ( $link_description ). " </ textarea >
< br /> " ;
$text .= display_help ( " helpb " , " admin " );
$text .= " </td>
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
</ tr >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:30%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .LCLAN_18. " : </ td >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' >
< input class = 'tbox' type = 'text' id = 'link_button' name = 'link_button' size = '42' value = '$link_button' maxlength = '100' />
< input class = 'button' type = 'button' style = 'cursor:hand' size = '30' value = '".LCLAN_39."' onclick = 'expandit(this)' />
< div id = 'linkicn' style = 'display:none;{head}' > " ;
foreach ( $iconlist as $icon )
$filepath = str_replace ( e_IMAGE . " icons/ " , " " , $icon [ 'path' ] . $icon [ 'fname' ]);
$text .= " <a href= \" javascript:insertext(' " . $filepath . " ','link_button','linkicn') \" ><img src=' " . $icon [ 'path' ] . $icon [ 'fname' ] . " ' style='border:0' alt='' /></a> " ;
// 1 = _blank
// 2 = _parent not in use.
// 3 = _top not in use.
$linkop [ 0 ] = LCLAN_20 ; // 0 = same window
$linkop [ 1 ] = LCLAN_23 ;
$linkop [ 4 ] = LCLAN_24 ; // 4 = miniwindow 600x400
$linkop [ 5 ] = LINKLAN_1 ; // 5 = miniwindow 800x600
$text .= " </div></td>
</ tr >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:30%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .LCLAN_19. " : </ td >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' >
< select name = 'linkopentype' class = 'tbox' > \n " ;
foreach ( $linkop as $key => $val ){
$selectd = ( $link_open == $key ) ? " selected='selected' " : " " ;
$text .= " <option value=' $key ' $selectd > " . $val . " </option> \n " ;
$text .= " </select>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:30%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .LCLAN_12. " : </ td >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' >
< select name = 'linkrender' class = 'tbox' > " ;
$rentype = array ( " " , " Main " , " Alt " , " Alt " , " Alt " );
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < count ( $rentype ); $i ++ ) {
$sel = ( $link_category == $i ) ? " selected='selected' " : " " ;
$text .= " <option value=' $i ' $sel > $i - " . $rentype [ $i ] . " </option> " ;
$text .= " </select><span class='smalltext'> " . LCLAN_96 . " { SITELINKS=flat:[rendertype number]}</span>
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:30%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .LCLAN_25. " :< br />< span class = 'smalltext' > ( " .LCLAN_26. " ) </ span ></ td >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' > " .r_userclass( " link_class " , $link_class , " off " , " public , guest , nobody , member , admin , classes " ). "
</ td ></ tr >
< tr style = 'vertical-align:top' >
< td colspan = '2' style = 'text-align:center' class = 'forumheader' > " ;
if ( $id && $sub_action == " edit " ) {
$text .= " <input class='button' type='submit' name='add_link' value=' " . LCLAN_27 . " ' /> \n
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'link_id' value = '$link_id' /> " ;
} else {
$text .= " <input class='button' type='submit' name='add_link' value=' " . LCLAN_28 . " ' /> " ;
$text .= " </td>
</ tr >
</ table >
</ form >
</ div > " ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LCLAN_29 , $text );
function submit_link ( $sub_action , $id ) {
global $sql , $e107cache , $tp ;
if ( ! is_object ( $tp )) {
$tp = new e_parse ;
$parent_id = ( $_POST [ 'link_parent' ]) ? intval ( $_POST [ 'link_parent' ]) : 0 ;
$link_name = $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'link_name' ]);
$link_url = $tp -> createConstants ( $_POST [ 'link_url' ]);
$link_url = str_replace ( " & " , " & " , $link_url ); // xhtml compliant links.
$link_description = $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'link_description' ]);
$link_button = $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'link_button' ]);
$link_t = $sql -> db_Count ( " links " , " (*) " );
if ( $id ) {
$sql -> db_Update ( " links " , " link_parent=' $parent_id ', link_name=' $link_name ', link_url=' $link_url ', link_description=' $link_description ', link_button= ' $link_button ', link_category=' " . $_POST [ 'linkrender' ] . " ', link_open=' " . $_POST [ 'linkopentype' ] . " ', link_class=' " . $_POST [ 'link_class' ] . " ' WHERE link_id=' $id ' " );
//rename all sublinks to eliminate old embedded 'submenu' etc hierarchy.
// this is for upgrade compatibility only. Current hierarchy uses link_parent.
$e107cache -> clear ( " sitelinks " );
$this -> show_message ( LCLAN_3 );
} else {
$sql -> db_Insert ( " links " , " 0, ' $link_name ', ' $link_url ', ' $link_description ', ' $link_button ', " . $_POST [ 'linkrender' ] . " , " . ( $link_t + 1 ) . " , " . $parent_id . " , " . $_POST [ 'linkopentype' ] . " , " . $_POST [ 'link_class' ]);
$e107cache -> clear ( " sitelinks " );
$this -> show_message ( LCLAN_2 );
function show_pref_options () {
global $pref , $ns ;
$text = " <div style='text-align:center'>
< form method = 'post' action = '".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."' > \n
< table style = '".ADMIN_WIDTH."' class = 'fborder' >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' >
" .LCLAN_78. " < br />
< span class = 'smalltext' > " .LCLAN_79. " </ span >
</ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' style = 'width:30%;text-align:center' > " . ( $pref['linkpage_screentip'] ? " < input type = 'checkbox' name = 'linkpage_screentip' value = '1' checked = 'checked' /> " : " < input type = 'checkbox' name = 'linkpage_screentip' value = '1' /> " ). "
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:70%' class = 'forumheader3' >
" .LCLAN_80. " < br />
< span class = 'smalltext' > " .LCLAN_81. " </ span >
</ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' style = 'width:30%;text-align:center' > " . ( $pref['sitelinks_expandsub'] ? " < input type = 'checkbox' name = 'sitelinks_expandsub' value = '1' checked = 'checked' /> " : " < input type = 'checkbox' name = 'sitelinks_expandsub' value = '1' /> " ). "
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr style = 'vertical-align:top' >
< td colspan = '2' style = 'text-align:center' class = 'forumheader' >
< input class = 'button' type = 'submit' name = 'updateoptions' value = '".LAN_UPDATE."' />
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ form >
</ div > " ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LCLAN_88 , $text );
function delete_link ( $linkInfo ) {
global $sql ;
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " links " , " link_id " , " link_order > ' { $linkInfo [ 'link_order' ] } ' " )){
$linkList = $sql -> db_getList ();
foreach ( $linkList as $l ){
$sql -> db_Update ( " links " , " link_order = link_order -1 WHERE link_id = ' { $l [ 'link_id' ] } ' " );
if ( $sql -> db_Delete ( " links " , " link_id=' " . $linkInfo [ 'link_id' ] . " ' " )){
// Update ophaned sublinks.
$sql -> db_Update ( " links " , " link_name = SUBSTRING_INDEX(link_name, '.', -1) , link_parent = '0', link_class='255' WHERE link_parent= ' " . $linkInfo [ 'link_id' ] . " ' " );
return LCLAN_53 . " # " . $linkInfo [ 'link_id' ] . " " . LCLAN_54 . " <br /> " ;
} else {
// -------------------------- Sub links generator ------------->
function show_sublink_generator () {
global $ns , $sql ;
$sublinks = $this -> sublink_list ();
$text = " <div style='text-align:center'>
< form method = 'post' action = '".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."' > \n
< table style = '".ADMIN_WIDTH."' class = 'fborder' >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:50%' class = 'forumheader3' >
" .LINKLAN_6. " < br />
</ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' style = 'width:50%;text-align:center' >
< select name = 'sublink_type' class = 'tbox' > \n
< option value = '' ></ option > " ;
foreach ( $sublinks as $key => $type ){
$text .= " <option value=' $key '> " . $type [ 'title' ] . " </option> \n " ;
$text .= " </select> \n
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td style = 'width:50%' class = 'forumheader3' >
" .LINKLAN_7. " < br />
</ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' style = 'width:50%;text-align:center' >
< select name = 'sublink_parent' class = 'tbox' > \n
< option value = '' ></ option > " ;
$sql -> db_Select ( " links " , " * " , " link_parent='0' ORDER BY link_name ASC " );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ()){
$text .= " <option value=' " . $row [ 'link_id' ] . " '> " . $row [ 'link_name' ] . " </option> \n " ;
$text .= " </select> \n
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr style = 'vertical-align:top' >
< td colspan = '2' style = 'text-align:center' class = 'forumheader' >
< input class = 'button' type = 'submit' name = 'generate_sublinks' value = '".LINKLAN_5."' />
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ form >
</ div > " ;
2007-05-06 21:13:11 +00:00
$ns -> tablerender ( LINKLAN_4 , $text );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
function sublink_list ( $name = " " ){
global $sql , $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY ;
$sublink_type [ 'news' ][ 'title' ] = LINKLAN_8 ; // "News Categories";
$sublink_type [ 'news' ][ 'table' ] = " news_category " ;
$sublink_type [ 'news' ][ 'query' ] = " category_id !='-2' ORDER BY category_name ASC " ;
$sublink_type [ 'news' ][ 'url' ] = " news.php?cat.# " ;
$sublink_type [ 'news' ][ 'fieldid' ] = " category_id " ;
$sublink_type [ 'news' ][ 'fieldname' ] = " category_name " ;
$sublink_type [ 'news' ][ 'fieldicon' ] = " category_icon " ;
$sublink_type [ 'downloads' ][ 'title' ] = LINKLAN_9 ; //"Download Categories";
$sublink_type [ 'downloads' ][ 'table' ] = " download_category " ;
$sublink_type [ 'downloads' ][ 'query' ] = " download_category_parent ='0' ORDER BY download_category_name ASC " ;
$sublink_type [ 'downloads' ][ 'url' ] = " download.php?list.# " ;
$sublink_type [ 'downloads' ][ 'fieldid' ] = " download_category_id " ;
$sublink_type [ 'downloads' ][ 'fieldname' ] = " download_category_name " ;
$sublink_type [ 'downloads' ][ 'fieldicon' ] = " download_category_icon " ;
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " plugin " , " plugin_path " , " plugin_installflag = '1' " )) {
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ()) {
$sublink_plugs [] = $row [ 'plugin_path' ];
foreach ( $sublink_plugs as $plugin_id ) {
if ( is_readable ( e_PLUGIN . $plugin_id . '/e_linkgen.php' )) {
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . $plugin_id . '/e_linkgen.php' );
if ( $name ){
return $sublink_type [ $name ];
return $sublink_type ;
function prepOpts ( $aData )
// Prepare an array that can rapidly (no looping)
// generate an HTML option string, with one item possibly selected.
// prepOpts returns a prepared array containing the possible values in this form:
// <option value="xxxxx"
// >text for first</option><option value="yyyy"
// >text for next</option>
// $aData is an array containing value/text pairs:
// each entry is array( 'val'=>value, 'txt'=>text )
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $aData as $aVal )
$sVal = $aVal [ 'val' ];
$sTxt = $aVal [ 'txt' ];
$sOut = " " ;
if ( $i ) $sOut = '>' . $sTxtPrev . '</option>' ;
$sOut .= '<option value="' . $sVal . '"' ;
$aPrep [ $i ++ ] = $sOut ;
$sTxtPrev = $sTxt ;
if ( $i ) { // terminate final option
$aPrep [ $i ] = '>' . $sTxtPrev . '</option>' ;
return $aPrep ;
function genOpts ( $aPrep , $aTest , $sSelected , $sId )
// Generate an HTML option string, with one item possibly selected.
// aGen is a prepared array containing the possible values in this form.
// if sSelected matches an aTest entry, that entry is selected.
// aTest can be any array that matches one-for-one with the options
// if $sId is nonblank, a global search/replace is done to change all "|||" to $sId.
$iKey = array_search ( $sSelected , $aTest );
if ( $iKey !== FALSE ) {
$aNew = $aPrep ;
$aNew [ $iKey ] .= " selected='selected' " ;
$sOut = implode ( $aNew );
else {
$sOut = implode ( $aPrep );
if ( strlen ( $sId )) $sOut = str_replace ( " ||| " , $sId , $sOut );
return $sOut ;
function links_adminmenu () {
global $action ;
if ( $action == " " ) {
$action = " main " ;
$var [ 'main' ][ 'text' ] = LCLAN_62 ;
$var [ 'main' ][ 'link' ] = e_SELF ;
$var [ 'create' ][ 'text' ] = LCLAN_63 ;
$var [ 'create' ][ 'link' ] = e_SELF . " ?create " ;
$var [ 'opt' ][ 'text' ] = LAN_OPTIONS ;
$var [ 'opt' ][ 'link' ] = e_SELF . " ?opt " ;
$var [ 'sub' ][ 'text' ] = LINKLAN_4 ;
$var [ 'sub' ][ 'link' ] = e_SELF . " ?sublinks " ;
2007-06-05 20:07:35 +00:00
// $var['debug']['text'] = "List DB";
// $var['debug']['link'] = e_SELF."?debug";
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
show_admin_menu ( LCLAN_68 , $action , $var );