2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
< ? php
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
error_reporting ( E_ALL );
ini_set ( " display_errors " , 1 );
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//22/10/2009 9.58.12
//general list of implementaion and
// TODO admin log implementation to log out all the traffic
// TODO error handling (not really sure how can be done, at least in log)
// TODO better ACL configuration (getperms) and admin panel to configure ACL (example this user has rw access to news?) wraps ACL configuration
// TODO custom content plugin support
// TODO sintax to write in custom field of custom (ie sort of: {field_name:value}) this one need WLW customization OR use the wordpress plugin see http://windowslivewire.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!2F7EB29B42641D59!41603.entry AND http://codex.wordpress.org/Custom_Fields
// TODO better admin preferences panel (for example to choise to use content plugin instead of pages)
// TODO full manual/instructions to explain configuration of plugin and WLW
//check e107 instance
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
if ( ! defined ( 'e107_INIT' ))
require_once ( " ../../class2.php " );
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//check if plugin is installed
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
if ( ! e107 :: isInstalled ( 'metaweblog' ))
header ( " location: " . e_BASE . " index.php " );
2009-10-30 13:14:52 +00:00
if (( e_QUERY == 'rsd' ) || isset ( $_GET [ 'rsd' ])) // http://archipelago.phrasewise.com/rsd
header ( 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8' , true );
echo " <?xml version= \" 1.0 \" encoding= \" UTF-8 \" ?>
< rsd version = \ " 1.0 \" xmlns= \" http://archipelago.phrasewise.com/rsd \" >
< service >
< engineName > e107 </ engineName >
< engineLink > http :// www . e107 . org /</ engineLink >
< homePageLink > " .SITEURL. " </ homePageLink >
< apis >
< api name = \ " WordPress \" blogID= \" 1 \" preferred= \" true \" apiLink= \" " . SITEURLBASE . e_PLUGIN_ABS . " metaweblog/metaweblog.php \" />
< api name = \ " Movable Type \" blogID= \" 1 \" preferred= \" false \" apiLink= \" " . SITEURLBASE . e_PLUGIN_ABS . " metaweblog/metaweblog.php \" />
< api name = \ " MetaWeblog \" blogID= \" 1 \" preferred= \" false \" apiLink= \" " . SITEURLBASE . e_PLUGIN_ABS . " metaweblog/metaweblog.php \" />
< api name = \ " Blogger \" blogID= \" 1 \" preferred= \" false \" apiLink= \" " . SITEURLBASE . e_PLUGIN_ABS . " metaweblog/metaweblog.php \" />
</ apis >
</ service >
</ rsd > " ;
exit ;
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
// These three files are from the PHP-XMLRPC library.
2009-11-17 09:25:55 +00:00
include ( e_HANDLER . 'xmlrpc/xmlrpc.inc.php' );
include ( e_HANDLER . 'xmlrpc/xmlrpcs.inc.php' );
include ( e_HANDLER . 'xmlrpc/xmlrpc_wrappers.inc.php' );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
2009-10-30 13:14:52 +00:00
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
//general note: XMLRPC method functions parameters
//have this rule: 1st parameter is the type of the OUT data (result: array,struct,etc), from 2nd are the IN parameters
//default caracter encoding !IMPORTANT
$xmlrpc_internalencoding = 'UTF-8' ;
// VARIABLES FOR SOME REASONS $pref seems to not work in code? so we define local variables
define ( 'eXMLRPC_BLOG_XMLRPC' , e_PLUGIN_ABS . 'metaweblog/metaweblog.php' );
define ( 'eXMLRPC_BLOG_ID_LOC' , $pref [ 'eXMLRPC_BLOG_ID' ]);
* Used to test usage of object methods in dispatch maps
class xmlrpc_server_methods_container
//13/08/2009 17.08.11
//to add function to check users priledges for $area...
function userLogin ( $username , $password , $area )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$query = 'SELECT user_perms FROM #user WHERE user_loginname = \'' . $username . '\' AND user_password = \'' . md5 ( $password ) . '\'' ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
//variable to store user permissions
$perms = explode ( '.' , $row [ 'user_perms' ]);
$haspe = in_array ( $area , $perms );
//if neededs permissions are founds or user is the main site admin
if (( $haspe != false ) || ( $row [ 'user_perms' ] == 0 ))
return true ;
return false ;
$getUsersBlogs_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcArray , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString ));
$getUsersBlogs_doc = 'Returns a list of weblogs to which an author has posting privileges.' ;
function getUsersBlogs ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$structArray = array ();
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
$structArray [] = new xmlrpcval ( array (
'isAdmin' => new xmlrpcval ( true , 'boolean' ),
'url' => new xmlrpcval ( SITEURL , 'string' ),
'blogid' => new xmlrpcval ( eXMLRPC_BLOG_ID_LOC , 'string' ),
'blogName' => new xmlrpcval ( eXMLRPC_BLOG_NAME_LOC , 'string' ),
'xmlrpc' => new xmlrpcval ( eXMLRPC_BLOG_XMLRPC , 'string' )
), 'struct' );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $structArray , 'array' ));
***** NEW POST *********
$newPost_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcStruct , $xmlrpcBoolean ));
$newPost_doc = 'Post a new item to the blog.' ;
function newPost ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
$content = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 );
$title = $content -> structMem ( 'title' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
$description = '[html]' . htmlspecialchars_decode ( $content -> structMem ( 'description' ) -> scalarval ()) . '[/html]' ;
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//22/10/2009 14.48.04 added mt_text_more ie news_extended
//check if we have something...
$tempTextMore = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_text_more' );
if ( $tempTextMore == 1 ){
$mt_text_more = '[html]' . $content -> structMem ( 'mt_text_more' ) -> scalarval () . '[/html]' ;
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
//if date is null will be replaced with current datetime (wordpress like)
//check with simplexml for the parameter dateCreated? XMLRPC-PHP seems to not have such functions??
$tempDate = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'dateCreated' );
if ( $tempDate == 1 )
$dateCreated = $content -> structMem ( 'dateCreated' ) -> serialize (); // Not all clients send dateCreated info. So add if statement here if you want to use it.
$timestamp = iso8601_decode ( $dateCreated ); // To convert to unix timestamp
$timestamp = time ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//21/10/2009 17.17.46 added $mt_excerpt
//add in the news summary
//check if we have something...
$tempExcerpt = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_excerpt' );
if ( $tempExcerpt == 1 ){
$mt_excerpt = $content -> structMem ( 'mt_excerpt' ) -> scalarval ();
//22/10/2009 11.51.54 added $mt_allow_comments
//add the news_allow_comments flag
//check if we have something...
$tempAllowComments = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_allow_comments' );
if ( $tempAllowComments == 1 ){
$mt_allow_comments = $content -> structMem ( 'mt_allow_comments' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
//26/10/2009 14.30.41 added mt_keywords ie tags
//check if we have something...
$tempKeywords = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_keywords' );
if ( $tempKeywords == 1 ){
$mt_keywords = $content -> structMem ( 'mt_keywords' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
//author from e107
$query = 'SELECT u.user_id FROM `#user` AS u WHERE u.user_loginname = \'' . $username . '\' AND u.user_password = \'' . md5 ( $password ) . '\'' ;
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$author = $row [ 'user_id' ];
if ( $content -> structMem ( 'categories' ) -> arraySize () > 0 )
$categories = $content -> structMem ( 'categories' ) -> arrayMem ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
//try to read out the id of the category
if ( $categories != '' )
$query = 'SELECT c.category_id FROM `#news_category` AS c WHERE c.category_name = \'' . $categories . '\'' ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$categories = $row [ 'category_id' ];
$published = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 4 ) -> scalarval ();
// TODO use:
// $ix = new news;
// $ret = $ix->submit_item($arrayvalues);
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//post data with new fuctions
$data = array ();
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_title' ] = $title ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_title' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_body' ] = $description ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_body' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_extended' ] = $mt_text_more ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_extended' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_datestamp' ] = $timestamp ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_datestamp' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_author' ] = $author ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_author' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_category' ] = $categories ; //category id is taken by a query against news categories
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_category' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_allow_comments' ] = $mt_allow_comments ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_allow_comments' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_start' ] = '' ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_start' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_end' ] = '' ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_end' ] = 'int' ;
//$data['data']['news_class'] = $news['news_class'];
//$data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_class'] = 'todb';
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_render_type' ] = eXMLRPC_NEWS_RENDER_TYPE_LOC ; //from preferences
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_render_type' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_summary' ] = $mt_excerpt ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_summary' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_thumbnail' ] = '' ; //NOT APPLICABLE?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_thumbnail' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_sticky' ] = '' ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_sticky' ] = 'int' ;
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_meta_keywords' ] = $mt_keywords ;
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_meta_keywords' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_meta_description' ] = '' ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_meta_description' ] = 'todb' ;
$postid = $sql -> db_Insert ( 'news' , $data );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $postid , 'string' )); // Return the id of the post just inserted into the DB. See mysql_insert_id() in the PHP manual.
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** EDIT POST *********
$editPost_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcStruct , $xmlrpcBoolean ));
$editPost_doc = 'Edit item on the blog.' ;
function editPost ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$postid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
$content = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 );
$title = $content -> structMem ( 'title' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
$description = '[html]' . $content -> structMem ( 'description' ) -> scalarval () . '[/html]' ;
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//22/10/2009 14.48.04 added mt_text_more ie news_extended
//check if we have something...
$tempTextMore = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_text_more' );
if ( $tempTextMore == 1 ){
$mt_text_more = '[html]' . $content -> structMem ( 'mt_text_more' ) -> scalarval () . '[/html]' ;
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
//if date is null will be replaced with current datetime (wordpress like)
//check with simplexml for the parameter dateCreated? XMLRPC-PHP seems to not have such functions??
$tempDate = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'dateCreated' );
if ( $tempDate == 1 )
$dateCreated = $content -> structMem ( 'dateCreated' ) -> serialize (); // Not all clients send dateCreated info. So add if statement here if you want to use it.
$timestamp = iso8601_decode ( $dateCreated ); // To convert to unix timestamp
$timestamp = time ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//22/10/2009 11.51.54 added $mt_excerpt
//add the news summary
//check if we have something...
$tempExcerpt = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_excerpt' );
if ( $tempExcerpt == 1 ){
$mt_excerpt = $content -> structMem ( 'mt_excerpt' ) -> scalarval ();
//22/10/2009 11.51.54 added $mt_allow_comments
//add the news_allow_comments flag
//check if we have something...
$tempAllowComments = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_allow_comments' );
if ( $tempAllowComments == 1 ){
$mt_allow_comments = $content -> structMem ( 'mt_allow_comments' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
//26/10/2009 14.30.41 added mt_keywords ie tags
//check if we have something...
$tempKeywords = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_keywords' );
if ( $tempKeywords == 1 ){
$mt_keywords = $content -> structMem ( 'mt_keywords' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
//author from e107
$query = 'SELECT u.user_id FROM `#user` AS u WHERE u.user_loginname = \'' . $username . '\' AND u.user_password = \'' . md5 ( $password ) . '\'' ;
$sql = new db ();
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$author = $row [ 'user_id' ];
if ( $content -> structMem ( 'categories' ) -> arraySize () > 0 )
$categories = $content -> structMem ( 'categories' ) -> arrayMem ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
//try to read out the id of the category
if ( $categories != '' )
$query = 'SELECT c.category_id FROM `#news_category` AS c WHERE c.category_name = \'' . $categories . '\'' ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$categories = $row [ 'category_id' ];
$published = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 4 ) -> scalarval ();
// TODO use:
// $ix = new news;
// $ret = $ix->submit_item($arrayvalues);
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//edit data with new fuctions
$data = array ();
//to update we need to set news id...
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_id' ] = $postid ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_id' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_title' ] = $title ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_title' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_body' ] = $description ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_body' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_extended' ] = $mt_text_more ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_extended' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_datestamp' ] = $timestamp ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_datestamp' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_author' ] = $author ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_author' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_category' ] = $categories ; //category id is taken by a query against news categories
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_category' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_allow_comments' ] = $mt_allow_comments ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_allow_comments' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_start' ] = '' ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_start' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_end' ] = '' ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_end' ] = 'int' ;
//$data['data']['news_class'] = $news['news_class'];
//$data['_FIELD_TYPES']['news_class'] = 'todb';
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_render_type' ] = eXMLRPC_NEWS_RENDER_TYPE_LOC ; //from preferences
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_render_type' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_summary' ] = $mt_excerpt ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_summary' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_thumbnail' ] = '' ; //NOT APPLICABLE?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_thumbnail' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_sticky' ] = '' ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_sticky' ] = 'int' ;
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_meta_keywords' ] = $mt_keywords ;
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_meta_keywords' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_meta_description' ] = '' ; //NOT AVAIBLE MAKE A CUSTOM FIELD?
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_meta_description' ] = 'todb' ;
$postid = $sql -> db_Update ( 'news' , $data );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( true , 'boolean' ));
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** GET POST *********
$getPost_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcStruct , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString ));
$getPost_doc = 'Get an item on the blog.' ;
function getPost ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$postid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
$query = ' SELECT n .* , c . category_name FROM `#news` AS n
LEFT JOIN `#news_category` AS c ON c . category_id = n . news_category
WHERE n . news_id = \ '' . $postid . '\' LIMIT 1' ;
//link back to the page important!
$link = SITEURL . 'news.php?' . $postid ;
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( array (
'postid' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_id' ], 'string' ),
'dateCreated' => new xmlrpcval ( iso8601_encode ( $row [ 'news_datestamp' ]), 'dateTime.iso8601' ),
'title' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_title' ], 'string' ),
'mt_excerpt' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_summary' ], 'string' ),
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
'mt_keywords' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_meta_keywords' ], 'string' ),
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
'mt_allow_comments' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_allow_comments' ], 'string' ),
'description' => new xmlrpcval ( str_replace ( '[html]' , '' , str_replace ( '[/html]' , '' , $row [ 'news_body' ])), 'string' ),
'mt_text_more' => new xmlrpcval ( str_replace ( '[html]' , '' , str_replace ( '[/html]' , '' , $row [ 'news_extended' ])), 'string' ),
'categories' => new xmlrpcval ( array ( new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'category_name' ], 'string' )), 'array' ),
'publish' => new xmlrpcval ( 1 , 'boolean' ), //e107 does not have this flag?
'link' => new xmlrpcval ( $link , 'string' ), 'permaLink' => new xmlrpcval ( $link , 'string' )), 'struct' ));
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** DELETE POST *******
function deletePost ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$postid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
//TODO use: $sql->db_Delete();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
//22/10/2009 15.06.16 delete news with new methods
$sql -> db_Delete ( 'news' , 'news_id=' . $postid );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( true , 'boolean' ));
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
$getRecentPosts_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcArray , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcInt ));
$getRecentPosts_doc = 'Get the recent posts on the blog.' ;
function getRecentPosts ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
$numposts = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 ) -> scalarval ();
$structArray = array ();
$query = ' SELECT
n .* ,
c . category_name
FROM `#news` AS n
LEFT JOIN `#news_category` AS c ON c . category_id = n . news_category
ORDER BY n . news_datestamp DESC
LIMIT ' . $numposts ;
$link = SITEURL . 'news.php?' . $postid ; //link back to the page important!
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
$structArray [] = new xmlrpcval ( array (
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
'postid' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_id' ], 'string' ),
'dateCreated' => new xmlrpcval ( iso8601_encode ( $row [ 'news_datestamp' ]), 'dateTime.iso8601' ),
'title' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_title' ], 'string' ),
'mt_excerpt' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_summary' ], 'string' ),
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
'mt_keywords' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_meta_keywords' ], 'string' ),
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
'mt_allow_comments' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'news_allow_comments' ], 'string' ),
'description' => new xmlrpcval ( str_replace ( '[html]' , '' , str_replace ( '[/html]' , '' , $row [ 'news_body' ])), 'string' ),
'mt_text_more' => new xmlrpcval ( str_replace ( '[html]' , '' , str_replace ( '[/html]' , '' , $row [ 'news_extended' ])), 'string' ),
'categories' => new xmlrpcval ( array ( new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'category_name' ], 'string' )), 'array' ),
'publish' => new xmlrpcval ( 1 , 'boolean' ), //e107 does not have this flag?
'link' => new xmlrpcval ( $link , 'string' ), 'permaLink' => new xmlrpcval ( $link , 'string' )
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
), 'struct'
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $structArray , 'array' )); // Return type is struct[] (array of struct)
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
$getCategories_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcArray , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString ));
$getCategories_doc = 'Get the categories on the blog.' ;
function getCategories ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == 1 )
$structArray = array ();
$query = 'SELECT n.* FROM `#news_category` AS n' ;
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
$structArray [] = new xmlrpcval ( array (
'categoryId' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'category_id' ], 'string' ),
'parentId' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'description' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'category_name' ], 'string' ),
'categoryDescription' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'categoryName' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'category_name' ], 'string' ),
'htmlUrl' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'rssUrl' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' )), 'struct' );
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $structArray , 'array' )); // Return type is struct[] (array of struct)
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
$newMediaObject_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcStruct , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcStruct )
$newMediaObject_doc = 'Upload media files onto the blog server.' ;
function newMediaObject ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true || userLogin ( $username , $password , '5' ) == true )
$file = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 );
$filename = $file -> structMem ( 'name' ) -> scalarval ();
$filename = substr ( $filename , ( strrpos ( $filename , '/' ) + 1 ));
$type = $file -> structMem ( 'type' ) -> scalarval (); // The type of the file
$bits = $file -> structMem ( 'bits' ) -> serialize ();
$bits = str_replace ( '<value><base64>' , '' , $bits );
$bits = str_replace ( '</base64></value>' , '' , $bits );
$uploaddir = eXMLRPC_FILES_UPLOAD_PATH ; // Make sure this folder has been chmoded to 777.
if ( fwrite ( fopen ( $uploaddir . $filename , 'xb' ), base64_decode ( $bits )) == false )
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'File Failed to Write' );
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( array ( 'url' => new xmlrpcval ( eXMLRPC_FILES_SITEBASE_URL . $filename , 'string' )), 'struct' ));
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
//21/08/2009 10.07.36
***** GET PAGE *********
$getPage_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcStruct , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString ));
$getPage_doc = 'Get a page on the blog.' ;
function getPage ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blog_id = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$pageid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , '5' ) == true )
$query = 'SELECT p.*, u.user_id, u.user_name FROM `#page` AS p LEFT JOIN `#user` AS u ON u.user_id = p.page_author WHERE p.page_id=\'' . $pageid . '\' LIMIT 1' ;
$link = SITEURL . 'page.php?' . $pageid ; //link back to the page important!
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( array (
'dateCreated' => new xmlrpcval ( iso8601_encode ( $row [ 'page_datestamp' ]), 'dateTime.iso8601' ),
'userid' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_id' ], 'string' ),
'page_id' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_id' ], 'string' ),
'page_status' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'description' => new xmlrpcval ( str_replace ( '[html]' , '' , str_replace ( '[/html]' , '' , $row [ 'page_text' ])), 'string' ),
'title' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_title' ], 'string' ),
'link' => new xmlrpcval ( $link , 'string' ),
'permaLink' => new xmlrpcval ( $link , 'string' ),
'categories' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'excerpt' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'text_more' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'mt_allow_comments' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_comment_flag' ], 'boolean' ),
'mt_allow_pings' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_slug' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_password' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_password' ], 'string' ),
'wp_author' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_name' ], 'string' ),
'wp_page_parent_id' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_page_parent_title' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_page_order' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_author_id' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_id' ], 'string' ),
'wp_author_display_name' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_name' ], 'string' ),
'date_created_gmt' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'custom_fields' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_page_template' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' )),
'struct' )
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** GET PAGES ********
$getPages_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcArray , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcInt ));
$getPages_doc = 'Get pages on the blog.' ;
function getPages ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , '5' ) == true )
$numpages = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 ) -> scalarval ();
$structArray = array ();
$query = ' SELECT
p .* ,
u . user_id ,
u . user_name
FROM `#page` AS p
LEFT JOIN `#user` AS u ON u . user_id = p . page_author
ORDER BY p . page_datestamp DESC
LIMIT ' . $numpages ;
//link back to the page important!
$link = SITEURL . 'page.php?' . $pageid ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
$structArray [] = new xmlrpcval ( array (
'dateCreated' => new xmlrpcval ( iso8601_encode ( $row [ 'page_datestamp' ]), 'dateTime.iso8601' ),
'userid' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_id' ], 'string' ),
'page_id' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_id' ], 'string' ),
'page_status' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'description' => new xmlrpcval ( str_replace ( '[html]' , '' , str_replace ( '[/html]' , '' , $row [ 'page_text' ])), 'string' ),
'title' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_title' ], 'string' ),
'link' => new xmlrpcval ( $link , 'string' ),
'permaLink' => new xmlrpcval ( $link , 'string' ),
'categories' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'excerpt' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'text_more' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'mt_allow_comments' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_comment_flag' ], 'boolean' ),
'mt_allow_pings' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_slug' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_password' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_password' ], 'string' ),
'wp_author' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_name' ], 'string' ),
'wp_page_parent_id' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_page_parent_title' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_page_order' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_author_id' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_id' ], 'string' ),
'wp_author_display_name' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_name' ], 'string' ),
'date_created_gmt' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'custom_fields' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'wp_page_template' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' )),
'struct' );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $structArray , 'array' )); // Return type is struct[] (array of struct)
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** NEW PAGE *********
$newPage_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcStruct , $xmlrpcBoolean ));
$newPage_doc = 'Post a new item to the blog.' ;
function newPage ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , '5' ) == true )
$content = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 );
$title = $content -> structMem ( 'title' ) -> scalarval ();
$description = '[html]' . htmlspecialchars_decode ( $content -> structMem ( 'description' ) -> scalarval ()) . '[/html]' ;
//if date is null will be replaced with current datetime (wordpress like)
//check with simplexml for the parameter dateCreated? XMLRPC-PHP seems to not have such functions??
$tempDate = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'dateCreated' );
if ( $tempDate == 1 )
$dateCreated = $content -> structMem ( 'dateCreated' ) -> serialize (); // Not all clients send dateCreated info. So add if statement here if you want to use it.
$timestamp = iso8601_decode ( $dateCreated ); // To convert to unix timestamp
$timestamp = time ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//21/10/2009 17.17.46 added $wp_password
//add password page
//check if we have something...
$tempPassword = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'wp_password' );
if ( $tempPassword == 1 ){
$wp_password = $content -> structMem ( 'wp_password' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
//author from e107
$query = 'SELECT u.user_id FROM `#user` AS u WHERE u.user_loginname = \'' . $username . '\' AND u.user_password = \'' . md5 ( $password ) . '\'' ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$author = $row [ 'user_id' ];
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
//21/08/2009 14.37.49 allow comments
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//add comments flag
//check if we have something...
$tempAllowComments = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_allow_comments' );
if ( $tempAllowComments == 1 ){
$comments = $content -> structMem ( 'mt_allow_comments' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
$published = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 4 ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//post data with new fuctions
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_title' ] = $title ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_title' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_text' ] = $description ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_text' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_datestamp' ] = $timestamp ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_datestamp' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_author' ] = $author ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_author' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_comment_flag' ] = $comments ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_comment_flag' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_password' ] = $wp_password ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_password' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_class' ] = 0 ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_class' ] = 'int' ;
$postid = $sql -> db_Insert ( 'page' , $data );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $postid , 'string' )
); // Return the id of the post just inserted into the DB. See mysql_insert_id() in the PHP manual.
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** DELETE PAGE *******
$deletePage_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString )
$deletePage_doc = " Delete a page from blog " ;
function deletePage ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
$pageid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
//TODO Use db_Delete();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//23/10/2009 16.15.15 delete page with new methods
$sql -> db_Delete ( 'page' , 'page_id=' . $pageid );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( true , 'boolean' ));
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** EDIT PAGE *********
$editPage_sig = array
( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcStruct , $xmlrpcBoolean ));
$editPage_doc = 'Edit a page on the blog.' ;
function editPage ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$pageid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
$content = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 4 );
$title = $content -> structMem ( 'title' ) -> scalarval ();
$description = '[html]' . $content -> structMem ( 'description' ) -> scalarval () . '[/html]' ;
//if date is null will be replaced with current datetime (wordpress like)
//check with simplexml for the parameter dateCreated? XMLRPC-PHP seems to not have such functions??
$tempDate = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'dateCreated' );
if ( $tempDate == 1 )
$dateCreated = $content -> structMem ( 'dateCreated' ) -> serialize (); // Not all clients send dateCreated info. So add if statement here if you want to use it.
$timestamp = iso8601_decode ( $dateCreated ); // To convert to unix timestamp
$timestamp = time ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
//author from e107
$query = 'SELECT u.user_id FROM `#user` AS u WHERE u.user_loginname = \'' . $username . '\' AND u.user_password = \'' . md5 ( $password ) . '\'' ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
$author = $row [ 'user_id' ];
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
//21/08/2009 14.37.49 allow comments
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//add comments flag
//check if we have something...
$tempAllowComments = checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'mt_allow_comments' );
if ( $tempAllowComments == 1 ){
$comments = $content -> structMem ( 'mt_allow_comments' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
$published = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 5 ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//edit data with new fuctions
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_id' ] = $pageid ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_id' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_title' ] = $title ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_title' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_text' ] = $description ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_text' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_datestamp' ] = $timestamp ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_datestamp' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_author' ] = $author ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_author' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_comment_flag' ] = $comments ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_comment_flag' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_password' ] = $wp_password ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_password' ] = 'todb' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'page_class' ] = 0 ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'page_class' ] = 'int' ;
$pageid = $sql -> db_Update ( 'page' , $data );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( true , 'boolean' ));
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** GET PAGE LIST *****
//21/08/2009 15.45.15 uhm... DON'T SURE ABOUT THIS :D
$getPageList_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcArray , $xmlrpcString
, $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString ));
$getPageList_doc = 'Get pages list on the blog.' ;
function getPageList ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , '5' ) == true )
$structArray = array ();
$query = ' SELECT
p .* ,
u . user_id ,
u . user_name
FROM `#page` AS p
LEFT JOIN `#user` AS u ON u . user_id = p . page_author
ORDER BY p . page_datestamp DESC
LIMIT ' . $numpages ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
$structArray [] = new xmlrpcval ( array (
'page_id' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_id' ], 'string' ),
'page_title' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'page_title' ], 'string' ),
'page_parent_title' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'date_created_gmt' => new xmlrpcval ( '' , 'string' ),
'dateCreated' => new xmlrpcval ( iso8601_encode ( $row [ 'page_datestamp' ]),
'dateTime.iso8601' )),
'struct' );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $structArray , 'array' )); // Return type is struct[] (array of struct)
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** NEW CATEGORY ******
$newCategory_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcStruct ));
$newCategory_doc = 'Create a new category on the blog.' ;
function newCategory ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true || userLogin ( $username , $password , '5' ) == true )
$content = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 );
$name = $content -> structMem ( 'name' ) -> scalarval ();
//21/08/2009 16.20.02 unused at this stage
$slug = ( checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'slug' ) == true ) ? $content -> structMem ( 'slug' ) -> scalarval () : '' ;
//21/08/2009 16.20.02 unused at this stage
$parentid = ( checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'parent_id' ) == true ) ? $content -> structMem ( 'parent_id' ) -> scalarval () : '' ;
//21/08/2009 16.20.02 unused at this stage
$description = ( checkXmlElementS ( $content -> serialize (), 'description' ) == true ) ? $content -> structMem ( 'description' ) -> scalarval () : '' ;
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//post data with new fuctions
$data [ 'data' ][ 'category_name' ] = $name ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'category_name' ] = 'todb' ;
$catid = $sql -> db_Insert ( 'news_category' , $data );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $postid , 'string' )); // Return the id of the post just inserted into the DB. See mysql_insert_id() in the PHP manual.
return new xmlrpcresp
( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
$deleteCategory_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString )
$deleteCategory_doc = " Delete a page from blog " ;
function deleteCategory ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
$cateid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true || userLogin ( $username , $password , '5' ) == true )
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
//23/10/2009 16.15.15 delete category with new methods
$sql -> db_Delete ( 'news_category' , 'category_id=' . $cateid );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( true , 'boolean' ));
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
***** GET AUTHORS *******
$getAuthors_sig = array
( array ( $xmlrpcArray , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString ));
= 'Get the categories on the blog.' ;
function getAuthors ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , '5' ) == 1 )
$structArray = array ();
$query = ' SELECT
p . page_id ,
u . user_id ,
u . user_loginname ,
u . user_name
FROM `#page` AS p
LEFT JOIN `#user` AS u ON u . user_id = p . page_author
GROUP BY u . user_name ' ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
$structArray [] = new xmlrpcval ( array ( 'user_id' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_id' ], 'string' ), 'user_login' =>
new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_loginname' ], 'string' ), 'display_name' => new
xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'user_name' ], 'string' )), 'struct' );
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $structArray , 'array' )); // Return type is struct[] (array of struct)
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
$getCategoryList_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcArray , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString ));
$getCategoryList_doc = 'Get the categories on the blog.' ;
function getCategoryList ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == 1 )
$structArray = array ();
$query = 'SELECT n.* FROM `#news_category` AS n' ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
$structArray [] = new xmlrpcval ( array ( 'categoryId' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'category_id' ], 'string' ), 'categoryName' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'category_name' ], 'string' )), 'struct' );
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $structArray , 'array' )); // Return type is struct[] (array of struct)
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
$setPostCategories_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcArray )
$setPostCategories_doc = 'Set the categories on blog.' ;
function setPostCategories ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$postid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
$content = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 3 );
if ( $content -> arrayMem ( 0 ) -> arraySize () > 0 )
$content -> arrayMem ( 0 ) -> structMem ( 'categoryId' ) -> scalarval ();
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_id' ] = $postid ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_id' ] = 'int' ;
$data [ 'data' ][ 'news_category' ] = $categories ;
$data [ '_FIELD_TYPES' ][ 'news_category' ] = 'todb' ;
$postid = $sql -> db_Update ( 'news' , $data );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
2009-10-23 14:53:26 +00:00
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( true , 'boolean' ));
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
$getPostCategories_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString ));
= 'Set the categories on blog.' ;
function getPostCategories ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$postid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
// get set post categories
$query = ' SELECT
n .* ,
c . category_name ,
c . category_id
FROM `#news` AS n
LEFT JOIN `#news_category` AS c ON c . category_id = n . news_category
WHERE news_id = '.$postid.'
LIMIT 1 ' ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
$structArray [] = new xmlrpcval ( array ( 'categoryName' => new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'category_name' ], 'string' ), 'categoryId' =>
new xmlrpcval ( $row [ 'category_id' ], 'string' ), 'isPrimary' => new xmlrpcval ( '1' , 'string' )), 'struct' );
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $structArray , 'array' )); // Return type is struct[] (array of struct)
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
***** GET TAGS **********
$getTags_sig = array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString ));
$getTags_doc = 'Set the categories on blog.' ;
function getTags ( $xmlrpcmsg )
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$blogid = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 0 ) -> scalarval ();
$username = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 1 ) -> scalarval ();
$password = $xmlrpcmsg -> getParam ( 2 ) -> scalarval ();
if ( userLogin ( $username , $password , 'H' ) == true )
// get set post categories
$query = " SELECT
GROUP_CONCAT ( n . news_meta_keywords SEPARATOR ',' ) AS meta_keys
FROM `#news` AS n
WHERE news_meta_keywords != '' ; " ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( $query );
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
//explode data in array and remove duplicates
$meta_tags = array ();
$meta_tags = explode ( ',' , $row [ 'meta_keys' ]);
$meta_tags = array_unique ( $meta_tags );
foreach ( $meta_tags as $key => $value )
$structArray [] = new xmlrpcval ( array (
'tag_id' => new xmlrpcval ( $key , 'string' ),
'name' => new xmlrpcval ( $value , 'string' ),
'count' => new xmlrpcval ( '1' , 'string' ), //NOT SENSE IN e107 for now??
'slug' => new xmlrpcval ( '1' , 'string' ), //NOT SENSE IN e107 for now??
'html_url' => new xmlrpcval ( '1' , 'string' ), //NOT SENSE IN e107 for now??
'rss_url' => new xmlrpcval ( '1' , 'string' ) //NOT SENSE IN e107 for now??
), 'struct' );
return new xmlrpcresp ( new xmlrpcval ( $structArray , 'array' )); // Return type is struct[] (array of struct)
return new xmlrpcresp ( 0 , $xmlrpcerruser + 1 , 'Login Failed' );
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
$o = new xmlrpc_server_methods_container ;
$a = array (
'blogger.getUsersBlogs' => array ( 'function' => 'getUsersBlogs' , 'docstring' => $getUsersBlogs_doc , 'signature' => $getUsersBlogs_sig ),
'metaWeblog.newPost' => array ( 'function' => 'newPost' , 'signature' => $newPost_sig , 'docstring' => $newPost_doc ),
'metaWeblog.editPost' => array ( 'function' => 'editPost' , 'signature' => $editPost_sig , 'docstring' => $editPost_doc ),
'metaWeblog.getPost' => array ( 'function' => 'getPost' , 'signature' => $getPost_sig , 'docstring' => $getPost_doc ),
'metaWeblog.getRecentPosts' => array ( 'function' => 'getRecentPosts' , 'signature' => $getRecentPosts_sig , 'docstring' => $getRecentPosts_doc ),
'metaWeblog.getCategories' => array ( 'function' => 'getCategories' , 'signature' => $getCategories_sig , 'docstring' => $getCategories_doc ),
'metaWeblog.newMediaObject' => array ( 'function' => 'newMediaObject' , 'signature' => $newMediaObject_sig , 'docstring' => $newMediaObject_doc ),
// 'blogger.getUserInfo' => array('function' => 'getUserInfo', 'docstring' => 'Returns information about an author in the system.', 'signature' => array(array($xmlrpcStruct, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString)))*/
'blogger.deletePost' => array ( 'function' => 'deletePost' , 'docstring' => 'Deletes a post.' , 'signature' => array ( array ( $xmlrpcBoolean , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcString , $xmlrpcBoolean ))),
'wp.getPage' => array ( 'function' => 'getPage' , 'signature' => $getPage_sig , 'docstring' => $getPage_doc ),
'wp.getPages' => array ( 'function' => 'getPages' , 'signature' => $getPages_sig , 'docstring' => $getPages_doc ),
'wp.newPage' => array ( 'function' => 'newPage' , 'signature' => $newPage_sig , 'docstring' => $newPage_doc ),
'wp.deletePage' => array ( 'function' => 'deletePage' , 'signature' => $deletePage_sig , 'docstring' => $deletePage_doc ),
'wp.editPage' => array ( 'function' => 'editPage' , 'signature' => $editPage_sig , 'docstring' => $editPage_doc ),
'wp.getPageList' => array ( 'function' => 'getPageList' , 'signature' => $getPageList_sig , 'docstring' => $getPageList_doc ),
'wp.getAuthors' => array ( 'function' => 'getAuthors' , 'signature' => $getAuthors_sig , 'docstring' => $getAuthors_doc ),
'wp.getCategories' => array ( 'function' => 'getCategories' , 'signature' => $getCategories_sig , 'docstring' => $getCategories_doc ),
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
'wp.getTags' => array (
'function' => 'getTags' ,
'signature' => $getTags_sig ,
'docstring' => $getTags_doc
'wp.newCategory' => array (
'function' => 'newCategory' ,
'signature' => $newCategory_sig ,
'docstring' => $newCategory_doc
'wp.deleteCategory' => array ( 'function' => 'deleteCategory' ,
'signature' => $deleteCategory_sig ,
'docstring' => $deleteCategory_doc
'wp.uploadFile' => array (
'function' => 'newMediaObject' ,
'signature' => $newMediaObject_sig ,
'docstring' => $newMediaObject_doc
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
'wp.suggestCategories' => array (
'function' => 'suggestCategories' ,
'signature' => $suggestCategories_sig ,
'docstring' => $suggestCategories_doc
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
'wp.getCommentCount' => array (
'function' => 'getCommentCount' ,
'signature' => $getCommentCount_sig ,
'docstring' => $getCommentCount_doc
'wp.getPostStatusList' => array (
'function' => 'getPostStatusList' ,
'signature' => $getPostStatusList_sig ,
'docstring' => $getPostStatusList_doc
'wp.getPageStatusList' => array (
'function' => 'getPageStatusList' ,
'signature' => $getPageStatusList_sig ,
'docstring' => $getPageStatusList_doc
'wp.getPageTemplates' => array (
'function' => 'getPageTemplates' ,
'signature' => $getPageTemplates_sig ,
'docstring' => $getPageTemplates_doc
'wp.getOptions' => array (
'function' => 'getOptions' ,
'signature' => $getOptions_sig ,
'docstring' => $getOptions_doc
'wp.setOptions' => array (
'function' => 'setOptions' ,
'signature' => $setOptions_sig ,
'docstring' => $setOptions_doc
'wp.getComment' => array (
'function' => 'getComment' ,
'signature' => $getComment_sig ,
'docstring' => $getComment_doc
'wp.getComments' => array (
'function' => 'getComments' ,
'signature' => $getComments_sig ,
'docstring' => $getComments_doc
'wp.deleteComment' => array (
'function' => 'deleteComment' ,
'signature' => $deleteComment_sig ,
'docstring' => $deleteComment_doc
'wp.editComment' => array (
'function' => 'editComment' ,
'signature' => $editComment_sig ,
'docstring' => $editComment_doc
'wp.newComment' => array (
'function' => 'newComment' ,
'signature' => $newComment_sig ,
'docstring' => $newComment_doc
'wp.getCommentStatusList' => array (
'function' => 'getCommentStatusList' ,
'signature' => $getCommentStatusList_sig ,
'docstring' => $getCommentStatusList_doc
) */
2009-10-26 16:13:33 +00:00
'mt.getCategoryList' => array (
'function' => 'getCategoryList' ,
'signature' => $getCategoryList_sig ,
'docstring' => $getCategoryList_doc
'mt.setPostCategories' => array (
'function' => 'setPostCategories' ,
'signature' => $setPostCategories_sig ,
'docstring' => $setPostCategories_doc
'mt.getPostCategories' => array (
'function' => 'getPostCategories' ,
'signature' => $getPostCategories_sig ,
'docstring' => $getPostCategories_doc
2009-10-20 03:49:28 +00:00
$s = new xmlrpc_server ( $a , false );
$s -> setdebug ( 1 );
$s -> service ();
// that should do all we need!
********** XML FUNCTIONS *******************
//19/08/2009 13.36.16 unused!
function checkXmlElement ( $xml , $element )
// DOMElement->getElementsByTagName() -- Gets elements by tagname
// nodeValue : The value of this node, depending on its type.
// Load XML File. You can use loadXML if you wish to load XML data from a string
$objDOM = new DOMDocument ();
$objDOM -> loadXML ( $xml );
$objDOM -> normalizeDocument ();
echo $objDOM ;
$found = 0 ;
//elements member contains all data...
$member = $objDOM -> getElementsByTagName ( 'struct' )
// for each note tag, parse the document and get values for
// tasks and details tag.
foreach ( $member as $value )
if ( $member -> name == $element )
$found = 1 ;
if ( $found == 1 )
return true ;
return false ;
//check for element exitence with simplexml
function checkXmlElementS ( $string , $element )
$found = 0 ;
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( $string );
//search with xpath the $element name
$result = $xml -> xpath ( '/value/struct/member/name' );
while ( list (, $node ) = each ( $result ))
if ( $node == $element )
$found = 1 ;
if ( $found == 1 )
return true ;
return false ;
********** FROM WORDPRESS SOURCE ! **********
function get_date_from_gmt ( $string )
// note: this only adds $time_difference to the given date
preg_match ( '#([0-9]{1,4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})#' , $string , $matches );
$string_time = gmmktime ( $matches [ 4 ], $matches [ 5 ], $matches [ 6 ], $matches [ 2 ], $matches [ 3 ], $matches [ 1 ]);
$string_localtime = gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $string_time + get_settings ( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600 );
return $string_localtime ;
// computes an offset in seconds from an iso8601 timezone
function iso8601_timezone_to_offset ( $timezone )
// $timezone is either 'Z' or '[+|-]hhmm'
if ( $timezone == 'Z' )
$offset = 0 ;
$sign = ( substr ( $timezone , 0 , 1 ) == '+' ) ? 1 : - 1 ;
$hours = intval ( substr ( $timezone , 1 , 2 ));
$minutes = intval ( substr ( $timezone , 3 , 4 )) / 60 ;
$offset = $sign * 3600 * ( $hours + $minutes );
return $offset ;
function iso8601_to_datetime ( $date_string , $timezone = USER )
if ( $timezone == GMT )
preg_match ( '#([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(Z|[\+|\-][0-9]{2,4}){0,1}#' , $date_string , $date_bits );
if ( ! empty ( $date_bits [ 7 ]))
{ // we have a timezone, so let's compute an offset
$offset = iso8601_timezone_to_offset ( $date_bits [ 7 ]);
{ // we don't have a timezone, so we assume user local timezone (not server's!)
$offset = 3600 * get_settings ( 'gmt_offset' );
$timestamp = gmmktime ( $date_bits [ 4 ], $date_bits [ 5 ], $date_bits [ 6 ], $date_bits [ 2 ], $date_bits [ 3 ], $date_bits [ 1 ]);
$timestamp -= $offset ;
return gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $timestamp );
elseif ( $timezone == USER )
return preg_replace ( '#([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(Z|[\+|\-][0-9]{2,4}){0,1}#' , '$1-$2-$3 $4:$5:$6' , $date_string );