define("EPL_ADLAN_37","Upload plugin (.zip or .tar.gz format)");
define("EPL_ADLAN_38","Upload Plugin");
define("EPL_ADLAN_39","The file could not be uploaded as the ".e_PLUGIN." folder does not have the correct permissions - please CHMOD to 777 and re-upload the file.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_40","Admin Message");
define("EPL_ADLAN_41","That file does not appear to be a valid .zip or .tar archive.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_42","An error has occurred, unable to un-archive the file");
define("EPL_ADLAN_43","Your plugin has been uploaded and unzipped, please scroll down to see your plugin in the list.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_44","Auto plugin upload and extraction is disabled as your plugins folder does not have the correct permissions - please CHMOD your e107_plugins folder to 777.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_45","Your menu item has been uploaded and unzipped, to activate go to <a href='".e_ADMIN."menus.php'>your menus page</a>.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_54","Please select the option for uninstalling the plugin:");
define("EPL_ADLAN_55","Uninstall plugin");
define("EPL_ADLAN_57","Delete plugin tables");
define("EPL_ADLAN_58","If the tables are not removed, the plugin can be reinstalled with no data loss. The creation of tables during the reinstall will fail. Tables will have to be manually deleted to remove.");
define("EPL_ADLAN_59","Delete plugin files");
define("EPL_ADLAN_60","e107 will attempt to remove all plugin related files.");
// define("EPL_ADLAN_61", "Confirm uninstall"); // duplicated. can be deleted.