2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
< ? php
* e107 website system
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 - 2009 e107 Inc ( e107 . org )
* blankd under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License ( http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl . txt )
* e107 blank Plugin
* $Source : / cvs_backup / e107_0 . 8 / e107_plugins / blank / admin_config . php , v $
* $Revision $
* $Date $
* $Author $
require_once ( " ../class2.php " );
if ( ! getperms ( " 1 " ))
e107 :: redirect ( 'admin' );
exit ;
e107 :: coreLan ( 'theme' , true );
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'iframe' ]))
define ( 'e_IFRAME' , true );
class theme_admin extends e_admin_dispatcher
* Format : 'MODE' => array ( 'controller' => 'CONTROLLER_CLASS' [, 'index' => 'list' , 'path' => 'CONTROLLER SCRIPT PATH' , 'ui' => 'UI CLASS NAME child of e_admin_ui' , 'uipath' => 'UI SCRIPT PATH' ]);
* Note - default mode / action is autodetected in this order :
* - $defaultMode / $defaultAction ( owned by dispatcher - see below )
* - $adminMenu ( first key if admin menu array is not empty )
* - $modes ( first key == mode , corresponding 'index' key == action )
* @ var array
protected $modes = array (
'main' => array (
'controller' => 'theme_admin_ui' ,
'path' => null ,
'ui' => 'theme_admin_form_ui' ,
'uipath' => null
'convert' => array (
'controller' => 'theme_builder' ,
'path' => null ,
'ui' => 'theme_admin_form_ui' ,
'uipath' => null
protected $adminMenu = array (
'main/main' => array ( 'caption' => TPVLAN_33 , 'perm' => '0' ),
'main/admin' => array ( 'caption' => TPVLAN_34 , 'perm' => '0' ),
'main/choose' => array ( 'caption' => TPVLAN_51 , 'perm' => '0' ),
'main/online' => array ( 'caption' => TPVLAN_62 , 'perm' => '0' ),
'main/upload' => array ( 'caption' => TPVLAN_38 , 'perm' => '0' ),
'convert/main' => array ( 'caption' => ADLAN_CL_6 , 'perm' => '0' )
protected $adminMenuAliases = array (
'main/edit' => 'main/list'
protected $adminMenuIcon = 'e-themes-24' ;
protected $menuTitle = TPVLAN_26 ;
function init ()
function handleAjax ()
if ( empty ( $_GET [ 'action' ]))
return null ;
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " theme_handler.php " );
$themec = new themeHandler ;
switch ( $_GET [ 'action' ])
case 'login' :
$mp = $themec -> getMarketplace ();
echo $mp -> renderLoginForm ();
exit ;
break ;
case 'download' :
$string = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'src' ]);
parse_str ( $string , $p );
$mp = $themec -> getMarketplace ();
$mp -> generateAuthKey ( $e107SiteUsername , $e107SiteUserpass );
// Server flush useless. It's ajax ready state 4, we can't flush (sadly) before that (at least not for all browsers)
echo " <pre>Connecting... \n " ; flush ();
// download and flush
$mp -> download ( $p [ 'id' ], $p [ 'mode' ], $p [ 'type' ]);
echo " </pre> " ; flush ();
exit ;
break ;
case 'info' :
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'src' ]))
$string = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'src' ]);
parse_str ( $string , $p );
$themeInfo = e107 :: getSession () -> get ( 'thememanager/online/' . intval ( $p [ 'id' ]));
echo $themec -> renderThemeInfo ( $themeInfo );
break ;
case 'preview' :
// Theme Info Ajax
$tm = ( string ) $_GET [ 'id' ];
$data = $themec -> getThemeInfo ( $tm );
echo $themec -> renderThemeInfo ( $data );
// exit;
break ;
if ( vartrue ( $_GET [ 'src' ])) // Process Theme Download.
$string = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'src' ]);
parse_str ( $string , $p );
if ( vartrue ( $_GET [ 'info' ]))
echo $themec -> renderThemeInfo ( $p );
// print_a($p);
exit ;
$remotefile = $p [ 'url' ];
e107 :: getFile () -> download ( $remotefile , 'theme' );
exit ;
// Theme Info Ajax
// FIXME addd action=preview to the url, remove this block
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ]))
$tm = ( string ) $_GET [ 'id' ];
$data = $themec -> getThemeInfo ( $tm );
echo $themec -> renderThemeInfo ( $data );
require_once ( e_ADMIN . " footer.php " );
exit ;
class theme_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui
// required
protected $pluginTitle = TPVLAN_26 ;
protected $pluginName = 'core' ;
protected $table = false ;
protected $listQry = false ;
protected $pid = " id " ;
protected $perPage = 10 ;
protected $batchDelete = false ;
// protected \$sortField = 'somefield_order';
// protected \$sortParent = 'somefield_parent';
// protected \$treePrefix = 'somefield_title';
2017-10-12 14:42:36 -07:00
protected $grid = array ( 'price' => 'price' , 'version' => 'version' , 'title' => 'name' , 'image' => 'thumbnail' , 'body' => '' , 'class' => 'col-md-2 col-sm-3' , 'perPage' => 12 , 'carousel' => true , 'toggleButton' => false );
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
protected $fields = array (
'checkboxes' => array ( 'title' => '' , 'type' => null , 'data' => null , 'width' => '5%' , 'thclass' => 'center' , 'forced' => TRUE , 'class' => 'center' , 'toggle' => 'e-multiselect' ),
'id' => array ( 'title' => LAN_ID , 'type' => 'number' , 'data' => 'int' , 'width' => '5%' , 'thclass' => '' , 'class' => 'center' , 'forced' => TRUE , 'primary' => TRUE /*, 'noedit'=>TRUE*/ ), //Primary ID is not editable
'name' => array ( 'title' => LAN_TITLE , 'type' => 'text' , 'data' => 'str' , 'width' => '5%' , 'thclass' => '' , 'forced' => TRUE , 'primary' => TRUE /*, 'noedit'=>TRUE*/ ), //Primary ID is not editable
'thumbnail' => array ( 'title' => LAN_IMAGE , 'type' => 'image' , 'readParms' => array ( 'thumb' => 1 , 'w' => 300 , 'h' => 169 , 'crop' => 1 , 'link' => false , 'fallback' => '{e_IMAGE}admin_images/nopreview.png' ), 'data' => 'str' , 'width' => 'auto' , 'thclass' => '' , 'batch' => TRUE , 'filter' => TRUE ),
'folder' => array ( 'title' => 'Folder' , 'type' => 'text' , 'data' => 'str' , 'width' => 'auto' , 'thclass' => '' ),
'category' => array ( 'title' => LAN_CATEGORY , 'type' => 'text' , 'data' => 'str' , 'width' => 'auto' , 'thclass' => '' ),
'version' => array ( 'title' => 'Version' , 'type' => 'text' , 'data' => 'str' , 'width' => 'auto' , 'thclass' => '' ),
'price' => array ( 'title' => LAN_AUTHOR , 'type' => 'method' , 'data' => 'str' , 'width' => 'auto' , 'thclass' => 'left' ),
// 'blank_authorURL' => array('title'=> "Url", 'type' => 'url', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left'),
// 'blank_date' => array('title'=> LAN_DATE, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data' => 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'readParms' => 'long', 'writeParms' => 'type=datetime'),
// 'blank_compatibility' => array('title'=> 'Compatible', 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center' ),
// 'blank_url' => array('title'=> LAN_URL, 'type' => 'file', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '20%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE, 'parms' => 'truncate=30', 'validate' => false, 'help' => 'Enter blank URL here', 'error' => 'please, ener valid URL'),
// 'test_list_1' => array('title'=> 'test 1', 'type' => 'boolean', 'data' => 'int', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'batch' => TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE, 'noedit' => true),
'options' => array ( 'title' => LAN_OPTIONS , 'type' => 'method' , 'data' => null , 'width' => '10%' , 'thclass' => 'center last' , 'class' => 'center last' , 'forced' => TRUE )
//required - default column user prefs
// protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes', 'blank_id', 'blank_type', 'blank_url', 'blank_compatibility', 'options');
// optional, if $pluginName == 'core', core prefs will be used, else e107::getPluginConfig($pluginName);
protected $prefs = array ();
protected $themeObj ;
public function __construct ( $request , $response , $params = array ())
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " theme_handler.php " );
$this -> themeObj = new themeHandler ; // handles POSTed data.
parent :: __construct ( $request , $response , $params );
// optional
public function init ()
e107 :: css ( 'inline' , '
. admin - ui - grid . price {
position : absolute ;
/* bottom: 68px;*/
top : 0 ;
right : 18 px ;
. overlay - title { padding - bottom : 7 px }
' );
$this -> themeObj -> postObserver ();
$this -> grid [ 'template' ] = '
< div class = " panel panel-primary " >
< div class = " e-overlay " > { IMAGE }
< div class = " e-overlay-content " >
< div class = " overlay-title " > { TITLE } v { VERSION } </ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " panel-footer " >< small > { TITLE } </ small > { PRICE } </ div >
</ div >
' ;
public function _setTreeModel ()
if ( $this -> getAction () === 'online' )
$this -> _tree_model = new theme_admin_online_tree_model ;
$this -> _tree_model = new theme_admin_tree_model ; // new theme_model_admin_tree();
return $this ;
public function ChooseObserver () // action = choose
2017-04-13 08:54:59 -07:00
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'selectmain' ]))
$id = key ( $_POST [ 'selectmain' ]);
$message = $tp -> lanVars ( TPVLAN_94 , $id );
if ( $this -> themeObj -> setTheme ( $id ))
$mes -> addSuccess ( $message );
2019-04-11 12:28:14 -07:00
// clear infopanel in admin dashboard.
e107 :: getCache () -> clear ( 'Infopanel_theme' , true );
e107 :: getSession () -> clear ( 'addons-update-status' );
e107 :: getSession () -> set ( 'addons-update-checked' , false ); // set to recheck it.
2017-04-13 08:54:59 -07:00
$mes -> addError ( $message );
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
$param = array ();
$this -> perPage = 0 ;
$param [ 'limitFrom' ] = ( int ) $this -> getQuery ( 'from' , 0 );
$param [ 'limitTo' ] = 0 ; // (int) $this->getPerPage();
$param [ 'searchqry' ] = $this -> getQuery ( 'searchquery' , '' );
$this -> getTreeModel () -> setParams ( $param ) -> load (); // load the tree model above from the class below.
public function OnlineObserver ()
$this -> ChooseObserver ();
public function ChooseAjaxObserver ()
$this -> ChooseObserver ();
public function MainPage ()
2017-04-12 09:50:07 -07:00
if ( empty ( $_POST ) && deftrue ( 'e_DEVELOPER' ) || deftrue ( 'e_DEBUG' )) // check for new theme media and import.
$name = e107 :: getPref ( 'sitetheme' );
e107 :: getMedia () -> import ( '_common_image' , e_THEME . $name , '' , 'min-size=10000' );
2018-07-22 20:11:04 +02:00
e107 :: getMessage () -> addInfo ( 'Developer/Debug Mode: Scanning theme images folder for new media to import.' );
2017-04-12 09:50:07 -07:00
$message = e107 :: getMessage () -> render ();
return $message . $this -> renderThemeConfig ( 'front' );
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
public function AdminPage ()
return $this -> renderThemeConfig ( 'admin' );
private function search ( $name , $searchVal , $submitName , $filterName = '' , $filterArray = false , $filterVal = false )
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
return $frm -> search ( $name , $searchVal , $submitName , $filterName , $filterArray , $filterVal );
public function OnlinePageOld ()
global $e107SiteUsername , $e107SiteUserpass ;
$xml = e107 :: getXml ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'e_marketplace.php' );
$mp = new e_marketplace (); // autodetect the best method
$from = intval ( varset ( $_GET [ 'frm' ]));
$limit = 96 ; // FIXME - ajax pages load
$srch = preg_replace ( '/[^\w]/' , '' , vartrue ( $_GET [ 'srch' ]));
// check for cURL
if ( ! function_exists ( 'curl_init' ))
$mes -> addWarning ( TPVLAN_79 );
// auth
$mp -> generateAuthKey ( $e107SiteUsername , $e107SiteUserpass );
// do the request, retrieve and parse data
$xdata = $mp -> call ( 'getList' , array (
'type' => 'theme' ,
'params' => array ( 'limit' => $limit , 'search' => $srch , 'from' => $from )
$total = $xdata [ 'params' ][ 'count' ];
$amount = $limit ;
$c = 1 ;
$text = " <form class='form-search' action=' " . e_SELF . " ? " . e_QUERY . " ' id='core-plugin-list-form' method='get'> " ;
$text .= '<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide" data-interval="false">' ;
$text .= " <div class='form-inline clearfix row-fluid'> " ;
$text .= $this -> search ( 'srch' , $srch , 'go' , $filterName , $filterArray , $filterVal ) . $frm -> hidden ( 'mode' , 'online' );
$text .= '<div class="btn-group" style="margin-left:10px"><a class="btn btn-primary" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev">‹</a><a class="btn btn-primary" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">›</a></div>' ;
$text .= " { CAROUSEL_INDICATORS} " ;
$text .= " </div> " ;
$text .= '<div id="shop" style="margin-top:10px;min-height:585px" class=" carousel-inner">' ;
if ( is_array ( $xdata [ 'data' ] ))
$text .= '<div class="active item">' ;
$slides = array ();
foreach ( $xdata [ 'data' ] as $r )
if ( E107_DBG_PATH )
$mes -> addDebug ( print_a ( $r , true ));
$theme = array (
'id' => $r [ 'params' ][ 'id' ],
'type' => 'theme' ,
'mode' => $r [ 'params' ][ 'mode' ],
'name' => stripslashes ( $r [ 'name' ]),
'category' => $r [ 'category' ],
'preview' => varset ( $r [ 'screenshots' ][ 'image' ]),
'date' => $r [ 'date' ],
'version' => $r [ 'version' ],
'thumbnail' => $r [ 'thumbnail' ],
'url' => $r [ 'urlView' ],
'author' => $r [ 'author' ],
'website' => $r [ 'authorUrl' ],
'compatibility' => $r [ 'compatibility' ],
'description' => $r [ 'description' ],
'price' => $r [ 'price' ],
'livedemo' => $r [ 'livedemo' ],
$text .= $this -> themeObj -> renderTheme ( FALSE , $theme );
$c ++ ;
if ( $c == 19 )
$text .= '</div><div class="item">' ;
$slides [] = 1 ;
$c = 1 ;
$text .= " <div class='clear'> </div> " ;
$text .= " </div> " ;
$text .= " </div> " ;
$mes -> addInfo ( TPVLAN_80 );
$indicators = ' < ol class = " carousel-indicators col-md-6 span6 " >
< li data - target = " #myCarousel " data - slide - to = " 0 " class = " active " ></ li > ' ;
foreach ( $slides as $key => $v )
$id = $key + 1 ;
$indicators .= '<li data-target="#myCarousel" data-slide-to="' . $id . '"></li>' ;
$indicators .= '</ol>' ;
$text = str_replace ( " { CAROUSEL_INDICATORS} " , $indicators , $text );
$text .= " </form> " ;
return $text ;
public function InfoPage ()
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'src' ])) // online mode.
$string = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'src' ]);
parse_str ( $string , $p );
$themeInfo = e107 :: getSession () -> get ( 'thememanager/online/' . intval ( $p [ 'id' ]));
return $this -> themeObj -> renderThemeInfo ( $themeInfo );
if ( empty ( $_GET [ 'id' ]))
echo " invalid URL " ;
return null ;
$tm = ( string ) $this -> getId ();
$themeMeta = e107 :: getTheme ( $tm ) -> get ();
echo $this -> themeObj -> renderThemeInfo ( $themeMeta );
public function DownloadPage ()
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$string = base64_decode ( $_GET [ 'src' ]);
parse_str ( $string , $data );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'price' ]))
e107 :: getRedirect () -> go ( $data [ 'url' ]);
return true ;
if ( deftrue ( 'e_DEBUG_MARKETPLACE' ))
echo " <b>DEBUG MODE ACTIVE (no downloading)</b><br /> " ;
echo '$_GET: ' ;
print_a ( $_GET );
echo 'base64 decoded and parsed as $data:' ;
print_a ( $data );
return false ;
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'e_marketplace.php' );
$mp = new e_marketplace (); // autodetect the best method
$mes -> addSuccess ( TPVLAN_85 );
if ( $mp -> download ( $data [ 'id' ], $data [ 'mode' ], 'theme' )) // download and unzip theme.
// Auto install?
// $text = e107::getPlugin()->install($data['plugin_folder']);
// $mes->addInfo($text);
e107 :: getTheme () -> clearCache ();
return $mes -> render ( 'default' , 'success' );
return $mes -> addError ( 'Unable to continue' ) -> render ( 'default' , 'error' );
/* echo $mes -> render ( 'default' , 'debug' );
echo " download page " ; */
public function UploadPage ()
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
if ( ! is_writable ( e_THEME ))
return e107 :: getMessage () -> addWarning ( TPVLAN_15 ) -> render ();
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'upload_handler.php' );
$max_file_size = get_user_max_upload ();
$text = "
< form enctype = 'multipart/form-data' action = '".e_SELF."' method = 'post' >
< table class = 'table adminform' >
< colgroup >
< col class = 'col-label' />
< col class = 'col-control' />
</ colgroup >
< tr >
< td > " .TPVLAN_13. " </ td >
< td >
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' value = '{$max_file_size}' />
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'ac' value = '".md5(ADMINPWCHANGE)."' />
< input class = 'tbox' type = 'file' name = 'file_userfile[]' size = '50' />
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > " .TPVLAN_10. " </ td >
< td >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'setUploadTheme' value = '1' /></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< div class = 'buttons-bar center' > " . $frm->admin_button ('upload', 1, 'submit', LAN_UPLOAD). " </ div >
</ form >
" ;
return $text ;
2019-04-06 13:38:18 -07:00
* Check theme . php code for methods incompatible with PHP7 .
* @ param $code
* @ return bool
private function containsErrors ( $code )
return false ;
$dep = array ( 'call_user_method(' , 'call_user_method_array(' , 'define_syslog_variables' , 'ereg(' , 'ereg_replace(' ,
'eregi(' , 'eregi_replace(' , 'set_magic_quotes_runtime(' , 'magic_quotes_runtime(' , 'session_register(' , 'session_unregister(' , 'session_is_registered(' ,
'set_socket_blocking(' , 'split(' , 'spliti(' , 'sql_regcase(' , 'mysql_db_query(' , 'mysql_escape_string(' );
foreach ( $dep as $test )
if ( strpos ( $code , $test ) !== false )
e107 :: getMessage () -> addDebug ( " Incompatible function <b> " . rtrim ( $test , " ( " ) . " </b> found in theme.php " );
return true ;
return false ;
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
private function renderThemeConfig ( $type = 'front' )
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$themeMeta = e107 :: getTheme ( $type ) -> get ();
2019-04-06 13:38:18 -07:00
$themeFileContent = file_get_contents ( e_THEME . $themeMeta [ 'path' ] . " /theme.php " );
if ( $this -> containsErrors ( $themeFileContent ))
e107 :: getMessage () -> setTitle ( " Incompatibility Detected " , E_MESSAGE_ERROR ) -> addError ( " This theme is not compatible with your version of PHP. " );
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
$this -> addTitle ( " <span class='text-warning'> " . $themeMeta [ 'name' ] . " </span> " );
$mode = ( $type == 'front' ) ? 1 : 2 ;
$text = $frm -> open ( $type . '-form' , 'post' );
$text .= $this -> themeObj -> renderTheme ( $mode , $themeMeta );
$text .= $frm -> close ();
return $text ;
public function ChoosePage ()
return $this -> GridPage ();
public function ChooseAjaxPage ()
return $this -> GridAjaxPage ();
public function OnlinePage ()
if ( ! function_exists ( 'curl_init' ))
e107 :: getMessage () -> addWarning ( TPVLAN_79 );
return $this -> GridPage ();
public function OnlineAjaxPage ()
return $this -> GridAjaxPage ();
2019-04-06 12:11:05 -07:00
public function renderHelp ()
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$type = $this -> getMode () . " / " . $this -> getAction ();
switch ( $type )
case " main/main " :
$text = " <b> " . TPVLAN_56 . " </b><br /> " ; // Visbility Filter
$text .= " <br /> " . $tp -> toHTML ( TPVLANHELP_03 , true );
$text .= " <ul style='padding-left:10px;margin-top:10px'><li> " . $tp -> toHTML ( TPVLANHELP_04 , true ) . " </li> " ;
$text .= " <li> " . $tp -> toHTML ( TPVLANHELP_05 , true ) . " </li></ul> " ;
break ;
case " label2 " :
// code
break ;
default :
$text = TPVLANHELP_01 . " <br /><br /> " . TPVLANHELP_02 ;
return array ( 'caption' => LAN_HELP , 'text' => $text );
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
class theme_admin_tree_model extends e_tree_model
* Load data from theme meta file .
* @ param bool $force
2019-05-27 10:45:35 -07:00
function load ( $force = false )
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
$themeList = e107 :: getTheme () -> getList ();
$newArray = array ();
$parms = $this -> getParams ();
$siteTheme = e107 :: getPref ( 'sitetheme' );
if ( $parms [ 'limitFrom' ] == 0 && empty ( $parms [ 'searchqry' ])) // place the sitetheme first.
$newArray [] = $themeList [ $siteTheme ];
foreach ( $themeList as $k => $v )
if ( ! empty ( $parms [ 'searchqry' ]) && stripos ( $v [ 'description' ], $parms [ 'searchqry' ]) === false && stripos ( $v [ 'folder' ], $parms [ 'searchqry' ]) === false && stripos ( $v [ 'name' ], $parms [ 'searchqry' ]) === false )
continue ;
if ( $v [ 'path' ] == $siteTheme )
continue ;
$newArray [] = $v ;
if ( ! empty ( $parms [ 'limitTo' ]) && empty ( $parms [ 'searchqry' ]))
$arr = array_slice ( $newArray , $parms [ 'limitFrom' ], $parms [ 'limitTo' ]);
$arr = $newArray ;
foreach ( $arr as $k => $v )
$v [ 'id' ] = $k ;
$v [ 'thumbnail' ] = ! empty ( $v [ 'thumbnail' ]) ? '{e_THEME}' . $v [ 'path' ] . '/' . $v [ 'thumbnail' ] : null ;
$tmp = new e_model ( $v );
$this -> setNode ( $k , $tmp );
$this -> setTotal ( count ( $newArray ));
class theme_admin_online_tree_model extends e_tree_model
* Load data from theme meta file .
* @ param bool $force
2019-05-27 10:45:35 -07:00
function load ( $force = false )
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
$themeList = e107 :: getTheme () -> getList ();
$parms = $this -> getParams ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'e_marketplace.php' );
$mp = new e_marketplace (); // autodetect the best method
$from = intval ( varset ( $_GET [ 'frm' ]));
$limit = 96 ; // FIXME - ajax pages load
$srch = preg_replace ( '/[^\w]/' , '' , vartrue ( $_GET [ 'srch' ]));
// do the request, retrieve and parse data
$xdata = $mp -> call ( 'getList' , array (
'type' => 'theme' ,
'params' => array ( 'limit' => $limit , 'search' => $srch , 'from' => $from )
$total = $xdata [ 'params' ][ 'count' ];
$c = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $xdata [ 'data' ] ))
foreach ( $xdata [ 'data' ] as $r )
if ( E107_DBG_PATH )
$mes -> addDebug ( print_a ( $r , true ));
$v = array (
'id' => $r [ 'params' ][ 'id' ],
'type' => 'theme' ,
'mode' => $r [ 'params' ][ 'mode' ],
'name' => stripslashes ( $r [ 'name' ]),
'category' => $r [ 'category' ],
'preview' => varset ( $r [ 'screenshots' ][ 'image' ]),
'date' => $r [ 'date' ],
'version' => $r [ 'version' ],
'thumbnail' => $r [ 'thumbnail' ],
'url' => $r [ 'urlView' ],
'author' => $r [ 'author' ],
'website' => $r [ 'authorUrl' ],
'compatibility' => $r [ 'compatibility' ],
'description' => $r [ 'description' ],
'price' => $r [ 'price' ],
'livedemo' => $r [ 'livedemo' ],
$c ++ ;
$tmp = new e_model ( $v );
$this -> setNode ( $r [ 'params' ][ 'id' ], $tmp );
foreach ( $themeList as $k => $v )
$v [ 'id' ] = $k ;
$v [ 'thumbnail' ] = ! empty ( $v [ 'thumbnail' ]) ? '{e_THEME}' . $v [ 'path' ] . '/' . $v [ 'thumbnail' ] : null ;
$tmp = new e_model ( $v );
$this -> setNode ( $k , $tmp );
} */
$this -> setTotal ( $c );
class theme_admin_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui
function price ( $curVal )
if ( $this -> getController () -> getAction () == 'choose' )
$sitetheme = e107 :: getPref ( 'sitetheme' );
$path = $this -> getController () -> getListModel () -> get ( 'path' );
if ( $sitetheme == $path )
return " <span class='pull-right text-warning'><i class='fa fa-home'></i></span> " ;
return '' ;
$text = ( ! empty ( $curVal )) ? " <span class='label label-primary'><i class='icon-shopping-cart icon-white'></i> " . $curVal . " </span> " : " <span class='label label-success'> " . TPVLAN_76 . " </span> " ;
return '<span class="price pull-right">' . $text . '</span>' ;
function renderFilter ( $current_query = array (), $location = '' , $input_options = array ())
if ( $this -> getController () -> getAction () == 'choose' )
return parent :: renderFilter ( $current_query , $location , $input_options );
// print_a($text);
// return $text;
$text = " <form class='form-search' action=' " . e_SELF . " ' id='core-plugin-list-form' method='get'>
< fieldset id = 'admin-ui-list-filter' class = 'e-filter' >
< div class = 'col-md-12' > " ;
// $text .= '<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide" data-interval="false">';
$text .= " <div class='form-inline clearfix row-fluid'> " ;
$text .= $this -> search ( 'srch' , $_GET [ 'srch' ], 'go' /*, $filterName, $filterArray, $filterVal*/ );
$gets = $this -> getController () -> getQuery ();
foreach ( $gets as $k => $v )
if ( $k == 'srch' || $k == 'go' )
continue ;
$text .= $this -> hidden ( $k , $v );
$text .= $this -> renderPagination ();
$text .= " </div>
</ div ></ fieldset ></ form > " ;
return $text ;
function options ()
$theme = $this -> getController () -> getListModel () -> getData ();
if ( $this -> getController () -> getAction () === 'online' )
return $this -> onlineOptions ( $theme );
return $this -> chooseOptions ( $theme );
private function chooseOptions ( $theme )
$pref = e107 :: getPref ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$infoPath = e_SELF . " ?mode= " . $_GET [ 'mode' ] . " &id= " . $theme [ 'path' ] . " &action=info&iframe=1 " ;
$previewPath = $tp -> replaceConstants ( $theme [ 'thumbnail' ], 'abs' );
2018-01-10 15:06:40 -08:00
$main_icon = ( $pref [ 'sitetheme' ] != $theme [ 'path' ]) ? " <button class='btn btn-default btn-secondary btn-small btn-sm btn-inverse' type='submit' name='selectmain[ " . $theme [ 'path' ] . " ]' alt= \" " . TPVLAN_10 . " \" title= \" " . TPVLAN_10 . " \" > " . $tp -> toGlyph ( 'fa-home' , array ( 'size' => '2x' )) . " </button> " : " <button class='btn btn-small btn-default btn-secondary btn-sm btn-inverse' type='button'> " . $tp -> toGlyph ( 'fa-check' , array ( 'size' => '2x' )) . " </button> " ;
$info_icon = " <a class='btn btn-default btn-secondary btn-small btn-sm btn-inverse e-modal' data-modal-caption= \" " . $theme [ 'name' ] . " " . $theme [ 'version' ] . " \" href=' " . $infoPath . " ' title=' " . TPVLAN_7 . " '> " . $tp -> toGlyph ( 'fa-info-circle' , array ( 'size' => '2x' )) . " </a> " ;
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
// $admin_icon = ($pref['admintheme'] != $theme['path'] ) ? "<button class='btn btn-default btn-small btn-sm btn-inverse' type='submit' name='selectadmin[".$theme['id']."]' alt=\"".TPVLAN_32."\" title=\"".TPVLAN_32."\" >".$tp->toGlyph('fa-gears',array('size'=>'2x'))."</button>" : "<button class='btn btn-small btn-default btn-sm btn-inverse' type='button'>".$tp->toGlyph('fa-check',array('size'=>'2x'))."</button>";
2018-01-10 15:06:40 -08:00
$preview_icon = " <a class='e-modal btn btn-default btn-secondary btn-sm btn-small btn-inverse' title=' " . TPVLAN_70 . " " . $theme [ 'name' ] . " ' data-modal-caption= \" " . $theme [ 'name' ] . " " . $theme [ 'version' ] . " \" rel='external' href=' " . $previewPath . " '> " . $tp -> toGlyph ( 'fa-search' , array ( 'size' => '2x' )) . " </a> " ;
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
return $main_icon . $info_icon . $preview_icon ;
private function onlineOptions ( $theme )
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$preview_icon = '' ;
$srcData = array (
'id' => $theme [ 'id' ],
'url' => $theme [ 'url' ],
'mode' => $theme [ 'mode' ],
'price' => $theme [ 'price' ]
e107 :: getSession () -> set ( 'thememanager/online/' . $theme [ 'id' ], $theme );
$d = http_build_query ( $srcData , false , '&' );
$base64 = base64_encode ( $d );
$id = $this -> name2id ( $theme [ 'name' ]);
2017-04-14 13:52:19 -07:00
$LAN_DOWNLOAD = ( ! empty ( $theme [ 'price' ])) ? LAN_PURCHASE . " / " . LAN_DOWNLOAD : LAN_DOWNLOAD ;
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
$downloadUrl = e_SELF . '?mode=main&iframe=1&action=download&src=' . base64_encode ( $d ); //$url.'&action=download';
// $url = e_SELF."?src=".$base64;
$infoUrl = e_SELF . '?mode=main&iframe=1&action=info&src=' . $base64 ;
// $viewUrl = $theme['url'];
2017-04-14 13:52:19 -07:00
$modalCaption = ( empty ( $theme [ 'price' ])) ? ' ' . LAN_DOWNLOADING . ' ' . $theme [ 'name' ] . " " . $theme [ 'version' ] : ' ' . LAN_PURCHASE . ' ' . $theme [ 'name' ] . " " . $theme [ 'version' ];
2018-09-20 16:41:25 -07:00
$main_icon = " <a class='e-modal btn-default btn-secondary btn btn-sm btn-small btn-inverse' data-modal-caption= \" " . $modalCaption . " \" rel='external' href=' { $downloadUrl } ' data-cache='false' title=' " . $LAN_DOWNLOAD . " ' > " . $tp -> toGlyph ( 'fa-download' , array ( 'size' => '2x' )) . " </a> " ;
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
2018-01-10 15:06:40 -08:00
$info_icon = " <a class='btn btn-default btn-secondary btn-sm btn-small btn-inverse e-modal' data-toggle='modal' data-modal-caption= \" " . $theme [ 'name' ] . " " . $theme [ 'version' ] . " \" href=' " . $infoUrl . " ' data-cache='false' title=' " . TPVLAN_7 . " '> " . $tp -> toGlyph ( 'fa-info-circle' , array ( 'size' => '2x' )) . " </a> " ;
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
if ( ! empty ( $theme [ 'preview' ][ 0 ]))
$previewPath = $theme [ 'preview' ][ 0 ];
if ( ! empty ( $theme [ 'livedemo' ]))
$previewPath = $theme [ 'livedemo' ];
2018-01-10 15:06:40 -08:00
$preview_icon = " <a class='e-modal btn btn-default btn-secondary btn-sm btn-small btn-inverse' title=' " . TPVLAN_70 . " " . $theme [ 'name' ] . " ' data-modal-caption= \" " . $theme [ 'name' ] . " " . $theme [ 'version' ] . " \" rel='external' href=' " . $previewPath . " '> " . $tp -> toGlyph ( 'fa-search' , array ( 'size' => '2x' )) . " </a> " ;
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
return $main_icon . $info_icon . $preview_icon ;
class theme_builder extends e_admin_ui
var $themeName = " " ;
var $remove = array ();
function init ()
function MainPage ()
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
e107 :: getMessage () -> addDebug ( " Disable debug to save generated files. " );
$this -> themeName = $tp -> filter ( $_GET [ 'newtheme' ], 'w' );
if ( ! empty ( $_GET [ 'src' ]))
$this -> themeSrc = $tp -> filter ( $_GET [ 'src' ], 'w' );
$this -> copyTheme ();
/* $src = $tp -> filter ( $_GET [ 'src' ], 'w' );
$name = $tp -> filter ( $_GET [ 'f' ]);
$title = $tp -> filter ( $_GET [ 't' ]);
$this -> copyTheme ( $src , $name , $title ); */
if ( vartrue ( $_GET [ 'step' ]) == 3 )
return $this -> step3 ();
if ( vartrue ( $_GET [ 'step' ]) == 2 )
return $this -> step2 ();
$ret = $this -> step1 ();
$ret2 = $this -> copyThemeForm ();
$tabs = array (
0 => array ( 'caption' => $ret [ 'caption' ], 'text' => $ret [ 'text' ]),
1 => array ( 'caption' => $ret2 [ 'caption' ], 'text' => $ret2 [ 'text' ]),
return e107 :: getForm () -> tabs ( $tabs );
// $text = $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_140.SEP.ADLAN_CL_6,e107::getForm()->tabs($tabs));
function step1 ()
$fl = e107 :: getFile ();
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$plugFolders = $fl -> get_dirs ( e_THEME );
foreach ( $plugFolders as $dir )
if ( file_exists ( e_THEME . $dir . " /theme.xml " ) || $dir == 'templates' )
continue ;
$newDir [ $dir ] = $dir ;
$mes -> addInfo ( ' ' . TPVLAN_64 . ' < br />
< ul >
< li > '.TPVLAN_66.' </ li >
< li > '.TPVLAN_67.' </ li >
</ ul >
' );
$text = $frm -> open ( 'createPlugin' , 'get' , e_SELF . " ?mode=convert " );
$text .= " <table class='table adminform'>
< colgroup >
< col class = 'col-label' />
< col class = 'col-control' />
</ colgroup >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > " .TPVLAN_68. " </ td >
< td > " . $frm->select ( " newtheme " , $newDir ). " </ td >
</ tr > " ;
$text .= "
< tr >
< td > Create Files </ td >
< td > " . $frm->checkbox ('createFiles',1,1). " </ td >
</ tr > " ;
$text .= " </tbody>
</ table >
< div class = 'buttons-bar center' >
" . $frm->admin_button ('step', 2,'other',LAN_GO). "
</ div > " ;
$text .= $frm -> close ();
return array ( 'caption' => TPVLAN_88 , 'text' => $mes -> render () . $text );
2019-04-06 12:54:05 -07:00
// $ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_26.SEP.TPVLAN_88.SEP. TPVLAN_CONV_1, $mes->render() . $text);
2017-04-07 17:04:28 -07:00
function step2 ()
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$data = array (
'main' => array ( 'name' , 'lang' , 'version' , 'date' , 'compatibility' ),
'author' => array ( 'name' , 'url' ),
'summary' => array ( 'summary' ),
'description' => array ( 'description' ),
'keywords' => array ( 'one' , 'two' ),
'category' => array ( 'category' ),
'livedemo' => array ( 'livedemo' ),
'copyright' => array ( 'copyright' ),
'stylesheets' => array ( 'stylesheets' )
// 'adminLinks' => array('url','description','icon','iconSmall','primary'),
// 'sitelinks' => array('url','description','icon','iconSmall')
$legacyFile = e_THEME . $this -> themeName . " /theme.php " ;
$newThemeXML = e_THEME . $this -> themeName . " /theme.xml " ;
if ( file_exists ( $newThemeXML ))
$info = e107 :: getTheme () -> getThemeInfo ( $this -> themeName );
e107 :: getDebug () -> log ( $info );
if ( $this -> themeSrc ) // New theme copied from another
$defaults = array (
" main-name " => ucfirst ( $this -> themeName ),
'category-category' => vartrue ( $info [ 'category' ]),
$defaults = array (
" main-name " => vartrue ( $info [ 'name' ]),
" main-date " => vartrue ( $info [ 'date' ]),
" main-version " => vartrue ( $info [ 'version' ]),
" author-name " => vartrue ( $info [ 'author' ]),
" author-url " => vartrue ( $info [ 'website' ]),
" description-description " => vartrue ( $info [ 'description' ]),
" summary-summary " => vartrue ( $info [ 'summary' ]),
'category-category' => vartrue ( $info [ 'category' ]),
// "custompages" => vartrue($leg['CUSTOMPAGES']),
if ( ! empty ( $info [ 'keywords' ][ 'word' ]))
$defaults [ 'keywords-one' ] = $info [ 'keywords' ][ 'word' ][ 0 ];
$defaults [ 'keywords-two' ] = $info [ 'keywords' ][ 'word' ][ 1 ];
elseif ( file_exists ( $legacyFile ))
$legacyData = file_get_contents ( $legacyFile );
$regex = '/\$([\w]*)\s*=\s*("|\')([\w @.\/:<\>,\'\[\] !()]*)("|\');/im' ;
preg_match_all ( $regex , $legacyData , $matches );
$leg = array ();
foreach ( $matches [ 1 ] as $i => $m )
$leg [ $m ] = strip_tags ( $matches [ 3 ][ $i ]);
if ( substr ( $m , 0 , 5 ) == 'theme' || $m == " CUSTOMPAGES " )
$search [] = $matches [ 0 ][ $i ];
$defaults = array (
" main-name " => vartrue ( $leg [ 'themename' ]),
" author-name " => vartrue ( $leg [ 'themeauthor' ]),
" author-url " => vartrue ( $leg [ 'themewebsite' ]),
" description-description " => '' ,
" summary-summary " => vartrue ( $leg [ 'themeinfo' ]),
" custompages " => vartrue ( $leg [ 'CUSTOMPAGES' ]),
$search [] = " Steve Dunstan " ;
$search [] = " jalist@e107.org " ;
$_SESSION [ 'themebulder-remove' ] = $search ;
$mes -> addInfo ( " Loading theme.php file " );
$text = $frm -> open ( 'newtheme-step3' , 'post' , e_SELF . '?mode=convert&src=' . $this -> themeSrc . '&newtheme=' . $this -> themeName . '&step=3' );
$text .= " <table class='table adminlist'> " ;
foreach ( $data as $key => $val )
$text .= " <tr><td> $key </td><td>
< div class = 'controls' > " ;
foreach ( $val as $type )
$nm = $key . '-' . $type ;
$name = " xml[ $nm ] " ;
$size = ( count ( $val ) == 1 ) ? 'col-md-7' : 'col-md-2' ;
$text .= " <div class=' { $size } '> " . $this -> xmlInput ( $name , $key . " - " . $type , vartrue ( $defaults [ $nm ])) . " </div> " ;
$text .= " </div></td></tr> " ;
$text .= " </table> " ;
$text .= "
< div class = 'buttons-bar center' > "
. $frm -> hidden ( 'newtheme' , $this -> themeName );
$text .= $frm -> hidden ( 'xml[custompages]' , trim ( vartrue ( $leg [ 'CUSTOMPAGES' ])))
. $frm -> admin_button ( 'step' , 3 , 'other' , LAN_GENERATE ) . "
</ div > " ;
$text .= $frm -> close ();
// return array('caption'=>TPVLAN_88.SEP. TPVLAN_CONV_2, 'text'=>$mes->render() . $text);
$this -> addTitle ( TPVLAN_CONV_2 );
return $text ;
//$ns->tablerender(TPVLAN_26.SEP.ADLAN_CL_6.SEP. TPVLAN_CONV_2, $mes->render() . $text);
function step3 ()
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
// print_a($_POST);
$text = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $_POST [ 'xml' ]))
$xmlText = $this -> createXml ( $_POST [ 'xml' ]);
$text = $mes -> render () . " <pre> " . $xmlText . " </pre> " ;
// $ns->tablerender("theme.xml", $mes->render(). "<pre>".$xmlText."</pre>");
$legacyFile = e_THEME . $this -> themeName . " /theme.php " ;
if ( file_exists ( $legacyFile ) && empty ( $this -> themeSrc ))
$legacyData = file_get_contents ( $legacyFile );
$legacyData = e107 :: getTheme () -> upgradeThemeCode ( $legacyData );
$output = nl2br ( htmlentities ( $legacyData ));
$text .= $output ;
// $ns->tablerender("theme.php (updated)", $output);
return $text ;
function createXml ( $data )
$ns = e107 :: getRender ();
$mes = e107 :: getMessage ();
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
foreach ( $data as $key => $val )
$key = strtoupper ( str_replace ( " - " , " _ " , $key ));
$newArray [ $key ] = $val ;
if ( ! empty ( $newArray [ 'CUSTOMPAGES' ]))
$newArray [ 'CUSTOMPAGES' ] = trim ( $newArray [ 'CUSTOMPAGES' ]);
$LAYOUTS = " \n <layout name='custom' title='Custom'> \n " ;
$LAYOUTS .= " <custompages> { CUSTOMPAGES}</custompages> \n " ;
$LAYOUTS .= " </layout> " ;
$LAYOUTS = " " ;
if ( ! empty ( $newArray [ 'STYLESHEETS_STYLESHEETS' ]))
foreach ( $newArray [ 'STYLESHEETS_STYLESHEETS' ] as $val )
if ( empty ( $val [ 'file' ]))
continue ;
$STYLESHEETS .= " \t \t <css file= \" " . $val [ 'file' ] . " \" name= \" " . $val [ 'name' ] . " \" /> \n " ;
if ( ! empty ( $STYLESHEETS ))
$STYLESHEETS = " \n \t <stylesheets> \n " . $STYLESHEETS . " \t </stylesheets> " ;
unset ( $newArray [ 'STYLESHEETS_STYLESHEETS' ]);
// print_a($newArray);
$template = <<< TEMPLATE
< ? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf-8 " ?>
< e107Theme name = " { MAIN_NAME} " lan = " { MAIN_LANG} " version = " { MAIN_VERSION} " date = " { MAIN_DATE} " compatibility = " { MAIN_COMPATIBILITY} " livedemo = " { LIVEDEMO_LIVEDEMO} " >
< author name = " { AUTHOR_NAME} " url = " { AUTHOR_URL} " />
< summary lan = " " > { SUMMARY_SUMMARY } </ summary >
< description lan = " " > { DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION } </ description >
< category > { CATEGORY_CATEGORY } </ category >
< keywords >
< word > { KEYWORDS_ONE } </ word >
< word > { KEYWORDS_TWO } </ word >
</ keywords >
< copyright > { COPYRIGHT_COPYRIGHT } </ copyright >
< screenshots >
< image > preview . jpg </ image >
< image > fullpreview . jpg </ image >
</ screenshots > { STYLESHEETS }
< layouts >
< layout name = 'default' title = 'Default' default = 'true' /> { LAYOUTS }
</ layouts >
</ e107Theme >
$template = str_replace ( " { LAYOUTS} " , $LAYOUTS , $template );
$result = e107 :: getParser () -> simpleParse ( $template , $newArray );
$path = e_THEME . $this -> themeName . " /theme.xml " ;
if ( E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 )
$mes -> addDebug ( " Debug Mode active - no file saved. " );
return htmlentities ( $result );
if ( file_put_contents ( $path , $result ))
$mes -> addSuccess ( " Saved: " . $path );
$mes -> addError ( " Couldn't Save: " . $path );
return htmlentities ( $result );
function xmlInput ( $name , $info , $default = '' )
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
list ( $cat , $type ) = explode ( " - " , $info );
$size = 30 ;
$help = '' ;
$sizex = '' ;
switch ( $info )
case 'main-name' :
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_3 ;
$required = true ;
$pattern = " [A-Za-z 0-9]* " ;
break ;
case 'main-lang' :
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_4 ;
$required = false ;
$placeholder = " LAN equivalent " ;
$pattern = " [A-Z0-9_]* " ;
break ;
case 'main-date' :
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_6 ;
$required = true ;
$default = ( empty ( $default )) ? time () : strtotime ( $default );
break ;
case 'main-version' :
$default = '1.0' ;
$required = true ;
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_5 ;
$pattern = " ^[ \ d] { 1,2} \ .[ \ d] { 1,2} $ " ;
break ;
case 'main-compatibility' :
$default = '2.0' ;
$required = true ;
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_7 ;
$pattern = " ^[ \ d] { 1,2} \ .[ \ d] { 1,2} $ " ;
break ;
case 'author-name' :
$default = ( vartrue ( $default )) ? $default : USERNAME ;
$required = true ;
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_8 ;
$pattern = " [A-Za-z \ .0-9]* " ;
break ;
case 'author-url' :
$required = true ;
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_9 ;
// $pattern = "https?://.+";
break ;
case 'livedemo-livedemo' :
$required = false ;
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_16 ;
$placeholder = " http://demo-of-my-theme.com " ;
// $pattern = "https?://.+";
break ;
//case 'main-installRequired':
// return "Installation required: ".$frm->radio_switch($name,'',LAN_YES, LAN_NO);
case 'summary-summary' :
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_10 ;
$required = true ;
$size = 200 ;
$placeholder = " " ;
$pattern = " [A-Za-z,() \ .0-9]* " ;
break ;
case 'keywords-one' :
case 'keywords-two' :
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_11 ;
$required = true ;
$size = 20 ;
$placeholder = " " ;
$pattern = '^[a-z]*$' ;
break ;
case 'description-description' :
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_12 ;
$required = true ;
$size = 100 ;
$placeholder = " " ;
$pattern = " [A-Za-z \ .0-9]* " ;
break ;
case 'category-category' :
$help = TPVLAN_CONV_13 ;
$required = true ;
$size = 20 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
$req = ( $required == true ) ? " &required=1 " : " " ;
$placeholder = ( varset ( $placeholder )) ? $placeholder : $type ;
$pat = ( $pattern ) ? " &pattern= " . $pattern : " " ;
$text = '' ;
switch ( $type )
case 'stylesheets' :
$fl = e107 :: getFile ();
$fl -> setMode ( 'full' );
$stylesheets = $fl -> get_files ( e_THEME . $this -> themeName . " / " , " \ .css " , null , 1 );
foreach ( $stylesheets as $key => $path )
$file = str_replace ( e_THEME . $this -> themeName . " / " , '' , $path );
$text .= " <div class='row-fluid'> " ;
$text .= " <div class='controls'> " ;
$text .= " <div class='col-md-3'> " . $frm -> checkbox ( $name . '[' . $key . '][file]' , $file , false , array ( 'label' => $file )) . "
< div class = 'field-help' > " .TPVLAN_CONV_14. " </ div ></ div > " ;
$text .= " <div class='col-md-3'> " . $frm -> text ( $name . '[' . $key . '][name]' , $default , $size , 'placeholder=' . $file . $req . $pat ) . "
< div class = 'field-help' > " .TPVLAN_CONV_15. " </ div ></ div > " ;
// $text .= "<div class='span2'>".$frm->checkbox('css['.$key.'][file]',$file, false, array('label'=>$file))."</div>";
// $text .= "<div class='span2'>".$frm->text('css['.$key.'][name]', $default, $size, 'placeholder='.$placeholder . $req. $pat)."</div>";
$text .= " </div> " ;
$text .= " </div> " ;
return $text ;
break ;
case 'date' :
$text = $frm -> datepicker ( $name , $default , 'format=yyyy-mm-dd' . $req . '&size=block-level' );
break ;
case 'description' :
$text = $frm -> textarea ( $name , $default , 3 , 100 , $req . '&size=block-level' ); // pattern not supported.
break ;
case 'category' :
$allowedCategories = array (
'generic' , 'adult' , 'blog' , 'clan' , 'children' ,
'corporate' , 'forum' , 'gaming' , 'gallery' , 'news' ,
'social' , 'video' , 'multimedia' );
sort ( $allowedCategories );
$text = $frm -> select ( $name , $allowedCategories , $default , 'useValues=1&required=1' , true );
break ;
default :
$text = $frm -> text ( $name , $default , $size , 'placeholder=' . $placeholder . $req . $pat . '&size=block-level' );
break ;
$text .= ( $help ) ? " <span class='field-help'> " . $help . " </span> " : " " ;
return $text ;
function copyThemeForm ()
$frm = e107 :: getForm ();
$list = e107 :: getTheme () -> clearCache () -> getThemeList (); // (e_THEME);
$folders = array_keys ( $list );
$text = $frm -> open ( 'copytheme' , 'get' , 'theme.php?mode=convert' );
$text .= " <table class='table adminform'>
< colgroup >
< col class = 'col-label' />
< col class = 'col-control' />
</ colgroup >
< tr >
< td > " .TPVLAN_91. " </ td >
< td > " . $frm->select ( " src " , $folders ,'',array('useValues'=>1)). " </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > " .TPVLAN_92. " </ td >
< td > " . $frm->text ( " newtheme " ,'',25, array('pattern'=>'[a-z_0-9]*', 'required'=>1)). " </ td >
</ tr >
" ;
$text .= "
< tr >
< td > Create Files </ td >
< td > " . $frm->checkbox ('createFiles',1,1). " </ td >
</ tr > " ;
$text .= "
</ table >
< div class = 'buttons-bar center' >
" . $frm->admin_button ('step', 2,'success', LAN_CREATE). "
</ div > " ;
$text .= $frm -> close ();
// $text = "Create a new theme based on ".e->select('copytheme',$list);
return array ( 'caption' => LAN_CREATE , 'text' => $text );
private function copyTheme ()
if ( empty ( $this -> themeSrc ) || empty ( $this -> themeName ) || is_dir ( e_THEME . $this -> themeName ))
return false ;
if ( e107 :: getFile () -> copy ( e_THEME . $this -> themeSrc , e_THEME . $this -> themeName ))
$newfiles = scandir ( e_THEME . $this -> themeName );
foreach ( $newfiles as $file )
if ( is_dir ( e_THEME . $this -> themeName . '/' . $file ) || $file === '.' || $file === '..' )
continue ;
if ( strpos ( $file , " admin_ " ) === 0 )
unlink ( e_THEME . $this -> themeName . '/' . $file );
* After initialization we ' ll be able to call dispatcher via e107 :: getAdminUI ()
* so this is the first we should do on admin page .
* Global instance variable is not needed .
* NOTE : class is auto - loaded - see class2 . php __autoload ()
/* $dispatcher = */
new theme_admin ();
* Uncomment the below only if you disable the auto observing above
* Example : $dispatcher = new theme_admin ( null , null , false );
require_once ( e_ADMIN . " auth.php " );
* Send page content
e107 :: getAdminUI () -> runPage ();
require_once ( e_ADMIN . " footer.php " );
/* OBSOLETE - see admin_shortcodes :: sc_admin_menu ()
function admin_config_adminmenu ()
//global $rp;
e107 :: getRegistry ( 'admin/blank_dispatcher' ) -> renderMenu ();
/* OBSOLETE - done within header . php
function headerjs () // needed for the checkboxes - how can we remove the need to duplicate this code?
return e107 :: getAdminUI () -> getHeader ();
2018-07-22 20:01:45 +02:00