2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
< ? php
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| <EFBFBD> Steve Dunstan 2001 - 2002
| http :// e107 . org
| jalist @ e107 . org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License ( http :// gnu . org ) .
| $Source : / cvs_backup / e107_0 . 8 / signup . php , v $
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
| $Revision : 1.11 $
| $Date : 2007 - 10 - 11 19 : 46 : 29 $
2007-02-04 09:30:56 +00:00
| $Author : e107steved $
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( " class2.php " );
$qs = explode ( " . " , e_QUERY );
if ( $qs [ 0 ] != " activate " ){ // multi-language fix.
e107_include_once ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . " /lan_signup.php " );
e107_include_once ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . " English/lan_signup.php " );
e107_include_once ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . " /lan_usersettings.php " );
include_once ( e_HANDLER . " user_extended_class.php " );
$usere = new e107_user_extended ;
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " calendar/calendar_class.php " );
$cal = new DHTML_Calendar ( true );
if ( is_readable ( THEME . " signup_template.php " )) {
require_once ( THEME . " signup_template.php " );
} else {
require_once ( e_THEME . " templates/signup_template.php " );
include_once ( e_FILE . " shortcode/batch/signup_shortcodes.php " );
$signup_imagecode = ( $pref [ 'signcode' ] && extension_loaded ( " gd " ));
// Resend Activation Email ------------------------------------------->
if ( e_QUERY == " resend " && ! USER && ( $pref [ 'user_reg_veri' ] == 1 ))
e107_include_once ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . " /lan_ " . e_PAGE );
e107_include_once ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . " English/lan_ " . e_PAGE );
require_once ( HEADERF );
if ( ! $clean_email = check_email ( $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'resend_email' ])))
$clean_email = " xxx " ;
if ( ! $new_email = check_email ( $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'resend_newemail' ])))
$new_email = FALSE ;
if ( $_POST [ 'submit_resend' ])
if ( $_POST [ 'resend_email' ] && ! $new_email && $sql -> db_Select_gen ( " SELECT * FROM #user WHERE user_ban=0 AND user_sess='' AND (user_loginname= \" " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'resend_email' ]) . " \" OR user_name = \" " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'resend_email' ]) . " \" OR user_email = \" " . $clean_email . " \" ) " ))
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_SIGNUP_40 , LAN_SIGNUP_41 . " <br /> " );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
if ( trim ( $_POST [ 'resend_password' ]) != " " && $new_email )
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " user_id " , " user_password = \" " . md5 ( $_POST [ 'resend_password' ]) . " \" AND user_ban=2 AND user_sess !='' LIMIT 1 " ))
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
if ( $sql -> db_Update ( " user " , " user_email=' " . $new_email . " ' WHERE user_id = ' " . $row [ 'user_id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " ))
$clean_email = $new_email ;
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " message_handler.php " );
message_handler ( " ALERT " , LAN_SIGNUP_52 ); // Incorrect Password.
2006-12-11 08:34:43 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " * " , " (user_loginname = \" " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'resend_email' ]) . " \" OR user_name = \" " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'resend_email' ]) . " \" OR user_email = \" " . $clean_email . " \" ) AND user_ban=2 AND user_sess !='' LIMIT 1 " ))
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$_POST [ 'password1' ] = " xxxxxxxxx " ;
$_POST [ 'loginname' ] = $row [ 'user_loginname' ];
$_POST [ 'name' ] = $row [ 'user_name' ];
$nid = $row [ 'user_id' ];
$u_key = $row [ 'user_sess' ];
$eml = render_email ();
$mailheader_e107id = $nid ;
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " mail.php " );
2006-12-11 08:34:43 +00:00
echo " Sending to: " . $row [ 'user_email' ];
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
if ( ! sendemail ( $row [ 'user_email' ], $eml [ 'subject' ], $eml [ 'message' ], $row [ 'user_name' ], " " , " " , $eml [ 'attachments' ], $eml [ 'cc' ], $eml [ 'bcc' ], $returnpath , $returnreceipt , $eml [ 'inline-images' ]))
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_ERROR , LAN_SIGNUP_42 );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_SIGNUP_43 , LAN_SIGNUP_44 . " " . $row [ 'user_email' ] . " - " . LAN_SIGNUP_45 . " <br /><br /> " );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
2006-12-11 08:34:43 +00:00
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " message_handler.php " );
message_handler ( " ALERT " , LAN_106 ); // email not valid.
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
exit ;
elseif ( ! $_POST [ 'submit_resend' ])
$text .= " <div style='text-align:center'>
< form method = 'post' action = '".e_SELF."?resend' name = 'resend_form' >
< table style = '".USER_WIDTH."' class = 'fborder' >
< tr >
< td class = 'forumheader3' style = 'text-align:right' > " .LAN_SIGNUP_48. " </ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' >
< input type = 'text' name = 'resend_email' class = 'tbox' size = '50' style = 'max-width:80%' value = '' maxlength = '80' />
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = 'forumheader3' colspan = '2' > " .LAN_SIGNUP_49. " </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = 'forumheader3' style = 'text-align:right;width:30%' > " .LAN_SIGNUP_50. " </ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' >< input type = 'text' name = 'resend_newemail' class = 'tbox' size = '50' style = 'max-width:80%' value = '' maxlength = '80' />
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = 'forumheader3' style = 'text-align:right' > " .LAN_SIGNUP_51. " </ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' >< input type = 'text' name = 'resend_password' class = 'tbox' size = '50' style = 'max-width:80%' value = '' maxlength = '80' />
</ td >
</ tr >
" ;
$text .= " <tr style='vertical-align:top'>
< td colspan = '2' style = 'text-align:center' class = 'forumheader' > " ;
$text .= " <input class='button' type='submit' name='submit_resend' value= \" " . LAN_SIGNUP_47 . " \" /> " ; // resend activation email.
$text .= " </td>
</ tr >
</ table >
</ form >
</ div > " ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_SIGNUP_47 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
exit ;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $_POST ) // Notice Removal.
$error = " " ;
$text = " " ;
$password1 = " " ;
$password2 = " " ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
$email = " " ; // Used in shortcodes
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$loginname = " " ;
$realname = " " ;
$user_timezone = " " ;
$image = " " ;
$avatar_upload = " " ;
$photo_upload = " " ;
$_POST [ 'ue' ] = " " ;
$signature = " " ;
if ( ADMIN && ( e_QUERY == " preview " || e_QUERY == " test " || e_QUERY == " preview.aftersignup " ))
e107_include_once ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . " /lan_ " . e_PAGE );
e107_include_once ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . " English/lan_ " . e_PAGE );
if ( e_QUERY == " preview.aftersignup " )
require_once ( HEADERF );
if ( trim ( $pref [ 'signup_text_after' ]))
$text = $tp -> toHTML ( $pref [ 'signup_text_after' ], TRUE , 'parse_sc,defs' ) . " <br /> " ;
if ( $pref [ 'user_reg_veri' ] == 2 )
$text = LAN_SIGNUP_37 ;
$text = LAN_405 ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_406 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
$eml = render_email ( TRUE );
echo $eml [ 'preview' ];
if ( e_QUERY == " test " )
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " mail.php " );
$message = $eml [ 'message' ];
$subj = $eml [ 'subject' ];
$inline = $eml [ 'inline-images' ];
$Cc = $eml [ 'cc' ];
$Bcc = $eml [ 'bcc' ];
$attachments = $eml [ 'attachments' ];
if ( ! sendemail ( USEREMAIL , $subj , $message , USERNAME , " " , " " , $attachments , $Cc , $Bcc , $returnpath , $returnreceipt , $inline ))
echo " <br /><br /><br /><br > >> " . LAN_SIGNUP_42 ; // there was a problem.
echo " <br /><br /> >> " . LAN_SIGNUP_43 . " [ " . USEREMAIL . " ] - " . LAN_SIGNUP_45 ;
exit ;
if ( $pref [ 'membersonly_enabled' ])
$HEADER = " <div style='text-align:center; width:100%;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:center'><div style='width:70%;text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto'><br /> " ;
if ( file_exists ( THEME . " images/login_logo.png " ))
$HEADER .= " <img src=' " . THEME . " images/login_logo.png' alt='' /> \n " ;
$HEADER .= " <img src=' " . e_IMAGE . " logo.png' alt='' /> \n " ;
$HEADER .= " <br /> " ;
$FOOTER = " </div></div> " ;
if ( $signup_imagecode )
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " secure_img_handler.php " );
$sec_img = new secure_image ;
if ( $pref [ 'user_reg' ] == 0 )
header ( " location: " . e_HTTP . " index.php " );
exit ;
if ( USER )
header ( " location: " . e_HTTP . " index.php " );
exit ;
// After clicking the activation link -------------------------
if ( e_QUERY )
$qs = explode ( " . " , e_QUERY );
if ( $qs [ 0 ] == " activate " && ( count ( $qs ) == 3 || count ( $qs ) == 4 ) && $qs [ 2 ])
// return the message in the correct language.
if ( $qs [ 3 ] && strlen ( $qs [ 3 ]) == 2 )
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " language_class.php " );
$lng = new language ;
$the_language = $lng -> convert ( $qs [ 3 ]);
if ( is_readable ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . $the_language . " /lan_signup.php " ))
include ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . $the_language . " /lan_signup.php " );
require_once ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . " /lan_signup.php " );
include_lan ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . " /lan_signup.php " );
$e107cache -> clear ( " online_menu_totals " );
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " * " , " user_sess=' " . $tp -> toDB ( $qs [ 2 ], true ) . " ' " ))
if ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
$sql -> db_Update ( " user " , " user_ban='0', user_sess='' WHERE user_sess=' " . $tp -> toDB ( $qs [ 2 ], true ) . " ' " );
$e_event -> trigger ( " userveri " , $row );
require_once ( HEADERF );
$text = LAN_401 . " <a href='index.php'> " . LAN_SIGNUP_22 . " </a> " . LAN_SIGNUP_23 . " <br /> " . LAN_SIGNUP_24 . " " . SITENAME ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_402 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
header ( " location: " . e_BASE . " index.php " );
exit ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'register' ]))
2007-04-27 19:30:23 +00:00
$_POST [ 'xupexist' ] = trim ( varset ( $_POST [ 'xupexist' ], '' ));
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$e107cache -> clear ( " online_menu_totals " );
$error_message = " " ;
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " message_handler.php " );
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'rand_num' ]) && $signup_imagecode && ! $_POST [ 'xupexist' ] )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( ! $sec_img -> verify_code ( $_POST [ 'rand_num' ], $_POST [ 'code_verify' ]))
2007-04-27 19:30:23 +00:00
$error_message .= LAN_SIGNUP_3 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( $_POST [ 'xupexist' ])
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " xml_class.php " );
$xml = new parseXml ;
if ( ! $rawData = $xml -> getRemoteXmlFile ( $_POST [ 'xupexist' ]))
echo " Error: Unable to open remote XUP file " ;
preg_match_all ( " # \ <meta name= \" (.*?) \" content= \" (.*?) \" \ / \ >#si " , $rawData , $match );
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $match [ 1 ] as $value )
$xup [ $value ] = $match [ 2 ][ $count ];
$count ++ ;
$_POST [ 'name' ] = $xup [ 'NICKNAME' ];
$_POST [ 'email' ] = $xup [ 'EMAIL' ];
$_POST [ 'signature' ] = $xup [ 'SIG' ];
$_POST [ 'hideemail' ] = $xup [ 'EMAILHIDE' ];
$_POST [ 'timezone' ] = $xup [ 'TZ' ];
$_POST [ 'realname' ] = $xup [ 'FN' ];
$_POST [ 'image' ] = $xup [ 'AV' ];
$_POST [ 'ue' ][ 'user_homepage' ] = $xup [ 'URL' ];
$_POST [ 'ue' ][ 'user_icq' ] = $xup [ 'ICQ' ];
$_POST [ 'ue' ][ 'user_aim' ] = $xup [ 'AIM' ];
$_POST [ 'ue' ][ 'user_msn' ] = $xup [ 'MSN' ];
$_POST [ 'ue' ][ 'user_yahoo' ] = $xup [ 'YAHOO' ];
$_POST [ 'ue' ][ 'user_location' ] = $xup [ 'GEO' ];
$_POST [ 'ue' ][ 'user_birthday' ] = $xup [ 'BDAY' ];
unset ( $xup );
if ( $_POST [ 'loginnamexup' ]) $_POST [ 'loginname' ] = $_POST [ 'loginnamexup' ];
if ( $_POST [ 'password1xup' ]) $_POST [ 'password1' ] = $_POST [ 'password1xup' ];
if ( $_POST [ 'password2xup' ]) $_POST [ 'password2' ] = $_POST [ 'password2xup' ];
2007-02-04 09:30:56 +00:00
// Strip most invalid characters now
$temp_name = trim ( preg_replace ( '/ |\#|\=|\$/' , " " , strip_tags ( $_POST [ 'loginname' ])));
if ( $temp_name != $_POST [ 'loginname' ])
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$error_message .= LAN_409 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
2007-02-04 09:30:56 +00:00
$_POST [ 'loginname' ] = $temp_name ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
if ( strcasecmp ( $_POST [ 'loginname' ], " Anonymous " ) == 0 )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$error_message .= LAN_103 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// Use LoginName for DisplayName if restricted **** MOVED FORWARD ****
if ( ! check_class ( $pref [ 'displayname_class' ]))
$_POST [ 'name' ] = $_POST [ 'loginname' ];
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
2006-12-30 22:39:43 +00:00
// Impose a minimum length on display name
$_POST [ 'name' ] = trim ( $_POST [ 'name' ]);
if ( strlen ( $_POST [ 'name' ]) < 2 )
$error_message .= LAN_SIGNUP_56 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
2007-01-17 13:35:46 +00:00
global $db_debug ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// Check for disallowed names.
2007-01-17 13:35:46 +00:00
if ( varsettrue ( $pref [ 'signup_disallow_text' ]))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$tmp = explode ( " , " , $pref [ 'signup_disallow_text' ]);
2007-01-17 13:35:46 +00:00
if ( E107_DEBUG_LEVEL ) $db_debug -> log ( 'disallowed (' . count ( $tmp ) . '), like "' . $tmp [ 0 ] . '"' );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
foreach ( $tmp as $disallow )
if ( strstr ( $_POST [ 'name' ], $disallow ) || strstr ( $_POST [ 'loginname' ], $disallow ) ){
$error_message .= LAN_103 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
// Check if form maxlength has been bypassed
2007-05-28 09:37:35 +00:00
if ( strlen ( $_POST [ 'name' ]) > 30 || strlen ( $_POST [ 'loginname' ]) > 100 )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2007-05-28 09:37:35 +00:00
exit ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2006-12-27 22:26:56 +00:00
// Check if display name exceeds maximum allowed length
2007-05-28 09:37:35 +00:00
if ( strlen ( $_POST [ 'name' ]) > varset ( $pref [ 'displayname_maxlength' ], 15 ))
2006-12-27 22:26:56 +00:00
$error_message .= LAN_SIGNUP_55 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
2007-05-28 09:37:35 +00:00
// Check if login name exceeds maximum allowed length
if ( strlen ( $_POST [ 'loginname' ]) > varset ( $pref [ 'loginname_maxlength' ], 30 ))
$error_message .= LAN_SIGNUP_57 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// Display Name exists.
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " * " , " user_name=' " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'name' ]) . " ' " ))
$error_message .= LAN_411 . " : " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'name' ]) . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
// Login Name exists
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " * " , " user_loginname=' " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'loginname' ]) . " ' " ))
$error_message .= LAN_104 . " : " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'loginname' ]) . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
// check for multiple signups from the same IP address.
if ( $ipcount = $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " * " , " user_ip=' " . $e107 -> getip () . " ' and user_ban !='2' " ))
if ( $ipcount >= $pref [ 'signup_maxip' ] && trim ( $pref [ 'signup_maxip' ]) != " " )
$error_message .= LAN_202 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
// Check password fields are matching.
if ( $_POST [ 'password1' ] != $_POST [ 'password2' ])
$error_message .= LAN_105 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
$password1 = " " ;
$password2 = " " ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// Email address confirmation.
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
$email_address_OK = TRUE ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( $_POST [ 'email' ] != $_POST [ 'email_confirm' ])
$error_message .= LAN_SIGNUP_38 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
$email = " " ;
$email_confirm = " " ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
$email_address_OK = FALSE ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
// Always validate an email address if entered. If its blank, that's OK if checking disabled
$_POST [ 'email' ] = $tp -> toDB ( trim ( varset ( $_POST [ 'email' ], '' )));
$do_email_validate = ! varset ( $pref [ 'disable_emailcheck' ], FALSE ) || ( $_POST [ 'email' ] != '' );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// Password length check.
if ( trim ( strlen ( $_POST [ 'password1' ])) < $pref [ 'signup_pass_len' ])
$error_message .= LAN_SIGNUP_4 . $pref [ 'signup_pass_len' ] . LAN_SIGNUP_5 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
$password1 = " " ;
$password2 = " " ;
// Check for emtpy fields
if ( trim ( $_POST [ 'name' ]) == " " || trim ( $_POST [ 'loginname' ]) == " " || trim ( $_POST [ 'password1' ]) == " " || trim ( $_POST [ 'password2' ]) == " " )
$error_message .= LAN_185 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
// ========== Verify Custom Signup options if selected ========================
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$signup_option_title = array ( LAN_308 , LAN_120 , LAN_121 , LAN_122 , LAN_SIGNUP_28 );
$signup_option_names = array ( " realname " , " signature " , " image " , " timezone " , " class " );
foreach ( $signup_option_names as $key => $value )
if ( $pref [ 'signup_option_' . $value ] == 2 && ! $_POST [ $value ])
$error_message .= LAN_SIGNUP_6 . $signup_option_title [ $key ] . LAN_SIGNUP_7 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
// Email address checks
// Email syntax validation.
if ( $do_email_validate && ( ! $_POST [ 'email' ] || ! check_email ( $_POST [ 'email' ])))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
$error_message .= LAN_106 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
$email_address_OK = FALSE ;
// Check Email against banlist.
$wc = $tp -> toDB ( " * " . trim ( substr ( $_POST [ 'email' ], strpos ( $_POST [ 'email' ], " @ " ))));
if ( $do_email_validate && $sql -> db_Select ( " banlist " , " * " , " banlist_ip=' " . $_POST [ 'email' ] . " ' OR banlist_ip=' { $wc } ' " ))
$email_address_OK = FALSE ;
$brow = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$error = TRUE ;
if ( $brow [ 'banlist_reason' ])
$repl = array ( " \n " , " \r " , " <br /> " );
$error_message = str_replace ( $repl , " \\ n " , $tp -> toHTML ( $brow [ 'banlist_reason' ], " " , " nobreak, defs " )) . " \\ n " ;
$email = " " ;
exit ;
// Check email address on remote server (if enabled) - but only if previous checks passed.
if ( $do_email_validate && $email_address_OK && varsettrue ( $pref [ 'signup_remote_emailcheck' ]) && $error != TRUE )
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " mail_validation_class.php " );
list ( $adminuser , $adminhost ) = split ( " @ " , SITEADMINEMAIL );
$validator = new email_validation_class ;
$validator -> localuser = $adminuser ;
$validator -> localhost = $adminhost ;
$validator -> timeout = 3 ;
// $validator->debug=1;
// $validator->html_debug=1;
if ( $validator -> ValidateEmailBox ( trim ( $_POST [ 'email' ])) != 1 )
$email_address_OK = FALSE ;
$error_message .= LAN_106 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
$email = " " ;
$email_confirm = " " ;
// Check for Duplicate Email address - but only if previous checks passed.
if ( $do_email_validate && $email_address_OK && $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " user_email, user_ban, user_sess " , " user_email=' " . $_POST [ 'email' ] . " ' " ))
$chk = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
if ( $chk [ 'user_ban' ] == 2 && $chk [ 'user_sess' ])
{ // duplicate because unactivated
$error = TRUE ;
header ( " Location: " . e_BASE . " signup.php?resend " );
exit ;
$email_address_OK = FALSE ;
$error_message .= LAN_408 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// Extended Field validation
$extList = $usere -> user_extended_get_fieldList ();
foreach ( $extList as $ext )
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'ue' ][ 'user_' . $ext [ 'user_extended_struct_name' ]]))
$newval = trim ( $_POST [ 'ue' ][ 'user_' . $ext [ 'user_extended_struct_name' ]]);
if ( $ext [ 'user_extended_struct_required' ] == 1 && $newval == " " )
$_ftext = ( defined ( $ext [ 'user_extended_struct_text' ]) ? constant ( $ext [ 'user_extended_struct_text' ]) : $ext [ 'user_extended_struct_text' ]);
$error_message .= LAN_SIGNUP_6 . $_ftext . LAN_SIGNUP_7 . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
$parms = explode ( " ^,^ " , $ext [ 'user_extended_struct_parms' ]);
$regex = ( isset ( $parms [ 1 ]) ? $tp -> toText ( $parms [ 1 ]) : " " );
$regexfail = ( isset ( $parms [ 2 ]) ? trim ( $tp -> toText ( $parms [ 2 ])) : " " );
if ( $regexfail == " " )
$regexfail = $ext [ 'user_extended_struct_name' ] . " " . LAN_SIGNUP_53 ;
2006-12-27 22:26:56 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( defined ( $regexfail )) { $regexfail = constant ( $regexfail );}
if ( $regex != " " && $newval != " " )
if ( ! preg_match ( $regex , $newval ))
$error_message .= $regexfail . " \\ n " ;
$error = TRUE ;
if ( $error_message )
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
message_handler ( " P_ALERT " , $error_message );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// ========== End of verification.. ====================================================
if ( ! $error )
$fp = new floodprotect ;
if ( $fp -> flood ( " user " , " user_join " ) == FALSE )
header ( " location: " . e_BASE . " index.php " );
exit ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
if ( $_POST [ 'email' ] && $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " * " , " user_email=' " . $_POST [ 'email' ] . " ' AND user_ban='1' " ))
exit ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$username = $tp -> toDB ( strip_tags ( $_POST [ 'name' ]));
$loginname = $tp -> toDB ( strip_tags ( $_POST [ 'loginname' ]));
$time = time ();
$ip = $e107 -> getip ();
$ue_fields = " " ;
foreach ( $_POST [ 'ue' ] as $key => $val )
$key = $tp -> toDB ( $key );
$val = $tp -> toDB ( $val );
$ue_fields .= ( $ue_fields ) ? " , " : " " ;
$ue_fields .= $key . " =' " . $val . " ' " ;
$u_key = md5 ( uniqid ( rand (), 1 ));
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
$nid = $sql -> db_Insert ( " user " , " 0, ' { $username } ', ' { $loginname } ', '', ' " . md5 ( $_POST [ 'password1' ]) . " ', ' { $u_key } ', ' " . $_POST [ 'email' ] . " ', ' " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'signature' ]) . " ', ' " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'image' ]) . " ', ' " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'timezone' ]) . " ', ' " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'hideemail' ]) . " ', ' " . $time . " ', '0', ' " . $time . " ', '0', '0', '0', '0', ' " . $ip . " ', '2', '0', '', '', '0', '0', ' " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'realname' ]) . " ', '', '', '', '0', ' " . $tp -> toDB ( $_POST [ 'xupexist' ]) . " ' " );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( ! $nid )
require_once ( HEADERF );
$ns -> tablerender ( " " , LAN_SIGNUP_36 );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( $pref [ 'user_reg_veri' ])
// ==== Update Userclass =======>
if ( $_POST [ 'class' ])
unset ( $insert_class );
sort ( $_POST [ 'class' ]);
$insert_class = implode ( " , " , $_POST [ 'class' ]);
$sql -> db_Update ( " user " , " user_class=' " . $tp -> toDB ( $insert_class ) . " ' WHERE user_id=' " . $nid . " ' " );
// ========= save extended fields into db table. =====
if ( $ue_fields )
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( " INSERT INTO #user_extended (user_extended_id) values (' { $nid } ') " );
$sql -> db_Update ( " user_extended " , $ue_fields . " WHERE user_extended_id = ' { $nid } ' " );
// ========== Send Email =========>
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
if (( $pref [ 'user_reg_veri' ] != 2 ) && $_POST [ 'email' ]) // Don't send if email address blank - means that its not compulsory
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$eml = render_email ();
$mailheader_e107id = $eml [ 'userid' ];
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " mail.php " );
if ( ! sendemail ( $_POST [ 'email' ], $eml [ 'subject' ], $eml [ 'message' ], " " , " " , " " , $eml [ 'attachments' ], $eml [ 'cc' ], $eml [ 'bcc' ], " " , " " , $eml [ 'inline-images' ]))
$error_message = LAN_SIGNUP_42 ; // There was a problem, the registration mail was not sent, please contact the website administrator.
$_POST [ 'ip' ] = $ip ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
$_POST [ 'user_id' ] = $nid ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$e_event -> trigger ( " usersup " , $_POST ); // send everything in the template, including extended fields.
require_once ( HEADERF );
if ( $pref [ 'signup_text_after' ])
$text = $tp -> toHTML ( $pref [ 'signup_text_after' ], TRUE , 'parse_sc,defs' ) . " <br /> " ;
if ( $pref [ 'user_reg_veri' ] == 2 )
$text = LAN_SIGNUP_37 ;
$text = LAN_405 ;
if ( isset ( $error_message ))
$text .= " <br /><b> " . $error_message . " </b><br /> " ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_406 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
require_once ( HEADERF );
if ( ! $sql -> db_Select ( " user " , " user_id " , " user_name=' { $username } ' AND user_password=' " . md5 ( $_POST [ 'password1' ]) . " ' " ))
$ns -> tablerender ( " " , LAN_SIGNUP_36 );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
$sql -> db_Update ( " user " , " user_ban = '0' WHERE user_id = ' { $nid } ' " );
// ==== Update Userclass =======
if ( $_POST [ 'class' ])
unset ( $insert_class );
sort ( $_POST [ 'class' ]);
$insert_class = implode ( " , " , $_POST [ 'class' ]);
$sql -> db_Update ( " user " , " user_class=' " . $tp -> toDB ( $insert_class ) . " ' WHERE user_id=' " . $nid . " ' " );
// ======== save extended fields to DB table.
if ( $ue_fields )
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( " INSERT INTO #user_extended (user_extended_id) values (' { $nid } ') " );
$sql -> db_Update ( " user_extended " , $ue_fields . " WHERE user_extended_id = ' { $nid } ' " );
// ==========================================================
$_POST [ 'ip' ] = $ip ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
$_POST [ 'user_id' ] = $nid ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$e_event -> trigger ( " usersup " , $_POST ); // send everything in the template, including extended fields.
if ( $pref [ 'signup_text_after' ])
$text = $tp -> toHTML ( $pref [ 'signup_text_after' ], TRUE , 'parse_sc,defs' ) . " <br /> " ;
$text = LAN_107 . " " . SITENAME . " , " . LAN_SIGNUP_12 . " <br /><br /> " . LAN_SIGNUP_13 ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_SIGNUP_8 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
require_once ( HEADERF );
$qs = ( $error ? " stage " : e_QUERY );
if ( $pref [ 'use_coppa' ] == 1 && strpos ( $qs , " stage " ) === FALSE )
$text = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $COPPA_TEMPLATE , TRUE , $signup_shortcodes );
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_110 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
if ( ! $website )
$website = " http:// " ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
if ( $qs == 'stage1' && $pref [ 'use_coppa' ] == 1 )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'newver' ]))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
if ( ! varsettrue ( $_POST [ 'coppa' ]))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$text = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $COPPA_FAIL );
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_110 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
2007-10-11 19:46:36 +00:00
header ( 'Location: ' . e_BASE . 'signup.php' );
exit ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " form_handler.php " );
$rs = new form ;
$text = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $SIGNUP_BEGIN . $SIGNUP_BODY . $SIGNUP_END , TRUE , $signup_shortcodes );
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_123 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
// Default Signup Form ----->
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_123 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );
function req ( $field )
return ( $field == 2 ? REQUIRED_FIELD_MARKER : " " );
function headerjs ()
$script_txt = "
< script type = \ " text/javascript \" >
function addtext3 ( sc ){
document . getElementById ( 'signupform' ) . image . value = sc ;
function addsig ( sc ){
document . getElementById ( 'signupform' ) . signature . value += sc ;
function help ( help ){
document . getElementById ( 'signupform' ) . helpb . value = help ;
</ script > \n " ;
global $cal ;
$script_txt .= $cal -> load_files ();
return $script_txt ;
function render_email ( $preview = FALSE )
// 1 = Body
// 2 = Subject
if ( $preview == TRUE )
$_POST [ 'password1' ] = " test-password " ;
$_POST [ 'loginname' ] = " test-loginname " ;
$_POST [ 'name' ] = " test-username " ;
$_POST [ 'website' ] = " www.test-site.com " ;
$nid = 0 ;
$u_key = " 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP " ;
define ( " RETURNADDRESS " , ( substr ( SITEURL , - 1 ) == " / " ? SITEURL . " signup.php?activate. " . $nid . " . " . $u_key : SITEURL . " /signup.php?activate. " . $nid . " . " . $u_key . " . " . e_LAN ));
$pass_show = ( $pref [ 'user_reg_secureveri' ]) ? " ******* " : $_POST [ 'password1' ];
if ( file_exists ( THEME . " email_template.php " ))
require_once ( THEME . " email_template.php " );
require_once ( e_THEME . " templates/email_template.php " );
$inline_images = explode ( " , " , $SIGNUPEMAIL_IMAGES );
$ret [ 'userid' ] = $nid ;
$ret [ 'cc' ] = $SIGNUPEMAIL_CC ;
$ret [ 'bcc' ] = $SIGNUPEMAIL_BCC ;
$ret [ 'attachments' ] = $SIGNUPEMAIL_ATTACHMENTS ;
$ret [ 'inline-images' ] = implode ( " , " , $inline_images );
$style = ( $SIGNUPEMAIL_LINKSTYLE ) ? " style=' $SIGNUPEMAIL_LINKSTYLE ' " : " " ;
$search [ 0 ] = " { LOGINNAME} " ;
$replace [ 0 ] = $_POST [ 'loginname' ];
$search [ 1 ] = " { PASSWORD} " ;
$replace [ 1 ] = $pass_show ;
$search [ 2 ] = " { ACTIVATION_LINK} " ;
$replace [ 2 ] = " <a href=' " . RETURNADDRESS . " ' $style > " . RETURNADDRESS . " </a> " ;
$search [ 3 ] = " { SITENAME} " ;
$replace [ 3 ] = SITENAME ;
$search [ 4 ] = " { SITEURL} " ;
$replace [ 4 ] = " <a href=' " . SITEURL . " ' $style > " . SITEURL . " </a> " ;
$search [ 5 ] = " { USERNAME} " ;
$replace [ 5 ] = $_POST [ 'name' ];
$search [ 6 ] = " { USERURL} " ;
$replace [ 6 ] = ( $_POST [ 'website' ]) ? $_POST [ 'website' ] : " " ;
$cnt = 1 ;
foreach ( $inline_images as $img )
if ( is_readable ( $inline_images [ $cnt - 1 ]))
$cid_search [] = " { IMAGE " . $cnt . " } " ;
$cid_replace [] = " <img alt= \" " . SITENAME . " \" src='cid: " . md5 ( $inline_images [ $cnt - 1 ]) . " ' /> \n " ;
$path_search [] = " { IMAGE " . $cnt . " } " ;
$path_replace [] = " <img alt= \" " . SITENAME . " \" src= \" " . $inline_images [ $cnt - 1 ] . " \" /> \n " ;
$cnt ++ ;
$subject = str_replace ( $search , $replace , $SIGNUPEMAIL_SUBJECT );
$ret [ 'subject' ] = $subject ;
$HEAD = " <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN \" \" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd \" > \n " ;
$HEAD .= " <html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' > \n " ;
$HEAD .= " <head><meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' /> \n " ;
$HEAD .= ( $SIGNUPEMAIL_USETHEME == 1 ) ? " <link rel= \" stylesheet \" href= \" " . SITEURL . THEME . " style.css \" type= \" text/css \" /> \n " : " " ;
2007-06-28 19:38:15 +00:00
$HEAD .= ( $preview ) ? " <title> " . LAN_SIGNUP_58 . " </title> \n " : " " ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$CSS = file_get_contents ( THEME . " style.css " );
$HEAD .= " <style> \n " . $CSS . " \n </style> " ;
$HEAD .= " </head> \n " ;
$HEAD .= " <body background= \" cid: " . md5 ( $SIGNUPEMAIL_BACKGROUNDIMAGE ) . " \" > \n " ;
$HEAD .= " <body> \n " ;
$FOOT = " \n </body> \n </html> \n " ;
$message = str_replace ( $search , $replace , $SIGNUPEMAIL_TEMPLATE );
$ret [ 'message' ] = str_replace ( $cid_search , $cid_replace , $message );
$ret [ 'preview' ] = str_replace ( $path_search , $path_replace , $message );
return $ret ;