2012-07-18 02:24:34 +00:00
< ? php
* e107 website system
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 - 2012 e107 Inc ( e107 . org )
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License ( http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl . txt )
* Form Handler
* $URL $
* $Id $
if ( ! defined ( 'e107_INIT' )) { exit ; }
* @ package e107
* @ subpackage handlers
* @ version $Id $
* @ todo hardcoded text
* Automate Form fields creation . Produced markup is following e107 CSS / XHTML standards
* If options argument is omitted , default values will be used ( which OK most of the time )
* Options are intended to handle some very special cases .
* Overall field options format ( array or GET string like this one : var1 = val1 & var2 = val2 ... ) :
* - id => ( mixed ) custom id attribute value
* if numeric value is passed it ' ll be just appended to the name e . g . { filed - name } - { value }
* if false is passed id will be not created
* if empty string is passed ( or no 'id' option is found )
* in all other cases the value will be used as field id
* default : empty string
* - class = > ( string ) field class ( es )
* Example : 'tbox select class1 class2 class3'
* NOTE : this will override core classes , so you have to explicit include them !
* default : empty string
* - size => ( int ) size attribute value ( used when needed )
* default : 40
* - title ( string ) title attribute
* default : empty string ( omitted )
* - readonly => ( bool ) readonly attribute
* default : false
* - selected => ( bool ) selected attribute ( used when needed )
* default : false
* checked => ( bool ) checked attribute ( used when needed )
* default : false
* - disabled => ( bool ) disabled attribute
* default : false
* - tabindex => ( int ) tabindex attribute value
* default : inner tabindex counter
* - other => ( string ) additional data
* Example : 'attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2"'
* default : empty string
class e_form
protected $_tabindex_counter = 0 ;
protected $_tabindex_enabled = true ;
protected $_cached_attributes = array ();
* @ var user_class
protected $_uc ;
protected $_required_string ;
function __construct ( $enable_tabindex = false )
$this -> _tabindex_enabled = $enable_tabindex ;
$this -> _uc = e107 :: getUserClass ();
$this -> setRequiredString ( '<span class="required">* </span>' );
* Get required field markup string
* @ return string
public function getRequiredString ()
return $this -> _required_string ;
* Set required field markup string
* @ param string $string
* @ return e_form
public function setRequiredString ( $string )
$this -> _required_string = $string ;
return $this ;
// For Comma separated keyword tags.
function tags ( $name , $value , $maxlength = 200 , $options = array ())
$options [ 'class' ] = 'tbox input-text e-tags' ;
return $this -> text ( $name , $value , $maxlength , $options );
function text ( $name , $value , $maxlength = 200 , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'text' , $name , $options );
//never allow id in format name-value for text fields
return " <input type='text' name=' { $name } ' value=' { $value } ' maxlength=' { $maxlength } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name ) . " /> " ;
function email ( $name , $value , $maxlength = 200 , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'text' , $name , $options );
//never allow id in format name-value for text fields
return " <input type='email' name=' { $name } ' value=' { $value } ' maxlength=' { $maxlength } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name ) . " />
" ;
function iconpreview ( $id , $default , $width = '' , $height = '' ) // FIXME
// XXX - $name ?!
$parms = $name . " | " . $width . " | " . $height . " | " . $id ;
$sc_parameters .= 'mode=preview&default=' . $default . '&id=' . $id ;
return e107 :: getParser () -> parseTemplate ( " { ICONPICKER= " . $sc_parameters . " } " );
function iconpicker ( $name , $default , $label , $sc_parameters = '' , $ajax = true )
// TODO - Hide the <input type='text'> element, and display the icon itself after it has been chosen.
// eg. <img id='iconview' src='".$img."' style='border:0; ".$blank_display."' alt='' />
// The button itself could be replaced with an icon just for this purpose.
return $this -> imagepicker ( $name , $default , $label , 'media=_icon' );
$e107 = e107 :: getInstance ();
$id = $this -> name2id ( $name );
$sc_parameters .= '&id=' . $id ;
$jsfunc = $ajax ? " e107Ajax.toggleUpdate(' { $id } -iconpicker', ' { $id } -iconpicker-cn', 'sc:iconpicker= " . urlencode ( $sc_parameters ) . " ', ' { $id } -iconpicker-ajax', { overlayElement: ' { $id } -iconpicker-button' }) " : " e107Helper.toggle(' { $id } -iconpicker') " ;
$ret = $this -> text ( $name , $default );
// $ret .= $this->iconpreview($id,$default); //FIXME
$ret .= $this -> admin_button ( $name . '-iconpicker-button' , $label , 'action' , '' , array ( 'other' => " onclick= \" { $jsfunc } \" " ));
$ret .= "
< div id = '{$id}-iconpicker' class = 'e-hideme' >
< div class = 'expand-container' id = '{$id}-iconpicker-cn' >
" .(! $ajax ? $e107->tp ->parseTemplate(' { ICONPICKER='. $sc_parameters .'}') : ''). "
</ div >
</ div >
" ;
return $ret ;
* Internal Function used by imagepicker and filepicker
private function mediaUrl ( $category = '' , $label = '' , $tagid = '' , $extras = '' )
$cat = ( $category ) ? '&for=' . $category : " " ;
if ( ! $label ) $label = ' Upload an image or file' ;
if ( $tagid ) $cat .= '&tagid=' . $tagid ;
parse_str ( $extras );
if ( $bbcode ) $cat .= '&bbcode=1' ;
if ( ! $mode ) $mode = 'main' ;
if ( ! $action ) $action = 'dialog' ;
// $tabs // TODO - option to choose which tabs to display.
//TODO Parse selection data back to parent form.
$url = e_ADMIN_ABS . " image.php?mode= { $mode } &action= { $action } " . $cat ;
$url .= " &iframe=1 " ;
$ret = " <a title= \" { $title } \" rel='external' class='e-dialog' href=' " . $url . " '> " . $label . " </a> " ;
// $footer = "<div style=\'padding:5px;text-align:center\' <a href=\'#\' >Save</a></div>";
$footer = '' ;
if ( ! e107 :: getRegistry ( 'core/form/mediaurl' ))
e107 :: js ( 'core' , 'core/admin.js' , 'prototype' );
e107 :: js ( 'core' , 'core/dialog.js' , 'prototype' );
e107 :: js ( 'core' , 'core/draggable.js' , 'prototype' );
e107 :: css ( 'core' , 'core/dialog/dialog.css' , 'prototype' );
e107 :: css ( 'core' , 'core/dialog/e107/e107.css' , 'prototype' );
e107 :: js ( 'footer-inline' , '
$ $ ( " a.e-dialog " ) . invoke ( " observe " , " click " , function ( ev ) {
var element = ev . findElement ( " a " );
ev . stop ();
new e107Widgets . URLDialog ( element . href , {
id : element [ " id " ] || " e-dialog " ,
width : 890 ,
height : 680
}) . center () . setHeader ( " Media Manager : '. $category .' " ) . setFooter ( '.$footer.' ) . activate () . show ();
',' prototype ' );
e107 :: setRegistry ( 'core/form/mediaurl' , true );
return $ret ;
* Avatar Picker
* @ param $name - form element name ie . value to be posted .
* @ param $curVal - current avatar value . ie . the image - file name or URL .
function avatarpicker ( $name , $curVal = '' , $options = array ())
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$pref = e107 :: getPref ();
$attr = " aw= " . $pref [ 'im_width' ] . " &ah= " . $pref [ 'im_height' ];
$blankImg = $tp -> thumbUrl ( e_IMAGE . " generic/blank_avatar.jpg " , $attr );
$localonly = true ; //TODO add a pref for allowing external or internal avatars or both.
$idinput = $this -> name2id ( $name );
$previnput = $idinput . " -preview " ;
$optioni = $idinput . " -options " ;
$img = ( strpos ( $curVal , " :// " ) !== false ) ? $curVal : $tp -> thumbUrl ( e_MEDIA . " avatars/ " . $curVal , " aw= " . $width . " &ah= " . $height );
if ( ! $curVal )
$img = $blankImg ;
if ( $localonly == true )
$text = " <input class='tbox' style='width:80%' id=' { $idinput } ' type='hidden' name='image' size='40' value=' { $curVal } ' maxlength='100' /> " ;
$text .= " <img src=' " . $img . " ' id=' { $previnput } ' class='e-expandit e-tip avatar' style='cursor:pointer; width: " . $pref [ 'im_width' ] . " px; height: " . $pref [ 'im_height' ] . " px' title='Choose an avatar for yourself'/> " ; // TODO LAN
$text = " <input class='tbox' style='width:80%' id=' { $idinput } ' type='text' name='image' size='40' value=' $curVal ' maxlength='100' title= \" " . LAN_SIGNUP_111 . " \" /> " ;
$text .= " <img src=' " . $img . " ' id=' { $previnput } ' style='display:none' /> " ;
$text .= " <input class='button e-expandit' type ='button' style='cursor:pointer' size='30' value= \" Choose Avatar \" /> " ; //TODO Common LAN.
$avFiles = e107 :: getFile () -> get_files ( e_MEDIA . " avatars/ " , " .jpg|.png|.gif|.jpeg|.JPG|.GIF|.PNG " );
$text .= " \n <div id=' { $optioni } ' style='display:none' > \n " ; //TODO unique id.
if ( $pref [ 'avatar_upload' ] && FILE_UPLOADS && vartrue ( $options [ 'upload' ]))
$diz = LAN_USET_32 . ( $pref [ 'im_width' ] || $pref [ 'im_height' ] ? " \n " . str_replace ( array ( '--WIDTH--' , '--HEIGHT--' ), array ( $pref [ 'im_width' ], $pref [ 'im_height' ]), LAN_USER_86 ) : " " );
$text .= " <div> " . LAN_USET_26 . " <br />
< input class = 'tbox' name = 'file_userfile[avatar]' type = 'file' size = '47' title = \ " { $diz } \" />
</ div >
< div class = 'divider' >< span > OR </ span ></ div > " ;
foreach ( $avFiles as $fi )
$img_path = $tp -> thumbUrl ( e_MEDIA_ABS . " avatars/ " . $fi [ 'fname' ], $attr );
$text .= " \n <a class='e-expandit' title='Choose this avatar' href='# { $optioni } '><img src=' " . $img_path . " ' alt='' onclick= \" insertext(' " . $fi [ 'fname' ] . " ', ' " . $idinput . " ');document.getElementById(' " . $previnput . " ').src = this.src; \" /></a> " ;
//TODO javascript CSS selector
$text .= " <br />
</ div > " ;
// Used by usersettings.php right now.
return $text ;
//TODO discuss and FIXME
// Intentionally disable uploadable avatar and photos at this stage
if ( false && $pref [ 'avatar_upload' ] && FILE_UPLOADS )
$text .= " <br /><span class='smalltext'> " . LAN_SIGNUP_25 . " </span> <input class='tbox' name='file_userfile[]' type='file' size='40' />
< br />< div class = 'smalltext' > " .LAN_SIGNUP_34. " </ div > " ;
if ( false && $pref [ 'photo_upload' ] && FILE_UPLOADS )
$text .= " <br /><span class='smalltext'> " . LAN_SIGNUP_26 . " </span> <input class='tbox' name='file_userfile[]' type='file' size='40' />
< br />< div class = 'smalltext' > " .LAN_SIGNUP_34. " </ div > " ;
* FIXME - better GUI , { IMAGESELECTOR } rewrite , flexibility , thumbnails , tooltip image preivew , etc .
* FIXME - use the media - manager as an image selector .
* SC Parameter list :
* - media : if present - load from media table
* - path : server pats to be listed ( separated by | ) - only if 'media' param is not present
* - subdirs : folder search depth ( default is 10 )
* - width : preview width in pixels
* - height : preview height in pixels
* Additional usage is < code > $sc_parameters = 'news' </ code >
* where
* Full list can be found in shortcodes / imageselector . php
* @ param string $name input name
* @ param string $default default value
* @ param string $label custom label
* @ param string $sc_parameters shortcode parameters
* @ return string html output
function imagepicker ( $name , $default , $label = '' , $sc_parameters = '' )
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$name_id = $this -> name2id ( $name );
if ( is_string ( $sc_parameters ))
if ( strpos ( $sc_parameters , '=' ) === false ) $sc_parameters = 'media=' . $sc_parameters ;
parse_str ( $sc_parameters , $sc_parameters );
$default_thumb = $default ;
if ( $default )
if ( '{' != $default [ 0 ])
// convert to sc path
$default_thumb = $tp -> createConstants ( $default , 'nice' );
$default = $tp -> createConstants ( $default , 'mix' );
$default_url = $tp -> replaceConstants ( $default , 'abs' );
$blank = FALSE ;
$default = $default_url = e_IMAGE_ABS . " generic/blank.gif " ;
$blank = TRUE ;
//$width = intval(vartrue($sc_parameters['width'], 150));
$cat = $tp -> toDB ( $sc_parameters [ 'media' ]);
if ( $cat == '_icon' )
$ret = " <div class='imgselector-container' style='display:block;width:64px;min-height:64px'> " ;
$thpath = isset ( $sc_parameters [ 'nothumb' ]) || $hide ? $default : $default_thumb ;
$style = ( $blank ) ? " border:1px dashed black;width:64px;height:64px " : " border:1px dashed black " ;
$label = " <img id=' { $name_id } _prev' src=' { $default_url } ' alt=' { $default_url } ' class='image-selector' style=' { $style } ' /> " ;
$ret = " <div class='imgselector-container' style='display:block;width:120px;min-height:100px'> " ;
$att = 'aw=120&ah=100' ;
$thpath = isset ( $sc_parameters [ 'nothumb' ]) || $hide ? $default : $tp -> thumbUrl ( $default_thumb , $att , true );
$label = " <img id=' { $name_id } _prev' src=' { $default_url } ' alt=' { $default_url } ' class='image-selector' style='width:120px;height:100px;border:1px dashed black;' /> " ;
$ret .= $this -> mediaUrl ( $cat , $label , $name_id );
$ret .= " </div> \n " ;
$ret .= " <input type='hidden' name=' { $name } ' id=' { $name_id } ' value=' { $default } ' /> " ; // to be hidden eventually.
// $ret .= $this->text($name,$default); // to be hidden eventually.
return $ret ;
// ----------------
function filepicker ( $name , $default , $label = '' , $sc_parameters = '' )
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$name_id = $this -> name2id ( $name );
if ( is_string ( $sc_parameters ))
if ( strpos ( $sc_parameters , '=' ) === false ) $sc_parameters = 'media=' . $sc_parameters ;
parse_str ( $sc_parameters , $sc_parameters );
$cat = $tp -> toDB ( $sc_parameters [ 'media' ]);
$default = ( $default ) ? $default : " Choose a file " ;
$label = " <span id=' { $name_id } _prev' > " . basename ( $default ) . " </span> " ;
$ret .= $this -> mediaUrl ( $cat , $label , $name_id , " mode=dialog&action=list " );
$ret .= " <input type='hidden' name=' { $name } ' id=' { $name_id } ' value=' { $default } ' /> " ;
return $ret ;
* Date field with popup calendar // NEW in 0.8/2.0
* @ param string $name the name of the field
* @ param integer $datestamp UNIX timestamp - default value of the field
* @ param array or str
* @ example $frm -> datepicker ( 'my_field' , time (), 'type=date' );
* @ example $frm -> datepicker ( 'my_field' , time (), 'type=datetime&inline=1' );
* @ url http :// trentrichardson . com / examples / timepicker /
function datepicker ( $name , $datestamp = false , $options = null )
if ( vartrue ( $options ) && ! is_array ( $options ))
parse_str ( $options , $options );
$dateFormat = ( $options [ 'dateformat' ]) ? trim ( $options [ 'dateformat' ]) : e107 :: getPref ( 'inputdate' , '%Y-%m-%d' );
$timeFormat = ( $options [ 'timeformat' ]) ? trim ( $options [ 'timeformat' ]) : e107 :: getPref ( 'inputtime' , '%H:%M:%S' );
$type = ( $options [ 'type' ]) ? trim ( $options [ 'type' ]) : " date " ; // 'datetime'
// echo "TYPE=".$type;
$ampm = ( preg_match ( " /%l|%I|%p|%P/ " , $timeFormat )) ? 'true' : 'false' ;
$convert = array (
'%d' => 'dd' ,
'%m' => 'mm' ,
'%y' => 'y' ,
'%Y' => 'yy' ,
'%a' => 'D' , // An abbreviated textual representation of the day
'%A' => 'DD' , // A full textual representation of the day
'%B' => 'MM' , // Full month name, based on the locale
'%b' => 'M' , // Abbreviated month name, based on the locale
'%h' => 'M' , // Abbreviated month name, based on the locale (an alias of %b)
'%l' => 'h' , // 12 hour format - no leading zero
'%I' => 'hh' , // 12 hour format - leading zero
'%H' => 'hh' , // 24 hour format - leading zero
'%M' => 'mm' ,
'%S' => 'ss' ,
'%p' => 'TT' , // %p UPPER-CASE 'AM' or 'PM' based on the given time
'%P' => 'tt' , // %P lower-case 'am' or 'pm' based on the given time
'%T' => 'hh:mm:ss' ,
'%r' => " hh:mmm:ss TT " // 12 hour format
$s = array_keys ( $convert );
$r = array_values ( $convert );
$dformat = str_replace ( $s , $r , $dateFormat );
$tformat = str_replace ( $s , $r , $timeFormat );
$id = $this -> name2id ( $name );
$classes = array (
'date' => 'e-date' ,
// 'time' => 'e-time',
'datetime' => 'e-datetime'
$def = array (
'date' => $dateFormat ,
// 'time' => $timeFormat,
'datetime' => $dateFormat . " " . $timeFormat
$defdisp = ( isset ( $def [ $type ])) ? $def [ $type ] : $def [ 'date' ];
if ( $datestamp )
$value = is_numeric ( $datestamp ) ? e107 :: getDate () -> convert_date ( $datestamp , $defdisp ) : $datestamp ; //date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $datestamp);
$text = " " ;
$class = ( isset ( $classes [ $type ])) ? $classes [ $type ] : " tbox e-date " ;
if ( vartrue ( $options [ 'inline' ]))
return " <div class=' { $class } ' id='inline- { $id } ' data-date-format=' { $dformat } ' data-time-format=' { $tformat } ' data-date-ampm=' { $ampm } ' ></div>
< input type = 'hidden' name = '{$name}' id = '{$id}' value = '{$value}' data - date - format = '{$dformat}' data - time - format = '{$tformat}' data - date - ampm = '{$ampm}' />
" ;
return " <input class=' { $class } ' type='text' size='40' name=' { $name } ' id=' { $id } ' value=' { $value } ' data-date-format=' { $dformat } ' data-time-format=' { $tformat } ' data-date-ampm=' { $ampm } ' /> " ;
// Keep this info here:
* $options allowed keys :
* d - day of month ( no leading zero )
dd - day of month ( two digit )
o - day of the year ( no leading zeros )
oo - day of the year ( three digit )
D - day name short
DD - day name long
m - month of year ( no leading zero )
mm - month of year ( two digit )
M - month name short
MM - month name long
y - year ( two digit )
yy - year ( four digit )
@ - Unix timestamp ( ms since 01 / 01 / 1970 )
! - Windows ticks ( 100 ns since 01 / 01 / 0001 )
'...' - literal text
'' - single quote
anything else - literal text
ATOM - 'yy-mm-dd' ( Same as RFC 3339 / ISO 8601 )
COOKIE - 'D, dd M yy'
ISO_8601 - 'yy-mm-dd'
RFC_822 - 'D, d M y' ( See RFC 822 )
RFC_850 - 'DD, dd-M-y' ( See RFC 850 )
RFC_1036 - 'D, d M y' ( See RFC 1036 )
RFC_1123 - 'D, d M yy' ( See RFC 1123 )
RFC_2822 - 'D, d M yy' ( See RFC 2822 )
RSS - 'D, d M y' ( Same as RFC 822 )
TICKS - '!'
W3C - 'yy-mm-dd' ( Same as ISO 8601 )
* h Hour with no leading 0
* hh Hour with leading 0
* m Minute with no leading 0
* mm Minute with leading 0
* s Second with no leading 0
* ss Second with leading 0
* l Milliseconds always with leading 0
* t a or p for AM / PM
* T A or P for AM / PM
* tt am or pm for AM / PM
* TT AM or PM for AM / PM
* User auto - complete search
* @ param string $name_fld field name for user name
* @ param string $id_fld field name for user id
* @ param string $default_name default user name value
* @ param integer $default_id default user id
* @ param array | string $options [ optional ] 'readonly' ( make field read only ), 'name' ( db field name , default user_name )
* @ return string HTML text for display
function userpicker ( $name_fld , $id_fld , $default_name , $default_id , $options = array ())
if ( ! is_array ( $options )) parse_str ( $options , $options );
$label_fld = str_replace ( '_' , '-' , $name_fld ) . '-upicker-lable' ;
//'.$this->text($id_fld, $default_id, 10, array('id' => false, 'readonly'=>true, 'class'=>'tbox number')).'
$ret = '
< div class = " e-autocomplete-c " >
'.$this->text($name_fld, $default_name, 150, array(' id ' => false, ' readonly ' => vartrue($options[' readonly ']) ? true : false)).'
< span id = " '. $label_fld .' " class = " '.( $default_id ? 'success' : 'warning').' " > Id #'.((int) $default_id).'</span>
'.$this->hidden($id_fld, $default_id, array(' id ' => false)).'
< span class = " indicator " style = " display: none; " >
< img src = " '.e_IMAGE_ABS.'generic/loading_16.gif " class = " icon action S16 " alt = " Loading... " />
</ span >
< div class = " e-autocomplete " ></ div >
</ div >
' ;
e107 :: getJs () -> requireCoreLib ( 'scriptaculous/controls.js' , 2 );
//TODO - external JS
e107 :: getJs () -> footerInline ( "
//autocomplete fields
\ $\ $ ( 'input[name={$name_fld}]' ) . each ( function ( el ) {
if ( el . readOnly ) {
el . observe ( 'click' , function ( ev ) { ev . stop (); var el1 = ev . findElement ( 'input' ); el1 . blur (); } );
el . next ( 'span.indicator' ) . hide ();
el . next ( 'div.e-autocomplete' ) . hide ();
return ;
new Ajax . Autocompleter ( el , el . next ( 'div.e-autocomplete' ), '".e_FILE_ABS."e_ajax.php' , {
paramName : '{$name_fld}' ,
minChars : 2 ,
frequency : 0.5 ,
afterUpdateElement : function ( txt , li ) {
if ( ! \ $ ( li )) return ;
var elnext = el . next ( 'input[name={$id_fld}]' ),
ellab = \ $ ( '{$label_fld}' );
if ( \ $ ( li ) . id ) {
elnext . value = parseInt ( \ $ ( li ) . id );
} else {
elnext . value = 0
if ( ellab )
ellab . removeClassName ( 'warning' ) . removeClassName ( 'success' );
ellab . addClassName (( elnext . value ? 'success' : 'warning' )) . update ( 'Id #' + elnext . value );
indicator : el . next ( 'span.indicator' ),
parameters : 'ajax_used=1&ajax_sc=usersearch=".rawurlencode(' searchfld = '.str_replace(' user_ ', ' ', vartrue($options[' name '], ' user_name ')).' -- srcfld = '.$name_fld)."'
" );
return $ret ;
* A 'Rating' element
* @ var $text
function rate ( $table , $id , $options = null )
$table = preg_replace ( '/\W/' , '' , $table );
$id = intval ( $id );
return e107 :: getRate () -> render ( $table , $id , $options );
function like ( $table , $id , $options = null )
$table = preg_replace ( '/\W/' , '' , $table );
$id = intval ( $id );
return e107 :: getRate () -> renderLike ( $table , $id , $options );
function file ( $name , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'file' , $name , $options );
//never allow id in format name-value for text fields
return " <input type='file' name=' { $name } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name ) . " /> " ;
function upload ( $name , $options = array ())
return 'Ready to use upload form fields, optional - file list view' ;
function password ( $name , $value = '' , $maxlength = 50 , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'text' , $name , $options );
$options [ 'class' ] = vartrue ( $options [ 'class' ], 'e-password' );
//never allow id in format name-value for text fields
return " <input type='password' name=' { $name } ' value=' { $value } ' maxlength=' { $maxlength } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name ) . " /> " ;
// autoexpand done
function textarea ( $name , $value , $rows = 10 , $cols = 80 , $options = array (), $counter = false )
if ( is_string ( $options )) parse_str ( $options , $options );
// auto-height support
if ( ! vartrue ( $options [ 'noresize' ]))
$options [ 'class' ] = ( isset ( $options [ 'class' ]) && $options [ 'class' ]) ? $options [ 'class' ] . ' e-autoheight' : 'tbox textarea e-autoheight' ;
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'textarea' , $name , $options );
//never allow id in format name-value for text fields
return " <textarea name=' { $name } ' rows=' { $rows } ' cols=' { $cols } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name ) . " > { $value } </textarea> " . ( false !== $counter ? $this -> hidden ( '__' . $name . 'autoheight_opt' , $counter ) : '' );
* Bbcode Area . Name , value , template , form - id , size , options array eg . counter
* IMPORTANT : $$mediaCat is also used is the media - manager category identifier
function bbarea ( $name , $value , $template = '' , $mediaCat = '_common' , $size = 'large' , $options = array ())
//size - large|medium|small
//width should be explicit set by current admin theme
switch ( $size )
case 'medium' :
$rows = '10' ;
break ;
case 'small' :
$rows = '7' ;
break ;
case 'large' :
default :
$rows = '15' ;
$size = 'large' ;
break ;
// auto-height support
$options [ 'class' ] = 'tbox bbarea ' . ( $size ? ' ' . $size : '' ) . ' e-wysiwyg e-autoheight' ;
$bbbar = '' ;
$help_tagid = $this -> name2id ( $name ) . " --preview " ;
$options [ 'other' ] = " onselect='storeCaret(this);' onclick='storeCaret(this);' onkeyup='storeCaret(this);' " ;
$counter = vartrue ( $options [ 'counter' ], false );
$ret = "
< div class = 'bbarea {$size}' >
< div class = 'field-spacer' ><!-- --></ div > \n " ;
$ret .= e107 :: getBB () -> renderButtons ( $template , $help_tagid );
$ret .= $this -> textarea ( $name , $value , $rows , 50 , $options , $counter );
$ret .= " </div> \n " ;
$_SESSION [ 'media_category' ] = $mediaCat ; // used by TinyMce.
return $ret ;
// Quick fix - hide TinyMCE links if not installed, dups are handled by JS handler
e107 :: getJs () -> footerInline ( "
if ( typeof tinyMCE === 'undefined' )
\ $ $ ( 'a.e-wysiwyg-switch' ) . invoke ( 'hide' );
" );
* checkbox
* parm $name
* parm $value
* parm $checked
* @ return void
* @ author
function checkbox ( $name , $value , $checked = false , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'checkbox' , $name , $options );
$options [ 'checked' ] = $checked ; //comes as separate argument just for convenience
return " <input type='checkbox' name=' { $name } ' value=' { $value } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name , $value ) . " /> " ;
function checkbox_label ( $label_title , $name , $value , $checked = false , $options = array ())
return $this -> checkbox ( $name , $value , $checked , $options ) . $this -> label ( $label_title , $name , $value );
function checkbox_switch ( $name , $value , $checked = false , $label = '' )
return $this -> checkbox ( $name , $value , $checked ) . $this -> label ( $label ? $label : LAN_ENABLED , $name , $value );
function checkbox_toggle ( $name , $selector = 'multitoggle' , $id = false )
$selector = 'jstarget:' . $selector ;
if ( $id ) $id = $this -> name2id ( $id );
return $this -> checkbox ( $name , $selector , false , array ( 'id' => $id , 'class' => 'checkbox toggle-all' ));
function uc_checkbox ( $name , $current_value , $uc_options , $field_options = array ())
if ( ! is_array ( $field_options )) parse_str ( $field_options , $field_options );
return '
< div class = " check-block " >
'.$this->_uc->vetted_tree($name, array($this, ' _uc_checkbox_cb '), $current_value, $uc_options, $field_options).'
</ div >
' ;
function _uc_checkbox_cb ( $treename , $classnum , $current_value , $nest_level , $field_options )
if ( $classnum == e_UC_BLANK )
return '' ;
$tmp = explode ( ',' , $current_value ); //TODO add support for when $current_value is an array.
$class = $style = '' ;
if ( $nest_level == 0 )
$class = " strong " ;
$style = " style='text-indent: " . ( 1.2 * $nest_level ) . " em' " ;
$descr = varset ( $field_options [ 'description' ]) ? ' <span class="smalltext">(' . $this -> _uc -> uc_get_classdescription ( $classnum ) . ')</span>' : '' ;
return " <div class='field-spacer { $class } ' { $style } > " . $this -> checkbox ( $treename . '[]' , $classnum , in_array ( $classnum , $tmp ), $field_options ) . $this -> label ( $this -> _uc -> uc_get_classname ( $classnum ) . $descr , $treename . '[]' , $classnum ) . " </div> \n " ;
function uc_label ( $classnum )
return $this -> _uc -> uc_get_classname ( $classnum );
function radio ( $name , $value , $checked = false , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'radio' , $name , $options );
$options [ 'checked' ] = $checked ; //comes as separate argument just for convenience
return " <input type='radio' name=' { $name } ' value=' " . $value . " ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name , $value ) . " /> " ;
function radio_switch ( $name , $checked_enabled = false , $label_enabled = '' , $label_disabled = '' , $options = array ())
$options_on = varset ( $options [ 'enabled' ], array ());
$options_off = varset ( $options [ 'disabled' ], array ());
if ( $options [ 'class' ] == 'e-expandit' ) // See admin->prefs 'Single Login' for an example.
$options_on = array ( 'class' => 'e-expandit-on' );
$options_off = array ( 'class' => 'e-expandit-off' );
if ( vartrue ( $options [ 'reverse' ])) // reverse order.
unset ( $options [ 'reverse' ]);
return $this -> radio ( $name , 0 , ! $checked_enabled , $options_off ) . " " . $this -> label ( $label_disabled ? $label_disabled : LAN_DISABLED , $name , 0 ) . " " .
$this -> radio ( $name , 1 , $checked_enabled , $options_on ) . " " . $this -> label ( $label_enabled ? $label_enabled : LAN_ENABLED , $name , 1 );
return $this -> radio ( $name , 1 , $checked_enabled , $options_on ) . " " . $this -> label ( $label_enabled ? $label_enabled : LAN_ENABLED , $name , 1 ) . "
" . $this->radio ( $name , 0, ! $checked_enabled , $options_off ). " " . $this->label ( $label_disabled ? $label_disabled : LAN_DISABLED, $name , 0);
function radio_multi ( $name , $elements , $checked , $multi_line = false , $help = array ())
$text = array ();
if ( is_string ( $elements )) parse_str ( $elements , $elements );
foreach ( $elements as $value => $label )
$label = defset ( $label , $label );
$text [] = $this -> radio ( $name , $value , ( string ) $checked === ( string ) $value ) . " " . $this -> label ( $label , $name , $value ) . ( isset ( $help [ $value ]) ? " <div class='field-help'> " . $help [ $value ] . " </div> " : '' );
if ( ! $multi_line )
return implode ( " " , $text );
return " <div class='field-spacer'> " . implode ( " </div><div class='field-spacer'> " , $text ) . " </div> " ;
function label ( $text , $name = '' , $value = '' )
$for_id = $this -> _format_id ( '' , $name , $value , 'for' );
return " <label $for_id class='e-tip'> { $text } </label> " ;
function help ( $text )
return ! empty ( $text ) ? '<div class="field-help">' . $text . '</div>' : '' ;
function select_open ( $name , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'select' , $name , $options );
if ( $options [ 'multiple' ])
$options [ 'class' ] .= ' e-multiselect' ;
return " <select name=' { $name } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name ) . " > " ;
* @ param string $name
* @ param array $option_array
* @ param boolean $selected [ optional ]
* @ param string | array $options [ optional ]
* @ param boolean $defaultBlank [ optional ] set to TRUE if the first entry should be blank
* @ return string HTML text for display
function selectbox ( $name , $option_array , $selected = false , $options = array (), $defaultBlank = false )
if ( ! is_array ( $options )) parse_str ( $options , $options );
if ( $option_array === 'yesno' )
$option_array = array ( 1 => LAN_YES , 0 => LAN_NO );
if ( $options [ 'multiple' ] && strpos ( $name , '[' ) === false )
$name = $name . '[]' ;
$text = $this -> select_open ( $name , $options ) . " \n " ;
if ( isset ( $options [ 'default' ]))
$text .= $this -> option ( $options [ 'default' ], varset ( $options [ 'defaultValue' ]));
elseif ( $defaultBlank )
$text .= $this -> option ( ' ' , '' );
$text .= $this -> option_multi ( $option_array , $selected ) . " \n " . $this -> select_close ();
return $text ;
function uc_select ( $name , $current_value , $uc_options , $select_options = array (), $opt_options = array ())
return $this -> select_open ( $name , $select_options ) . " \n " . $this -> _uc -> vetted_tree ( $name , array ( $this , '_uc_select_cb' ), $current_value , $uc_options , $opt_options ) . " \n " . $this -> select_close ();
// Callback for vetted_tree - Creates the option list for a selection box
function _uc_select_cb ( $treename , $classnum , $current_value , $nest_level )
if ( $classnum == e_UC_BLANK )
return $this -> option ( ' ' , '' );
$tmp = explode ( ',' , $current_value );
if ( $nest_level == 0 )
$prefix = '' ;
$style = " font-weight:bold; font-style: italic; " ;
elseif ( $nest_level == 1 )
$prefix = ' ' ;
$style = " font-weight:bold " ;
$prefix = ' ' . str_repeat ( '--' , $nest_level - 1 ) . '>' ;
$style = '' ;
return $this -> option ( $prefix . $this -> _uc -> uc_get_classname ( $classnum ), $classnum , ( $current_value !== '' && in_array ( $classnum , $tmp )), array ( " style " => " { $style } " )) . " \n " ;
function optgroup_open ( $label , $disabled = false )
return " <optgroup class='optgroup' label=' { $label } ' " . ( $disabled ? " disabled='disabled' " : '' ) . " > " ;
function option ( $option_title , $value , $selected = false , $options = array ())
if ( false === $value ) $value = '' ;
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'option' , '' , $options );
$options [ 'selected' ] = $selected ; //comes as separate argument just for convenience
return " <option value=' { $value } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options ) . " > " . defset ( $option_title , $option_title ) . " </option> " ;
function option_multi ( $option_array , $selected = false , $options = array ())
if ( is_string ( $option_array )) parse_str ( $option_array , $option_array );
$text = '' ;
foreach ( $option_array as $value => $label )
if ( is_array ( $label ))
$text .= $this -> optgroup_open ( $value );
foreach ( $label as $val => $lab )
$text .= $this -> option ( $lab , $val , ( is_array ( $selected ) ? in_array ( $val , $selected ) : $selected == $val ), $options ) . " \n " ;
$text .= $this -> optgroup_close ();
$text .= $this -> option ( $label , $value , ( is_array ( $selected ) ? in_array ( $value , $selected ) : $selected == $value ), $options ) . " \n " ;
return $text ;
function optgroup_close ()
return " </optgroup> " ;
function select_close ()
return " </select> " ;
function hidden ( $name , $value , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'hidden' , $name , $options );
return " <input type='hidden' name=' { $name } ' value=' { $value } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name , $value ) . " /> " ;
* Generate hidden security field
* @ return string
function token ()
return " <input type='hidden' name='e-token' value=' " . defset ( 'e_TOKEN' , '' ) . " ' /> " ;
function submit ( $name , $value , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'submit' , $name , $options );
return " <input type='submit' name=' { $name } ' value=' { $value } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name , $value ) . " /> " ;
function submit_image ( $name , $value , $image , $title = '' , $options = array ())
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'submit_image' , $name , $options );
switch ( $image )
case 'edit' :
$options [ 'class' ] = $options [ 'class' ] == 'action' ? 'action edit' : $options [ 'class' ];
break ;
case 'delete' :
$options [ 'class' ] = $options [ 'class' ] == 'action' ? 'action delete' : $options [ 'class' ];
break ;
case 'execute' :
$options [ 'class' ] = $options [ 'class' ] == 'action' ? 'action execute' : $options [ 'class' ];
break ;
case 'view' :
$options [ 'class' ] = $options [ 'class' ] == 'action' ? 'action view' : $options [ 'class' ];
break ;
$options [ 'title' ] = $title ; //shorthand
return " <input type='image' src=' { $image } ' name=' { $name } ' value=' { $value } ' " . $this -> get_attributes ( $options , $name , $value ) . " /> " ;
* @ param string $name
* @ param string $value
* @ param string $action [ optional ] default is submit
* @ param string $label [ optional ]
* @ param string | array $options [ optional ]
* @ return string
function admin_button ( $name , $value , $action = 'submit' , $label = '' , $options = array ())
$btype = 'submit' ;
if ( strpos ( $action , 'action' ) === 0 ) $btype = 'button' ;
$options = $this -> format_options ( 'admin_button' , $name , $options );
$options [ 'class' ] = $action ; //shorthand
if ( empty ( $label )) $label = $value ;
return "
< button type = '{$btype}' name = '{$name}' value = '{$value}' " . $this->get_attributes ( $options , $name ). " >< span > { $label } </ span ></ button >
" ;
function getNext ()
if ( ! $this -> _tabindex_enabled ) return 0 ;
$this -> _tabindex_counter += 1 ;
return $this -> _tabindex_counter ;
function getCurrent ()
if ( ! $this -> _tabindex_enabled ) return 0 ;
return $this -> _tabindex_counter ;
function resetTabindex ( $reset = 0 )
$this -> _tabindex_counter = $reset ;
function get_attributes ( $options , $name = '' , $value = '' )
$ret = '' ;
foreach ( $options as $option => $optval )
switch ( $option ) {
case 'id' :
$ret .= $this -> _format_id ( $optval , $name , $value );
break ;
case 'class' :
if ( ! empty ( $optval )) $ret .= " class=' { $optval } ' " ;
break ;
case 'size' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " size=' { $optval } ' " ;
break ;
case 'title' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " title=' { $optval } ' " ;
break ;
case 'label' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " label=' { $optval } ' " ;
break ;
case 'tabindex' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " tabindex=' { $optval } ' " ;
elseif ( false === $optval || ! $this -> _tabindex_enabled ) break ;
$this -> _tabindex_counter += 1 ;
$ret .= " tabindex=' " . $this -> _tabindex_counter . " ' " ;
break ;
case 'readonly' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " readonly='readonly' " ;
break ;
case 'multiple' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " multiple='multiple' " ;
break ;
case 'selected' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " selected='selected' " ;
break ;
case 'checked' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " checked='checked' " ;
break ;
case 'disabled' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " disabled='disabled' " ;
break ;
case 'required' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " required='required' " ;
break ;
case 'autofocus' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " autofocus='autofocus' " ;
break ;
case 'placeholder' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " placeholder=' { $optval } ' " ;
break ;
case 'pattern' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " pattern=' { $optval } ' " ;
break ;
case 'other' :
if ( $optval ) $ret .= " $optval " ;
break ;
return $ret ;
* Auto - build field attribute id
* @ param string $id_value value for attribute id passed with the option array
* @ param string $name the name attribute passed to that field
* @ param unknown_type $value the value attribute passed to that field
* @ return string formatted id attribute
function _format_id ( $id_value , $name , $value = '' , $return_attribute = 'id' )
if ( $id_value === false ) return '' ;
//format data first
$name = trim ( $this -> name2id ( $name ), '-' );
$value = trim ( preg_replace ( '#[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]#' , '-' , $value ), '-' );
//$value = trim(preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9\-]#/i','-', $value), '-'); // This should work - but didn't for me!
$value = trim ( str_replace ( " / " , " - " , $value ), '-' ); // Why?
if ( ! $id_value && is_numeric ( $value )) $id_value = $value ;
// clean - do it better, this could lead to dups
$id_value = trim ( $id_value , '-' );
if ( empty ( $id_value ) ) return " { $return_attribute } =' { $name } " . ( $value ? " - { $value } " : '' ) . " ' " ; // also useful when name is e.g. name='my_name[some_id]'
elseif ( is_numeric ( $id_value ) && $name ) return " { $return_attribute } =' { $name } - { $id_value } ' " ; // also useful when name is e.g. name='my_name[]'
else return " { $return_attribute } =' { $id_value } ' " ;
function name2id ( $name )
return rtrim ( str_replace ( array ( '[]' , '[' , ']' , '_' , '/' ), array ( '-' , '-' , '' , '-' , '-' ), $name ), '-' );
* Format options based on the field type ,
* merge with default
* @ param string $type
* @ param string $name form name attribute value
* @ param array | string $user_options
* @ return array merged options
function format_options ( $type , $name , $user_options )
if ( is_string ( $user_options )) parse_str ( $user_options , $user_options );
$def_options = $this -> _default_options ( $type );
foreach ( array_keys ( $user_options ) as $key )
if ( ! isset ( $def_options [ $key ])) unset ( $user_options [ $key ]); //remove it?
$user_options [ 'name' ] = $name ; //required for some of the automated tasks
return array_merge ( $def_options , $user_options );
* Get default options array based on the field type
* @ param string $type
* @ return array default options
function _default_options ( $type )
if ( isset ( $this -> _cached_attributes [ $type ])) return $this -> _cached_attributes [ $type ];
$def_options = array (
'id' => '' ,
'class' => '' ,
'title' => '' ,
'size' => '' ,
'readonly' => false ,
'selected' => false ,
'checked' => false ,
'disabled' => false ,
'required' => false ,
'autofocus' => false ,
'tabindex' => 0 ,
'label' => '' ,
'placeholder' => '' ,
'pattern' => '' ,
'other' => ''
// 'multiple' => false, - see case 'select'
switch ( $type ) {
case 'hidden' :
$def_options = array ( 'id' => false , 'disabled' => false , 'other' => '' );
break ;
case 'text' :
$def_options [ 'class' ] = 'tbox input-text' ;
unset ( $def_options [ 'selected' ], $def_options [ 'checked' ]);
break ;
case 'file' :
$def_options [ 'class' ] = 'tbox file' ;
unset ( $def_options [ 'selected' ], $def_options [ 'checked' ]);
break ;
case 'textarea' :
$def_options [ 'class' ] = 'tbox textarea' ;
unset ( $def_options [ 'selected' ], $def_options [ 'checked' ], $def_options [ 'size' ]);
break ;
case 'select' :
$def_options [ 'class' ] = 'tbox select' ;
$def_options [ 'multiple' ] = false ;
unset ( $def_options [ 'checked' ]);
break ;
case 'option' :
$def_options = array ( 'class' => '' , 'selected' => false , 'other' => '' , 'disabled' => false , 'label' => '' );
break ;
case 'radio' :
$def_options [ 'class' ] = 'radio' ;
unset ( $def_options [ 'size' ], $def_options [ 'selected' ]);
break ;
case 'checkbox' :
$def_options [ 'class' ] = 'checkbox' ;
unset ( $def_options [ 'size' ], $def_options [ 'selected' ]);
break ;
case 'submit' :
$def_options [ 'class' ] = 'button' ;
unset ( $def_options [ 'checked' ], $def_options [ 'selected' ], $def_options [ 'readonly' ]);
break ;
case 'submit_image' :
$def_options [ 'class' ] = 'action' ;
unset ( $def_options [ 'checked' ], $def_options [ 'selected' ], $def_options [ 'readonly' ]);
break ;
case 'admin_button' :
unset ( $def_options [ 'checked' ], $def_options [ 'selected' ], $def_options [ 'readonly' ]);
break ;
$this -> _cached_attributes [ $type ] = $def_options ;
return $def_options ;
function columnSelector ( $columnsArray , $columnsDefault = '' , $id = 'column_options' )
$columnsArray = array_filter ( $columnsArray );
$text = "
< div class = 'col-selection-cont' >
< a href = '#".$id."' class = 'e-show-if-js e-expandit' title = 'Click to select columns to display' > "
. " <img class='icon' src=' " . e_IMAGE_ABS . " admin_images/select_columns_16.png' alt='select columns' /> "
. " </a>
< div id = '".$id."' class = 'e-show-if-js e-hideme col-selection' >< div class = 'col-selection-body' >
" ;
unset ( $columnsArray [ 'options' ], $columnsArray [ 'checkboxes' ]);
foreach ( $columnsArray as $key => $fld )
if ( ! varset ( $fld [ 'forced' ]) && ! vartrue ( $fld [ 'nolist' ]) && vartrue ( $fld [ 'type' ]) != 'upload' )
$checked = ( in_array ( $key , $columnsDefault )) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
$ttl = isset ( $fld [ 'title' ]) ? defset ( $fld [ 'title' ], $fld [ 'title' ]) : $key ;
$text .= "
< div class = 'field-spacer' >
" . $this->checkbox_label ( $ttl , 'e-columns[]', $key , $checked ). "
</ div >
" ;
// has issues with the checkboxes.
$text .= "
< div id = '{$id}-button' class = 'right' >
" . $this->admin_button ('etrigger_ecolumns', LAN_SAVE, 'update'). "
</ div >
</ div ></ div >
</ div >
" ;
$text .= " " ;
return $text ;
function colGroup ( $fieldarray , $columnPref = '' )
$text = " " ;
$count = 0 ;
foreach ( $fieldarray as $key => $val )
if (( in_array ( $key , $columnPref ) || $key == 'options' || varsettrue ( $val [ 'forced' ])) && ! vartrue ( $val [ 'nolist' ]))
$class = vartrue ( $val [ 'class' ]) ? 'class="' . $val [ 'class' ] . '"' : '' ;
$width = vartrue ( $val [ 'width' ]) ? ' style="width:' . $val [ 'width' ] . '"' : '' ;
$text .= '<col ' . $class . $width . ' />
' ;
$count ++ ;
return '
< colgroup >
</ colgroup >
' ;
function thead ( $fieldarray , $columnPref = array (), $querypattern = '' , $requeststr = '' )
$text = " " ;
// Recommended pattern: mode=list&field=[FIELD]&asc=[ASC]&from=[FROM]
if ( strpos ( $querypattern , '&' ) !== FALSE )
// we can assume it's always $_GET since that's what it will generate
// more flexible (e.g. pass default values for order/field when they can't be found in e_QUERY) & secure
$tmp = str_replace ( '&' , '&' , $requeststr ? $requeststr : e_QUERY );
parse_str ( $tmp , $tmp );
$etmp = array ();
parse_str ( str_replace ( '&' , '&' , $querypattern ), $etmp );
else // Legacy Queries. eg. main.[FIELD].[ASC].[FROM]
$tmp = explode ( " . " , ( $requeststr ? $requeststr : e_QUERY ));
$etmp = explode ( " . " , $querypattern );
foreach ( $etmp as $key => $val ) // I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do this, but too tired to see it right now!.
if ( $val == " [FIELD] " )
$field = varset ( $tmp [ $key ]);
if ( $val == " [ASC] " )
$ascdesc = varset ( $tmp [ $key ]);
if ( $val == " [FROM] " )
$fromval = varset ( $tmp [ $key ]);
if ( ! varset ( $fromval )){ $fromval = 0 ; }
$ascdesc = ( varset ( $ascdesc ) == 'desc' ) ? 'asc' : 'desc' ;
foreach ( $fieldarray as $key => $val )
if (( in_array ( $key , $columnPref ) || $key == 'options' || ( vartrue ( $val [ 'forced' ]))) && ! vartrue ( $val [ 'nolist' ]))
$cl = ( vartrue ( $val [ 'thclass' ])) ? " class=' " . $val [ 'thclass' ] . " ' " : " " ;
$text .= "
< th id = 'e-column-".str_replace(' _ ', ' - ', $key)."' { $cl } >
" ;
if ( $querypattern != " " && ! varsettrue ( $val [ 'nosort' ]) && $key != " options " && $key != " checkboxes " )
$from = ( $key == $field ) ? $fromval : 0 ;
$srch = array ( " [FIELD] " , " [ASC] " , " [FROM] " );
$repl = array ( $key , $ascdesc , $from );
$val [ 'url' ] = e_SELF . " ? " . str_replace ( $srch , $repl , $querypattern );
$text .= ( vartrue ( $val [ 'url' ])) ? " <a href=' " . str_replace ( array ( '&' , '&' ), array ( '&' , '&' ), $val [ 'url' ]) . " '> " : " " ; // Really this column-sorting link should be auto-generated, or be autocreated via unobtrusive js.
$text .= defset ( $val [ 'title' ], $val [ 'title' ]);
$text .= ( $val [ 'url' ]) ? " </a> " : " " ;
$text .= ( $key == " options " && ! vartrue ( $val [ 'noselector' ])) ? $this -> columnSelector ( $fieldarray , $columnPref ) : " " ;
$text .= ( $key == " checkboxes " ) ? $this -> checkbox_toggle ( 'e-column-toggle' , vartrue ( $val [ 'toggle' ], 'multiselect' )) : " " ;
$text .= "
</ th >
" ;
return "
< thead >
< tr > " . $text . " </ tr >
</ thead >
" ;
* Render Table cells from field listing .
* @ param array $fieldarray - eg . $this -> fields
* @ param array $currentlist - eg $this -> fieldpref
* @ param array $fieldvalues - eg . $row
* @ param string $pid - eg . table_id
* @ return string
function renderTableRow ( $fieldarray , $currentlist , $fieldvalues , $pid )
$cnt = 0 ;
$ret = '' ;
/* $fieldarray = $obj -> fields ;
$currentlist = $obj -> fieldpref ;
$pid = $obj -> pid ; */
$trclass = vartrue ( $fieldvalues [ '__trclass' ]) ? ' class="' . $trclass . '"' : '' ;
unset ( $fieldvalues [ '__trclass' ]);
foreach ( $fieldarray as $field => $data )
// shouldn't happen...
if ( ! isset ( $fieldvalues [ $field ]) && $data [ 'alias' ])
$fieldvalues [ $data [ 'alias' ]] = $fieldvalues [ $data [ 'field' ]];
$field = $data [ 'alias' ];
//Not found
if (( ! varset ( $data [ 'forced' ]) && ! in_array ( $field , $currentlist )) || varset ( $data [ 'nolist' ]))
continue ;
elseif ( $data [ 'type' ] != 'method' && ! $data [ 'forced' ] && ! isset ( $fieldvalues [ $field ]) && $fieldvalues [ $field ] !== NULL )
$ret .= "
< td >
Not Found ! ( $field )
</ td >
" ;
continue ;
$tdclass = vartrue ( $data [ 'class' ]);
if ( $field == 'checkboxes' ) $tdclass = $tdclass ? $tdclass . ' autocheck e-pointer' : 'autocheck e-pointer' ;
// there is no other way for now - prepare user data
if ( 'user' == $data [ 'type' ] /* && isset($data['readParms']['idField'])*/ )
if ( is_string ( $data [ 'readParms' ])) parse_str ( $data [ 'readParms' ], $data [ 'readParms' ]);
if ( isset ( $data [ 'readParms' ][ 'idField' ]))
$data [ 'readParms' ][ '__idval' ] = $fieldvalues [ $data [ 'readParms' ][ 'idField' ]];
elseif ( isset ( $fieldvalues [ 'user_id' ])) // Default
$data [ 'readParms' ][ '__idval' ] = $fieldvalues [ 'user_id' ];
if ( isset ( $data [ 'readParms' ][ 'nameField' ]))
$data [ 'readParms' ][ '__nameval' ] = $fieldvalues [ $data [ 'readParms' ][ 'nameField' ]];
elseif ( isset ( $fieldvalues [ 'user_name' ])) // Default
$data [ 'readParms' ][ '__nameval' ] = $fieldvalues [ 'user_name' ];
$value = $this -> renderValue ( $field , varset ( $fieldvalues [ $field ]), $data , varset ( $fieldvalues [ $pid ]));
if ( $tdclass )
$tdclass = ' class="' . $tdclass . '"' ;
$ret .= '
< td '.$tdclass.' >
</ td >
' ;
$cnt ++ ;
if ( $cnt )
return '
< tr '.$trclass.' id = " row-'. $fieldvalues[$pid] .' " >
</ tr >
' ;
return '' ;
* Render Field Value
* @ param string $field field name
* @ param mixed $value field value
* @ param array $attributes field attributes including render parameters , element options - see e_admin_ui :: $fields for required format
* @ return string
function renderValue ( $field , $value , $attributes , $id = 0 )
$parms = array ();
if ( isset ( $attributes [ 'readParms' ]))
if ( ! is_array ( $attributes [ 'readParms' ])) parse_str ( $attributes [ 'readParms' ], $attributes [ 'readParms' ]);
$parms = $attributes [ 'readParms' ];
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
switch ( $field ) // special fields
case 'options' :
if ( $attributes [ 'type' ] == 'method' ) // Allow override with 'options' function.
$attributes [ 'mode' ] = " read " ;
if ( isset ( $attributes [ 'method' ]) && $attributes [ 'method' ] && method_exists ( $this , $attributes [ 'method' ]))
$method = $attributes [ 'method' ];
return $this -> $method ( $parms , $value , $id , $attributes );
elseif ( method_exists ( $this , 'options' ))
//return $this->options($field, $value, $attributes, $id);
// consistent method arguments, fixed in admin cron administration
return $this -> options ( $parms , $value , $id , $attributes ); // OLD breaks admin->cron 'options' column
if ( ! $value )
parse_str ( str_replace ( '&' , '&' , e_QUERY ), $query ); //FIXME - FIX THIS
// keep other vars in tact
$query [ 'action' ] = 'edit' ;
$query [ 'id' ] = $id ;
//$edit_query = array('mode' => varset($query['mode']), 'action' => varset($query['action']), 'id' => $id);
$query = http_build_query ( $query );
$value = " " ;
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'sort' ])) //FIXME use a global variable such as $fieldpref
$value .= " <a class='e-sort' style='cursor:move' href=' " . e_SELF . " ? " . ( e_QUERY ? e_QUERY . " &ajax_used=1 " : " ajax_used=1 " ) . " ' title='Re-order'> " . ADMIN_SORT_ICON . " </a> " ;
$value .= " <a href=' " . e_SELF . " ? { $query } ' title=' " . LAN_EDIT . " '><img class='icon action edit list' src=' " . ADMIN_EDIT_ICON_PATH . " ' alt=' " . LAN_EDIT . " ' /></a> " ;
$delcls = vartrue ( $attributes [ 'noConfirm' ]) ? ' no-confirm' : '' ;
if ( varset ( $parms [ 'deleteClass' ]))
$cls = ( deftrue ( $parms [ 'deleteClass' ])) ? constant ( $parms [ 'deleteClass' ]) : $parms [ 'deleteClass' ];
if ( check_class ( $cls ))
$value .= $this -> submit_image ( 'etrigger_delete[' . $id . ']' , $id , 'delete' , LAN_DELETE . ' [ ID: ' . $id . ' ]' , array ( 'class' => 'action delete' . $delcls ));
$value .= $this -> submit_image ( 'etrigger_delete[' . $id . ']' , $id , 'delete' , LAN_DELETE . ' [ ID: ' . $id . ' ]' , array ( 'class' => 'action delete' . $delcls ));
//$attributes['type'] = 'text';
return $value ;
break ;
case 'checkboxes' :
$value = $this -> checkbox ( vartrue ( $attributes [ 'toggle' ], 'multiselect' ) . '[' . $id . ']' , $id );
//$attributes['type'] = 'text';
return $value ;
break ;
switch ( $attributes [ 'type' ])
case 'number' :
if ( ! $value ) $value = '0' ;
if ( $parms )
if ( ! isset ( $parms [ 'sep' ])) $value = number_format ( $value , $parms [ 'decimals' ]);
else $value = number_format ( $value , $parms [ 'decimals' ], vartrue ( $parms [ 'point' ], '.' ), vartrue ( $parms [ 'sep' ], ' ' ));
$value = vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $value . vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]);
// else same
break ;
case 'ip' :
//$e107 = e107::getInstance();
$value = e107 :: getIPHandler () -> ipDecode ( $value );
// else same
break ;
case 'templates' :
case 'layouts' :
$pre = vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]);
$post = vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]);
unset ( $parms [ 'pre' ], $parms [ 'post' ]);
if ( $parms )
$attributes [ 'writeParms' ] = $parms ;
elseif ( isset ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ]))
if ( is_string ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ])) parse_str ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ], $attributes [ 'writeParms' ]);
$attributes [ 'writeParms' ][ 'raw' ] = true ;
$tmp = $this -> renderElement ( $field , '' , $attributes );
// $value = $pre.vartrue($tmp[$value]).$post; // FIXME "Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference" featurebox list page.
break ;
case 'dropdown' :
// XXX - should we use readParams at all here? see writeParms check below
if ( $parms && is_array ( $parms )) // FIXME - add support for multi-level arrays (option groups)
$value = vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . vartrue ( $parms [ $value ]) . vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]);
break ;
// NEW - multiple (array values) support
// FIXME - add support for multi-level arrays (option groups)
if ( ! is_array ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ])) parse_str ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ], $attributes [ 'writeParms' ]);
$wparms = $attributes [ 'writeParms' ];
if ( ! is_array ( varset ( $wparms [ '__options' ]))) parse_str ( $wparms [ '__options' ], $wparms [ '__options' ]);
$opts = $wparms [ '__options' ];
unset ( $wparms [ '__options' ]);
if ( $opts [ 'multiple' ])
$ret = array ();
$value = is_array ( $value ) ? $value : explode ( ',' , $value );
foreach ( $value as $v )
if ( isset ( $wparms [ $v ])) $ret [] = $wparms [ $v ];
$value = implode ( ', ' , $ret );
$ret = '' ;
if ( isset ( $wparms [ $value ])) $ret = $wparms [ $value ];
$value = $ret ;
$value = ( $value ? vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . defset ( $value , $value ) . vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]) : '' );
break ;
case 'radio' :
if ( $parms && is_array ( $parms )) // FIXME - add support for multi-level arrays (option groups)
$value = vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . vartrue ( $parms [ $value ]) . vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]);
break ;
if ( ! is_array ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ])) parse_str ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ], $attributes [ 'writeParms' ]);
$value = vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . vartrue ( $parms [ $value ]) . vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]);
break ;
case 'text' :
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'truncate' ]))
$value = $tp -> text_truncate ( $value , $parms [ 'truncate' ], '...' );
elseif ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'htmltruncate' ]))
$value = $tp -> html_truncate ( $value , $parms [ 'htmltruncate' ], '...' );
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'wrap' ]))
$value = $tp -> htmlwrap ( $value , ( int ) $parms [ 'wrap' ], varset ( $parms [ 'wrapChar' ], ' ' ));
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'link' ]) && $id && is_numeric ( $id ) )
$link = str_replace ( '[id]' , $id , $parms [ 'link' ]);
$link = $tp -> replaceConstants ( $link ); // SEF URL is not important since we're in admin.
$dialog = vartrue ( $parms [ 'dialog' ]) ? " e-dialog " : " " ;
$value = " <a class='e-tip { $dialog } ' href=' " . $link . " ' title='Quick View'> " . $value . " </a> " ;
$value = vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $value . vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]);
break ;
case 'bbarea' :
case 'textarea' :
$expand = '...' ;
$toexpand = false ;
if ( $attributes [ 'type' ] == 'bbarea' && ! isset ( $parms [ 'bb' ])) $parms [ 'bb' ] = true ; //force bb parsing for bbareas
$elid = trim ( str_replace ( '_' , '-' , $field )) . '-' . $id ;
if ( ! vartrue ( $parms [ 'noparse' ])) $value = $tp -> toHTML ( $value , ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'bb' ]) ? true : false ), vartrue ( $parms [ 'parse' ]));
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'expand' ]) || vartrue ( $parms [ 'truncate' ]) || vartrue ( $parms [ 'htmltruncate' ]))
$ttl = vartrue ( $parms [ 'expand' ], ' ...' );
$expand = ' <a href="#' . $elid . '-expand" class="e-show-if-js e-expandit">' . defset ( $ttl , $ttl ) . " </a> " ;
$oldval = $value ;
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'truncate' ]))
$value = $oldval = strip_tags ( $value );
$value = $tp -> text_truncate ( $value , $parms [ 'truncate' ], $expand );
$truncated = str_replace ( $expand , '' , $value );
$toexpand = $value != $oldval ;
elseif ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'htmltruncate' ]))
$value = $tp -> html_truncate ( $value , $parms [ 'htmltruncate' ], $expand );
$toexpand = $value != $oldval ;
if ( $toexpand )
// force hide! TODO - core style .expand-c (expand container)
$value .= '<div class="expand-c" style="display: none" id="' . $elid . '-expand"><div>' . str_replace ( $truncated , ' ' , $oldval ) . '</div></div>' ;
break ;
case 'icon' :
$value = '<img src="' . $tp -> replaceConstants ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $value , 'abs' ) . '" alt="' . basename ( $value ) . '" class="icon' . ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'class' ]) ? ' ' . $parms [ 'class' ] : '' ) . '" />' ;
break ;
case 'image' : //TODO - thumb, js tooltip...
if ( $value )
if ( ! preg_match ( " /[a-zA-z0-9_- \ s \ ( \ )]+ \ .(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|PNG|JPG|JPEG|GIF) $ / " , $value ))
$icon = " { e_IMAGE}filemanager/zip_32.png " ;
$src = $tp -> replaceConstants ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $icon , 'abs' );
return '<img src="' . $src . '" alt="' . $value . '" class="e-thumb" title="' . $value . '" />' ;
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'thumb' ]))
$src = $tp -> replaceConstants ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $value , 'abs' );
$thumb = $parms [ 'thumb' ];
$thparms = array ();
if ( is_numeric ( $thumb ) && '1' != $thumb )
$thparms [ 'w' ] = intval ( $thumb );
elseif ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'thumb_aw' ]))
$thparms [ 'aw' ] = intval ( $parms [ 'thumb_aw' ]);
$thsrc = $tp -> thumbUrl ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $value , $thparms , varset ( $parms [ 'thumb_urlraw' ]));
$alt = $src ;
$ttl = '<img src="' . $thsrc . '" alt="' . $alt . '" class="e-thumb" />' ;
$value = '<a href="' . $src . '" class="e-dialog e-image-preview" title="' . $alt . '" rel="external">' . $ttl . '</a>' ;
$src = $tp -> replaceConstants ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $value , 'abs' );
$alt = $src ; //basename($value);
$ttl = vartrue ( $parms [ 'title' ], 'LAN_PREVIEW' );
$value = '<a href="' . $src . '" class="e-image-preview" title="' . $alt . '" rel="external">' . defset ( $ttl , $ttl ) . '</a>' ;
break ;
case 'datestamp' :
$value = $value ? e107 :: getDate () -> convert_date ( $value , vartrue ( $parms [ 'mask' ], 'short' )) : '' ;
break ;
case 'userclass' :
$value = $this -> _uc -> uc_get_classname ( $value );
break ;
case 'userclasses' :
$classes = explode ( ',' , $value );
$value = array ();
foreach ( $classes as $cid )
$value [] = $this -> _uc -> uc_get_classname ( $cid );
$value = implode ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'separator' ], " <br /> " ), $value );
break ;
/* case 'user_name' :
case 'user_loginname' :
case 'user_login' :
case 'user_customtitle' :
case 'user_email' :*/
case 'user' :
/* if ( is_numeric ( $value ))
$value = get_user_data ( $value );
if ( $value )
$value = $value [ $attributes [ 'type' ]] ? $value [ $attributes [ 'type' ]] : $value [ 'user_name' ];
$value = 'not found' ;
} */
// Dirty, but the only way for now
$id = 0 ;
$ttl = '' ;
//Defaults to user_id and user_name (when present) and when idField and nameField are not present.
// previously set - real parameters are idField && nameField
$id = vartrue ( $parms [ '__idval' ]);
if ( $value && ! is_numeric ( $value ))
$id = vartrue ( $parms [ '__idval' ]);
$ttl = $value ;
elseif ( $value && is_numeric ( $value ))
$id = $value ;
$ttl = vartrue ( $parms [ '__nameval' ]);
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'link' ]) && $id && $ttl && is_numeric ( $id ))
$value = '<a href="' . e107 :: getUrl () -> create ( 'user/profile/view' , array ( 'id' => $id , 'name' => $ttl )) . '" title="Go to user profile">' . $ttl . '</a>' ;
$value = $ttl ;
break ;
case 'bool' :
case 'boolean' :
$false = vartrue ( $parms [ 'trueonly' ]) ? " " : ADMIN_FALSE_ICON ;
$value = $value ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : $false ;
break ;
case 'url' :
if ( ! $value ) break ;
$ttl = $value ;
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'href' ]))
return $tp -> replaceConstants ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $value , varset ( $parms [ 'replace_mod' ], 'abs' ));
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'truncate' ]))
$ttl = $tp -> text_truncate ( $value , $parms [ 'truncate' ], '...' );
$value = " <a href=' " . $tp -> replaceConstants ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $value , 'abs' ) . " ' title=' { $value } '> " . $ttl . " </a> " ;
break ;
case 'email' :
if ( ! $value ) break ;
$ttl = $value ;
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'truncate' ]))
$ttl = $tp -> text_truncate ( $value , $parms [ 'truncate' ], '...' );
$value = " <a href='mailto: " . $value . " ' title=' { $value } '> " . $ttl . " </a> " ;
break ;
case 'method' : // Custom Function
$method = $attributes [ 'field' ]; // prevents table alias in method names. ie. u.my_method.
$value = call_user_func_array ( array ( $this , $method ), array ( $value , 'read' , $parms ));
break ;
case 'hidden' :
return ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'show' ]) ? ( $value ? $value : vartrue ( $parms [ 'empty' ])) : '' );
break ;
case 'lanlist' :
$options = e107 :: getLanguage () -> getLanSelectArray ();
if ( $options ) // FIXME - add support for multi-level arrays (option groups)
if ( ! is_array ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ])) parse_str ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ], $attributes [ 'writeParms' ]);
$wparms = $attributes [ 'writeParms' ];
if ( ! is_array ( varset ( $wparms [ '__options' ]))) parse_str ( $wparms [ '__options' ], $wparms [ '__options' ]);
$opts = $wparms [ '__options' ];
if ( $opts [ 'multiple' ])
$ret = array ();
$value = is_array ( $value ) ? $value : explode ( ',' , $value );
foreach ( $value as $v )
if ( isset ( $options [ $v ])) $ret [] = $options [ $v ];
$value = implode ( ', ' , $ret );
$ret = '' ;
if ( isset ( $options [ $value ])) $ret = $options [ $value ];
$value = $ret ;
$value = ( $value ? vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $value . vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]) : '' );
$value = '' ;
break ;
//TODO - order
default :
//unknown type
break ;
return $value ;
* Auto - render Form Element
* @ param string $key
* @ param mixed $value
* @ param array $attributes field attributes including render parameters , element options - see e_admin_ui :: $fields for required format
* #param array (under construction) $required_data required array as defined in e_model/validator
* @ return string
function renderElement ( $key , $value , $attributes , $required_data = array ())
$parms = vartrue ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ], array ());
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
if ( is_string ( $parms )) parse_str ( $parms , $parms );
// Two modes of read-only. 1 = read-only, but only when there is a value, 2 = read-only regardless.
if ( vartrue ( $attributes [ 'readonly' ]) && ( vartrue ( $value ) || vartrue ( $attributes [ 'readonly' ]) == 2 )) // quick fix (maybe 'noedit'=>'readonly'?)
if ( vartrue ( $attributes [ 'writeParms' ])) // eg. different size thumbnail on the edit page.
$attributes [ 'readParms' ] = $attributes [ 'writeParms' ];
return $this -> renderValue ( $key , $value , $attributes ) . $this -> hidden ( $key , $value ); //
switch ( $attributes [ 'type' ])
case 'number' :
$maxlength = vartrue ( $parms [ 'maxlength' ], 255 );
unset ( $parms [ 'maxlength' ]);
if ( ! vartrue ( $parms [ 'size' ])) $parms [ 'size' ] = 15 ;
if ( ! vartrue ( $parms [ 'class' ])) $parms [ 'class' ] = 'tbox number' ;
if ( ! $value ) $value = '0' ;
$ret = vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $this -> text ( $key , $value , $maxlength , $parms ) . vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]);
break ;
case 'ip' :
$ret = $this -> text ( $key , e107 :: getIPHandler () -> ipDecode ( $value ), 32 , $parms );
break ;
case 'url' :
case 'email' :
case 'text' :
$maxlength = vartrue ( $parms [ 'maxlength' ], 255 );
unset ( $parms [ 'maxlength' ]);
$ret = vartrue ( $parms [ 'pre' ]) . $this -> text ( $key , $value , $maxlength , vartrue ( $parms [ '__options' ])) . vartrue ( $parms [ 'post' ]);
break ;
case 'textarea' :
$text = " " ;
if ( $parms [ 'append' ]) // similar to comments - TODO TBD. a 'comment' field type may be better.
$attributes [ 'readParms' ] = 'bb=1' ;
$text = $this -> renderValue ( $key , $value , $attributes ) . $this -> hidden ( $key , $value ) . '<br />' ;
$value = " " ;
$text .= $this -> textarea ( $key , $value , vartrue ( $parms [ 'rows' ], 5 ), vartrue ( $parms [ 'cols' ], 40 ), vartrue ( $parms [ '__options' ]), varset ( $parms [ 'counter' ], false ));
$ret = $text ;
break ;
case 'bbarea' :
$options = array ( 'counter' => varset ( $parms [ 'counter' ], false ));
$ret = $this -> bbarea ( $key , $value , vartrue ( $parms [ 'template' ]), vartrue ( $parms [ 'helptag' ]), vartrue ( $parms [ 'size' ], 'medium' ), $options );
break ;
case 'image' : //TODO - thumb, image list shortcode, js tooltip...
$label = varset ( $parms [ 'label' ], 'LAN_EDIT' );
unset ( $parms [ 'label' ]);
$ret = $this -> imagepicker ( $key , $value , defset ( $label , $label ), vartrue ( $parms [ '__options' ]));
break ;
case 'icon' :
$label = varset ( $parms [ 'label' ], 'LAN_EDIT' );
$ajax = varset ( $parms [ 'ajax' ], true ) ? true : false ;
unset ( $parms [ 'label' ], $parms [ 'ajax' ]);
$ret = $this -> iconpicker ( $key , $value , defset ( $label , $label ), $parms , $ajax );
break ;
case 'datestamp' :
// If hidden, value is updated regardless. eg. a 'last updated' field.
// If not hidden, and there is a value, it is retained. eg. during the update of an existing record.
// otherwise it is added. eg. during the creation of a new record.
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'auto' ]) && (( $value == null ) || vartrue ( $parms [ 'hidden' ])))
$value = time ();
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'hidden' ]))
$ret = $this -> hidden ( $key , $value );
$ret = $this -> datepicker ( $key , $value , $parms );
break ;
case 'layouts' : //to do - exclude param (exact match)
$location = varset ( $parms [ 'plugin' ]); // empty - core
$ilocation = vartrue ( $parms [ 'id' ], $location ); // omit if same as plugin name
$where = vartrue ( $parms [ 'area' ], 'front' ); //default is 'front'
$filter = varset ( $parms [ 'filter' ]);
$merge = vartrue ( $parms [ 'merge' ]) ? true : false ;
$layouts = e107 :: getLayouts ( $location , $ilocation , $where , $filter , $merge , true );
if ( varset ( $parms [ 'default' ]) && ! isset ( $layouts [ 0 ][ 'default' ]))
$layouts [ 0 ] = array ( 'default' => $parms [ 'default' ]) + $layouts [ 0 ];
$info = array ();
if ( $layouts [ 1 ])
foreach ( $layouts [ 1 ] as $k => $info_array )
if ( isset ( $info_array [ 'description' ]))
$info [ $k ] = defset ( $info_array [ 'description' ], $info_array [ 'description' ]);
//$this->selectbox($key, $layouts, $value)
$ret = ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'raw' ]) ? $layouts [ 0 ] : $this -> radio_multi ( $key , $layouts [ 0 ], $value , true , $info ));
break ;
case 'templates' : //to do - exclude param (exact match)
$templates = array ();
if ( varset ( $parms [ 'default' ]))
$templates [ 'default' ] = defset ( $parms [ 'default' ], $parms [ 'default' ]);
$location = vartrue ( $parms [ 'plugin' ]) ? e_PLUGIN . $parms [ 'plugin' ] . '/' : e_THEME ;
$ilocation = vartrue ( $parms [ 'location' ]);
$tmp = e107 :: getFile () -> get_files ( $location . 'templates/' . $ilocation , vartrue ( $parms [ 'fmask' ], '_template\.php$' ), vartrue ( $parms [ 'omit' ], 'standard' ), vartrue ( $parms [ 'recurse_level' ], 0 ));
foreach ( $tmp as $files )
$k = str_replace ( '_template.php' , '' , $files [ 'fname' ]);
$templates [ $k ] = implode ( ' ' , array_map ( 'ucfirst' , explode ( '_' , $k ))); //TODO add LANS?
// override
$where = vartrue ( $parms [ 'area' ], 'front' );
$location = vartrue ( $parms [ 'plugin' ]) ? $parms [ 'plugin' ] . '/' : '' ;
$tmp = e107 :: getFile () -> get_files ( e107 :: getThemeInfo ( $where , 'rel' ) . 'templates/' . $location . $ilocation , vartrue ( $parms [ 'fmask' ]), vartrue ( $parms [ 'omit' ], 'standard' ), vartrue ( $parms [ 'recurse_level' ], 0 ));
foreach ( $tmp as $files )
$k = str_replace ( '_template.php' , '' , $files [ 'fname' ]);
$templates [ $k ] = implode ( ' ' , array_map ( 'ucfirst' , explode ( '_' , $k ))); //TODO add LANS?
$ret = ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'raw' ]) ? $templates : $this -> selectbox ( $key , $templates , $value ));
break ;
case 'dropdown' :
$eloptions = vartrue ( $parms [ '__options' ], array ());
if ( is_string ( $eloptions )) parse_str ( $eloptions , $eloptions );
unset ( $parms [ '__options' ]);
if ( vartrue ( $eloptions [ 'multiple' ]) && ! is_array ( $value )) $value = explode ( ',' , $value );
$ret = vartrue ( $eloptions [ 'pre' ]) . $this -> selectbox ( $key , $parms , $value , $eloptions ) . vartrue ( $eloptions [ 'post' ]);
break ;
case 'radio' :
// TODO - more options (multi-line, help)
/* $eloptions = vartrue ( $parms [ '__options' ], array ());
if ( is_string ( $eloptions )) parse_str ( $eloptions , $eloptions );
unset ( $parms [ '__options' ]); */
$ret = vartrue ( $eloptions [ 'pre' ]) . $this -> radio_multi ( $key , $parms , $value , false ) . vartrue ( $eloptions [ 'post' ]);
break ;
case 'userclass' :
case 'userclasses' :
$uc_options = vartrue ( $parms [ 'classlist' ], 'public,guest,nobody,member,admin,main,classes' ); // defaults to 'public,guest,nobody,member,classes' (userclass handler)
unset ( $parms [ 'classlist' ]);
$method = ( $attributes [ 'type' ] == 'userclass' ) ? 'uc_select' : 'uc_select' ;
if ( $atrributes [ 'type' ] == 'userclasses' ){ $parms [ 'multiple' ] = true ; }
$ret = $this -> $method ( $key , $value , $uc_options , vartrue ( $parms , array ()));
break ;
/* case 'user_name' :
case 'user_loginname' :
case 'user_login' :
case 'user_customtitle' :
case 'user_email' :*/
case 'user' :
//user_id expected
// Just temporary solution, could be changed soon
if ( ! isset ( $parms [ '__options' ])) $parms [ '__options' ] = array ();
if ( ! is_array ( $parms [ '__options' ])) parse_str ( $parms [ '__options' ], $parms [ '__options' ]);
if (( empty ( $value ) && vartrue ( $parms [ 'currentInit' ])) || vartrue ( $parms [ 'current' ]))
$value = USERID ;
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'current' ]))
$parms [ '__options' ][ 'readonly' ] = true ;
if ( ! is_array ( $value ))
$value = $value ? e107 :: getSystemUser ( $value , true ) -> getUserData () : array (); // get_user_data($value);
$colname = vartrue ( $parms [ 'nameType' ], 'user_name' );
$parms [ '__options' ][ 'name' ] = $colname ;
if ( ! $value ) $value = array ();
$uname = varset ( $value [ $colname ]);
$value = varset ( $value [ 'user_id' ], 0 );
$ret = $this -> userpicker ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'nameField' ], $key . '_usersearch' ), $key , $uname , $value , vartrue ( $parms [ '__options' ]));
break ;
case 'bool' :
case 'boolean' :
$lenabled = vartrue ( $parms [ 'enabled' ], 'LAN_ENABLED' );
$ldisabled = vartrue ( $parms [ 'disabled' ], 'LAN_DISABLED' );
unset ( $parms [ 'enabled' ], $parms [ 'disabled' ]);
$ret = $this -> radio_switch ( $key , $value , defset ( $lenabled , $lenabled ), defset ( $ldisabled , $ldisabled ));
break ;
case 'method' : // Custom Function
$ret = call_user_func_array ( array ( $this , $key ), array ( $value , 'write' , $parms ));
break ;
case 'upload' : //TODO - from method
// TODO uploadfile SC is now processing uploads as well (add it to admin UI), write/readParms have to be added (see uploadfile.php parms)
$disbut = varset ( $parms [ 'disable_button' ], '0' );
$ret = $tp -> parseTemplate ( " { UPLOADFILE= " . ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'path' ]) ? e107 :: getParser () -> replaceConstants ( $parms [ 'path' ]) : e_UPLOAD ) . " |nowarn&trigger=etrigger_uploadfiles&disable_button= { $disbut } } " );
break ;
case 'hidden' :
$ret = ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'show' ]) ? ( $value ? $value : varset ( $parms [ 'empty' ], $value )) : '' );
$value = ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'value' ])) ? $parms [ 'value' ] : $value ;
echo " key= " . $key . " <br />value= " . $value ;
$ret = $ret . $this -> hidden ( $key , $value );
break ;
case 'lanlist' :
case 'language' :
$options = e107 :: getLanguage () -> getLanSelectArray ();
$eloptions = vartrue ( $parms [ '__options' ], array ());
if ( ! is_array ( $eloptions )) parse_str ( $eloptions , $eloptions );
unset ( $parms [ '__options' ]);
if ( vartrue ( $eloptions [ 'multiple' ]) && ! is_array ( $value )) $value = explode ( ',' , $value );
$ret = vartrue ( $eloptions [ 'pre' ]) . $this -> selectbox ( $key , $options , $value , $eloptions ) . vartrue ( $eloptions [ 'post' ]);
break ;
default :
$ret = $value ;
break ;
if ( vartrue ( $parms [ 'expand' ]))
$k = " exp- " . $this -> name2id ( $key );
$text = " <a class='e-expandit e-tip' href='# { $k } '> " . $parms [ 'expand' ] . " </a> " ;
$text .= vartrue ( $parms [ 'help' ]) ? '<div class="field-help">' . $parms [ 'help' ] . '</div>' : '' ;
$text .= " <div id=' { $k } ' class='e-hideme'> " . $ret . " </div> " ;
return $text ;
$ret .= vartrue ( $parms [ 'help' ]) ? '<div class="field-help">' . $tp -> toHtml ( $parms [ 'help' ], false , 'defs' ) . '</div>' : '' ;
return $ret ;
* Generic List Form , used internal by admin UI
* Expected options array format :
* < code >
* < ? php
* $form_options [ 'myplugin' ] = array (
* 'id' => 'myplugin' , // unique string used for building element ids, REQUIRED
* 'pid' => 'primary_id' , // primary field name, REQUIRED
* 'url' => '{e_PLUGIN}myplug/admin_config.php' , // if not set, e_SELF is used
* 'query' => 'mode=main&action=list' , // or e_QUERY if not set
* 'head_query' => 'mode=main&action=list' , // without field, asc and from vars, REQUIRED
* 'np_query' => 'mode=main&action=list' , // without from var, REQUIRED for next/prev functionality
* 'legend' => 'Fieldset Legend' , // hidden by default
* 'form_pre' => '' , // markup to be added before opening form element (e.g. Filter form)
* 'form_post' => '' , // markup to be added after closing form element
* 'fields' => array ( ... ), // see e_admin_ui::$fields
* 'fieldpref' => array ( ... ), // see e_admin_ui::$fieldpref
* 'table_pre' => '' , // markup to be added before opening table element
* 'table_post' => '' , // markup to be added after closing table element (e.g. Batch actions)
* 'fieldset_pre' => '' , // markup to be added before opening fieldset element
* 'fieldset_post' => '' , // markup to be added after closing fieldset element
* 'perPage' => 15 , // if 0 - no next/prev navigation
* 'from' => 0 , // current page, default 0
* 'field' => 'field_name' , //current order field name, default - primary field
* 'asc' => 'desc' , //current 'order by' rule, default 'asc'
* );
* $tree_models [ 'myplugin' ] = new e_admin_tree_model ( $data );
* </ code >
* TODO - move fieldset & table generation in separate methods , needed for ajax calls
* @ param array $form_options
* @ param e_admin_tree_model $tree_model
* @ param boolean $nocontainer don ' t enclose form in div container
* @ return string
public function renderListForm ( $form_options , $tree_models , $nocontainer = false )
$tp = e107 :: getParser ();
$text = '' ;
// print_a($form_options);
foreach ( $form_options as $fid => $options )
$tree_model = $tree_models [ $fid ];
$tree = $tree_model -> getTree ();
$total = $tree_model -> getTotal ();
$amount = $options [ 'perPage' ];
$from = vartrue ( $options [ 'from' ], 0 );
$field = vartrue ( $options [ 'field' ], $options [ 'pid' ]);
$asc = strtoupper ( vartrue ( $options [ 'asc' ], 'asc' ));
$elid = $fid ; //$options['id'];
$query = isset ( $options [ 'query' ]) ? $options [ 'query' ] : e_QUERY ;
$url = ( isset ( $options [ 'url' ]) ? $tp -> replaceConstants ( $options [ 'url' ], 'abs' ) : e_SELF );
$formurl = $url . ( $query ? '?' . $query : '' );
$fields = $options [ 'fields' ];
$current_fields = varset ( $options [ 'fieldpref' ]) ? $options [ 'fieldpref' ] : array_keys ( $options [ 'fields' ]);
$legend_class = vartrue ( $options [ 'legend_class' ], 'e-hideme' );
$text .= "
< form method = 'post' action = '{$formurl}' id = '{$elid}-list-form' >
< div > " . $this->token (). "
" .vartrue( $options['fieldset_pre'] ). "
< fieldset id = '{$elid}-list' >
< legend class = '{$legend_class}' > " . $options['legend'] . " </ legend >
" .vartrue( $options['table_pre'] ). "
< table class = 'adminlist' id = '{$elid}-list-table' >
" . $this->colGroup ( $fields , $current_fields ). "
" . $this->thead ( $fields , $current_fields , varset( $options['head_query'] ), varset( $options['query'] )). "
< tbody id = 'e-sort' >
" ;
if ( ! $tree )
$text .= "
< tr >
< td colspan = '".count($current_fields)."' class = 'center middle' > " .LAN_NO_RECORDS. " </ td >
</ tr >
" ;
foreach ( $tree as $model )
e107 :: setRegistry ( 'core/adminUI/currentListModel' , $model );
$text .= $this -> renderTableRow ( $fields , $current_fields , $model -> getData (), $options [ 'pid' ]);
e107 :: setRegistry ( 'core/adminUI/currentListModel' , null );
$text .= "
</ tbody >
</ table >
" .vartrue( $options['table_post'] ). "
" ;
if ( $tree && $amount )
// New nextprev SC parameters
$parms = 'total=' . $total ;
$parms .= '&amount=' . $amount ;
$parms .= '¤t=' . $from ;
// NOTE - the whole url is double encoded - reason is to not break parms query string
// 'np_query' should be proper (urlencode'd) url query string
$url = rawurlencode ( $url . '?' . ( varset ( $options [ 'np_query' ]) ? str_replace ( array ( '&' , '&' ), array ( '&' , '&' ), $options [ 'np_query' ]) . '&' : '' ) . 'from=[FROM]' );
$parms .= '&url=' . $url ;
//$parms = $total.",".$amount.",".$from.",".$url.'?'.($options['np_query'] ? $options['np_query'].'&' : '').'from=[FROM]';
//$text .= $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}");
$nextprev = $tp -> parseTemplate ( " { NEXTPREV= { $parms } } " );
if ( $nextprev )
$text .= " <div class='nextprev-bar'> " . $nextprev . " </div> " ;
$text .= "
</ fieldset >
" .vartrue( $options['fieldset_post'] ). "
</ div >
</ form >
" ;
if ( ! $nocontainer )
$text = '<div class="e-container">' . $text . '</div>' ;
return ( vartrue ( $options [ 'form_pre' ]) . $text . vartrue ( $options [ 'form_post' ]));
* Generic DB Record Management Form .
* TODO - lans
* TODO - move fieldset & table generation in separate methods , needed for ajax calls
* Expected arrays format :
* < code >
* < ? php
* $forms [ 0 ] = array (
* 'id' => 'myplugin' ,
* 'url' => '{e_PLUGIN}myplug/admin_config.php' , //if not set, e_SELF is used
* 'query' => 'mode=main&action=edit&id=1' , //or e_QUERY if not set
* 'tabs' => true , // TODO - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET - enable tabs (only if fieldset count is > 1)
* 'fieldsets' => array (
* 'general' => array (
* 'legend' => 'Fieldset Legend' ,
* 'fields' => array ( ... ), //see e_admin_ui::$fields
* 'after_submit_options' => array ( 'action' => 'Label' [, ... ]), // or true for default redirect options
* 'after_submit_default' => 'action_name' ,
* 'triggers' => 'auto' , // standard create/update-cancel triggers
* //or custom trigger array in format array('sibmit' => array('Title', 'create', '1'), 'cancel') - trigger name - title, action, optional hidden value (in this case named sibmit_value)
* ),
* 'advanced' => array (
* 'legend' => 'Fieldset Legend' ,
* 'fields' => array ( ... ), //see e_admin_ui::$fields
* 'after_submit_options' => array ( '__default' => 'action_name' 'action' => 'Label' [, ... ]), // or true for default redirect options
* 'triggers' => 'auto' , // standard create/update-cancel triggers
* //or custom trigger array in format array('submit' => array('Title', 'create', '1'), 'cancel' => array('cancel', 'cancel')) - trigger name - title, action, optional hidden value (in this case named sibmit_value)
* )
* )
* );
* $models [ 0 ] = new e_admin_model ( $data );
* $models [ 0 ] -> setFieldIdName ( 'primary_id' ); // you need to do it if you don't use your own admin model extension
* </ code >
* @ param array $forms numerical array
* @ param array $models numerical array with values instance of e_admin_model
* @ param boolean $nocontainer don ' t enclose in div container
* @ return string
function renderCreateForm ( $forms , $models , $nocontainer = false )
$text = '' ;
foreach ( $forms as $fid => $form )
$model = $models [ $fid ];
$query = isset ( $form [ 'query' ]) ? $form [ 'query' ] : e_QUERY ;
$url = ( isset ( $form [ 'url' ]) ? e107 :: getParser () -> replaceConstants ( $form [ 'url' ], 'abs' ) : e_SELF ) . ( $query ? '?' . $query : '' );
$text .= "
< form method = 'post' action = '".$url."' id = '{$form[' id ']}-form' enctype = 'multipart/form-data' >
< div >
" .vartrue( $form['header'] ). "
" . $this->token (). "
" ;
foreach ( $form [ 'fieldsets' ] as $elid => $data )
$elid = $form [ 'id' ] . '-' . $elid ;
$text .= $this -> renderCreateFieldset ( $elid , $data , $model );
$text .= "
" .vartrue( $form['footer'] ). "
</ div >
</ form >
" ;
e107 :: js ( 'footer-inline' , " Form.focusFirstElement(' { $form [ 'id' ] } -form'); " , 'prototype' );
// e107::getJs()->footerInline("Form.focusFirstElement('{$form['id']}-form');");
if ( ! $nocontainer )
$text = '<div class="e-container">' . $text . '</div>' ;
return $text ;
* Create form fieldset , called internal by { @ link renderCreateForm ())
* @ param string $id field id
* @ param array $fdata fieldset data
* @ param e_admin_model $model
function renderCreateFieldset ( $id , $fdata , $model )
$text = vartrue ( $fdata [ 'fieldset_pre' ]) . "
< fieldset id = '{$id}' >
< legend > " .vartrue( $fdata['legend'] ). " </ legend >
" .vartrue( $fdata['table_pre'] ). "
< table class = 'adminedit' >
< colgroup >
< col class = 'col-label' />
< col class = 'col-control' />
</ colgroup >
< tbody >
" ;
// required fields - model definition
$model_required = $model -> getValidationRules ();
$required_help = false ;
$hidden_fields = array ();
foreach ( $fdata [ 'fields' ] as $key => $att )
// convert aliases - not supported in edit mod
if ( $att [ 'alias' ] && ! $model -> hasData ( $key ))
$key = $att [ 'field' ];
$parms = vartrue ( $att [ 'formparms' ], array ());
if ( ! is_array ( $parms )) parse_str ( $parms , $parms );
$label = vartrue ( $att [ 'note' ]) ? '<div class="label-note">' . deftrue ( $att [ 'note' ], $att [ 'note' ]) . '</div>' : '' ;
$help = vartrue ( $att [ 'help' ]) ? '<div class="field-help">' . deftrue ( $att [ 'help' ], $att [ 'help' ]) . '</div>' : '' ;
$valPath = trim ( vartrue ( $att [ 'dataPath' ], $key ), '/' );
$keyName = $key ;
if ( strpos ( $valPath , '/' )) //not TRUE, cause string doesn't start with /
$tmp = explode ( '/' , $valPath );
$keyName = array_shift ( $tmp );
foreach ( $tmp as $path )
$keyName .= '[' . $path . ']' ;
// type null - system (special) fields
if ( $att [ 'type' ] !== null && ! vartrue ( $att [ 'noedit' ]) && $key != $model -> getFieldIdName ())
$required = '' ;
$required_class = '' ;
if ( isset ( $model_required [ $key ]) || vartrue ( $att [ 'validate' ]))
$required = $this -> getRequiredString ();
$required_class = ' class="required-label"' ; // TODO - add 'required-label' to the core CSS definitions
$required_help = true ;
if ( vartrue ( $att [ 'validate' ]))
// override
$model_required [ $key ] = array ();
$model_required [ $key ][] = true === $att [ 'validate' ] ? 'required' : $att [ 'validate' ];
$model_required [ $key ][] = varset ( $att [ 'rule' ]);
$model_required [ $key ][] = $att [ 'title' ];
$model_required [ $key ][] = varset ( $att [ 'error' ]);
if ( 'hidden' === $att [ 'type' ])
parse_str ( varset ( $att [ 'writeParms' ]), $tmp );
if ( ! vartrue ( $tmp [ 'show' ]))
$hidden_fields [] = $this -> renderElement ( $keyName , $model -> getIfPosted ( $valPath ), $att , varset ( $model_required [ $key ], array ()));
unset ( $tmp );
continue ;
unset ( $tmp );
$text .= "
< tr >
< td class = 'label' >
" . $required . " < span { $required_class } > " .defset( $att['title'] , $att['title'] ). " </ span > " . $label . "
</ td >
< td class = 'control' >
" . $this->renderElement ( $keyName , $model->getIfPosted ( $valPath ), $att , varset( $model_required[$key] , array())). "
{ $help }
</ td >
</ tr >
" ;
//if($bckp) $model->remove($bckp);
if ( $required_help )
$required_help = '<div class="form-note">' . $this -> getRequiredString () . ' - required fields</div>' ; //TODO - lans
$text .= "
</ tbody >
</ table >
" .implode( " \n " , $hidden_fields ). "
" . $required_help . "
" .vartrue( $fdata['table_post'] ). "
< div class = 'buttons-bar center' >
" ;
// After submit options
$defsubmitopt = array ( 'list' => 'go to list' , 'create' => 'create another' , 'edit' => 'edit current' );
$submitopt = isset ( $fdata [ 'after_submit_options' ]) ? $fdata [ 'after_submit_options' ] : true ;
if ( true === $submitopt )
$submitopt = $defsubmitopt ;
if ( $submitopt )
$selected = isset ( $fdata [ 'after_submit_default' ]) && array_key_exists ( $fdata [ 'after_submit_default' ], $submitopt ) ? $fdata [ 'after_submit_default' ] : '' ;
$text .= '
< div class = " options " >
After submit : '.$this->radio_multi(' __after_submit_action ', $submitopt, $selected, false).'
</ div >
' ;
$triggers = vartrue ( $fdata [ 'triggers' ], 'auto' );
if ( is_string ( $triggers ) && 'auto' === $triggers )
$triggers = array ();
if ( $model -> getId ())
$triggers [ 'submit' ] = array ( LAN_UPDATE , 'update' , $model -> getId ());
$triggers [ 'submit' ] = array ( LAN_CREATE , 'create' , 0 );
$triggers [ 'cancel' ] = array ( LAN_CANCEL , 'cancel' );
foreach ( $triggers as $trigger => $tdata )
$text .= $this -> admin_button ( 'etrigger_' . $trigger , $tdata [ 0 ], $tdata [ 1 ]);
if ( isset ( $tdata [ 2 ]))
$text .= $this -> hidden ( $trigger . '_value' , $tdata [ 2 ]);
$text .= "
</ div >
</ fieldset >
" .vartrue( $fdata['fieldset_post'] ). "
" ;
return $text ;
// JUST A DRAFT - generic renderForm solution
function renderForm ( $forms , $nocontainer = false )
$text = '' ;
foreach ( $forms as $fid => $form )
$query = isset ( $form [ 'query' ]) ? $form [ 'query' ] : e_QUERY ;
$url = ( isset ( $form [ 'url' ]) ? e107 :: getParser () -> replaceConstants ( $form [ 'url' ], 'abs' ) : e_SELF ) . ( $query ? '?' . $query : '' );
$text .= "
" .vartrue( $form['form_pre'] ). "
< form method = 'post' action = '".$url."' id = '{$form[' id ']}-form' enctype = 'multipart/form-data' >
< div >
" .vartrue( $form['header'] ). "
" . $this->token (). "
" ;
foreach ( $form [ 'fieldsets' ] as $elid => $fieldset_data )
$elid = $form [ 'id' ] . '-' . $elid ;
$text .= $this -> renderFieldset ( $elid , $fieldset_data );
$text .= "
" .vartrue( $form['footer'] ). "
</ div >
</ form >
" .vartrue( $form['form_post'] ). "
" ;
if ( ! $nocontainer )
$text = '<div class="e-container">' . $text . '</div>' ;
return $text ;
// JUST A DRAFT - generic renderFieldset solution, will be split to renderTable, renderCol/Row/Box etc
function renderFieldset ( $id , $fdata )
$colgroup = '' ;
if ( vartrue ( $fdata [ 'table_colgroup' ]))
$colgroup = "
< colgroup span = '".count($fdata[' table_colgroup '])."' >
" ;
foreach ( $fdata [ 'table_colgroup' ] as $i => $colgr )
$colgroup .= " <col " ;
foreach ( $colgr as $attr => $v )
$colgroup .= " { $attr } =' { $v } ' " ;
$colgroup .= " />
" ;
$colgroup = " </colgroup>
" ;
$text = vartrue ( $fdata [ 'fieldset_pre' ]) . "
< fieldset id = '{$id}' >
< legend > " .vartrue( $fdata['legend'] ). " </ legend >
" .vartrue( $fdata['table_pre'] ). "
" ;
if ( vartrue ( $fdata [ 'table_rows' ]) || vartrue ( $fdata [ 'table_body' ]))
$text .= "
< table class = 'adminform' >
{ $colgroup }
< thead >
" .vartrue( $fdata['table_head'] ). "
</ thead >
< tbody >
" ;
if ( vartrue ( $fdata [ 'table_rows' ]))
foreach ( $fdata [ 'table_rows' ] as $index => $row )
$text .= "
< tr id = '{$id}-{$index}' >
</ tr >
" ;
elseif ( vartrue ( $fdata [ 'table_body' ]))
$text .= $fdata [ 'table_body' ];
if ( vartrue ( $fdata [ 'table_note' ]))
$note = '<div class="form-note">' . $fdata [ 'table_note' ] . '</div>' ;
$text .= "
</ tbody >
</ table >
" . $note . "
" .vartrue( $fdata['table_post'] ). "
" ;
$triggers = vartrue ( $fdata [ 'triggers' ], array ());
if ( $triggers )
$text .= " <div class='buttons-bar center'>
" .vartrue( $fdata['pre_triggers'] , ''). "
" ;
foreach ( $triggers as $trigger => $tdata )
if ( is_string ( $tdata ))
$text .= $tdata ;
continue ;
$text .= $this -> admin_button ( 'etrigger_' . $trigger , $tdata [ 0 ], $tdata [ 1 ]);
if ( isset ( $tdata [ 2 ]))
$text .= $this -> hidden ( $trigger . '_value' , $tdata [ 2 ]);
$text .= " </div> " ;
$text .= "
</ fieldset >
" .vartrue( $fdata['fieldset_post'] ). "
" ;
return $text ;
// The 2 functions below are for demonstration purposes only, and may be moved/modified before release.
function filterType ( $fieldarray )
return " frm-> filterType() is Deprecated " ;
function filterValue ( $type = '' , $fields = '' )
return " frm-> filterValue() is Deprecated. " ;
* Generates a batch options select component
* This component is generally associated with a table of items where one or more rows in the table can be selected ( using checkboxes ) .
* The list options determine some processing that wil lbe applied to all checked rows when the form is submitted .
* @ param array $options associative array of option elements , keyed on the option value
* @ param array ucOptions [ optional ] associative array of userclass option groups to display , keyed on the option value prefix
* @ return string the HTML for the form component
function batchoptions ( $options , $ucOptions = null )
$text = "
< div class = 'f-left' >
< img src = '".e_IMAGE_ABS."generic/branchbottom.gif' alt = '' class = 'icon action' />
" . $this->select_open ('execute_batch', array('class' => 'tbox select batch e-autosubmit', 'id' => false)). "
" . $this->option ('With selected...', ''). "
" ;
//used for getperms() check
$permissions = vartrue ( $options [ '__permissions' ], array ());
//used for check_classs() check
$classes = vartrue ( $options [ '__check_class' ], array ());
unset ( $options [ '__permissions' ], $options [ '__check_class' ]);
foreach ( $options as $key => $val )
if ( isset ( $permissions [ $key ]) && ! getperms ( $permissions [ $key ]))
continue ;
$disabled = false ;
if ( isset ( $classes [ $key ]) && ! is_array ( $classes [ $key ]) && ! check_class ( $classes [ $key ]))
$disabled = true ;
if ( ! is_array ( $val ))
if ( $disabled ) $val = $val . ' (' . LAN_NOPERMISSION . ')' ;
$text .= " \t " . $this -> option ( ' ' . $val , $key , false , array ( 'disabled' => $disabled )) . " \n " ;
if ( $disabled ) $val [ 0 ] = $val [ 0 ] . ' (' . LAN_NOPERMISSION . ')' ;
$text .= " \t " . $this -> optgroup_open ( $val [ 0 ], $disabled ) . " \n " ;
foreach ( $val [ 1 ] as $k => $v )
$disabled = false ;
if ( isset ( $classes [ $key ][ $k ]) && ! check_class ( $classes [ $key ][ $k ]))
$disabled = true ;
$v = $v . ' (' . LAN_NOPERMISSION . ')' ;
$text .= " \t \t " . $this -> option ( $v , $key . '_selected_' . $k , false , array ( 'disabled' => $disabled )) . " \n " ;
$text .= $this -> optgroup_close () . " \n " ;
if ( $ucOptions ) // Userclass List.
foreach ( $ucOptions as $ucKey => $ucVal )
$text .= " \t " . $this -> optgroup_open ( $ucVal [ 0 ]) . " \n " ;
foreach ( $ucVal [ 1 ] as $key => $val )
$text .= " \t \t " . $this -> option ( $val [ 'userclass_name' ][ 'userclass_name' ], $ucKey . '_selected_' . $val [ 'userclass_name' ][ 'userclass_id' ]) . " \n " ;
$text .= $this -> optgroup_close () . " \n " ;
$text .= "
" . $this->select_close (). "
" . $this->admin_button ('trigger_execute_batch', 'trigger_execute_batch', 'submit multi e-hide-if-js', 'Go'). "
</ div >< div class = 'clear' ></ div >
" ;
return $text ;
class form
function form_open ( $form_method , $form_action , $form_name = " " , $form_target = " " , $form_enctype = " " , $form_js = " " )
$method = ( $form_method ? " method=' " . $form_method . " ' " : " " );
$target = ( $form_target ? " target=' " . $form_target . " ' " : " " );
$name = ( $form_name ? " id=' " . $form_name . " ' " : " id='myform' " );
return " \n <form action=' " . $form_action . " ' " . $method . $target . $name . $form_enctype . $form_js . " ><div> " . e107 :: getForm () -> token () . " </div> " ;
function form_text ( $form_name , $form_size , $form_value , $form_maxlength = FALSE , $form_class = " tbox " , $form_readonly = " " , $form_tooltip = " " , $form_js = " " ) {
$name = ( $form_name ? " id=' " . $form_name . " ' name=' " . $form_name . " ' " : " " );
$value = ( isset ( $form_value ) ? " value=' " . $form_value . " ' " : " " );
$size = ( $form_size ? " size=' " . $form_size . " ' " : " " );
$maxlength = ( $form_maxlength ? " maxlength=' " . $form_maxlength . " ' " : " " );
$readonly = ( $form_readonly ? " readonly='readonly' " : " " );
$tooltip = ( $form_tooltip ? " title=' " . $form_tooltip . " ' " : " " );
return " \n <input class=' " . $form_class . " ' type='text' " . $name . $value . $size . $maxlength . $readonly . $tooltip . $form_js . " /> " ;
function form_password ( $form_name , $form_size , $form_value , $form_maxlength = FALSE , $form_class = " tbox " , $form_readonly = " " , $form_tooltip = " " , $form_js = " " ) {
$name = ( $form_name ? " id=' " . $form_name . " ' name=' " . $form_name . " ' " : " " );
$value = ( isset ( $form_value ) ? " value=' " . $form_value . " ' " : " " );
$size = ( $form_size ? " size=' " . $form_size . " ' " : " " );
$maxlength = ( $form_maxlength ? " maxlength=' " . $form_maxlength . " ' " : " " );
$readonly = ( $form_readonly ? " readonly='readonly' " : " " );
$tooltip = ( $form_tooltip ? " title=' " . $form_tooltip . " ' " : " " );
return " \n <input class=' " . $form_class . " ' type='password' " . $name . $value . $size . $maxlength . $readonly . $tooltip . $form_js . " /> " ;
function form_button ( $form_type , $form_name , $form_value , $form_js = " " , $form_image = " " , $form_tooltip = " " ) {
$name = ( $form_name ? " id=' " . $form_name . " ' name=' " . $form_name . " ' " : " " );
$image = ( $form_image ? " src=' " . $form_image . " ' " : " " );
$tooltip = ( $form_tooltip ? " title=' " . $form_tooltip . " ' " : " " );
return " \n <input class='button' type=' " . $form_type . " ' " . $form_js . " value=' " . $form_value . " ' " . $name . $image . $tooltip . " /> " ;
function form_textarea ( $form_name , $form_columns , $form_rows , $form_value , $form_js = " " , $form_style = " " , $form_wrap = " " , $form_readonly = " " , $form_tooltip = " " ) {
$name = ( $form_name ? " id=' " . $form_name . " ' name=' " . $form_name . " ' " : " " );
$readonly = ( $form_readonly ? " readonly='readonly' " : " " );
$tooltip = ( $form_tooltip ? " title=' " . $form_tooltip . " ' " : " " );
$wrap = ( $form_wrap ? " wrap=' " . $form_wrap . " ' " : " " );
$style = ( $form_style ? " style=' " . $form_style . " ' " : " " );
return " \n <textarea class='tbox' cols=' " . $form_columns . " ' rows=' " . $form_rows . " ' " . $name . $form_js . $style . $wrap . $readonly . $tooltip . " > " . $form_value . " </textarea> " ;
function form_checkbox ( $form_name , $form_value , $form_checked = 0 , $form_tooltip = " " , $form_js = " " ) {
$name = ( $form_name ? " id=' " . $form_name . $form_value . " ' name=' " . $form_name . " ' " : " " );
$checked = ( $form_checked ? " checked='checked' " : " " );
$tooltip = ( $form_tooltip ? " title=' " . $form_tooltip . " ' " : " " );
return " \n <input type='checkbox' value=' " . $form_value . " ' " . $name . $checked . $tooltip . $form_js . " /> " ;
function form_radio ( $form_name , $form_value , $form_checked = 0 , $form_tooltip = " " , $form_js = " " ) {
$name = ( $form_name ? " id=' " . $form_name . $form_value . " ' name=' " . $form_name . " ' " : " " );
$checked = ( $form_checked ? " checked='checked' " : " " );
$tooltip = ( $form_tooltip ? " title=' " . $form_tooltip . " ' " : " " );
return " \n <input type='radio' value=' " . $form_value . " ' " . $name . $checked . $tooltip . $form_js . " /> " ;
function form_file ( $form_name , $form_size , $form_tooltip = " " , $form_js = " " ) {
$name = ( $form_name ? " id=' " . $form_name . " ' name=' " . $form_name . " ' " : " " );
$tooltip = ( $form_tooltip ? " title=' " . $form_tooltip . " ' " : " " );
return " <input type='file' class='tbox' size=' " . $form_size . " ' " . $name . $tooltip . $form_js . " /> " ;
function form_select_open ( $form_name , $form_js = " " ) {
return " \n <select id=' " . $form_name . " ' name=' " . $form_name . " ' class='tbox' " . $form_js . " > " ;
function form_select_close () {
return " \n </select> " ;
function form_option ( $form_option , $form_selected = " " , $form_value = " " , $form_js = " " ) {
$value = ( $form_value !== FALSE ? " value=' " . $form_value . " ' " : " " );
$selected = ( $form_selected ? " selected='selected' " : " " );
return " \n <option " . $value . $selected . " " . $form_js . " > " . $form_option . " </option> " ;
function form_hidden ( $form_name , $form_value ) {
return " \n <input type='hidden' id=' " . $form_name . " ' name=' " . $form_name . " ' value=' " . $form_value . " ' /> " ;
function form_close () {
return " \n </form> " ;
echo $rs -> form_open ( " post " , e_SELF , " _blank " );
echo $rs -> form_text ( " testname " , 100 , " this is the value " , 100 , 0 , " tooltip " );
echo $rs -> form_button ( " submit " , " testsubmit " , " SUBMIT! " , " " , " Click to submit " );
echo $rs -> form_button ( " reset " , " testreset " , " RESET! " , " " , " Click to reset " );
echo $rs -> form_textarea ( " textareaname " , 10 , 10 , " Value " , " overflow:hidden " );
echo $rs -> form_checkbox ( " testcheckbox " , 1 , 1 );
echo $rs -> form_checkbox ( " testcheckbox2 " , 2 );
echo $rs -> form_hidden ( " hiddenname " , " hiddenvalue " );
echo $rs -> form_radio ( " testcheckbox " , 1 , 1 );
echo $rs -> form_radio ( " testcheckbox " , 1 );
echo $rs -> form_file ( " testfile " , " 20 " );
echo $rs -> form_select_open ( " testselect " );
echo $rs -> form_option ( " Option 1 " );
echo $rs -> form_option ( " Option 2 " );
echo $rs -> form_option ( " Option 3 " , 1 , " defaultvalue " );
echo $rs -> form_option ( " Option 4 " );
echo $rs -> form_select_close ();
echo $rs -> form_close ();
2009-10-28 17:05:35 +00:00