2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
< ? php
2009-11-17 13:48:46 +00:00
* e107 website system
2009-11-18 01:06:08 +00:00
* Copyright ( C ) 2008 - 2009 e107 Inc ( e107 . org )
2009-11-17 13:48:46 +00:00
* Released under the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License ( http :// www . gnu . org / licenses / gpl . txt )
* $Source : / cvs_backup / e107_0 . 8 / e107_plugins / links_page / links . php , v $
2010-02-10 18:18:01 +00:00
* $Revision $
* $Date $
* $Author $
2009-11-17 13:48:46 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( '../../class2.php' );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( ! plugInstalled ( 'links_page' ))
header ( " location: " . e_BASE . " index.php " );
exit ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " rate_class.php " );
$rater = new rater ;
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . 'links_page/link_shortcodes.php' );
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . 'links_page/link_defines.php' );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " userclass_class.php " );
e107_require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'arraystorage_class.php' );
$eArrayStorage = new ArrayData ();
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " form_handler.php " );
$rs = new form ;
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " file_class.php " );
$fl = new e_file ;
require_once ( e_HANDLER . " comment_class.php " );
$cobj = new comment ;
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . 'links_page/link_class.php' );
$lc = new linkclass ();
global $tp ;
$linkspage_pref = $lc -> getLinksPagePref ();
$deltest = array_flip ( $_POST );
if ( e_QUERY ){
$qs = explode ( " . " , e_QUERY );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( is_numeric ( $qs [ 0 ]))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$from = array_shift ( $qs );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$from = " 0 " ;
2009-08-15 11:55:30 +00:00
include_lan ( e_PLUGIN . " links_page/languages/ " . e_LANGUAGE . " .php " );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$lc -> setPageTitle ();
//submit comment
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'commentsubmit' ]))
if ( ! $sql -> db_Select ( " links_page " , " link_id " , " link_id = ' " . intval ( $qs [ 1 ]) . " ' " ))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
header ( " location: " . e_BASE . " index.php " );
exit ;
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( $row [ 0 ] && ( ANON === TRUE || USER === TRUE ))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$cobj -> enter_comment ( $_POST [ 'author_name' ], $_POST [ 'comment' ], " links_page " , $qs [ 1 ], $pid , $_POST [ 'subject' ]);
$e107cache -> clear ( " comment.links_page. { $qs [ 1 ] } " );
//update refer
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " view " && isset ( $qs [ 1 ]) && is_numeric ( $qs [ 1 ]))
if ( $sql -> db_Select ( " links_page " , " * " , " link_id=' " . intval ( $qs [ 1 ]) . " ' AND link_class REGEXP ' " . e_CLASS_REGEXP . " ' " ))
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$sql -> db_Update ( " links_page " , " link_refer=link_refer+1 WHERE link_id=' " . intval ( $qs [ 1 ]) . " ' " );
//header("location:".$row['link_url']); exit;
js_location ( $row [ 'link_url' ]);
require_once ( HEADERF );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( is_readable ( THEME . " links_template.php " ))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( THEME . " links_template.php " );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( e_PLUGIN . " links_page/links_template.php " );
//submit / manage link
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'add_link' ]))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
if ( $qs [ 0 ] == " submit " ){
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( check_class ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_submit_class' ]))
if ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_submit_directpost' ]) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_submit_directpost' ])
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$lc -> dbLinkCreate ();
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$lc -> dbLinkCreate ( " submit " );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
js_location ( e_SELF );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( $qs [ 0 ] == " manage " )
if ( check_class ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_manager_class' ]))
2009-01-30 22:03:13 +00:00
if ( isset ( $qs [ 2 ]) && is_numeric ( $qs [ 2 ]))
$lc -> verify_link_manage ( $qs [ 2 ]);
2008-02-24 00:04:19 +00:00
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_directpost' ]) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_directpost' ])
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$lc -> dbLinkCreate ();
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$lc -> dbLinkCreate ( " submit " );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
js_location ( e_SELF );
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
//message submitted link
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " s " )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$lc -> show_message ( LAN_LINKS_29 , LAN_LINKS_28 );
$qsorder = FALSE ;
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && substr ( $qs [ 0 ], 0 , 5 ) == " order " )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$qsorder = TRUE ;
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
//show all categories
2008-12-13 16:06:11 +00:00
if (( ! isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) || $qsorder ) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_page_categories' ])
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
echo displayNavigator ( 'cat' );
displayCategory ();
//show all categories
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " cat " && ! isset ( $qs [ 1 ]) ){
echo displayNavigator ( 'cat' );
displayCategory ();
//show all links in all categories
2008-11-16 17:28:45 +00:00
if ( (( ! isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) || $qsorder ) && ! $linkspage_pref [ 'link_page_categories' ]) || ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " all " ) )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
// displayNavigator('');
displayCategoryLinks ();
2008-11-18 22:03:32 +00:00
2008-11-16 17:28:45 +00:00
//show all links in one category
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " cat " && isset ( $qs [ 1 ]) && is_numeric ( $qs [ 1 ]))
// echo displayNavigator('');
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
displayCategoryLinks ( $qs [ 1 ]);
//view top rated
2008-11-18 22:03:32 +00:00
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " rated " )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
echo displayNavigator ( '' );
displayTopRated ();
//view top refer
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " top " ){
echo displayNavigator ( '' );
displayTopRefer ();
//personal link managers
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " manage " ){
echo displayNavigator ( '' );
displayPersonalManager ();
//comments on links
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " comment " && isset ( $qs [ 1 ]) && is_numeric ( $qs [ 1 ]) ){
echo displayNavigator ( '' );
displayLinkComment ();
//submit link
2006-12-29 12:58:37 +00:00
if ( isset ( $qs [ 0 ]) && $qs [ 0 ] == " submit " )
2006-12-31 14:46:30 +00:00
if ( check_class ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_submit_class' ]))
2006-12-29 12:58:37 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
echo displayNavigator ( '' );
displayLinkSubmit ();
2006-12-29 12:58:37 +00:00
$lc -> show_message ( LAN_LINKS_50 );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
function displayTopRated (){
global $qs , $sql , $lc , $tp , $rowl , $link_shortcodes , $from , $ns , $linkspage_pref ;
$number = ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev_number " ]) && $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev_number " ] ? $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev_number " ] : " 20 " );
$np = ( $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev " ] ? " LIMIT " . intval ( $from ) . " , " . intval ( $number ) : " " );
$catrate = ( isset ( $qs [ 1 ]) && is_numeric ( $qs [ 1 ]) ? " AND l.link_category=' " . $qs [ 1 ] . " ' " : " " );
$ratemin = ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_rating_minimum' ]) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_rating_minimum' ] ? $linkspage_pref [ 'link_rating_minimum' ] : " 0 " );
$qry = "
SELECT l .* , r .* , lc . link_category_id , lc . link_category_name , ( r . rate_rating / r . rate_votes ) as rate_avg
FROM #rate AS r
LEFT JOIN #links_page AS l ON l.link_id = r.rate_itemid
LEFT JOIN #links_page_cat AS lc ON lc.link_category_id = l.link_category
WHERE l . link_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' " . $catrate . " AND lc . link_category_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND r . rate_table = 'links_page'
ORDER BY rate_avg DESC
" ;
$qry2 = $qry . " " . $np ;
if ( ! is_object ( $sql )){ $sql = new db ; }
$linktotalrated = $sql -> db_Select_gen ( $qry );
if ( ! $ratedlinks = $sql -> db_Select_gen ( $qry2 )){
$lc -> show_message ( LAN_LINKS_33 , LAN_LINKS_11 );
} else {
$link_rated_table_string = " " ;
$list = $sql -> db_getList ();
foreach ( $list as $rowl ) {
if ( ( $rowl [ 'rate_avg' ] > $ratemin ) ){
$cat = $rowl [ 'link_category_name' ];
$LINK_RATED_APPEND = $lc -> parse_link_append ( $rowl );
$LINK_RATED_RATING = $tp -> parseTemplate ( '{LINK_RATED_RATING}' , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_rated_table_string .= $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_RATED_TABLE , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_rated_table_start = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_RATED_TABLE_START , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_rated_table_end = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_RATED_TABLE_END , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
if ( isset ( $qs [ 1 ])){
$captioncat = " : " . LAN_LINKS_40 . " : " . $cat ;
$caption = LAN_LINKS_11 . " " . ( isset ( $captioncat ) ? $captioncat : " " );
$text = $link_rated_table_start . $link_rated_table_string . $link_rated_table_end ;
$ns -> tablerender ( $caption , $text );
$lc -> ShowNextPrev ( $from , $number , $linktotalrated );
function displayTopRefer (){
global $qs , $sql2 , $lc , $link_shortcodes , $cobj , $rowl , $from , $tp , $ns , $linkspage_pref ;
$number = ( $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev_number " ] ? $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev_number " ] : " 20 " );
$np = ( $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev " ] ? " LIMIT " . intval ( $from ) . " , " . intval ( $number ) : " " );
$min = ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_refer_minimum' ]) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_refer_minimum' ] ? " AND l.link_refer > " . $linkspage_pref [ 'link_refer_minimum' ] : " " );
$qry = "
SELECT l .* , lc .* , COUNT ( c . comment_id ) AS link_comment
FROM #links_page AS l
LEFT JOIN #links_page_cat AS lc ON lc.link_category_id = l.link_category
LEFT JOIN #comments as c ON c.comment_item_id=l.link_id AND comment_type='links_page'
WHERE l . link_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' " . $min . "
GROUP BY l . link_id
ORDER BY l . link_refer DESC
" ;
$qry2 = $qry . " " . $np ;
if ( ! is_object ( $sql2 )){ $sql2 = new db ; }
$link_total = $sql2 -> db_Select_gen ( $qry );
if ( ! $sql2 -> db_Select_gen ( $qry2 )){
$lc -> show_message ( LAN_LINKS_42 , LAN_LINKS_10 );
} else {
$link_top_table_string = " " ;
$list = $sql2 -> db_getList ();
foreach ( $list as $rowl ) {
$category = $rowl [ 'link_category_id' ];
$LINK_APPEND = $lc -> parse_link_append ( $rowl );
$link_top_table_string .= $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_top_table_start = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_START , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_top_table_end = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_END , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$text = $link_top_table_start . $link_top_table_string . $link_top_table_end ;
$caption = LAN_LINKS_10 ;
$ns -> tablerender ( $caption , $text );
$lc -> ShowNextPrev ( $from , $number , $link_total );
2007-09-26 20:06:04 +00:00
function displayPersonalManager ()
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
global $qs , $sql , $sql2 , $lc , $link_shortcodes , $cobj , $row , $from , $tp , $ns , $linkspage_pref ;
2007-09-26 20:06:04 +00:00
if ( ! ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_manager' ]) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_manager' ]))
js_location ( e_SELF );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
//delete link
2007-09-26 20:06:04 +00:00
if ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_directdelete' ]) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_directdelete' ])
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'delete' ]))
$tmp = array_pop ( array_flip ( $_POST [ 'delete' ]));
list ( $delete , $del_id ) = explode ( " _ " , $tmp );
if ( isset ( $delete ) && $delete == 'main' )
2008-02-24 00:04:19 +00:00
$sql -> db_Select ( " links_page " , " link_category, link_order, link_author " , " link_id=' " . intval ( $del_id ) . " ' " ); // Get the position of target in the order
2007-09-26 20:06:04 +00:00
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
2008-02-24 00:04:19 +00:00
if ( $row [ 'link_author' ] != USERID ) {
header ( 'Location: ' . SITEURL );
exit ;
2007-09-26 20:06:04 +00:00
if ( ! is_object ( $sql2 )){ $sql2 = new db ; }
$sql -> db_Select ( " links_page " , " link_id " , " link_order>' " . $row [ 'link_order' ] . " ' && link_category=' " . intval ( $row [ 'link_category' ]) . " ' " );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
$sql2 -> db_Update ( " links_page " , " link_order=link_order-1 WHERE link_id=' " . $row [ 'link_id' ] . " ' " );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2007-09-26 20:06:04 +00:00
if ( $sql -> db_Delete ( " links_page " , " link_id=' " . intval ( $del_id ) . " ' " ))
$lc -> show_message ( LCLAN_ADMIN_10 . " # " . $del_id . " " . LCLAN_ADMIN_11 );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
2007-09-26 20:06:04 +00:00
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
//upload link icon
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'uploadlinkicon' ])){
$lc -> uploadLinkIcon ();
//show existing links
if ( ! ( check_class ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_manager_class' ]))){
js_location ( e_SELF );
} else {
$qry = "
SELECT l .* , lc .*
FROM #links_page AS l
LEFT JOIN #links_page_cat AS lc ON lc.link_category_id = l.link_category
WHERE l . link_author = '".USERID."'
ORDER BY l . link_name
" ;
$link_table_manage = " " ;
if ( ! $manager_total = $sql -> db_Select_gen ( $qry )){
} else {
$link_table_manage_start = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_MANAGE_START , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ()){
$link_table_manage .= $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_MANAGE , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_table_manage_end = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_MANAGE_END , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$text = $link_table_manage_start . $link_table_manage . $link_table_manage_end ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_LINKS_35 , $text );
//show link create
$lc -> show_link_create ();
return ;
//comments on links
function displayLinkComment (){
global $qs , $cobj , $tp , $sql , $linkbutton_count , $lc , $rowl , $link_shortcodes , $ns , $linkspage_pref , $LINK_TABLE_START , $LINK_TABLE , $LINK_TABLE_END , $LINK_APPEND ;
if ( ! ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ " link_comment " ]) && $linkspage_pref [ " link_comment " ])){
js_location ( e_SELF );
} else {
$qry = "
2007-04-03 10:31:32 +00:00
SELECT l .* , lc .* , COUNT ( c . comment_id ) AS link_comment
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
FROM #links_page AS l
LEFT JOIN #links_page_cat AS lc ON lc.link_category_id = l.link_category
2007-04-03 10:31:32 +00:00
LEFT JOIN #comments as c ON c.comment_item_id=l.link_id AND comment_type='links_page'
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
WHERE l . link_id = '".intval($qs[1])."' AND lc . link_category_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND l . link_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."'
2007-04-03 10:31:32 +00:00
GROUP BY l . link_id " ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$link_comment_table_string = " " ;
if ( ! $linkcomment = $sql -> db_Select_gen ( $qry )){
js_location ( e_SELF );
} else {
$rowl = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$linkbutton_count = ( $rowl [ 'link_button' ]) ? $linkbutton_count + 1 : $linkbutton_count ;
$LINK_APPEND = $lc -> parse_link_append ( $rowl );
$subject = $rowl [ 'link_name' ];
$text = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_START , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$text .= $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$text .= $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_END , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_LINKS_36 , $text );
$cobj -> compose_comment ( " links_page " , " comment " , $qs [ 1 ], $width , $subject , $showrate = FALSE );
return ;
function displayLinkSubmit (){
global $qs , $sql , $tp , $rs , $ns , $linkspage_pref , $link_shortcodes , $LINK_SUBMIT_TABLE , $LINK_SUBMIT_CAT ;
if ( $link_cats = $sql -> db_Select ( " links_page_cat " , " * " , " link_category_class REGEXP ' " . e_CLASS_REGEXP . " ' " )) {
$LINK_SUBMIT_CAT = $rs -> form_select_open ( " cat_id " );
while ( list ( $cat_id , $cat_name , $cat_description ) = $sql -> db_Fetch ()) {
$LINK_SUBMIT_CAT .= $rs -> form_option ( $cat_name , " 0 " , $cat_id );
$LINK_SUBMIT_CAT .= $rs -> form_select_close ();
$text = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_SUBMIT_TABLE , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_LINKS_31 , $text );
return ;
function displayCategory (){
global $sql , $sql2 , $ns , $lc , $tp , $qs , $rowl , $link_shortcodes , $linkspage_pref , $total_links , $category_total , $alllinks ;
$order = $lc -> getOrder ( 'cat' );
$qry = "
SELECT lc .*
FROM #links_page_cat AS lc
WHERE lc . link_category_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."'
" . $order . "
" ;
if ( ! is_object ( $sql )){ $sql = new db ; }
if ( ! is_object ( $sql2 )){ $sql2 = new db ; }
if ( ! $category_total = $sql -> db_Select_gen ( $qry )){
$lc -> show_message ( LAN_LINKS_41 , LAN_LINKS_30 );
} else {
$link_main_table_string = " " ;
$list = $sql -> db_getList ();
foreach ( $list as $rowl ) {
$rowl [ 'total_links' ] = $sql2 -> db_Count ( " links_page " , " (*) " , " WHERE link_category = ' " . $rowl [ 'link_category_id' ] . " ' AND link_class REGEXP ' " . e_CLASS_REGEXP . " ' " );
if (( ! isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_cat_empty' ]) || $linkspage_pref [ 'link_cat_empty' ] == 0 && $rowl [ 'total_links' ] > " 0 " ) || ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_cat_empty' ]) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_cat_empty' ])){
$alllinks = $alllinks + $rowl [ 'total_links' ];
$link_main_table_string .= $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_MAIN_TABLE , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_main_table_start = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_MAIN_TABLE_START , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_main_table_end = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_MAIN_TABLE_END_ALL , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$text = $link_main_table_start . $link_main_table_string . $link_main_table_end ;
$caption = LAN_LINKS_30 ;
$ns -> tablerender ( $caption , $text );
return ;
2008-11-18 22:03:32 +00:00
function displayNavigator ( $mode = '' )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
global $sql2 , $ns , $lc , $tp , $cobj , $rowl , $qs , $linkspage_pref , $from , $link_shortcodes ;
2008-11-18 22:03:32 +00:00
static $hasBeenShown = FALSE ;
if ( $hasBeenShown ) return '' ;
$hasBeenShown = TRUE ;
if ( $mode == " cat " )
if ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_cat_sortorder' ]) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_cat_sortorder' ])
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$LINK_SORTORDER = $lc -> showLinkSort ( 'cat' );
2008-11-18 22:03:32 +00:00
if ( isset ( $linkspage_pref [ 'link_sortorder' ]) && $linkspage_pref [ 'link_sortorder' ])
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$LINK_SORTORDER = $lc -> showLinkSort ();
$nav = $tp -> parseTemplate ( '{LINK_NAVIGATOR}' , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$so = $tp -> parseTemplate ( '{LINK_SORTORDER}' , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
if ( $nav != " " || $so != " " ) {
$text = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_NAVIGATOR_TABLE , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
return $text ;
function displayCategoryLinks ( $mode = '' ){
global $sql2 , $ns , $lc , $tp , $cobj , $rowl , $qs , $linkspage_pref , $from , $link_shortcodes , $link_category_total ;
global $LINK_TABLE_START , $linkbutton_count , $LINK_TABLE , $link_category_total , $LINK_TABLE_CAPTION , $LINK_TABLE_END , $LINK_APPEND ;
$order = $lc -> getOrder ();
$number = ( $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev_number " ] ? $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev_number " ] : " 20 " );
$nextprevquery = ( $mode && $linkspage_pref [ " link_nextprev " ] ? " LIMIT " . intval ( $from ) . " , " . intval ( $number ) : " " );
$cat = ( $mode ? " AND l.link_category=' " . intval ( $mode ) . " ' " : " " );
$qry = "
SELECT l .* , lc .* , COUNT ( c . comment_id ) AS link_comment
FROM #links_page AS l
LEFT JOIN #links_page_cat AS lc ON lc.link_category_id = l.link_category
LEFT JOIN #comments as c ON c.comment_item_id=l.link_id AND comment_type='links_page'
WHERE l . link_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND lc . link_category_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' " . $cat . "
GROUP BY l . link_id
" . $order . "
" . $nextprevquery . "
" ;
$link_table_string = " " ;
if ( ! is_object ( $sql2 )){ $sql2 = new db ; }
$link_total = $sql2 -> db_Count ( " links_page as l " , " (*) " , " WHERE l.link_class REGEXP ' " . e_CLASS_REGEXP . " ' " . $cat . " " );
if ( ! $sql2 -> db_Select_gen ( $qry )){
$lc -> show_message ( LAN_LINKS_34 , LAN_LINKS_39 );
} else {
$linkbutton_count = 0 ;
$list = $sql2 -> db_getList ();
foreach ( $list as $rowl ) {
$linkbutton_count = ( $rowl [ 'link_button' ]) ? $linkbutton_count + 1 : $linkbutton_count ;
if ( $mode ){
$cat_name = $rowl [ 'link_category_name' ];
$cat_desc = $rowl [ 'link_category_description' ];
$LINK_APPEND = $lc -> parse_link_append ( $rowl );
$link_table_string .= $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
} else {
$arr [ $rowl [ 'link_category_id' ]][] = $rowl ;
2008-09-25 20:01:48 +00:00
if ( $mode )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$link_category_total = $link_total ;
$link_table_start = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_START , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_table_end = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_END , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$text = $link_table_start . $link_table_string . $link_table_end ;
$caption = LAN_LINKS_32 . " " . $cat_name . " " . ( $cat_desc ? " <i>[ " . $cat_desc . " ]</i> " : " " );
//number of links
$caption .= " (<b title=' " . ( ADMIN ? LAN_LINKS_2 : LAN_LINKS_1 ) . " ' > " . $link_total . " </b> " . ( ADMIN ? " /<b title=' " . ( ADMIN ? LAN_LINKS_1 : " " ) . " ' > " . $link_total . " </b> " : " " ) . " ) " ;
$ns -> tablerender ( $caption , $text );
2008-09-25 20:01:48 +00:00
if ( is_numeric ( $mode ))
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$lc -> ShowNextPrev ( $from , $number , $link_total );
2008-09-25 20:01:48 +00:00
$text = '' ;
foreach ( $arr as $key => $value )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$link_table_string = " " ;
$linkbutton_count = 0 ;
$i = 0 ;
2008-09-25 20:01:48 +00:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $value ); $i ++ )
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$rowl = $value [ $i ];
$linkbutton_count = ( $rowl [ 'link_button' ]) ? $linkbutton_count + 1 : $linkbutton_count ;
$cat_name = $rowl [ 'link_category_name' ];
$cat_desc = $rowl [ 'link_category_description' ];
$LINK_APPEND = $lc -> parse_link_append ( $rowl );
$link_table_string .= $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_category_total = count ( $value );
$link_table_caption = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_CAPTION , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_table_start = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_START , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$link_table_end = $tp -> parseTemplate ( $LINK_TABLE_END , FALSE , $link_shortcodes );
$text .= $link_table_start . $link_table_string . $link_table_end ;
2008-10-07 19:25:58 +00:00
// $nav = $tp->parseTemplate("{NAVIGATOR}", FALSE, $link_shortcodes); Navigator now positioned in template
// $ns->tablerender($link_table_caption, $nav.$text);
$ns -> tablerender ( $link_table_caption , $text );
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
return ;
require_once ( FOOTERF );
2006-12-31 14:46:30 +00:00