2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
< ? php
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| ©Steve Dunstan 2001 - 2002
| http :// e107 . org
| jalist @ e107 . org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License ( http :// gnu . org ) .
| $Source : / cvs_backup / e107_0 . 8 / e107_handlers / phpmailer / mailout_process . php , v $
2006-12-22 21:01:42 +00:00
| $Revision : 1.2 $
| $Date : 2006 - 12 - 22 21 : 01 : 36 $
| $Author : e107steved $
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
require_once ( " ../../class2.php " );
if ( ! getperms ( " W " )){ header ( " location: " . e_BASE . " index.php " ); }
include_lan ( e_LANGUAGEDIR . e_LANGUAGE . " /admin/lan_mailout.php " );
$HEADER = " " ;
$FOOTER = " " ;
define ( " e_PAGETITLE " , MAILAN_60 );
require_once ( HEADERF );
set_time_limit ( 18000 );
session_write_close ();
if ( $_POST [ 'cancel_emails' ]){
$sql -> db_Delete ( " generic " , " gen_datestamp=' " . intval ( $_POST [ 'mail_id' ]) . " ' " );
$text = " <div style='text-align:center;width:220px'><br /> " . MAILAN_66 ; // Cancelled Successfully;
$text .= " <div style='text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;position:absolute;left:10px;top:110px'>
< br />< input type = 'button' class = 'button' name = 'close' value = 'Close' onclick = \ " window.close() \" />
</ div ></ div > " ;
$ns -> tablerender ( MAILAN_59 , $text );
echo " </body></html> " ;
exit ;
ob_implicit_flush ();
if ( ob_get_level () == 0 ) {
ob_start ();
// -------------------- Configure PHP Mailer ------------------------------>
require ( e_HANDLER . " phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php " );
$mail = new PHPMailer ();
$mail -> From = ( $_POST [ 'email_from_email' ]) ? $_POST [ 'email_from_email' ] : $pref [ 'siteadminemail' ];
$mail -> FromName = ( $_POST [ 'email_from_name' ]) ? $_POST [ 'email_from_name' ] : $pref [ 'siteadmin' ];
// $mail->Host = "smtp1.site.com;smtp2.site.com";
if ( $pref [ 'mailer' ] == 'smtp' )
$mail -> Mailer = " smtp " ;
$mail -> SMTPKeepAlive = ( isset ( $pref [ 'smtp_keepalive' ]) && $pref [ 'smtp_keepalive' ] == 1 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
if ( $pref [ 'smtp_server' ])
$mail -> Host = $pref [ 'smtp_server' ];
if ( $pref [ 'smtp_username' ] && $pref [ 'smtp_password' ])
$mail -> SMTPAuth = TRUE ;
$mail -> Username = $pref [ 'smtp_username' ];
$mail -> Password = $pref [ 'smtp_password' ];
$mail -> PluginDir = e_HANDLER . " phpmailer/ " ;
elseif ( $pref [ 'mailer' ] == 'sendmail' )
$mail -> Mailer = " sendmail " ;
$mail -> Sendmail = ( $pref [ 'sendmail' ]) ? $pref [ 'sendmail' ] : " /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -r " . $pref [ 'siteadminemail' ];
$mail -> Mailer = " mail " ;
$mail -> AddCC = ( $_POST [ 'email_cc' ]);
$mail -> WordWrap = 50 ;
2006-12-22 21:01:42 +00:00
$mail -> CharSet = CHARSET ;
2006-12-02 04:36:16 +00:00
$mail -> Subject = $_POST [ 'email_subject' ];
$mail -> IsHTML ( TRUE );
$mail -> SMTPDebug = ( e_MENU == " debug " ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
if ( $_POST [ 'email_cc' ])
$tmp = explode ( " , " , $_POST [ 'email_cc' ]);
foreach ( $tmp as $addc )
$mail -> AddCC ( $addc );
if ( $_POST [ 'email_bcc' ])
$tmp = explode ( " , " , $_POST [ 'email_bcc' ]);
foreach ( $tmp as $addbc )
$mail -> AddBCC ( $addbc );
if ( $pref [ 'mail_bounce_email' ] != '' )
$mail -> Sender = $pref [ 'mail_bounce_email' ];
$attach = chop ( $_POST [ 'email_attachment' ]);
if (( $temp = strrchr ( $attach , '/' )) !== FALSE )
$attach = substr ( $attach , $temp + 1 );
if ( is_readable ( e_DOWNLOAD . $attach ))
$attach_link = e_DOWNLOAD . $attach ;
$attach_link = e_FILE . 'public/' . $attach ;
if ( $attach != " " && ! $mail -> AddAttachment ( $attach_link , $attach ))
$mss = MAILAN_58 . " <br /> $attach_link " ; // problem with attachment.
$ns -> tablerender ( " Error " , $mss );
require_once ( e_ADMIN . " footer.php " );
exit ;
// ---------------------------- Setup the Email ----------------------------->
$message_subject = stripslashes ( $tp -> toHTML ( $_POST [ 'email_subject' ]));
$mail_head = " <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN \" \" http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd \" > \n " ;
$mail_head .= " <html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' > \n " ;
$mail_head .= " <head><meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' /> \n " ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'use_theme' ]))
$theme = $THEMES_DIRECTORY . $pref [ 'sitetheme' ] . " / " ;
// $mail_head .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"".SITEURL.$theme."style.css\" type=\"text/css\" />\n";
$style_css = file_get_contents ( e_THEME . $pref [ 'sitetheme' ] . " /style.css " );
$mail_head .= " <style> \n " . $style_css . " \n </style> " ;
$message_body = $mail_head ;
$message_body .= " </head> \n <body> \n " ;
$message_body .= " <div style='padding:10px;width:97%'><div class='forumheader3'> \n " ;
$message_body .= $tp -> toEmail ( $_POST [ 'email_body' ]) . " </div></div></body></html> " ;
$message_body = $mail_head ;
$message_body .= " </head> \n <body> \n " ;
$message_body .= $tp -> toEmail ( $_POST [ 'email_body' ]) . " </body></html> " ;
$message_body = str_replace ( " " " , '"' , $message_body );
$message_body = str_replace ( 'src="' , 'src="' . SITEURL , $message_body );
$message_body = stripslashes ( $message_body );
// ---------------- Display Progress and Send Emails. ----------------------->
echo " <div class='fcaption'> " . MAILAN_59 . " </div> " ;
$qry = " SELECT g.*,u.* FROM #generic AS g LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON g.gen_user_id = u.user_id WHERE g.gen_type='sendmail' and g.gen_datestamp = ' " . intval ( $_POST [ 'mail_id' ]) . " ' " ;
$count = $sql -> db_Select_gen ( $qry );
if ( ! $count )
echo " <div style='text-align:center;width:200px'><br /> " . MAILAN_61 . " </div> " ;
echo " </body></html> " ;
echo " <div style='text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;position:absolute;left:10px;top:110px'>
< input type = 'button' class = 'button' name = 'close' value = 'Close' onclick = \ " window.close() \" />
</ div > " ;
exit ;
$c = 0 ; $d = 0 ;
$pause_count = 1 ;
$pause_amount = ( $pref [ 'mail_pause' ]) ? $pref [ 'mail_pause' ] : 10 ;
$pause_time = ( $pref [ 'mail_pausetime' ]) ? $pref [ 'mail_pausetime' ] : 1 ;
$sent = array ();
$failed = array ();
$unit = ( 1 / $count ) * 100 ;
echo " <div class='blocks' style='text-align:left;width:199px'><div id='bar' class='bar' style='border:0px;;width: " . $cur . " %' > </div></div> " ;
stopwatch ();
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ()){
// ---------------------- Mailing Part. -------------------------------------->
$activator = ( substr ( SITEURL , - 1 ) == " / " ? SITEURL . " signup.php?activate. " . $row [ 'user_id' ] . " . " . $row [ 'user_sess' ] : SITEURL . " /signup.php?activate. " . $row [ 'user_id' ] . " . " . $row [ 'user_sess' ]);
$signup_link = ( $row [ 'user_sess' ]) ? " <a href=' $activator '> $activator </a> " : " " ;
$search = array ( " |USERNAME| " , " |USERID| " , " |SIGNUP_LINK| " );
$replace = array ( $row [ 'user_name' ], $row [ 'user_id' ], $signup_link );
$mes_body = str_replace ( $search , $replace , $message_body );
$alt_body = str_replace ( $search , $replace , stripslashes ( $tp -> toText ( $_POST [ 'email_body' ])));
$mail -> Body = $mes_body ;
$mail -> AltBody = $alt_body ;
$mail -> AddAddress ( $row [ 'user_email' ], $row [ 'user_name' ]);
$mail -> AddCustomHeader ( " X-e107-id: " . $row [ 'user_id' ]);
if ( $mail -> Send ()) {
$sent [] = $row [ 'user_id' ];
} else {
$failed [] = $row [ 'user_id' ];
$mail -> ClearAddresses ();
// --------- End of the mailing. --------------------------------------------->
$cur = round ((( $c / $count ) * 100 ) + $unit );
echo str_pad ( ' ' , 4096 ) . " <br /> \n " ;
$d = ( $c == 0 ) ? 10 : round ( $width + $d );
echo " <div class='percents'> " . ( $c + 1 ) . " / " . $count . " ( " . $cur . " %) complete</div> " ;
if ( $cur != $prev ){
echo " <script type='text/javascript'>inc(' " . $cur . " %');</script> \n " ;
$prev = $cur ;
ob_flush ();
flush ();
if ( $pause_count > $pause_amount ){
sleep ( $pause_time );
$pause_count = 1 ;
// Default sleep to reduce server-load: 1 second.
sleep ( 1 );
$c ++ ;
$pause_count ++ ;
ob_end_flush ();
echo " <div style='position:absolute;left:10px;top:50px'><br /> " ;
echo MAILAN_62 . " " . count ( $sent ) . " <br /> " ;
echo MAILAN_63 . " " . count ( $failed ) . " <br /> " ;
echo MAILAN_64 . " " . stopwatch () . " " . MAILAN_65 . " <br /> " ;
echo " </div> " ;
$message = $sql -> db_Delete ( " generic " , " gen_datestamp=' " . intval ( $_POST [ 'mail_id' ]) . " ' " ) ? " deleted " : " deleted_failed " ;
$mail -> ClearAttachments ();
if ( $pref [ 'mailer' ] == 'smtp' ) {
$mail -> SmtpClose ();
echo " <div style='text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;position:absolute;left:10px;top:110px'>
< br />< input type = 'button' class = 'button' name = 'close' value = 'Close' onclick = \ " window.close() \" />
</ div > " ;
echo " </body></html> " ;
function headerjs (){
$text = "
< style type = 'text/css' ><!--
div . percents div . blocks img . blocks {
margin : 1 px ;
height : 20 px ;
padding : 1 px ;
border : 1 px solid #000;
width : 199 px ;
background : #fff;
color : #000;
float : left ;
clear : right ;
z - index : 9 ;
position : relative ;
. percents {
background : #FFF;
border : 1 px solid #CCC;
margin : 1 px ;
height : 20 px ;
position : absolute ;
vertical - align : middle ;
width : 199 px ;
z - index : 10 ;
left : 10 px ;
top : 38 px ;
text - align : center ;
color : black ;
. blocks {
margin - top : 1 px ;
height : 21 px ;
position : absolute ;
z - index : 11 ;
left : 12 px ;
top : 38 px ;
. bar {
background : #EEE;
background - color : red ;
filter : alpha ( opacity = 50 );
height : 21 px ;
- moz - opacity : 0.5 ;
opacity : 0.5 ;
- khtml - opacity : . 5
</ style > " ;
$text .= "
< script type = 'text/javascript' >
function inc ( amount ){
document . getElementById ( 'bar' ) . style . width = amount ;
</ script > " ;
return $text ;
function stopwatch (){
static $mt_previous = 0 ;
list ( $usec , $sec ) = explode ( " " , microtime ());
$mt_current = ( float ) $usec + ( float ) $sec ;
if ( ! $mt_previous ) {
$mt_previous = $mt_current ;
return " " ;
} else {
$mt_diff = ( $mt_current - $mt_previous );
$mt_previous = $mt_current ;
return round ( sprintf ( '%.16f' , $mt_diff ), 2 );