2009-10-24 12:01:24 +00:00
< ? php
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|| e107 website system
| Copyright ( C ) 2008 - 2009 e107 Inc
| http :// e107 . org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License ( http :// gnu . org ) .
| $Source : / cvs_backup / e107_0 . 8 / e107_handlers / cron_class . php , v $
2010-02-10 18:18:01 +00:00
| $Revision $
| $Date $
| $Author $
2009-10-24 12:01:24 +00:00
if ( ! defined ( 'e107_INIT' )) { exit ; }
2009-11-15 17:38:05 +00:00
define ( 'CRON_MAIL_DEBUG' , TRUE );
2011-12-30 16:09:10 +00:00
2009-10-24 12:01:24 +00:00
class _system_cron
// See admin/cron.php to configure more core cron function to be added below.
function myfunction ()
// Whatever code you wish.
2013-05-08 19:07:57 -04:00
* Burnsy - This is just a test
2013-05-12 02:16:03 -04:00
function checkCoreUpdate () // Check if there is an e107 Core update and email Site Admin if so
2013-05-08 19:07:57 -04:00
2013-05-12 02:16:03 -04:00
// Check if there's a core e107 update available
// Get site version
if ( is_readable ( e_ADMIN . " ver.php " ))
include ( e_ADMIN . " ver.php " ); // $e107info['e107_version'];
// Find alternate way to get local site version or throw an error
// Check for updates for currently installed version
$localVersion = ( int ) $e107info [ 'e107_version' ];
switch ( $localVersion ) {
case 0 :
// Local version is <= 0.7
// Run update routine for 0.x
break ;
case 1 :
// Local version is == 1.x
// Run update routine for 1.x
break ;
case 2 :
// Local version is == 2.x
// Run update routine for 2.x
// Get newest available release version
$xml = e107 :: getXml ();
$file = " http://e107.org/releases.php?mode=2 " ;
$xdata = $xml -> loadXMLfile ( $file , true , false );
// Check for update
if ( $e107info [ 'e107_version' ] < $xdata [ 'core' ][ '@attributes' ][ 'version' ])
// If there is a new version of e107 available, notify Site Admin by email, make a log entry, and notify Admin in Admin Area, $versionTest = false
$pref = e107 :: getPref ();
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'mail.php' );
$message = " There is a new version of e107 available. Please visit http://www.e107.org for further details. " ;
sendemail ( $pref [ 'siteadminemail' ], " e107 - Update(s) Available For " . $pref [ 'sitename' ], $message , $pref [ 'siteadmin' ], $pref [ 'siteadminemail' ], $pref [ 'siteadmin' ]);
// Add entry to the log
e107 :: getAdminLog () -> add ( " Update(s) Available " , " There is a new version of e107 available. Please visit http://www.e107.org for further details. " , 3 );
$versionTest = $xdata [ 'core' ][ '@attributes' ][ 'version' ];
// If there is not a new version of e107 available, $versionTest = false
$versionTest = false ;
break ;
//$versionTest = "{CHECK THE VERSION}"; // If out of date, return some text, if up-to-date , return false;
$che = e107 :: getCache ();
$che -> setMD5 ( e_LANGUAGE );
if ( $versionTest )
$che -> set ( " releasecheck " , $versionTest , TRUE );
return $versionTest ;
// e107::getMessage()=>addInfo($versionTest);
$che -> set ( " releasecheck " , 'false' , TRUE );
return false ;
2013-05-08 19:07:57 -04:00
2009-10-24 12:01:24 +00:00
function sendEmail () // Test Email.
2009-12-24 09:59:21 +00:00
global $pref , $_E107 ;
if ( $_E107 [ 'debug' ]) { echo " <br />sendEmail() executed " ; }
2009-11-15 17:38:05 +00:00
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'mail.php' );
2009-10-24 12:01:24 +00:00
$message = " Your Cron test worked correctly. Sent at " . date ( " r " ) . " . " ;
2009-11-15 17:38:05 +00:00
2009-10-24 12:01:24 +00:00
sendemail ( $pref [ 'siteadminemail' ], " e107 - TEST Email Sent by cron. " . date ( " r " ), $message , $pref [ 'siteadmin' ], $pref [ 'siteadminemail' ], $pref [ 'siteadmin' ]);
2009-11-15 17:38:05 +00:00
function procEmailQueue ()
2011-12-30 16:09:10 +00:00
//global $pref;
2009-11-15 17:38:05 +00:00
$e107 = e107 :: getInstance ();
$e107 -> admin_log -> e_log_event ( 10 , debug_backtrace (), 'DEBUG' , 'CRON Email' , 'Email run started' , FALSE , LOG_TO_ROLLING );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'mail_manager_class.php' );
$mailManager = new e107MailManager ();
$mailManager -> doEmailTask ( varset ( $pref [ 'mail_workpertick' ], 5 ));
$e107 -> admin_log -> e_log_event ( 10 , debug_backtrace (), 'DEBUG' , 'CRON Email' , 'Email run completed' , FALSE , LOG_TO_ROLLING );
2009-10-24 12:01:24 +00:00
2009-11-27 21:42:46 +00:00
function procEmailBounce ()
2011-12-30 16:09:10 +00:00
//global $pref;
2009-11-27 21:42:46 +00:00
$e107 = e107 :: getInstance ();
$e107 -> admin_log -> e_log_event ( 10 , debug_backtrace (), 'DEBUG' , 'CRON Bounce' , 'Bounce processing started' , FALSE , LOG_TO_ROLLING );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'pop_bounce_handler.php' );
$mailBounce = new pop3BounceHandler ();
$mailBounce -> processBounces ();
$e107 -> admin_log -> e_log_event ( 10 , debug_backtrace (), 'DEBUG' , 'CRON Bounce' , 'Bounce processing completed' , FALSE , LOG_TO_ROLLING );
2011-12-30 16:09:10 +00:00
function procBanRetrigger ()
//global $pref;
$e107 = e107 :: getInstance ();
$e107 -> admin_log -> e_log_event ( 10 , debug_backtrace (), 'DEBUG' , 'CRON Ban retrigger' , 'Retrigger processing started' , FALSE , LOG_TO_ROLLING );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'iphandler_class.php' );
$ipManager = new banlistManager ();
$ipManager -> banRetriggerAction ();
$e107 -> admin_log -> e_log_event ( 10 , debug_backtrace (), 'DEBUG' , 'CRON Ban Retrigger' , 'Retrigger processing completed' , FALSE , LOG_TO_ROLLING );
2012-06-03 09:47:00 +00:00
// Very basic and needs improvement. (for large DBs)
function dbBackup ()
2013-03-11 05:11:58 -07:00
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$sql -> backup ( '*' );
return ;
2012-06-03 09:47:00 +00:00
require ( e_BASE . " e107_config.php " );
$sql = e107 :: getDb ();
$dbtable = $mySQLdefaultdb ; // TODO - retrieve this in a better way. (without including e107_config)
2012-06-08 06:03:07 +00:00
$backupFile = e_BACKUP . SITENAME . " _ " . date ( " Y-m-d-H-i-s " ) . " .sql " ;
2012-06-03 09:47:00 +00:00
$result = mysql_list_tables ( $dbtable );
while ( $tab = mysql_fetch_array ( $result , MYSQL_NUM ))
$table = $tab [ 0 ];
$text = " " ;
$sql -> db_Select_gen ( " SHOW CREATE TABLE ` " . $table . " ` " );
$row2 = $sql -> db_Fetch ();
$text .= $row2 [ 'Create Table' ];
$text .= " ; \n \n " ;
2012-07-31 08:24:21 +00:00
ob_end_clean (); // prevent memory exhaustian
$count = $sql -> db_Select_gen ( " SELECT * FROM ` " . $table . " ` " );
$data_array = " " ;
2012-06-03 09:47:00 +00:00
while ( $row = $sql -> db_Fetch ())
if ( ! $fields )
2012-07-31 08:24:21 +00:00
$fields = array_keys ( $row );
$text = " \n INSERT INTO ` " . $table . " ` (` " . implode ( " ` ,` " , $fields ) . " `) VALUES \n " ;
file_put_contents ( $backupFile , $text , FILE_APPEND );
2012-06-03 09:47:00 +00:00
$d = array ();
foreach ( $fields as $val )
$d [] = " ' " . mysql_real_escape_string ( $row [ $val ]) . " ' " ;
2012-07-31 08:24:21 +00:00
$data_array = " ( " . implode ( " , " , $d ) . " ), \n " ; //XXX extra ',' at the end may be an issue. - to be tested.
file_put_contents ( $backupFile , $data_array , FILE_APPEND );
2012-06-03 09:47:00 +00:00
2012-07-31 08:24:21 +00:00
$text = " ; \n \n \n " ;
2012-06-03 09:47:00 +00:00
$c ++ ;
file_put_contents ( $backupFile , $text , FILE_APPEND );
unset ( $fields );
2009-10-24 12:01:24 +00:00
2010-02-10 18:18:01 +00:00
/* $Id$ */
2008-06-17 05:39:46 +00:00
/** ####################################################################################################**\
Version : V1 . 01
Release Date : 12 Sep 2005
Licence : GPL
By : Nikol S
Please send bug reports to ns @ eyo . com . au
\ ** ####################################################################################################**/
/* This class is based on the concept in the CronParser class written by Mick Sear http :// www . ecreate . co . uk
* The following functions are direct copies from or based on the original class :
* getLastRan (), getDebug (), debug (), expand_ranges ()
* Who can use this class ?
* This class is idea for people who can not use the traditional Unix cron through shell .
* One way of using is embedding the calling script in a web page which is often visited .
* The script will work out the last due time , by comparing with run log timestamp . The scrip
2011-12-30 16:09:10 +00:00
* will invoke any scripts needed to run , be it deleting older table records , or updating prices .
2008-06-17 05:39:46 +00:00
* It can parse the same cron string used by Unix .
/* Usage example :
$cron_str0 = " 0,12,30-51 3,21-23,10 1-25 9-12,1 0,3-7 " ;
require_once ( " CronParser.php " );
$cron = new CronParser ();
$cron -> calcLastRan ( $cron_str0 );
// $cron->getLastRanUnix() returns an Unix timestamp
echo " Cron ' $cron_str0 ' last due at: " . date ( 'r' , $cron -> getLastRanUnix ()) . " <p> " ;
// $cron->getLastRan() returns last due time in an array
print_r ( $cron -> getLastRan ());
2009-07-23 08:34:21 +00:00
echo " Debug:<br /> " . nl2br ( $cron -> getDebug ());
2008-06-17 05:39:46 +00:00
$cron_str1 = " 3 12 * * * " ;
if ( $cron -> calcLastRan ( $cron_str1 ))
echo " <p>Cron ' $cron_str1 ' last due at: " . date ( 'r' , $cron -> getLastRanUnix ()) . " <p> " ;
print_r ( $cron -> getLastRan ());
echo " Error parsing " ;
2009-07-23 08:34:21 +00:00
echo " Debug:<br /> " . nl2br ( $cron -> getDebug ());
2008-06-17 05:39:46 +00:00
* #######################################################################################################
class CronParser
var $bits = Array (); //exploded String like 0 1 * * *
var $now = Array (); //Array of cron-style entries for time()
var $lastRan ; //Timestamp of last ran time.
var $taken ;
var $debug ;
var $year ;
var $month ;
var $day ;
var $hour ;
var $minute ;
var $minutes_arr = array (); //minutes array based on cron string
var $hours_arr = array (); //hours array based on cron string
var $months_arr = array (); //months array based on cron string
function getLastRan ()
return explode ( " , " , strftime ( " %M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y " , $this -> lastRan )); //Get the values for now in a format we can use
function getLastRanUnix ()
return $this -> lastRan ;
function getDebug ()
return $this -> debug ;
function debug ( $str )
if ( is_array ( $str ))
$this -> debug .= " \n Array: " ;
foreach ( $str as $k => $v )
$this -> debug .= " $k => $v , " ;
$this -> debug .= " \n $str " ;
//echo nl2br($this->debug);
* Assumes that value is not * , and creates an array of valid numbers that
* the string represents . Returns an array .
function expand_ranges ( $str )
if ( strstr ( $str , " , " ))
$arParts = explode ( ',' , $str );
foreach ( $arParts AS $part )
if ( strstr ( $part , '-' ))
$arRange = explode ( '-' , $part );
for ( $i = $arRange [ 0 ]; $i <= $arRange [ 1 ]; $i ++ )
$ret [] = $i ;
$ret [] = $part ;
elseif ( strstr ( $str , '-' ))
$arRange = explode ( '-' , $str );
for ( $i = $arRange [ 0 ]; $i <= $arRange [ 1 ]; $i ++ )
$ret [] = $i ;
$ret [] = $str ;
$ret = array_unique ( $ret );
sort ( $ret );
return $ret ;
function daysinmonth ( $month , $year )
return date ( 't' , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $month , 1 , $year ));
* Calculate the last due time before this moment
function calcLastRan ( $string )
$tstart = microtime ();
$this -> debug = " " ;
$this -> lastRan = 0 ;
$this -> year = NULL ;
$this -> month = NULL ;
$this -> day = NULL ;
$this -> hour = NULL ;
$this -> minute = NULL ;
$this -> hours_arr = array ();
$this -> minutes_arr = array ();
$this -> months_arr = array ();
$string = preg_replace ( '/[\s]{2,}/' , ' ' , $string );
if ( preg_match ( '/[^-,* \\d]/' , $string ) !== 0 )
$this -> debug ( " Cron String contains invalid character " );
return false ;
$this -> debug ( " <b>Working on cron schedule: $string </b> " );
$this -> bits = @ explode ( " " , $string );
if ( count ( $this -> bits ) != 5 )
$this -> debug ( " Cron string is invalid. Too many or too little sections after explode " );
return false ;
//put the current time into an array
$t = strftime ( " %M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y " , time ());
$this -> now = explode ( " , " , $t );
$this -> year = $this -> now [ 5 ];
$arMonths = $this -> _getMonthsArray ();
$this -> month = array_pop ( $arMonths );
while ( $this -> month > $this -> now [ 3 ]);
if ( $this -> month === NULL )
$this -> year = $this -> year - 1 ;
$this -> debug ( " Not due within this year. So checking the previous year " . $this -> year );
$arMonths = $this -> _getMonthsArray ();
$this -> _prevMonth ( $arMonths );
elseif ( $this -> month == $this -> now [ 3 ]) //now Sep, month = array(7,9,12)
$this -> debug ( " Cron is due this month, getting days array. " );
$arDays = $this -> _getDaysArray ( $this -> month , $this -> year );
$this -> day = array_pop ( $arDays );
while ( $this -> day > $this -> now [ 2 ]);
if ( $this -> day === NULL )
$this -> debug ( " Smallest day is even greater than today " );
$this -> _prevMonth ( $arMonths );
elseif ( $this -> day == $this -> now [ 2 ])
$this -> debug ( " Due to run today " );
$arHours = $this -> _getHoursArray ();
$this -> hour = array_pop ( $arHours );
while ( $this -> hour > $this -> now [ 1 ]);
if ( $this -> hour === NULL ) // now =2, arHours = array(3,5,7)
$this -> debug ( " Not due this hour and some earlier hours, so go for previous day " );
$this -> _prevDay ( $arDays , $arMonths );
elseif ( $this -> hour < $this -> now [ 1 ]) //now =2, arHours = array(1,3,5)
$this -> minute = $this -> _getLastMinute ();
else // now =2, arHours = array(1,2,5)
$this -> debug ( " Due this hour " );
$arMinutes = $this -> _getMinutesArray ();
$this -> minute = array_pop ( $arMinutes );
while ( $this -> minute > $this -> now [ 0 ]);
if ( $this -> minute === NULL )
$this -> debug ( " Not due this minute, so go for previous hour. " );
$this -> _prevHour ( $arHours , $arDays , $arMonths );
$this -> debug ( " Due this very minute or some earlier minutes before this moment within this hour. " );
$this -> debug ( " Cron was due on " . $this -> day . " of this month " );
$this -> hour = $this -> _getLastHour ();
$this -> minute = $this -> _getLastMinute ();
else //now Sep, arrMonths=array(7, 10)
$this -> debug ( " Cron was due before this month. Previous month is: " . $this -> year . '-' . $this -> month );
$this -> day = $this -> _getLastDay ( $this -> month , $this -> year );
if ( $this -> day === NULL )
//No scheduled date within this month. So we will try the previous month in the month array
$this -> _prevMonth ( $arMonths );
$this -> hour = $this -> _getLastHour ();
$this -> minute = $this -> _getLastMinute ();
$tend = microtime ();
$this -> taken = $tend - $tstart ;
$this -> debug ( " Parsing $string taken " . $this -> taken . " seconds " );
//if the last due is beyond 1970
if ( $this -> minute === NULL )
$this -> debug ( " Error calculating last due time " );
return false ;
$this -> debug ( " LAST DUE: " . $this -> hour . " : " . $this -> minute . " on " . $this -> day . " / " . $this -> month . " / " . $this -> year );
$this -> lastRan = mktime ( $this -> hour , $this -> minute , 0 , $this -> month , $this -> day , $this -> year );
return true ;
//get the due time before current month
function _prevMonth ( $arMonths )
$this -> month = array_pop ( $arMonths );
if ( $this -> month === NULL )
$this -> year = $this -> year - 1 ;
if ( $this -> year <= 1970 )
$this -> debug ( " Can not calculate last due time. At least not before 1970.. " );
$this -> debug ( " Have to go for previous year " . $this -> year );
$arMonths = $this -> _getMonthsArray ();
$this -> _prevMonth ( $arMonths );
$this -> debug ( " Getting the last day for previous month: " . $this -> year . '-' . $this -> month );
$this -> day = $this -> _getLastDay ( $this -> month , $this -> year );
if ( $this -> day === NULL )
//no available date schedule in this month
$this -> _prevMonth ( $arMonths );
$this -> hour = $this -> _getLastHour ();
$this -> minute = $this -> _getLastMinute ();
//get the due time before current day
function _prevDay ( $arDays , $arMonths )
$this -> debug ( " Go for the previous day " );
$this -> day = array_pop ( $arDays );
if ( $this -> day === NULL )
$this -> debug ( " Have to go for previous month " );
$this -> _prevMonth ( $arMonths );
$this -> hour = $this -> _getLastHour ();
$this -> minute = $this -> _getLastMinute ();
//get the due time before current hour
function _prevHour ( $arHours , $arDays , $arMonths )
$this -> debug ( " Going for previous hour " );
$this -> hour = array_pop ( $arHours );
if ( $this -> hour === NULL )
$this -> debug ( " Have to go for previous day " );
$this -> _prevDay ( $arDays , $arMonths );
$this -> minute = $this -> _getLastMinute ();
//not used at the moment
function _getLastMonth ()
$months = $this -> _getMonthsArray ();
$month = array_pop ( $months );
return $month ;
function _getLastDay ( $month , $year )
//put the available days for that month into an array
$days = $this -> _getDaysArray ( $month , $year );
$day = array_pop ( $days );
return $day ;
function _getLastHour ()
$hours = $this -> _getHoursArray ();
$hour = array_pop ( $hours );
return $hour ;
function _getLastMinute ()
$minutes = $this -> _getMinutesArray ();
$minute = array_pop ( $minutes );
return $minute ;
//remove the out of range array elements. $arr should be sorted already and does not contain duplicates
function _sanitize ( $arr , $low , $high )
$count = count ( $arr );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= ( $count - 1 ); $i ++ )
if ( $arr [ $i ] < $low )
$this -> debug ( " Remove out of range element. { $arr [ $i ] } is outside $low - $high " );
unset ( $arr [ $i ]);
break ;
for ( $i = ( $count - 1 ); $i >= 0 ; $i -- )
if ( $arr [ $i ] > $high )
$this -> debug ( " Remove out of range element. { $arr [ $i ] } is outside $low - $high " );
unset ( $arr [ $i ]);
break ;
//re-assign keys
sort ( $arr );
return $arr ;
//given a month/year, list all the days within that month fell into the week days list.
function _getDaysArray ( $month , $year = 0 )
if ( $year == 0 )
$year = $this -> year ;
$days = array ();
//return everyday of the month if both bit[2] and bit[4] are '*'
if ( $this -> bits [ 2 ] == '*' AND $this -> bits [ 4 ] == '*' )
$days = $this -> getDays ( $month , $year );
//create an array for the weekdays
if ( $this -> bits [ 4 ] == '*' )
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= 6 ; $i ++ )
$arWeekdays [] = $i ;
$arWeekdays = $this -> expand_ranges ( $this -> bits [ 4 ]);
$arWeekdays = $this -> _sanitize ( $arWeekdays , 0 , 7 );
//map 7 to 0, both represents Sunday. Array is sorted already!
if ( in_array ( 7 , $arWeekdays ))
if ( in_array ( 0 , $arWeekdays ))
array_pop ( $arWeekdays );
$tmp [] = 0 ;
array_pop ( $arWeekdays );
$arWeekdays = array_merge ( $tmp , $arWeekdays );
$this -> debug ( " Array for the weekdays " );
$this -> debug ( $arWeekdays );
if ( $this -> bits [ 2 ] == '*' )
$daysmonth = $this -> getDays ( $month , $year );
$daysmonth = $this -> expand_ranges ( $this -> bits [ 2 ]);
// so that we do not end up with 31 of Feb
$daysinmonth = $this -> daysinmonth ( $month , $year );
$daysmonth = $this -> _sanitize ( $daysmonth , 1 , $daysinmonth );
//Now match these days with weekdays
foreach ( $daysmonth AS $day )
$wkday = date ( 'w' , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $month , $day , $year ));
if ( in_array ( $wkday , $arWeekdays ))
$days [] = $day ;
$this -> debug ( " Days array matching weekdays for $year - $month " );
$this -> debug ( $days );
return $days ;
//given a month/year, return an array containing all the days in that month
function getDays ( $month , $year )
$daysinmonth = $this -> daysinmonth ( $month , $year );
$this -> debug ( " Number of days in $year - $month : $daysinmonth " );
$days = array ();
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $daysinmonth ; $i ++ )
$days [] = $i ;
return $days ;
function _getHoursArray ()
if ( empty ( $this -> hours_arr ))
$hours = array ();
if ( $this -> bits [ 1 ] == '*' )
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= 23 ; $i ++ )
$hours [] = $i ;
$hours = $this -> expand_ranges ( $this -> bits [ 1 ]);
$hours = $this -> _sanitize ( $hours , 0 , 23 );
$this -> debug ( " Hour array " );
$this -> debug ( $hours );
$this -> hours_arr = $hours ;
return $this -> hours_arr ;
function _getMinutesArray ()
if ( empty ( $this -> minutes_arr ))
$minutes = array ();
if ( $this -> bits [ 0 ] == '*' )
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= 60 ; $i ++ )
$minutes [] = $i ;
$minutes = $this -> expand_ranges ( $this -> bits [ 0 ]);
$minutes = $this -> _sanitize ( $minutes , 0 , 59 );
$this -> debug ( " Minutes array " );
$this -> debug ( $minutes );
$this -> minutes_arr = $minutes ;
return $this -> minutes_arr ;
function _getMonthsArray ()
if ( empty ( $this -> months_arr ))
$months = array ();
if ( $this -> bits [ 3 ] == '*' )
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= 12 ; $i ++ )
$months [] = $i ;
$months = $this -> expand_ranges ( $this -> bits [ 3 ]);
$months = $this -> _sanitize ( $months , 1 , 12 );
$this -> debug ( " Months array " );
$this -> debug ( $months );
$this -> months_arr = $months ;
return $this -> months_arr ;