define("LANG_LAN_35","The following language packs are available for this version of e107.");
define("LANG_LAN_114","Download Pack");
define("LANG_LAN_115","Please verify and correct the remaining [x] error(s) before attempting to create a language-pack.");
define("LANG_LAN_116","Please verify your language files ('Verify') then try again.");
define("LANG_LAN_117","You should correct the remaining errors before contributing your language pack.");
define("LANG_LAN_119","Please check that CORE_LC and CORE_LC2 have values in [x] and try again.");
define("LANG_LAN_120","Please make sure you are using default folder names in e107_config.php (eg. e107_languages/, e107_plugins/ etc.) and try again.");
define("LANG_LAN_AGR","Note: By using these tools you agree to share your language pack(s) with the e107 community.");