2011-05-02 20:51:21 +00:00
< ? php
require ( '..\..\class2.php' );
require_once ( e_HANDLER . 'user_handler.php' );
if ( ! check_class ( e_UC_MAINADMIN ))
exit ;
$user_info = new userHandler ;
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_01' , 'E107 Password Conversion Utility' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_02' , 'This utility converts all the passwords in your user database to current formats' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_03' , 'Caution!!!! Back up your database first!!!!!' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_04' , 'Proceed' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_05' , 'Convert md5 passwords to salted passwords' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_06' , 'Passwords for email address login' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_07' , 'Create' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_08' , 'Delete' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_09' , 'Do nothing' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_10' , 'Back up user database' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_11' , 'Yes' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_12' , 'Have you backed up your database?' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_13' , 'Backing up database' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_14' , 'Done' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_15' , 'Creating email passwords' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_16' , 'Deleting email passwords' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_17' , 'Scanning database...' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_18' , 'Cannot open user table' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_19' , 'Creates a table called \'user_backup\' with the information about to be changed. If the table already exists, it is emptied first' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_20' , 'Error creating backup table' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_21' , 'Error copying to backup table' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_22' , 'Total --TOTAL-- users checked' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_23' , 'Total --TOTAL-- email passwords calculated' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_24' , 'Total --TOTAL-- user passwords updated' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_25' , 'Total --TOTAL-- users could not be updated' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_26' , 'Create Backup' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_27' , 'Restore backup' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_28' , 'Restoring from backup....' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_29' , 'Backup database table not found!' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_30' , 'Cannot access backup table' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_31' , '' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_32' , '' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_33' , '' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_34' , '' );
define ( 'LAN_PCONV_35' , '' );
function multi_radio ( $name , $textsVals , $currentval = '' )
$ret = '' ;
$gap = '' ;
foreach ( $textsVals as $v => $t )
$sel = ( $v == $currentval ) ? " checked='checked' " : " " ;
$ret .= $gap . " <input type='radio' name=' { $name } ' value=' { $v } ' { $sel } /> " . $t . " \n " ;
// $gap = " ";
$gap = " <br /> " ;
return $ret ;
$recordCount = 0 ;
$emailProcess = 0 ;
$saltProcess = 0 ;
$cantProcess = 0 ;
$cookieChange = '' ;
require ( HEADERF );
$pc_db = new db ;
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'GetOnWithIt' ]))
$doBackup = varset ( $_POST [ 'doDBBackup' ], 0 );
$saltConvert = varset ( $_POST [ 'convertToSalt' ], 0 );
$emailGen = varset ( $_POST [ 'EmailPasswords' ], 0 );
if ( $doBackup == 2 )
$saltConvert = 0 ; // Don't do conversions if restoring database
$emailGen = 0 ;
$error = '' ;
if ( $emailGen == 1 )
{ // Scan DB for salted passwords
// Backup user DB (selected fields)
if ( ! $error && ( $doBackup == 1 ))
echo LAN_PCONV_13 ;
if ( $pc_db -> db_Table_exists ( 'user_backup' ))
{ // Completely delete table - avoids problems with incorrect structure
$pc_db -> db_Select_gen ( 'DROP TABLE `#user_backup` ' );
$qry = " CREATE TABLE `#user_backup` (
user_id int ( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL ,
user_name varchar ( 100 ) NOT NULL default '' ,
user_loginname varchar ( 100 ) NOT NULL default '' ,
user_password varchar ( 50 ) NOT NULL default '' ,
user_email varchar ( 100 ) NOT NULL default '' ,
user_prefs text NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( user_id ),
UNIQUE KEY user_name ( user_name )
) ENGINE = MyISAM ; " ; // If not exists, of course
if ( ! $pc_db -> db_Select_gen ( $qry ))
$error = LAN_PCONV_20 ;
if ( ! $error )
$qry = " INSERT INTO `#user_backup` SELECT user_id, user_name, user_loginname, user_password, user_email, user_prefs FROM `#user` " ;
if ( $pc_db -> db_Select_gen ( $qry ) === FALSE )
$error = LAN_PCONV_21 ;
if ( ! $error ) echo '...' . LAN_PCONV_14 . '<br /><br />' ;
// Restore from backup
if ( ! $error && ( $doBackup == 2 ))
echo LAN_PCONV_28 ;
if ( ! $pc_db -> db_Table_exists ( 'user_backup' ))
$error = LAN_PCONV_28 ;
if ( ! $error && $pc_db -> db_Select ( 'user_backup' , '*' ))
2016-02-14 12:15:55 -08:00
while ( $row = $pc_db -> db_Fetch ())
2011-05-02 20:51:21 +00:00
$uid = $row [ 'user_id' ];
unset ( $row [ 'user_id' ]);
$sql -> db_UpdateArray ( 'user' , $row , " WHERE `user_id`= { $uid } " ); // Intentionally use $sql here
if ( USERID == $uid )
$cookieChange = $row [ 'user_password' ];
$error = LAN_PCONV_30 ;
if ( ! $error ) echo '...' . LAN_PCONV_14 . '<br /><br />' ;
// Change passwords
if ( ! $error && $emailGen || $saltConvert )
{ // Run through the DB doing conversions.
echo LAN_PCONV_17 ;
if ( $pc_db -> db_Select ( 'user' , 'user_id, user_name, user_loginname, user_password, user_email, user_prefs' , '' ) === FALSE )
$error = LAN_PCONV_18 ;
if ( ! $error )
while ( $row = $pc_db -> db_Fetch ())
{ // Do conversions
$recordCount ++ ;
$newData = array ();
$newPrefs = '' ;
2014-10-24 07:37:03 +03:00
$user_prefs = e107 :: getArrayStorage () -> unserialize ( $row [ 'user_prefs' ]);
if ( ! $user_prefs && $row [ 'user_prefs' ]) $user_prefs = unserialize ( $row [ 'user_prefs' ]);
if ( $saltConvert )
2011-05-02 20:51:21 +00:00
if ( $user_info -> canConvert ( $row [ 'user_password' ]))
$newData [ 'user_password' ] = $user_info -> ConvertPassword ( $row [ 'user_password' ], $row [ 'user_loginname' ]);
$saltProcess ++ ;
if ( USERID == $row [ 'user_id' ])
$cookieChange = $newData [ 'user_password' ];
$cantProcess ++ ;
if (( $emailGen == 1 ) && $user_info -> canConvert ( $row [ 'user_password' ]))
$user_prefs [ 'email_password' ] = $user_info -> ConvertPassword ( $row [ 'user_password' ], $row [ 'user_email' ]);
$emailProcess ++ ;
elseif ( $emailGen == 2 )
unset ( $user_prefs [ 'email_password' ]);
$emailProcess ++ ;
2014-10-24 07:37:03 +03:00
if ( count ( $user_prefs )) $newPrefs = e107 :: getArrayStorage () -> serialize ( $user_prefs ); else $newPrefs = '' ;
2011-05-02 20:51:21 +00:00
if ( $newPrefs != $user_prefs )
$newData [ 'user_prefs' ] = $newPrefs ;
if ( count ( $newData )) $sql -> db_UpdateArray ( 'user' , $newData , " WHERE `user_id`= { $row [ 'user_id' ] } " );
echo str_replace ( '--TOTAL--' , $recordCount , LAN_PCONV_22 ) . '<br />' ;
echo str_replace ( '--TOTAL--' , $saltProcess , LAN_PCONV_24 ) . '<br />' ;
echo str_replace ( '--TOTAL--' , $emailProcess , LAN_PCONV_23 ) . '<br />' ;
echo str_replace ( '--TOTAL--' , $cantProcess , LAN_PCONV_25 ) . '<br />' ;
echo '<br />' ;
if ( $error )
echo '<br />' . $error . '<br /><br />' ;
require_once ( FOOTERF );
exit ;
if ( $cookieChange )
// echo "Cookie Updated.<br /><br />";
$cookieval = USERID . " . " . md5 ( $cookieChange ); // Just changed admin password, and hence cookie
cookie ( $pref [ 'cookie_name' ], $cookieval );
$text =
" <div style='text-align:center'>
< form method = 'post' action = '".e_SELF."' onsubmit = \ " return jsconfirm(' " . LAN_PCONV_12 . " ') \" >
< table style = 'width:95%' class = 'fborder' >
< colgroup >
< col style = 'width:60%' />
< col style = 'width:40%' />
</ colgroup >
< tr >
< td colspan = '2' class = 'forumheader3' style = 'text-align:center' > " .LAN_PCONV_01. "
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td colspan = '2' class = 'forumheader3' style = 'text-align:center' > " .LAN_PCONV_02. " < br /> " .LAN_PCONV_03. "
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = 'forumheader3' > " .LAN_PCONV_10. " < br />< span class = 'smalltext' > " .LAN_PCONV_19. " </ span ></ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' > " .multi_radio('doDBBackup',array('0' => LAN_PCONV_09, '1' => LAN_PCONV_26, '2' => LAN_PCONV_27),''). "
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = 'forumheader3' > " .LAN_PCONV_05. " </ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' > " .multi_radio('convertToSalt',array('0' => LAN_PCONV_09, '1' => LAN_PCONV_11),''). "
</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td class = 'forumheader3' > " .LAN_PCONV_06. " </ td >
< td class = 'forumheader3' > " .multi_radio('EmailPasswords',array('0' => LAN_PCONV_09, '1' => LAN_PCONV_07, '2' => LAN_PCONV_08),''). "
</ td >
</ tr > " ;
$text .= "
< tr >
< td class = 'forumheader3' colspan = '3' style = 'text-align:center' >
2015-07-13 19:09:30 -07:00
< input class = 'btn btn-default button' type = 'submit' name = 'GetOnWithIt' value = '".LAN_PCONV_04."' />
2011-05-02 20:51:21 +00:00
</ td >
</ tr > " ;
$text .= "
</ table > \n
</ form >
</ div >< br /> " ;
$ns -> tablerender ( LAN_PCONV_01 , $text );
require_once ( FOOTERF );