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synced 2025-02-12 10:40:20 +01:00
371 lines
13 KiB
371 lines
13 KiB
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| <EFBFBD>Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/forum/forum_stats.php,v $
| $Revision: $
| $Date: 2006-12-02 04:35:14 $
| $Author: mcfly_e107 $
@include_once e_PLUGIN.'forum/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_forum_stats.php';
@include_once e_PLUGIN.'forum/languages/English/lan_forum_stats.php';
$gen = new convert;
$barl = (file_exists(THEME."images/barl.png") ? THEME."images/barl.png" : e_PLUGIN."poll/images/barl.png");
$barr = (file_exists(THEME."images/barr.png") ? THEME."images/barr.png" : e_PLUGIN."poll/images/barr.png");
$bar = (file_exists(THEME."images/bar.png") ? THEME."images/bar.png" : e_PLUGIN."poll/images/bar.png");
$total_posts = $sql -> db_Count("forum_t");
$total_topics = $sql -> db_Count("forum_t", "(*)", "WHERE thread_parent=0");
$total_replies = $sql -> db_Count("forum_t", "(*)", "WHERE thread_parent!=0");
$total_views = $sql->db_Count("SELECT sum(thread_views) FROM ".MPREFIX."forum_t", "generic");
$firstpost = $sql -> db_Select("forum_t", "thread_datestamp", "thread_datestamp > 0 ORDER BY thread_datestamp ASC LIMIT 0,1");
$fp = $sql -> db_Fetch();
$open_ds = $fp['thread_datestamp'];
$open_date = $gen->convert_date($open_ds, "long");
$open_since = $gen -> computeLapse($open_ds);
$open_days = floor((time()-$open_ds) / 86400);
$postsperday = ($open_days < 1 ? $total_posts : round($total_posts / $open_days));
$query = "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $mySQLdefaultdb";
$sql -> db_Select_gen($query);
$array = $sql -> db_getList();
foreach($array as $table)
if($table['Name'] == MPREFIX."forum_t")
$db_size = parsesize($table['Data_length']);
$avg_row_len = parsesize($table['Avg_row_length']);
$query = "
SELECT ft.thread_id, ft.thread_user, ft.thread_name, ft.thread_total_replies, ft.thread_datestamp, f.forum_class, u.user_name FROM #forum_t as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON ft.thread_user = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #forum AS f ON f.forum_id = ft.thread_forum_id
WHERE ft.thread_parent = 0
AND ft.thread_active != 0
AND f.forum_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.")
ORDER BY thread_total_replies DESC LIMIT 0,10";
$sql -> db_Select_gen($query);
$most_activeArray = $sql -> db_getList();
$query = "
SELECT ft.*, f.forum_class, user_name FROM #forum_t as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON ft.thread_user = u.user_id
LEFT JOIN #forum AS f ON f.forum_id = ft.thread_forum_id
WHERE ft.thread_parent=0
AND f.forum_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.")
ORDER BY thread_views DESC LIMIT 0,10";
$sql -> db_Select_gen($query);
$most_viewedArray = $sql -> db_getList();
$sql->db_Select("user", "user_id, user_name, user_forums", "ORDER BY user_forums DESC LIMIT 0, 10", "no_where");
$posters = $sql -> db_getList();
$top_posters = array();
foreach($posters as $poster)
$percen = round(($poster['user_forums'] / $total_posts) * 100, 2);
$top_posters[] = array("user_id" => $poster['user_id'], "user_name" => $poster['user_name'], "user_forums" => $poster['user_forums'], "percentage" => $percen);
$query = "
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(thread_user,'.',1) AS t_user, COUNT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(ft.thread_user,'.',1)) AS ucount, u.user_name, u.user_id FROM #forum_t as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(ft.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id
WHERE ft.thread_parent=0
GROUP BY t_user
LIMIT 0,10";
$sql -> db_Select_gen($query);
$posters = $sql -> db_getList();
$top_topic_starters = array();
foreach($posters as $poster)
$percen = round(($poster['ucount'] / $total_topics) * 100, 2);
$top_topic_starters[] = array("user_id" => $poster['user_id'], "user_name" => $poster['user_name'], "user_forums" => $poster['ucount'], "percentage" => $percen);
$query = "
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(thread_user,'.',1) AS t_user, COUNT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(ft.thread_user,'.',1)) AS ucount, u.user_name, u.user_id FROM #forum_t as ft
LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(ft.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id
WHERE ft.thread_parent!=0
GROUP BY t_user
LIMIT 0,10";
$sql -> db_Select_gen($query);
$posters = $sql -> db_getList();
$top_repliers = array();
foreach($posters as $poster)
$percen = round(($poster['ucount'] / $total_replies) * 100, 2);
$top_repliers[] = array("user_id" => $poster['user_id'], "user_name" => $poster['user_name'], "user_forums" => $poster['ucount'], "percentage" => $percen);
$text = "
<div class='spacer'>
<table style='width: 100%;' class='fborder'>
<td class='forumheader'>".FSLAN_1."</td>
<td class='forumheader3'>
<table style='width: 100%;'>
<tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><b>".FSLAN_2.":</b> </td><td style='width: 50%;'>$open_date</td></tr>
<tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><b>".FSLAN_3.":</b> </td><td style='width: 50%;'>$open_since</td></tr>
<tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><b>".FSLAN_4.":</b> </td><td style='width: 50%;'>$total_posts</td></tr>
<tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><b>".FSLAN_5.":</b> </td><td style='width: 50%;'>$total_topics</td></tr>
<tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><b>".FSLAN_6.":</b> </td><td style='width: 50%;'>$total_replies</td></tr>
<tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><b>".FSLAN_7.":</b> </td><td style='width: 50%;'>$total_views</td></tr>
<tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><b>".FSLAN_24.":</b> </td><td style='width: 50%;'>$postsperday</td></tr>
<tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><b>".FSLAN_8.":</b> </td><td style='width: 50%;'>$db_size</td></tr>
<tr><td style='width: 50%; text-align: right;'><b>".FSLAN_9.":</b> </td><td style='width: 50%;'>$avg_row_len</td></tr>
<div class='spacer'>
<table style='width: 100%;' class='fborder'>
<td class='forumheader' colspan='5'>".FSLAN_10."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_11."</td>
<td style='width: 40%;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_12."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_13."</td>
<td style='width: 20%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_14."</td>
<td style='width: 20%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_15."</td>
foreach($most_activeArray as $ma)
$uinfo = "<a href='".e_BASE."user.php?id.{$ma['thread_user']}'>{$ma['user_name']}</a>";
$tmp = explode(chr(1), $ma['thread_anon']);
$uinfo = $tp->toHTML($tmp[0]);
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$count</td>
<td style='width: 40%;' class='forumheader3'><a href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?{$ma['thread_id']}'>{$ma['thread_name']}</a></td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>{$ma['thread_total_replies']}</td>
<td style='width: 20%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>{$uinfo}</td>
<td style='width: 20%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>".$gen->convert_date($ma['thread_datestamp'], "forum")."</td>
$text .= "</table>
<div class='spacer'>
<table style='width: 100%;' class='fborder'>
<td class='forumheader' colspan='5'>".FSLAN_16."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_11."</td>
<td style='width: 40%;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_12."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_17."</td>
<td style='width: 20%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_14."</td>
<td style='width: 20%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_15."</td>
foreach($most_viewedArray as $ma)
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$count</td>
<td style='width: 40%;' class='forumheader3'><a href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?$thread_id'>$thread_name</a></td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$thread_views</td>
<td style='width: 20%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'><a href='".e_BASE."user.php?id.$thread_user'>$user_name</a></td>
<td style='width: 20%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>".$gen->convert_date($thread_datestamp, "forum")."</td>
$text .= "</table>
<div class='spacer'>
<table style='width: 100%;' class='fborder'>
<td class='forumheader' colspan='5'>".FSLAN_18."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_11."</td>
<td style='width: 20%;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_19."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_20."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>%</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'> </td>
foreach($top_posters as $ma)
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$count</td>
<td style='width: 20%;' class='forumheader3'><a href='".e_BASE."user.php?id.$user_id'>$user_name</a></td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$user_forums</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$percentage%</td>
<td style='width: 50%;' class='forumheader3'>
<div style='background-image: url($barl); width: 5px; height: 14px; float: left;'></div>
<div style='background-image: url($bar); width: ".intval($percentage)."%; height: 14px; float: left;'></div>
<div style='background-image: url($barr); width: 5px; height: 14px; float: left;'></div>
$text .= "
<div class='spacer'>
<table style='width: 100%;' class='fborder'>
<td class='forumheader' colspan='5'>".FSLAN_21."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_11."</td>
<td style='width: 20%;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_19."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_20."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>%</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'> </td>
foreach($top_topic_starters as $ma)
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$count</td>
<td style='width: 20%;' class='forumheader3'><a href='".e_BASE."user.php?id.$user_id'>$user_name</a></td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$user_forums</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$percentage%</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>
<div style='background-image: url($barl); width: 5px; height: 14px; float: left;'></div>
<div style='background-image: url($bar); width: ".intval($percentage)."%; height: 14px; float: left;'></div>
<div style='background-image: url($barr); width: 5px; height: 14px; float: left;'></div>
$text .= "</table>
<div class='spacer'>
<table style='width: 100%;' class='fborder'>
<td class='forumheader' colspan='5'>".FSLAN_22."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_11."</td>
<td style='width: 20%;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_19."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>".FSLAN_20."</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'>%</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: center;' class='fcaption'> </td>
foreach($top_repliers as $ma)
$text .= "<tr>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$count</td>
<td style='width: 20%;' class='forumheader3'><a href='".e_BASE."user.php?id.$user_id'>$user_name</a></td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$user_forums</td>
<td style='width: 10%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>$percentage%</td>
<td style='width: 50%; text-align: center;' class='forumheader3'>
<div style='background-image: url($barl); width: 5px; height: 14px; float: left;'></div>
<div style='background-image: url($bar); width: ".intval($percentage)."%; height: 14px; float: left;'></div>
<div style='background-image: url($barr); width: 5px; height: 14px; float: left;'></div>
$text .= "</table>
$ns -> tablerender(FSLAN_23, $text);
function parsesize($size) {
$kb = 1024;
$mb = 1024 * $kb;
$gb = 1024 * $mb;
$tb = 1024 * $gb;
return '0';
if ($size < $kb) {
return $size." b";
else if($size < $mb) {
return round($size/$kb, 2)." kb";
else if($size < $gb) {
return round($size/$mb, 2)." mb";
else if($size < $tb) {
return round($size/$gb, 2)." gb";
} else {
return round($size/$tb, 2)." tb";