diff --git a/e107_plugins/import/admin_import.php b/e107_plugins/import/admin_import.php
index dda3244b6..00f7a26d7 100644
--- a/e107_plugins/import/admin_import.php
+++ b/e107_plugins/import/admin_import.php
@@ -147,6 +147,17 @@ class import_main_ui extends e_admin_ui
+ function help()
+ {
+ return "Some help text from admin-ui";
+ }
function getMeta($class_name)
diff --git a/e107_plugins/import/images/phpbb2.png b/e107_plugins/import/images/phpbb2.png
deleted file mode 100644
index afeef591e..000000000
Binary files a/e107_plugins/import/images/phpbb2.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/e107_plugins/import/providers/phpbb2_import_class.php b/e107_plugins/import/providers/phpbb2_import_class.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 24e5875bc..000000000
--- a/e107_plugins/import/providers/phpbb2_import_class.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
- E107 forum IDs
- // Set up a query for the specified task.
- // Returns TRUE on success. FALSE on error
- // If $blank_user is true, certain cross-referencing user info is to be zeroed
- function setupQuery($task, $blank_user=FALSE)
- {
- if ($this->ourDB == NULL) return FALSE;
- switch ($task)
- {
- case 'users' :
- $result = $this->ourDB->gen("SELECT * FROM {$this->DBPrefix}users WHERE `user_active` = 1");
- if ($result === FALSE) return FALSE;
- break;
- case 'forumdefs' :
- return FALSE;
- case 'forumposts' :
- return FALSE;
- case 'polls' :
- return FALSE;
- case 'news' :
- return FALSE;
- default :
- return FALSE;
- }
- $this->copyUserInfo = !$blank_user;
- $this->currentTask = $task;
- return TRUE;
- }
- //------------------------------------
- // Internal functions below here
- //------------------------------------
- // Copy data read from the DB into the record to be returned.
- function copyUserData(&$target, &$source)
- {
- if ($this->copyUserInfo) $target['user_id'] = $source['user_id'];
- $target['user_name'] = $source['username'];
- $target['user_loginname'] = $source['username'];
- if ((substr($source['user_password']) == '$H$') && (strlen($source['user_password']) == 34))
- { // Convert salted password to E107 style (they use the same basic coding)
- $target['user_password'] = substr_replace($source['user_password'], '$E$',0,3);
- }
- else
- { // Probably an old md5 password
- $target['user_password'] = $source['user_password'];
- }
- $target['user_email'] = $source['user_email'];
- $target['user_signature'] = $this->proc_bb($source['user_sig'],'phpbb,bblower');
- $target['user_hideemail'] = $source['user_viewemail'];
- $target['user_join'] = $source['user_regdate'];
- $target['user_forums'] = $source['user_posts'];
- $target['user_admin'] = $source['user_level'];
- $target['user_lastvisit'] = $source['user_lastvisit'];
- switch ($source['user_avatar_type'])
- {
- default:
- $target['user_image'] = $source['user_avatar'];
- }
- $target['user_timezone'] = $source['user_timezone']; // source is decimal(5,2)
- $target['user_language'] = $source['user_lang']; // May need conversion
- $target['user_location'] = $source['user_from'];
- $target['user_icq'] = $source['user_icq'];
- $target['user_aim'] = $source['user_aim'];
- $target['user_yahoo'] = $source['user_yim'];
- $target['user_msn'] = $source['user_msnm'];
- $target['user_homepage'] = $source['user_website'];
-// $target['user_'] = $source[''];
-// $target[] = $source['user_active]; // PHPBB2
-// $target['user_lastpost'] = $source['user_lastpost_time']; // PHPBB3
- return $target;
- }
- function convertForumParent(&$target, &$source)
- {
- $this->catcount++;
- $this->id_map[$source['cat_id']] = $this->catcount;
- $target['forum_id'] = $this->catcount; // Create new IDs for parent forums
- $target['forum_name'] = $source['cat_title'];
- $target['forum_order'] = $source['cat_order'];
- $target['forum_description'] = $source['cat_desc'];
- $target['forum_moderators'] = e_UC_ADMIN;
-// $target['forum_'] = $source[''];
-// $target['forum_'] = $source[''];
- }
- function convertForum(&$target, &$source, $catid)
- {
- $this->catcount++;
- $this->id_map[$source['forum_id']] = $this->catcount;
- $target['forum_id'] = $this->catcount;
- $target['forum_parent'] = $this->id_map[$source['cat_id']]; // Map to the new E107 ID, rather than directly use the one from the DB
- $target['forum_name'] = $source['forum_name'];
- $target['forum_description'] = $source['forum_desc'];
- $target['forum_order'] = $source['forum_order'];
- $target['forum_threads'] = $source['forum_topics'];
- $target['forum_replies'] = $source['forum_posts'];
- $target['forum_moderators'] = e_UC_ADMIN;
-// $target['forum_'] = $source[''];
- }
-Historical info for conversion below here
-function convertParents($catid)
- $parentArray = array(
- array("srcdata" => "cat_id", "e107" => "forum_id", "type" => "INT", "value" => $catid),
- array("srcdata" => "cat_title", "e107" => "forum_name", "type" => "STRING"),
- array("srcdata" => "cat_order", "e107" => "forum_order", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "cat_desc", "e107" => "forum_description", "type" => "STRING"),
- array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "forum_moderators", "type" => "INT", "value" => 254)
- );
- return $parentArray;
-function convertForums($catid)
- $forumArray = array(
- array("srcdata" => "forum_id", "e107" => "forum_id", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "cat_id", "e107" => "forum_parent", "type" => "STRING", "value" => $catid),
- array("srcdata" => "forum_name", "e107" => "forum_name", "type" => "STRING"),
- array("srcdata" => "forum_desc", "e107" => "forum_description", "type" => "STRING"),
- array("srcdata" => "forum_order", "e107" => "forum_order", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "forum_topics", "e107" => "forum_threads", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "forum_posts", "e107" => "forum_replies", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "forum_moderators", "type" => "INT", "value" => 254)
- );
- return $forumArray;
-//function convertTopics($poster)
-function convertTopics()
- $topicArray = array(
- array("srcdata" => "forum_id", "e107" => "thread_forum_id", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "topic_title", "e107" => "thread_name", "type" => "STRING"),
- array("srcdata" => "post_text", "e107" => "thread_thread", "type" => "STRING", "default" => "", "sproc" => "usebb,phpbb,bblower"),
- array("srcdata" => "topic_poster", "e107" => "thread_user", "type" => "STRING"),
- array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "thread_active", "type" => "INT", "value" => 1),
- array("srcdata" => "topic_time", "e107" => "thread_datestamp", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "topic_views", "e107" => "thread_views", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "topic_replies", "e107" => "thread_total_replies", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "thread_parent", "type" => "INT", "value" => 0),
- );
- return $topicArray;
-function convertForumPosts($parent_id, $poster)
- $postArray = array(
- array("srcdata" => "post_text", "e107" => "thread_thread", "type" => "STRING", "default" => "", "sproc" => "usebb,phpbb,bblower"),
- array("srcdata" => "forum_id", "e107" => "thread_forum_id", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "post_time", "e107" => "thread_datestamp", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "topic_views", "e107" => "thread_views", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "post_time", "e107" => "thread_lastpost", "type" => "INT"),
- array("srcdata" => "poster_id", "e107" => "thread_user", "type" => "STRING"),
- array("srcdata" => "post_subject", "e107" => "thread_name", "type" => "STRING"),
- array("srcdata" => "null", "e107" => "thread_parent", "type" => "INT", "value" => $parent_id),
- );
- return $postArray;
--- --------------------------------------------------------
-PHPBB uses three tables to record a poll. Looks wildly different to E107!
--- Table structure for table `_phpbb_vote_desc`
-CREATE TABLE `_phpbb_vote_desc` (
- `vote_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `topic_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- `vote_text` text NOT NULL,
- `vote_start` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- `vote_length` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`vote_id`),
- KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`)
--- Table structure for table `_phpbb_vote_results`
-CREATE TABLE `_phpbb_vote_results` (
- `vote_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- `vote_option_id` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- `vote_option_text` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `vote_result` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- KEY `vote_option_id` (`vote_option_id`),
- KEY `vote_id` (`vote_id`)
--- Table structure for table `_phpbb_vote_voters`
-CREATE TABLE `_phpbb_vote_voters` (
- `vote_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
- `vote_user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0',
- `vote_user_ip` char(8) NOT NULL default '',
- KEY `vote_id` (`vote_id`),
- KEY `vote_user_id` (`vote_user_id`),
- KEY `vote_user_ip` (`vote_user_ip`)
-// ### get phpbb categories and insert them as forum parents
-mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$mySQLprefix}forum", $e107Connection);
-$phpbb_res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}categories", $phpbbConnection);
- goError("Error! Unable to access ".$phpbb2Prefix."categories table.");
-$catcount = 500;
-while($parent = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res))
- $parentArray = convertParents($catcount);
- $query = createQuery($parentArray, $parent, $mySQLprefix."forum");
- echo (mysql_query($query, $e107Connection) ? "Successfully inserted parent: ".$parent['cat_id'].": ".$parent['cat_title'] : "Unable to insert parent: ".$parent['cat_id'].": ".$parent['cat_title']."
".mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error())."
- flush();
- $phpbb_res2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}forums WHERE cat_id = ".$parent['cat_id'], $phpbbConnection);
- if($phpbb_res2)
- {
- while($forum = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res2))
- {
- $forumArray = convertForums($catcount);
- $query = createQuery($forumArray, $forum, $mySQLprefix."forum");
- echo (mysql_query($query, $e107Connection) ? "Successfully inserted forum: ".$parent['cat_id'].": ".$parent['cat_title'] : "Unable to insert forum: ".$parent['cat_id'].": ".$parent['cat_title']."
".mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error())."
- flush();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- echo "Didn't find any forums for parent '".$parent['cat_title']."'
- }
- $catcount ++;
-// Read in forum topics
-mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$mySQLprefix}forum_t", $e107Connection);
-mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$mySQLprefix}polls", $e107Connection);
-$query = "SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}topics
-LEFT JOIN {$phpbb2Prefix}posts_text ON ({$phpbb2Prefix}topics.topic_title = {$phpbb2Prefix}posts_text.post_subject)
-LEFT JOIN {$phpbb2Prefix}posts ON ({$phpbb2Prefix}posts.post_id = {$phpbb2Prefix}posts_text.post_id)
-ORDER BY topic_time ASC";
-$phpbb_res = mysql_query($query, $phpbbConnection);
- goError("Error! Unable to access ".$phpbb2Prefix."topics table.");
-while($topic = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res))
- //echo "
"; print_r($topic); echo ""; - - if($topic['topic_vote']) - { - // poll attached to this topic ... - $topic['topic_title'] = "[poll] ".$topic['topic_title']; - $query = "SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}vote_desc WHERE topic_id=".$topic['topic_id']; - $phpbb_res3 = mysql_query($query, $phpbbConnection); - $pollQ = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res3); - - $query = "SELECT * FROM {$phpbb2Prefix}vote_results WHERE vote_id=".$pollQ['vote_id']; - $phpbb_res3 = mysql_query($query, $phpbbConnection); - $options = ""; - $votes = ""; - while($pollO = mysql_fetch_array($phpbb_res3)) - { - $options .= $pollO['vote_option_text'].chr(1); - $votes .= $pollO['vote_result'].chr(1); - } - - extract($pollQ); - $vote_text = $tp->toDB($vote_text); // McFly added 25/5/06 - $options = $tp->toDB($options); // McFly added 25/5/06 - $query = "INSERT INTO ".$mySQLprefix."polls VALUES ('0', {$vote_start}, {$vote_start}, 0, 0, '{$vote_text}', '{$options}', '{$votes}', '', 2, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0)"; - echo (mysql_query($query, $e107Connection) ? "Poll successfully inserted" : "Unable to insert poll ({$query})")."