diff --git a/e107_plugins/content/content.php b/e107_plugins/content/content.php
index 25e64773e..0c353b415 100644
--- a/e107_plugins/content/content.php
+++ b/e107_plugins/content/content.php
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/content/content.php,v $
-| $Revision: 1.10 $
-| $Date: 2007-04-12 16:02:06 $
+| $Revision: 1.11 $
+| $Date: 2007-04-12 21:35:00 $
| $Author: lisa_ $
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ function show_content(){
if(!is_object($sql)){ $sql = new db; }
- if(!$sql -> db_Select($plugintable, "*", "content_parent = '0' AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ".$datequery." ORDER BY round(content_order)")){
+ if(!$sql -> db_Select($plugintable, "content_id, content_heading, content_subheading, content_icon, content_pref", "content_parent = '0' AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ".$datequery." ORDER BY round(content_order)")){
$text .= "
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ function show_content(){
//if inherit is used in the manager, we need to get the preferences from the core plugin table default preferences
//and use those preferences in the permissions check.
if( varsettrue($content_pref['content_manager_inherit'],'') ){
- $sql2 -> db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
+ $sql2 -> db_Select("core", "e107_value", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
$row2 = $sql2 -> db_Fetch();
$content_pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($row2['e107_value']);
@@ -386,22 +386,17 @@ function show_content_archive(){
$qry = " content_parent REGEXP '".$aa -> CONTENTREGEXP($validparent)."' ";
$number = varsettrue($content_pref["content_archive_nextprev_number"], '30');
$order = $aa -> getOrder();
- $nextprevquery = (isset($content_pref["content_archive_nextprev"]) && $content_pref["content_archive_nextprev"] ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
+ $nextprevquery = (varsettrue($content_pref["content_archive_nextprev"]) ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
$sql1 = new db;
- if(isset($content_pref["content_archive_letterindex"]) && $content_pref["content_archive_letterindex"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_archive_letterindex"]) ){
$distinctfirstletter = $sql -> db_Select($plugintable, " DISTINCT(content_heading) ", "content_refer != 'sa' AND ".$qry." ".$datequery." AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ORDER BY content_heading ASC ");
while($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()){
$head = $tp->toHTML($row['content_heading'], TRUE);
- if(ord($head) < 128) {
- $head_sub = strtoupper(substr($head,0,1));
- }else{
- $head_sub = substr($head,0,2);
- }
+ $head_sub = ( ord($head) < 128 ? strtoupper(substr($head,0,1)) : substr($head,0,2) );
$arrletters[] = $head_sub;
- $arrletters = array_unique($arrletters);
- $arrletters = array_values($arrletters);
+ $arrletters = array_values( array_unique($arrletters) );
if ($distinctfirstletter > 1){
@@ -410,41 +405,25 @@ function show_content_archive(){
for($i=0;$i0-9 ";
- if(isset($qs[2]) && strtoupper($qs[2]) == strtoupper($arrletters[$i])){
- $class = 'nextprev_current';
- }else{
- $class = 'nextprev_link';
- }
- $CONTENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_LETTERS .= "".strtoupper($arrletters[$i])." ";
+ $lu = strtoupper($arrletters[$i]);
+ $class = (isset($qs[2]) && strtoupper($qs[2]) == $lu ? 'nextprev_current' : 'nextprev_link');
- if(!isset($qs[2]) || (isset($qs[2]) && strtolower($qs[2])=='all') ){
- $class = 'nextprev_current';
- }else{
- $class = 'nextprev_link';
- }
+ $class = (!isset($qs[2]) || (isset($qs[2]) && strtolower($qs[2])=='all') ? 'nextprev_current' : 'nextprev_link');
//check letter
- if($qs[2] == 'all'){
- $qry .= '';
- }elseif(strlen($qs[2]) == 1 && $qs[2] == '0'){
+ if(strlen($qs[2]) == 1 && $qs[2] == '0'){
$qry .= " AND content_heading NOT REGEXP '^[[:alpha:]]' ";
}elseif(strlen($qs[2]) == 1 && !is_numeric($qs[2]) ){
$qry .= " AND content_heading LIKE '".$tp->toDB($qs[2])."%' ";
- }else{
- $qry .= '';
@@ -452,8 +431,7 @@ function show_content_archive(){
$contenttotal = $sql1 -> db_Count($plugintable, "(*)", "WHERE content_refer !='sa' AND ".$qry." ".$datequery." AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ");
if($from > $contenttotal-1){ header("location:".e_SELF); exit; }
- if($item = $sql1 -> db_Select($plugintable, "*", "content_refer !='sa' AND ".$qry." ".$datequery." AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ".$order." ".$nextprevquery )){
+ if($item = $sql1 -> db_Select($plugintable, "content_id, content_heading, content_author, content_datestamp", "content_refer !='sa' AND ".$qry." ".$datequery." AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ".$order." ".$nextprevquery )){
$CONTENT_NEXTPREV = $aa->ShowNextPrev("archive", $from, $number, $contenttotal, true);
$text = $tp -> parseTemplate($CONTENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_START, FALSE, $content_shortcodes);
while($row = $sql1 -> db_Fetch()){
@@ -482,7 +460,7 @@ function displayPreview($qry, $np=false, $array=false){
- if($resultitem = $sql2 -> db_Select($plugintable, "*", $qry )){
+ if($resultitem = $sql2 -> db_Select($plugintable, "content_id, content_heading, content_subheading, content_summary, content_text, content_icon, content_author, content_datestamp, content_parent, content_refer, content_rate", $qry )){
@@ -527,7 +505,7 @@ function show_content_recent(){
$validparent = implode(",", array_keys($array));
$order = $aa -> getOrder();
$number = varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev_number"], '5');
- $nextprevquery = ($content_pref["content_nextprev"] ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
+ $nextprevquery = (varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
$qry = " content_parent REGEXP '".$aa -> CONTENTREGEXP($validparent)."' ";
$contenttotal = $sql2 -> db_Count($plugintable, "(*)", "WHERE content_refer != 'sa' AND ".$qry." ".$datequery." AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' " );
@@ -582,7 +560,7 @@ function show_content_cat_all(){
$validparent = implode(",", array_keys($array));
$order = $aa -> getOrder();
$number = varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev_number"], '5');
- $nextprevquery = (isset($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) && $content_pref["content_nextprev"] ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
+ $nextprevquery = (varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
$qry = " content_parent REGEXP '".$aa -> CONTENTREGEXP($validparent)."' ";
$newarray = array_merge_recursive($array);
@@ -595,7 +573,7 @@ function show_content_cat_all(){
$string = "";
foreach($newparent as $key => $value){
$totalitems = $aa -> countCatItems($key);
- $sql -> db_Select($plugintable, "*", "content_id = '".$key."' ");
+ $sql -> db_Select($plugintable, "content_id, content_heading, content_subheading, content_text, content_icon, content_author, content_datestamp, content_parent, content_comment, content_rate", "content_id = '".$key."' ");
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
$date = $tp -> parseTemplate('{CM_DATE|cat}', FALSE, $content_shortcodes);
@@ -650,7 +628,7 @@ function show_content_cat($mode=""){
$content_icon_path = $tp -> replaceConstants($content_pref["content_icon_path"]);
$order = $aa -> getOrder();
$number = varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev_number"], '5');
- $nextprevquery = (isset($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) && $content_pref["content_nextprev"] ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
+ $nextprevquery = (varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
$capqs = array_reverse($array[intval($qs[1])]);
$caption = $content_pref['content_cat_caption'];
if( varsettrue($content_pref['content_cat_caption_append_name'],'') ){
@@ -658,8 +636,8 @@ function show_content_cat($mode=""){
// parent article
- if(isset($content_pref["content_cat_showparent"]) && $content_pref["content_cat_showparent"]){
- if(!$resultparent = $sql -> db_Select($plugintable, "*", $qry )){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_cat_showparent"]) ){
+ if(!$resultparent = $sql -> db_Select($plugintable, "content_id, content_heading, content_subheading, content_text, content_icon, content_author, content_datestamp, content_comment, content_rate", $qry )){
header("location:".e_SELF."?cat.list.".$mainparent); exit;
//if 'view' override the items pref to show only limited text adn show full catetgory text instead
@@ -710,12 +688,12 @@ function show_content_cat($mode=""){
- $subparent = array_keys($subparent);
- $validsub = "0.".implode(",0.", $subparent);
- $subqry = " content_refer !='sa' AND content_parent REGEXP '".$aa -> CONTENTREGEXP($validsub)."' ".$datequery." AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ";
+ $subparent = array_keys($subparent);
+ $validsub = "0.".implode(",0.", $subparent);
+ $subqry = " content_refer !='sa' AND content_parent REGEXP '".$aa -> CONTENTREGEXP($validsub)."' ".$datequery." AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ";
//list subcategories
- if(isset($content_pref["content_cat_showparentsub"]) && $content_pref["content_cat_showparentsub"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_cat_showparentsub"]) ){
$content_cat_listsub_table_string = "";
for($i=0;$i CONTENTREGEXP($validitem)."' ";
@@ -744,33 +722,33 @@ function show_content_cat($mode=""){
$contenttotal = $sql -> db_Count($plugintable, "(*)", "WHERE ".$qrycat);
$childqry = $qrycat." ".$order." ".$nextprevquery;
- if(isset($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) && $content_pref["content_nextprev"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) ){
$np = $aa->ShowNextPrev(FALSE, $from, $number, $contenttotal, true);
$textchild = displayPreview($childqry, $np, $array);
$captionchild = $content_pref['content_cat_item_caption'];
$crumbpage = $aa->getCrumbPage("cat", $array, $qs[1]);
- if(isset($textparent) && $textparent){
+ if( varsettrue($textparent) ){
$textparent = $crumbpage.$textparent;
$textchild = $crumbpage.$textchild;
if(isset($content_pref["content_cat_menuorder"]) && $content_pref["content_cat_menuorder"] == "1"){
if(isset($content_pref["content_cat_rendertype"]) && $content_pref["content_cat_rendertype"] == "1"){
- if(isset($textparent) && $textparent){ $ns -> tablerender($caption, $textparent); }
- if(isset($textsubparent) && $textsubparent){ $ns -> tablerender($captionsubparent, $textsubparent); }
- if(isset($textchild) && $textchild){ $ns -> tablerender($captionchild, $textchild); }
+ if( varsettrue($textparent) ){ $ns -> tablerender($caption, $textparent); }
+ if( varsettrue($textsubparent) ){ $ns -> tablerender($captionsubparent, $textsubparent); }
+ if( varsettrue($textchild) ){ $ns -> tablerender($captionchild, $textchild); }
$ns -> tablerender($caption, varsettrue($textparent,'').varsettrue($textsubparent,'').$textchild);
if(isset($content_pref["content_cat_rendertype"]) && $content_pref["content_cat_rendertype"] == "1"){
- if(isset($textchild) && $textchild){ $ns -> tablerender($captionchild, $textchild); }
- if(isset($textparent) && $textparent){ $ns -> tablerender($caption, $textparent); }
- if(isset($textsubparent) && $textsubparent){ $ns -> tablerender($captionsubparent, $textsubparent); }
+ if( varsettrue($textchild) ){ $ns -> tablerender($captionchild, $textchild); }
+ if( varsettrue($textparent) ){ $ns -> tablerender($caption, $textparent); }
+ if( varsettrue($textsubparent) ){ $ns -> tablerender($captionsubparent, $textsubparent); }
- if(isset($textchild) && $textchild){ $ns -> tablerender($captionchild, $textchild); }
+ if( varsettrue($textchild) ){ $ns -> tablerender($captionchild, $textchild); }
$ns -> tablerender($caption, varsettrue($textparent,'').varsettrue($textsubparent,''));
@@ -779,7 +757,7 @@ function show_content_cat($mode=""){
if($mode == "comment"){
$textparent = $aa->getCrumbPage("cat", $array, $mainparent).$textparent;
- if(isset($textparent) && $textparent){ $ns -> tablerender($caption, $textparent); }
+ if( varsettrue($textparent) ){ $ns -> tablerender($caption, $textparent); }
if($resultitem = $sql -> db_Select($plugintable, "*", $qry )){
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
@@ -790,7 +768,7 @@ function show_content_cat($mode=""){
echo $cachecheck;
- if( (isset($content_pref["content_cat_rating_all"]) && $content_pref["content_cat_rating_all"]) || (isset($content_pref["content_cat_rating"]) && $content_pref["content_cat_rating"] && $row['content_rate'])){
+ if( (varsettrue($content_pref["content_cat_rating_all"])) || (varsettrue($content_pref["content_cat_rating"]) && $row['content_rate'])){
$showrate = TRUE;
$showrate = FALSE;
@@ -832,7 +810,7 @@ function show_content_author_all(){
$array = $aa -> getCategoryTree("", $mainparent, TRUE);
$validparent = implode(",", array_keys($array));
$number = varsettrue($content_pref["content_author_nextprev_number"],'5');
- $nextprevquery = (isset($content_pref["content_author_nextprev"]) && $content_pref["content_author_nextprev"] ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
+ $nextprevquery = (varsettrue($content_pref["content_author_nextprev"]) ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
$qry = " p.content_parent REGEXP '".$aa -> CONTENTREGEXP($validparent)."' ";
$dateqry = "AND p.content_datestamp < ".time()." AND (p.content_enddate=0 || p.content_enddate>".time().")";
@@ -970,7 +948,7 @@ function show_content_author(){
$order = $aa -> getOrder();
$number = varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev_number"],'10');
- $nextprevquery = (isset($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) && $content_pref["content_nextprev"] ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
+ $nextprevquery = (varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
$qry = " content_parent REGEXP '".$aa -> CONTENTREGEXP($validparent)."' ";
$sqla = "";
if(!is_object($sqla)){ $sqla = new db; }
@@ -1035,7 +1013,7 @@ function show_content_top(){
$np = ($number ? " LIMIT ".intval($from).", ".intval($number) : "");
$qry1 = "
- SELECT p.*, r.*, (r.rate_rating / r.rate_votes) as rate_avg
+ SELECT p.content_id, p.content_heading, p.content_icon, p.content_author, p.content_rate, (r.rate_rating / r.rate_votes) as rate_avg
FROM #rate AS r
LEFT JOIN #pcontent AS p ON p.content_id = r.rate_itemid
WHERE p.content_refer !='sa' AND ".$qry." ".$datequery1." AND p.content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND r.rate_table='pcontent'
@@ -1140,7 +1118,7 @@ function show_content_item(){
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
//update refer count outside of cache (count visits ^ count unique ips)
- if(isset($content_pref["content_log"]) && $content_pref["content_log"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_log"]) ){
$ip = $e107->getip();
$self = e_SELF;
$refertmp = explode("^", $row['content_refer']);
@@ -1181,7 +1159,7 @@ function show_content_item(){
$content_image_path = $tp -> replaceConstants($content_pref["content_image_path"]);
$content_file_path = $tp -> replaceConstants($content_pref["content_file_path"]);
$number = varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev_number"],'5');
- $nextprevquery = (isset($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) && $content_pref["content_nextprev"] ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
+ $nextprevquery = (varsettrue($content_pref["content_nextprev"]) ? "LIMIT ".intval($from).",".intval($number) : "");
$CM_AUTHOR = $aa -> prepareAuthor("content", $row['content_author'], $row['content_id']);
$CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_TEXT = $row['content_text'];
@@ -1202,10 +1180,8 @@ function show_content_item(){
$pages = array_values($pages);
- if(count($pages) == count($matches[0])){
- }elseif(count($pages) > count($matches[0])){
+ if(count($pages) > count($matches[0])){
$matches[0] = array_pad($matches[0], -count($pages), "[newpage]");
- }elseif(count($pages) < count($matches[0])){
$CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_TEXT = $pages[(!$qs[2] ? 0 : $qs[2]-1)];
@@ -1219,9 +1195,9 @@ function show_content_item(){
$arrpagename = explode("[newpage=", $matches[0][$i]);
$pagename[$i] = substr($arrpagename[1],0,-1);
- if(isset($content_pref["content_content_pagenames_nextprev"]) && $content_pref["content_content_pagenames_nextprev"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_content_pagenames_nextprev"]) ){
- if(isset($content_pref["content_content_pagenames_nextprev_prevhead"]) && $content_pref["content_content_pagenames_nextprev_prevhead"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_content_pagenames_nextprev_prevhead"]) ){
$cap = $content_pref["content_content_pagenames_nextprev_prevhead"];
$cap = str_replace("{PAGETITLE}", $pagename[$idp-2], $cap);
@@ -1232,7 +1208,7 @@ function show_content_item(){
if($idp toHTML($row['content_summary'], TRUE, "SUMMARY") : "");
+ $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_SUMMARY = ( varsettrue($content_pref["content_content_summary"]) && $row['content_summary'] ? $tp -> toHTML($row['content_summary'], TRUE, "SUMMARY") : "");
//render custom/preset on first page
- if(isset($content_pref['content_content_multipage_preset']) && $content_pref['content_content_multipage_preset']){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref['content_content_multipage_preset']) ){
if($idp == '1'){
$lastpage = TRUE;
@@ -1280,7 +1256,7 @@ function show_content_item(){
- $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_SUMMARY = (isset($content_pref["content_content_summary"]) && $content_pref["content_content_summary"] && $row['content_summary'] ? $tp -> toHTML($row['content_summary'], TRUE, "SUMMARY") : "");
+ $CONTENT_CONTENT_TABLE_SUMMARY = ( varsettrue($content_pref["content_content_summary"]) && $row['content_summary'] ? $tp -> toHTML($row['content_summary'], TRUE, "SUMMARY") : "");
$lastpage = TRUE;
@@ -1369,7 +1345,7 @@ function show_content_item(){
foreach($custom as $k => $v){
if($k == "content_custom_presettags"){
- if(isset($content_pref["content_content_presettags"]) && $content_pref["content_content_presettags"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_content_presettags"]) ){
foreach($v as $ck => $cv){
if(is_array($cv)){ //date
if(!($cv['day']=="" && $cv['month']=="" && $cv['year']=="")){
@@ -1387,7 +1363,7 @@ function show_content_item(){
- if(isset($content_pref["content_content_customtags"]) && $content_pref["content_content_customtags"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_content_customtags"]) ){
$key = substr($k,15);
if( isset($key) && $key != "" && isset($v) && $v!="" ){
@@ -1419,14 +1395,14 @@ function show_content_item(){
- if($lastpage && ($row['content_comment'] || (isset($content_pref["content_content_comment_all"]) && $content_pref["content_content_comment_all"]))){
+ if($lastpage && ($row['content_comment'] || (varsettrue($content_pref["content_content_comment_all"])) ) ){
$cachecheck = CachePre($cachestr);
echo $cachecheck;
- if((isset($content_pref["content_content_rating"]) && $content_pref["content_content_rating"] && $row['content_rate']) || (isset($content_pref["content_content_rating_all"]) && $content_pref["content_content_rating_all"]) ){
+ if( (varsettrue($content_pref["content_content_rating"]) && $row['content_rate']) || varsettrue($content_pref["content_content_rating_all"]) ){
$showrate = TRUE;
$showrate = FALSE;
diff --git a/e107_plugins/content/content_manager.php b/e107_plugins/content/content_manager.php
index bd7f69cf6..9286bfb02 100644
--- a/e107_plugins/content/content_manager.php
+++ b/e107_plugins/content/content_manager.php
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/content/content_manager.php,v $
-| $Revision: 1.4 $
-| $Date: 2007-03-13 16:51:05 $
+| $Revision: 1.5 $
+| $Date: 2007-04-12 21:35:00 $
| $Author: lisa_ $
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ if(!e_QUERY){
//if inherit is used in the manager, we need to get the preferences from the core plugin table default preferences
//and use those preferences in the permissions check.
- if(isset($content_pref['content_manager_inherit']) && $content_pref['content_manager_inherit']){
- $sql -> db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref['content_manager_inherit']) ){
+ $sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_value", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
$content_pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($row['e107_value']);
diff --git a/e107_plugins/content/e_rss.php b/e107_plugins/content/e_rss.php
index abccdd5f3..b6201dac9 100644
--- a/e107_plugins/content/e_rss.php
+++ b/e107_plugins/content/e_rss.php
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ $qry = " content_refer !='sa' ".$datequery." AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLA
$rss = array();
$sqlrss = new db;
-if($items = $sqlrss -> db_Select('pcontent', "*", $qry )){
+if($items = $sqlrss -> db_Select('pcontent', "content_id, content_heading, content_subheading, content_parent, content_author, content_datestamp", $qry )){
while($rowrss = $sqlrss -> db_Fetch()){
//$author = array($author_id, $author_name, $author_email, $content_author);
diff --git a/e107_plugins/content/e_userprofile.php b/e107_plugins/content/e_userprofile.php
index 671027d10..4aeea6427 100644
--- a/e107_plugins/content/e_userprofile.php
+++ b/e107_plugins/content/e_userprofile.php
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if(!function_exists('e_userprofile_content')){
//get main parent types
$sqlm = new db;
- if($sqlm -> db_Select("pcontent", "*", "content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND content_parent = '0' ".$datequery." ".$headingquery." ORDER BY content_heading")){
+ if($sqlm -> db_Select("pcontent", "content_id, content_heading", "content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND content_parent = '0' ".$datequery." ".$headingquery." ORDER BY content_heading")){
while($rowm = $sqlm -> db_Fetch()){
//global var for this main parent
$mainparent = $rowm['content_id'];
diff --git a/e107_plugins/content/handlers/content_class.php b/e107_plugins/content/handlers/content_class.php
index b92c26ba8..bf7f34d08 100644
--- a/e107_plugins/content/handlers/content_class.php
+++ b/e107_plugins/content/handlers/content_class.php
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.8/e107_plugins/content/handlers/content_class.php,v $
-| $Revision: 1.13 $
-| $Date: 2007-04-12 16:02:06 $
+| $Revision: 1.14 $
+| $Date: 2007-04-12 21:35:00 $
| $Author: lisa_ $
@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@ class content{
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
if (empty($row['content_pref'])) {
//if no prefs present yet, get them from core (default preferences)
- $num_rows = $sql -> db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
+ $num_rows = $sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_value", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
//if those are not present, insert the default ones given in this file
if ($num_rows == 0) {
$content_pref = $this -> ContentDefaultPrefs();
$tmp = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($content_pref);
$sql -> db_Insert("core", "'$plugintable', '{$tmp}' ");
- $sql -> db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
+ $sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_value", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
$content_pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($row['e107_value']);
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ class content{
//check inheritance, if set, get core prefs (default prefs)
if(isset($content_pref['content_inherit']) && $content_pref['content_inherit']!=''){
- $sql -> db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
+ $sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_value", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
$content_pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($row['e107_value']);
@@ -436,12 +436,12 @@ class content{
//if not $id; use prefs from default core table
- $num_rows = $sql -> db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
+ $num_rows = $sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_value", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
if ($num_rows == 0) {
$content_pref = $this -> ContentDefaultPrefs();
$tmp = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($content_pref);
$sql -> db_Insert("core", "'$plugintable', '{$tmp}' ");
- $sql -> db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
+ $sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_value", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
$content_pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($row['e107_value']);
@@ -457,12 +457,12 @@ class content{
//insert default preferences into core
if($id == "0"){
- $num_rows = $sql -> db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
+ $num_rows = $sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_value", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
if ($num_rows == 0) {
$content_pref = $this -> ContentDefaultPrefs();
$tmp = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($content_pref);
$sql -> db_Insert("core", "'$plugintable', '{$tmp}' ");
- $sql -> db_Select("core", "*", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
+ $sql -> db_Select("core", "e107_value", "e107_name='$plugintable' ");
$row = $sql -> db_Fetch();
$current = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($row['e107_value']);
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ class content{
$qrygc .= " AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' ";
- $datequery = " AND content_datestamp < ".time()." AND (content_enddate=0 || content_enddate>".time().") ";
+ $datequery = " AND content_datestamp < ".time()." AND (content_enddate=0 || content_enddate>".time().") ";
$sqlgetcat = new db;
if($sqlgetcat -> db_Select($plugintable, "content_id, content_heading, content_parent", " ".$qrygc." ".$datequery." " )){
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ class content{
$modepref = ($mode ? "content_{$mode}_nextprev" : "content_nextprev");
- if(isset($content_pref[$modepref]) && $content_pref[$modepref]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref[$modepref]) ){
$np_querystring = e_SELF."?[FROM]".(isset($qs[0]) ? ".".$qs[0] : "").(isset($qs[1]) ? ".".$qs[1] : "").(isset($qs[2]) ? ".".$qs[2] : "").(isset($qs[3]) ? ".".$qs[3] : "").(isset($qs[4]) ? ".".$qs[4] : "");
$parms = $total.",".$number.",".$from.",".$np_querystring."";
@@ -661,14 +661,14 @@ class content{
function getCrumbPage($mode, $arr, $parent){
global $qs, $ns, $content_pref, $plugintable;
- if(isset($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_{$mode}"]) && $content_pref["content_breadcrumb_{$mode}"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_{$mode}"]) ){
$crumb = '';
if(array_key_exists($parent, $arr)){
- $sep = (isset($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_seperator"]) ? $content_pref["content_breadcrumb_seperator"] : ">");
- if($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_base"] && isset($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_base"])){
+ $sep = varsettrue($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_seperator"], ">");
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_base"]) ){
$crumb .= "".CONTENT_LAN_58." ".$sep." ";
- if($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_self"] && isset($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_self"])){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_breadcrumb_self"]) ){
$crumb .= "".CONTENT_LAN_59." ".$sep." ";
$iconstring = "";
- if(file_exists($content_icon_path."blank.gif")){
+ if(is_readable($content_icon_path."blank.gif")){
if($mode == "catsmall"){
$width = ($width ? "width:".$width."px;" : "width:16px;");
}elseif($mode == "catlarge"){
@@ -1099,12 +1099,12 @@ class content{
if($mode == ''){return;}
$authorinfo = "";
- if( (isset($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorname"]) && $content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorname"]) || (isset($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoremail"]) && $content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoremail"]) || (isset($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoricon"]) && $content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoricon"]) || (isset($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorprofile"]) && $content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorprofile"]) ){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorname"]) || varsettrue($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoremail"]) || varsettrue($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoricon"]) || varsettrue($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorprofile"]) ){
$authordetails = $this -> getAuthor($author);
- if(isset($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorname"]) && $content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorname"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorname"]) ){
if(isset($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoremail"]) && $authordetails[2]){
if($authordetails[0] == "0"){
- if(isset($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoremail_nonmember"]) && $content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoremail_nonmember"] && strpos($authordetails[2], "@") ){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoremail_nonmember"]) && strpos($authordetails[2], "@") ){
$authorinfo = preg_replace("#([a-z0-9\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)*[\w]+)#i", "".$authordetails[1]."", $authordetails[2]);
$authorinfo = $authordetails[1];
@@ -1115,11 +1115,11 @@ class content{
$authorinfo = $authordetails[1];
- if(USER && is_numeric($authordetails[0]) && $authordetails[0] != "0" && isset($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorprofile"]) && $content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorprofile"]){
+ if(USER && is_numeric($authordetails[0]) && $authordetails[0] != "0" && varsettrue($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authorprofile"]) ){
$authorinfo .= " ".CONTENT_ICON_USER."";
- if(isset($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoricon"]) && $content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoricon"]){
+ if( varsettrue($content_pref["content_{$mode}_authoricon"]) ){
$authorinfo .= " ".CONTENT_ICON_AUTHORLIST."";
@@ -1195,7 +1195,6 @@ class content{